SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3) (4 page)

Read SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Sharon Hamilton

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #New Adult & College, #Series

BOOK: SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3)
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Another footnote to a perfectly fucked evening.
Her mission was nearly blown. Why did she feel guilty for that? They were supposed to be hanging out with the gang by the stage. Well, she couldn’t help it if Sam and the rest of the crew had decided to pull a game change on her. As she slid onto the torn leather seat of the old truck, she smiled at the recollection. It had been damned satisfying, slapping Sam and tossing the drink into his face. She’d stared right back at him when he showed his anger. And she didn’t flinch or cower this time. She was filled with pride. She’d stood up to him,

But now what? On any other evening, getting into a truck with a SEAL would be a no-brainer. Nothing wrong with a night of sex with a hot guy, if that was where he was headed. She wasn’t completely sure, but she wasn’t
rusty that she couldn’t recognize a good, clean come-on. The fact that he was the brother of their party of interest and it was totally forbidden only heightened her anticipation. But decisions like that were never good ones. She had to put a stop to this somehow.

Tell that to my body.
She watched him walk around the front of the vehicle and, yes, she squeezed her eyes shut and imagined him naked.

Get a grip, Gina.
As much as she hated to admit it, something about the man set her insides on fire. He was all the right kinds of dangerous for her. A hero. Breathtakingly good-looking in that Latin Lover way she loved in men. Shiny black hair worn a little too long. Tanned complexion with just a hint of stubble. Body well-honed and disciplined. He knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to go after it. And he loved his sister, which was the biggest heart-snag of all.

He got in the driver seat, slammed the rickety door closed and sighed.

Did all the air just get sucked out of the truck?
It seemed like minutes as she watched him blankly stare through the windshield, his face illuminated by the red taillights of Mia’s vehicle, now pulling away in front of them. Those dark eyes with long lashes and succulent, full lips. She shouldn’t have stared so long, but she couldn’t help it.

He tilted his head and turned in her direction. The eyes didn’t lie. He had the fire inside that his sister had, but in all the right places, not the wrong ones, like Mia. She let him appreciate the red fuzzy dress with the scoop neckline. She didn’t care if her chest got blotchy with nerves or if her cheeks flushed. And, of course, her nipples perked right up

“So how is this going to work?” he asked. The words slid out like satin sheets.

“I’m not quite sure I know what you mean,” she heard herself say in response. She made a point to beat the waver from her voice.

“I take you to your place, or to Mia’s?”


“Your car there?”

“No, I took a cab.”

“And so how would you get home?”

“You assume I want to go home. Maybe I’m going to stay over.”

“I don’t see a pajama bag.”

The crease at the side of his mouth dimpled and she watched the tip of his tongue running across his bottom lip. The words “pajama bag” had never sounded so sexy.

She stuck her chin out, looking back at him with heavy-lidded eyes, and whispered, “I don’t wear pajamas.”

It was a dare. She watched him explore her face, roving from her eyes to her hair, her cheekbones, her ears. His gaze paused on her lips as his parted and he moved closer, then stopped.

It wasn’t wise, but she knew he wasn’t going to touch her unless she met him halfway. Her hesitation forced another smile from him as he waited, looking at her with the come-on-little-one-you-know-you-want-to look. And double damn, she was all in.

She bridged the gap and their lips touched. She expected him to be rough and urgent, but he took his time. She heard his little moan as he took another deep breath, then let it out and pressed into her harder. And yes, she wanted him, wanted him to find her with his tongue, wanted him to hold her face in his massive, callused palms like a delicate flower. His scent was laced with aftershave, but could not be masked.

The deep kiss came to an end. He’d not been wild with his hands, but he’d pulled her toward him. She’d put her arms up over his shoulders and laced her fingers through the hair at the back of his head. It was all feeling way too comfortable.

A loud bang on the driver’s side window made them both jump. Sam’s grimace was a thing of beauty. Like a multicolored piece of swirling blown glass, his face contained every emotion Gina could think of: rage, revulsion, envy and jealousy. The last one was best, she thought. Best thing about it, she’d hurt him, and she hadn’t even been trying.

Armando was quick to start the truck and move them down the street, leaving the foursome faux bikers in a cloud of gray dust.

“I take it you two have some history,” he said as he shifted into third.

“You could say that.”

“Is it history or present?”

“Most definitely history. Sam’s married, just didn’t bother to tell me until after he’d gotten what he wanted.”

“Ahh,” he said as he leaned back in the seat but continued driving. “One of those.”

“That’s usually the type I attract.” She couldn’t believe she’d just said that.

“I disagree. I’m not like that guy and I’m definitely attracted.” He kept his eyes on the road as the truck bounced along the dark road. If the engine hadn’t been so loud she was sure he’d have heard her heart pounding.

Then common sense began to flood into Gina’s head. She cautiously said, “Look, I’m not sure about all this.” Her body was having a temper tantrum and using strong language too. But she pushed herself to complete the idea. “Perhaps you have me wrong.” She halfway hoped he thought it was a joke. No doubt he knew exactly what kind of girl she was.

He turned and looked back at her, studying her eyes. “I don’t quite know why my sister hangs around with some of the people she does, but you’re the exception. You seem to have a lot more going for you. Ever thought about making different choices? It’s dangerous down here.”

Tell me about it.
“You don’t know anything about me.”

“No, I don’t. But I sense you aren’t anybody’s fool, either.”

“Are you kidding me? You actually need an explanation as to why I want to spend time with her? She’s your little sister, for Chrissakes. You saying she’s too good for me or the other way around?”

“I’m going to make Mia turn her life around if it kills me.”

“Well, it might just.”

He paused, started tapping on the skinny black steering wheel. They’d come to a stop sign. “Which way? I know Mia lives to the right. Where are we going, Gina?”

The street dead-ended at the stoplight. Left would take them to Gina’s apartment. He was going to make her tell him again, as if perhaps she was having second thoughts.

Hell, yes, I’m having second thoughts.
“I said Mia’s house. You heard me.” She tried to sound defiant but it sounded stubborn.

“You going to sleep naked with my sister?”

“I never said anything of the sort.” He was starting to irritate her.

“Well, how about I help you get those pajamas, then?” He turned and sent a smile she felt all the way to her toes.

“Why do you do that?” she asked.

“Do what?”

“Make me say stupid things. Make
make the decision.”

“Honey,” he leaned over and gave her another soft kiss. “
already decided. But I’m not into forcing the lady, if you know what I mean. Up to you, no hard feelings either way.” He fed her another gentle kiss.

No, there wouldn’t be any hard feelings. But she knew she’d regret not taking him up on what he was offering. Maybe just a little harmless sex wouldn’t be so bad. After all, Sam and the boys had messed with her tonight and hadn’t even been very nice about it. Just a little mind-blowing sex. Revenge sex. Sex without strings. There was something about this man she knew she could trust, if she would allow herself.

A car behind them honked at their lack of response to the light change. He didn’t move a muscle, waiting.

“Left,” she finally blurted out. His scent made her eyes flutter.

“Ah, she chooses wisely.”

“That’s rather egotistical, isn’t it?”

He chuckled and shifted into second when the truck backfired. She jumped in reaction. “It’s been suggested a time or two,” he said.

“I’ll bet.”

“I like a woman who knows what she wants.”

“Why is that?” She knew immediately it was the wrong thing to ask. Things were spinning out of control in a hurry. She halfway expected his answer.

“Because,” he grabbed her hand and pulled it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles, “she won’t be afraid to tell me what I need to do to please her, with or without the pajamas.”


Chapter 4


He knew she was aroused by the way her eyes widened when he’d kissed the back of her hand. He could see them having sex together, a satisfying and painful thought because of the Tomahawk missile between his legs. It was difficult driving the truck, reaching over the wheel to shift with his left hand because his right hand was entwined with hers. And as long as she hung on to him so tightly, he damn sure wasn’t going to let go. She watched the tangle their hands made together as his fingers reached up towards her chest. He touched her with the backs of his knuckles right above the deep neckline of her fuzzy dress.

And best thing of all, she let him.

As he snaked one finger down her front, Gina closed her eyes and licked those bright red lips. Ordinarily, he’d want to wash off all the makeup she wore. He liked women plain but beautiful. But tonight, he knew he’d take her either way and her hot come-on looks were turning him hotter, which surprised him. He was as excited by her puffy crimson lips as the mounds of her breasts heaving under his fingers.

If a little rub right there made her shudder and moan, what would she do when he did something with his tongue? He was starved for the taste of her. Suddenly he wanted to be planted deep inside, making her melt in his arms with ecstasy.

He was weaving over the roadway and knew it was dangerous, so he pulled over and into a deep shoulder, put the truck in neutral and yanked the hand brake. He’d forgotten to turn off the radio he and Fredo had listened to on the way over, and the crackle of the Eighties Mix made him feel just like he’d felt in high school. He was back on that infamous date with the Homecoming Queen, the one whose father wouldn’t allow them to date afterwards because Armando was Hispanic and Mary Jo and her family were very lily white.

It had been years since he’d wanted someone this much He turned off the ignition and slid over, pressing her back against the passenger door, throwing a knee between her legs and riding her thigh as he kissed the soft places under her chin and behind her ear. He wished he could take his time with her, make love to her all night, but, if she didn’t stop him, he’d nail her right here in the front seat.

He liked that she wasn’t as urgent as he was. He’d halfway expected her to rip his clothes off, but she seemed to hold herself back. Her kisses were long, though. She inhaled his tongue and lingered against him everywhere they touched, which he took as a definite sign she was just as into him as he was into her.

He smoothed his palm up against her thigh and towards the center, rubbing up and down her panties. She arched back and raised her knees slightly. Unless he was completely misreading the situation, Gina wanted him to take her now.

“You want to do this here?”

She sighed, lacing her fingers through his hair, then, tracing down his nose with one provocative finger. She took his face in her hands and breathed, “Anywhere.”

A car passed them and honked. Armando figured it was someone who saw the steamy windows, the silhouette of two people beginning to get it on, and recognized Fredo’s truck.

Another Team Guy.

“Back seat?” he asked, thankful for the four-door beater, but hoping she wouldn’t notice the condition of the compartment. Before he could warn her, Gina was up over the back of the front seat, her luscious ass practically in his face as she dove to the bench behind. The unmistakable sound of hamburger wrappers and milkshake cups being tossed to the floor and crushed didn’t dampen his ardor.

She crouched for a second, removing something from her bra, he thought, stuffing it in her purse. Up on the seat, she quickly slipped her dress over her head and shoulders and wadded it up as a pillow under her head. She lay there in her black panties and bra, feet still encased in the red spike heels, waiting for him to do the rest. And she held a little foil packet in front of her.

Because Armando had forgotten to replace the one he’d used.

Armando had a little more trouble getting over the seat back due to the size of his package, which hung like a lead weight next to his thigh. He must have been as big around as his arm. At least that’s the way it felt.

As he covered her body, her fingers found his zipper, and he was glad she was quick, her urgency beginning to grow. God, it made him ache for her even more. He felt her fingers squeeze his buttocks as the cargo pants slid from his waist down to his knees. He kicked off his shoes and removed his pants the rest of the way. She lay back, putting one long arm under her head and letting the other rest on the back of the second seat, holding the condom.

Her flat stomach showed she’d worked to have that hard body. Her thighs and rear were fleshy, just like he liked them. Skinny girls were a turnoff. He liked women sexy, but not fragile.

He slid his palm under the top of her panties and squeezed her sex. Her chest made a beautiful bow in the moonlight as she gave herself to his hand, as she spread her knees apart and begged for penetration.

He put one finger inside her and she inhaled. Her legs were trembling as he heard their combined breathing, as the rush of passing motorists and car lights swooshed through the night air. He rimmed her opening and slowly dipped his head, pulling aside the lace trim of her panties and kissed the outsides of her hairless lips.

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