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Authors: Adrianna Wingate

Seacrets (24 page)

BOOK: Seacrets
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Quinn could feel his hot breath in her mouth and was lost in the delight of her husband’s lust for her.

He left her mouth and trailed his lips down the length of her neck and onward toward her breasts.

The second she felt his warm kisses on the crest of her breasts she took in a deep breath and grabbed onto the sides of his face and pulled him to her.
"We shouldn't do this now, Aiden, we've got guests. We'll be missed." Although her ragged breaths told him a very different story as she tried to continue to protest her husband’s advances.

"I don't bloody hell care who's in the house, I want you now, woman." He continued onward
freeing the lacings of her bodice with one hand and was already advancing up under her gown toward her most precious place...
his place
, as he would often refer to it. Finally he managed to free one breast from its lacey undergarment and gently ran his rough palm over the outer aspect then drew in closer to run his tongue over her already taught nipple. He became excited by her heavy breathing and deep sighs, encouraging him on further.

stopped for a brief moment to look deep into his wife’s smoldering sapphire eyes and speak soft words of love. "Ya are havin' no idea how fine ya are ta me Quinn Hargendon?" His voice was deep with lust for her, his eyes dark violet pools of desire burning through to her soul. "I canna even think of a day without ya in it, woman. Ya are everything ta me." He leaned in closer and claimed her mouth, gently sucking her bottom lip between his teeth.

Quinn returned to him his words of love. "Oh Is tu Mo ghra, Aiden, Is brea liom.” Quinn had not spoken to him in Gaelic since they were young lovers.

Aiden was lost to the passion they shared at this moment. Hearing her tell him he is and always will be her love and letting him know he still invoked a deep passionate spirit within her, after all these years, set him to his boiling point of passion for her.

“Everyday I am so thankful ta have had the grand luck ta have found ya in my lifetime. We are truly lucky, the both of us."
She ran a finger over his lips and he playfully took the tip of it into his mouth and began to suck gently on her finger tip.

Both went silent.
Their passion grew to enormous heights the likes of which they had not shared with each other for quite some time. Clothing was strewn about the room.

They were locked in a deep embrace
completely lost within each other. Then they had both reached their climax at the same time, one as wildly affected as the other and completely uninhibited. Finally in the last throws of their passion they both let out an enormous bellow of relief and collapsed onto the floor beside the bed, completely shocked at their outpouring of passion and very satisfied. Aiden reached up and pulled the heavy quilt over the two of them and they drifted off to sleep in each others arms…

Daniel turned to glance up toward his brother's bedchamber window and laughed to himself.
Good for you brother, good for you.
His attention promptly turned back to Maura. Not quite ready to take action, he stood off to the side letting Maura think she had the upper hand.

"So have ya given any additional thought to my request, Mr. Turlington?" Maura questioned Thomas further about her dowry monies.

"Miss McCoveny I know of no such dowry. My mother surely would have confided to me if she had, in fact, been in receipt of such." Thomas searched Maura's eyes for her reaction.

"Are you positively
certain? You yourself said you and she were not on speaking terms for a time. Mayhap she was in receipt of it and you just do not know of it. Perhaps she wrote it down some where in a diary or in a box some where in her home. Women often keep such things hidden." 

Thomas decided this was his chance to have the upper hand in his plan to get her alone at his estate."Perhaps we could meet for dinner sometime to discuss this matter further. I will speak with my accountant to see if Mother had given him any funds to escrow that I am unaware of and then get back to you."

As he looked her over again Maura got a chill up her spine as she quickly realized what having dinner really meant, in the hearts of all men. She began to have another one of her flashbacks. She could smell the dank odor of foul breath breathing on her neck and she instantly became nauseated. The color drained from her face. Thomas caught Maura about the waist as she fell forward.

"Miss McCoveny! Are you alright?"
At a loss of how to react to this sudden turn of events, he laid her down onto a nearby stone bench. He was leaning over her fanning her face and breast area, when he suddenly felt himself being pulled from her with great force, losing his balance, ending up flat on his back with the bottom of a rather large boot pressed to his chest.

"What in bloody hell do ya think ya are doin’, Turlington?" Daniel was shocked at how furiously protective he was behaving toward Maura. Why he hardly remembered racing across the garden, it had
all happened so fast.

"See here Hargendon, I was merely helping the poor girl as she began to spontaneously faint away on me while we were talking about some dowry monies that she keeps insisting that her father had sent on ahead of her before she came across, is all. I'll thank you to remove your boot from my chest, immediately, sir!"

Daniel did as was requested and even lent a hand assisting Turlington to his feet.

, clearly insulted was mumbling whether he should demand satisfaction, while brushing off the dead grass clippings and leaves from his jacket. He decided it was time to take his leave. He had been accosted one too many time this evening, for his liking.

What a fine way to treat a guest indeed!" He stormed back toward the grand ballroom where a very willing female guest was more than happy to sooth his ruffled feathers.

Daniel's attention quickly turned back to Maura
as she was beginning to stir. Daniel reached down to assist her to a sitting position on the stone bench then slid in beside her, supporting her with an arm behind her back. "What caused ya such distress, Maura?" Daniel's voice was soft and comforting in her ear.

"I'm not really rememberin', Daniel." Maura was confused. She wiped the moisture from her brow and began to sob, uncontrollably. "Oh Daniel, I just don't know anymore. I have these vivid memories of being aboard a ship with ya, and then those memories turn inta this evil presence
of a disturbin' dark figure of a man. This man is always with his hands over the whole of my body and his breath… oh his breath is thus foul.  It creeps up from out o’ nowhere and envelopes me. Tis as if I'm being strangled by the smell. Then I begin ta have these poundin' headaches and now this, it's all too much for me. I don't really remember how I even got here, I mean ta Boston!"  She exclaimed and continued to sob. "I know ya said I came across on a ship with ya and that ya had ta disguise me as a cabin boy, but I’m simply naught rememberin’ any of it. And then I have these vivid dreams of us, in very compromising positions. I'm so embarrassed to even be havin' these thoughts about us, when we've never been intimate." She wept openly in his arms.

Daniel held tight
to her. He very much wanted to tell her not only had they been intimate, but he was falling in love with her. He simply didn't know how to tell her without shaming her. He wanted her to know that there was nothing wrong with what they have shared between them and wanted desperately to share those feelings with her again. But how, was the question.

"Don’t cry darlin', there be no reason ta be embarrassed." He thought quick
with a glint of the devil in his eye said, "I mean surely what lass in her right mind would not be wantin' ta be havin' intimate thoughts about such a fine gentleman as myself, now, am I right?" He instinctively leaned back out of they way of the expected swat on the chest causing Maura to fall forward over his lap. Daniel was laughing so loud and deep its infectious quality made her laugh, as well. Maura dabbed at the corners of her eyes with her handkerchief.

"C'mon lass
let me walk ya back inside, now." Daniel extended his palm to her. She accepted. Hand in hand they rejoined the party.

As they reentered the grand ballroom, the chamber choir began to play a familiar tune Maura remembered her father was fond of and began to hum along. Daniel heard her and was surprised at the angelic tones coming from Maura. He leaned in and asked her if she'd like to dance.

"Do you know how, Captain Hargendon?" With an impish grin and a glint in her eye telling him she was repaying him for his little joke, earlier, in the Garden. Daniel's smile was broad and approving. Ah, he thought, finally a worthy opponent. He liked that she had a sharp tongue and keen wit to match his own.

Daniel took Maura by the hand and led her to the dance floor sliding his arm about her waist. They began to dance as if they'd done this a thousand times. Maura felt as though they were standing still while all was spinning around them. It was quite surreal.

The music had been stopped for quite some time, but they were still standing there staring into each other’s eyes. The other party guests were clapping for them as they had danced so beautifully together. Daniel realized they were being stared upon and looked over towards the foyer. His mother was standing there with tears in her eyes, clapping with the rest of the guests. But not all the guests were enamored by the couple.

Mallory was furiously wringing her hands together and then stormed off toward the front door. "That man has humiliated me for the last time!"
She pushed her way past the doorman. “You fool, help me into the carriage!”

Thomas Turlington was as equally agitated. He too, left the gathering vowing
to himself…
I will exact my revenge on you, Hargendon,  for your humiliation of me at a more appropriate time and place,
then stormed from the ballroom to make his exit.
One day Hargendon you will pay, not only for this evening’s humiliation but also for denying me my rightful place in Mallory’s life

Mary Hargendon gestur
ed for Maura to come and join her in the foyer.

"Yes, Mary?" Maura questioned the Hargendon matriarch.

"Maura, dear, come and stand by me. Your guests are starting to migrate toward the front entrance to make their exit. You must bid them good night and safe passage home." she instructed.

After a full hour of bidding good night she breathed in a deep sigh of relief it was finally over. Everyone's curiosity had been satisfied as to who the new addition was to their little hamlet.
Maura, by design, went to the task of cleaning up after everyone.

Mary came to stand next to her and took the plates and utensils from her hands. "No,
dear, you needn't be bothered with these tasks. We have plenty of paid help ta do the cleanin' and such." She motioned to her son and said, "you've more important things ta be attendin' to," while gently nudging her in Daniel's direction.

Maura walked toward Daniel,
in a timid fashion, wringing her hands, as was her normal state whenever she was in close proximity of him. He was engaged in conversation with his brother Aiden. She didn't want to interrupt, but noticed Quinn was not at Aiden's side.

"Aiden, where's
Quinn?" Maura asked, with a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Uh, well, she's restin', poor thing's just exhausted, she is." Aiden said with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Well, where is she? If she's ill I'll go to her immediately. I'll fix her an herbal potion to soothe her into relaxation." Maura innocently remarked, not at all getting the joke of Aiden's remarks about his wife's exhaustion.

"This is no laughin' matter, Mr., are ya hearin' me?"

searing Irish temper was up now. She stomped away from the men and scaled the steps two at a time. Quinn was her best friend and if she was sick she wanted to take care of her.

Maura knocked on the bed chamber door, but there was no reply. The door was slightly ajar, and the hinges creaked as she entered the room.  Candle light filled the room. Maura looked around to find Quinn sitting at her vanity brushing her long auburn tresses and humming a beautiful Irish love song, “Is liomsa mo ghra
,” my beloved is mine.

abruptly stopped humming her tune when she realized someone was in the room.

, lass, come in." She said in a relaxed and lazy tone. She continued with her brushing and humming.

"Quinny, are ya sick?" Maura asked, looking a bit confused to see not only
was she fine but damn fine, at that!

"Sick?" she replied. "I'm not knowin' what ya are talkin' about, Maura, I'm fine."
And returned to her happy tune.

"Why, Aiden said ya had taken to ya bed." She replied.
It did not take Maura long at all to size up what had gone on in this room. Quinn was very well tousseled, sitting in front of her tall mirror, dressed only in her ankle length shift, one thin strap draped off of one shoulder.

One might describe her as glowing. Candles lit the room. The fragrant scent of
Lilacs filled the bed chamber.

"No Maura,
had taken
ta bed. It was the most excitin', lustful time we've had together in years."  Her eyes held a smoky purple hue in the candle light, as she lovingly spoke of her husband's advances toward her. "I just had him make my regrets at not being able to bid guests good night, 'tis all. I didna want everyone to be in on our little secret tryst. And surein' they would have, especially if they'd seen me a while ago" She laughed as she glanced over her shoulder in Maura's direction.

BOOK: Seacrets
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