Second Chance (11 page)

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Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #magic, #paranormal

BOOK: Second Chance
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“Get in bed, Ava.  I’ve got your dinner on a tray for you so you can eat in here.”

Ava crawled into bed, leaning up against the headboard and Bing jumped up beside her.  Her face was pale and she looked very tired.  Carrick placed the tray over her lap.  “Eat up while it’s hot.”

Carrick watched Ava pick up the spoon and dip it in the stew.  She stirred it around a bit, pushing a carrot back and forth.  She suddenly looked up at Carrick. 

“Thank you. For saving me today. And also for not making me feel totally helpless in the bathroom.  You know me well, Carrick.”

Carrick gave her a small smile and turned to walk out of the room.  He did know her well.  He just didn’t think he knew himself all that well anymore.





The next morning Carrick got Ava up bright and early.  He told her that he did not want her out of his sight given that there was a price on her head, so she would be spending the entire day with him.  Ava was excited mainly because she had been bored silly, but she also wanted to see what Carrick did throughout the day.

Rather than wear some of the clothing she’d brought from Wyoming, she chose a dress that she had purchased from the clothing store.  Only having the fact that she was royalty without a throne, Carrick had given her money on her first day to make whatever purchases she wanted.  She had been buying the basic staples for the house, but she did splurge on a few traditional pieces of Vryonasian clothing. 

The dress she was wearing today was made of a silky linen material in a light green color that made her eyes shine.  It was sleeveless and molded well to her chest, accentuating her breasts.  The skirt flared out and the hem was slightly higher than mid-thigh.  It did a great job showing off her smooth legs. 
Thank you hair removal incantation.
  Ava certainly did not missing having to shave.

The citizens of Vyronas as a whole tended to show a lot of skin and had no qualms about wearing sexy clothing in public.  Fashion ranged from showing a lot of cleavage to wearing material that was practically see-through.  Not that the dress she was wearing would be considered “sexy” by Vyronasian standards, but when she had spent the last four years wearing jeans, flannel and cowboy boots, she felt practically naked. 

The only problem was she did not have any sandals that would traditionally be worn with a dress like this.  So she put on her cowboy boots and walked out of the bedroom.  Carrick was sitting at the kitchen table eating some bread with honey when she came in.  She watched him look her up and down appreciatively but all he said was, “Nice dress.” 

At least he said something to her.  She had expected his normal indifference.  Maybe progress was being made.

After eating a quick breakfast, Ava and Carrick went straight to the Conclave Hall.  Not all the members had arrived, so Ava spent some time making small talk and trying to get to know some of the members better.  When the last of the Conclave members arrived, everyone took their seats and they began by Ava and Carrick recapping the prior day’s events.

The first concern was securing the Cloak.  While they had easily placed improved wards to prevent tampering, they also decided to beef up soldiers on the borders of the Cloak.  To do this, they would have to call in reinforcements from around the area, so Carrick sent a messenger to the other cloaked towns to gather more troops. 

In Vyronas, travel by magic was easy enough to do.  Most people with magic in their blood could transfer themselves to another location.  For example, the messenger Carrick sent to the other towns would carry a grounding object.  It was usually something small, like a stone, that had been spelled with an incantation.  As long as the messenger had the grounding object with him, he would be able to successfully transfer with no issues—like leaving a body part behind.

There were some limitations, however.  The messenger could not carry large objects or people on his travels.  He basically had to transfer with only his grounding object and the clothes on his back.  Also, the messenger that Carrick chose needed to be well traveled, because he could only magically transfer to a place that he had been to previously. 

With these limitations, using the
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spell was rarely used except in instances of brief visits.  Most people still journeyed by foot or horse, although the occasional flying carpet was seen from time to time.

Carrick had a young Lieutenant who had been to all the other strongholds and his main job was to ferry messages back and forth.  Once he was dispatched to gather reinforcements, the Conclave then entered further discussions on ways to defeat Ralina.

When Ava first started sitting in on the Conclave sessions, it didn’t take her long to realize that they were spinning their wheels.  Talks were always centered around the knowledge the Scrinia possessed, and whether those magicks could help.  The Scrinia, unfortunately, had nothing up their sleeve.  Frustrations usually boiled over into arguments.  No one had a clue as to what to do with Ralina and her dark arts, and it was taking its toll on everyone.

When there was a lull in the conversation, Ava spoke up.  “I’ve been wondering about these blood oaths that people are giving Ralina.  I understand it is how people swear allegiance to her.  Do we know what happens if someone breaks that allegiance?”

Laina responded.  “Yes, we’ve been told that when a blood oath is broken, the one breaking the allegiance dies.  In addition, Ralina absorbs that person’s magic.”

One of the other Conclave members chimed in. “We believe that is how she originally became so powerful.  Many people offered up blood oaths but when they were subjected to her tyranny, many broke the oaths without realizing the consequences.  It is said that she has absorbed the magic of hundreds of people, further increasing her strength.”

“And we assume she also absorbs the magic of all her soldiers who have died furthering her cause, since they too gave a blood oath,” Carrick added.

“I’ll admit that I know next to nothing about blood magic,” Ava said, “but I’m wondering why she needs my blood.  She told Snyder that she needed me alive and with most of my blood.”

Everyone was silent as they absorbed this thought.

“Well, one thing is for sure, there is no sense in continuing to have discussions over a subject that none of us are very learned about.  I’m assuming any texts or tomes that we managed to take from the palace have been read?”

Laina nodded. “And they were not much help.”

“Then we must go to someone who has the knowledge about blood magic.”

“No, Ava,” Carrick said. “I know who you are talking about and there is no way in hell you are going to see him.”

Ava thought she saw some of the Conclave members looking at each other with fear in their eyes, but she dismissed it, more concerned with nipping Carrick’s domineering ways.  “Let me remind you, Carrick Dunne, that you don’t own or control me. I can do what I want.  I believe our best option is to go see my uncle and that is what I intend to do.  You are welcome to come,” Ava said as an afterthought.

“I don’t understand,” one of the younger Conclave members asked.  “Who is this uncle you are talking about?”

“My Uncle Hephastus.  He lives by himself in the valley of the Rosethorn Mountains.  He’s basically a hermit, but he knows about blood magic.”

“He’s not just a hermit,” Carrick interjected.  “He is a certifiable nutcase.  And he doesn’t just know about blood magic, he practiced it himself, doing things that your parents disapproved of and causing him to be permanently banished from Kestevayne.”

“But if he has knowledge that could help us defeat Ralina, we must try.”  This came from another Conclave member, a very young man that Ava assumed was a recent addition to the group.

“Then you go see him,” Carrick snarled at the man, “but we can’t risk Ava’s life or safety.”

“I agree,” Laina added. “This is too dangerous to risk Ava’s safety.  I think we should steer clear of her uncle.”

Ava sighed.  “He won’t see anyone but me.  I understand everyone’s concern, but I am going.”

Carrick tried another plea.  “Ava, please don’t do this.  I’ll go see him or anyone else on this Conclave can go, but not you.  I don’t want you leaving the protection of the Cloak.”

Ava just stared stonily at Carrick.  “We see how well the Cloak protected me already.”

“For magic’s sake, Ava, he could be aligned with Ralina for all we know,” Carrick tried in a last ditch attempt to change her mind.

“I’m sorry.  My mind is made up.  I’ll leave tomorrow and since you seem to have appointed yourself as my overprotective guard dog, I assume you will come with me?” 

Carrick gritted his teeth and nodded.

“Good luck Ava.  You may bring us just what we need to turn the tide,” Laina murmured.


Following the Conclave meeting, Carrick headed off for training with his soldiers.  Ava followed since she wasn’t allowed out of his sight. The training area was impressive. They had erected a sturdy, wooden fence around a large, grassy field.  It was big enough that they could train with their horses, or have several of the men performing hand to hand combat lessons as well.  Beside the fenced area, practice targets were set up for soldiers to practice their spell casting aim.  Ava knew how important your casting aim could be.  She could produce the best energy spell in the world, but if she didn’t hit her target, it was useless.  Several of the older members of the Army moved about the younger ones, helping them to hone both battle and spell skills.

Carrick had pointed to some benches that Ava could sit on while he trained.  It left him in plain sight of her, and he could see her as well.  Ava at first was fascinated, watching the way the soldiers trained.  But after an hour, she was growing antsy.  She felt useless just sitting there and was growing bored.  Her sanity was once again saved when Quentin found her and sat down to talk.  He looked much better than he had the day before, although he was sporting a large bandage across his head.  Ava greeted him with a warm hug.


Carrick watched Quentin sitting with Ava.  She was laughing at something he said and it made his heart lift. 
Damn fool.  How can something as simple as a woman’s laugh have such an effect on me?

Carrick was preparing to do some sword drills when Kieran walked up to him.  “Want a practice partner?”

“Sure.  If you’re up for getting knocked on your ass,” Carrick replied lightly.

Kieran let out a bark of laughter.  “It’s good to see you joking again, bro.”

“Who said I was joking?  And what do you mean ‘again’?”

“You just seem to be in a better mood since Ava returned.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Carrick said with utter amazement.  “That woman has done nothing but drive me crazy since she came back.”

“I thought you two were getting along better?”

Carrick didn’t say anything. He acted busy by pulling down a practice sword and giving it a few test swings.

“Fess up, brother.  What’s going on?”

“I’m just worried about her.  After she was kidnapped and almost raped yesterday, I’m a little on edge, okay?” Carrick spat out.

Kieran gripped Carrick’s shoulder in solidarity.  “I get it.  You love her and you’re worried.”

“And on top of that,” Carrick continued, “she wants to go see her crazy Uncle Hephastus to learn about blood magic tomorrow.  I can’t talk her out of it.  Maybe you could… wait a minute.  I don’t love her!”

Kieran started laughing, and couldn’t stop. He actually doubled over, holding his belly. Carrick just stared at him, murder in his eyes.  Finally, Kieran’s laughs whittled down to chuckles.  He had tears in his eyes when he finally stood straight.

“Carrick, you have just uttered the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.  You love her and you know it.  You’re just too stubborn to admit it.”   Kieran walked up closer to his brother and said softly, “I’m going to give you the best advice you are ever going to hear.  Open up your heart to her before it’s too late.  What you and Ava had was the real deal.  It can be that way again.” 

Carrick looked away and glanced over at Ava.  “No it can’t Kieran.  What we had is gone.” 

Kieran stepped back.  “Well, we’ll debate this another time. Now come on, let’s see how you are going to whip my butt.”


That evening, Carrick and Ava ate a quiet supper together. Bing lay on the kitchen floor, happily gnawing on a bone that Sam had given him.  Carrick was still angry that Ava was insisting on this trip to see her uncle.

He tried to talk her out of it one more time, but she had snapped at him. “You’re making me feel like I’m walking on eggshells around you, so give it a rest, Carrick.”

When they were done eating, Ava told Carrick she was going to take another bath to help ease some of the soreness out of her muscles.   Carrick poured a cup of wine and took it into the bedroom.  He got ready for bed by pulling his boots off and removing his shirt.  He normally slept naked but obviously couldn’t do that with Ava in the same room.  Sitting in the bedroom chair and sipping at his wine, Carrick thought about their trip tomorrow.

He had no idea what to expect from dear, old Uncle Hephastus.  He had never met the man, who was reclusive even when living in Kestevayne, but he had heard stories about him from Ava and her parents. 

While blood magic was not common in Vyronas, it was not prohibited either.  Blood magic could be quite useful when used properly.  But apparently Hephastus was using blood magic for darker purposes.  Carrick new those darker purposes led to someone’s death and King Jaron banished Hephastus from Kestevayne.  That was when Ava was fifteen years old and she had not seen him since then.

Even before his banishment, Ava was not particularly close to him.  In fact, she confided in Carrick that he scared her when she was younger because he was always talking to himself.  She told Carrick that her uncle’s hair always stood up on end as if he’d just been hit by a lightning bolt, and he had a crazy look in his eyes.  But, Ava also admitted he had never harmed her or said a mean word to her.  Quite the contrary, he was always very nice to her.  Still, there was no telling what they were in for when they went to see him tomorrow.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Ava said.

Carrick whipped his head up and saw her standing in the doorway, fresh from her bath.  How someone could look that beautiful, he had no idea.  Her silky hair fell in mahogany waves around her shoulders.  Her green eyes were bright, and he could smell the lavender bath salts she’d apparently used again.

“Hmmmm… no thoughts?  Well, doesn’t matter.  I don’t have a penny anyway.” 

Ava walked over to her backpack which was on top of the dresser and pulled out her hairbrush.  Carrick watched her like a hawk, and damned if she didn’t have the word “Pink” stamped across the butt of those tiny little shorts she was wearing.  Carrick took the time just to enjoy the view while she brushed her hair.  She probably would want her penny back if she knew where his thoughts were right now. 

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