Second Chance (Enduring Kiss) (6 page)

BOOK: Second Chance (Enduring Kiss)
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I agreed
, but I was devastated. I loved being a wolf and l wasn't sure if losing that meant losing Rebecca as my mate, but I knew having her alive and well was much more important.

I remembered not long after that
, some of the pack came and released me saying Logan was dead. I immediately asked for Rebecca, but everyone was being vague until I lost it and grabbed the nearest wolf and held him by his throat until someone told me. When they said she had left the night before and no one knew where she went, I dropped the wolf and crumpled to the floor with him. Those few days after were a blur of rest and learning to feed. Soon after that I was made Master because they all trusted me.

Wait, I thought, sitting up straight in my seat. She left around
the same time as Logan's death; in fact, the night before. That was it. That was how I was going to get her back.

" I said.

Stephen was sitting across from me silently reading a newspaper. He knew when I was in my head and would leave me to myself. He was such a good friend and I was in need of ad
vice. He looked up questioning.

"Rebecca left around the same time as Logan's murder right?"

Stephen folded his paper and set it down next to him on the seat. "Yes that's right. She left the night before is what I recall some of the guards saying. Why?"

"Do you think she could be suspected of being a part of killing Logan?" I asked him.

He looked shocked and I couldn’t blame him. Rebecca could never do such a thing. She was too shy and innocent to come up with a plan of murder, but I could use the time line to my advantage.

"Drake, you know she wasn't involved and she left the night before."

I waved my hand to dismiss his comment. "Of course I know that."

Stephen looked visibly relieved
, which was odd. What did he care what I thought about Logan's death? I really didn't care who killed him at all.

"It could be a way to get to her though. I could tell Christensen and her Pack Master that she is wanted f
or questioning."

It was brilliant, I thought. She would have to come back with me and then I could get all the answers I needed.

I smiled at the thought of having her next to me, talking with me. To see her and touch her again would be unbelievable. My mind automatically took me to the times she would run her fingers down my neck as we kissed. Her lips were so soft, and that sexy voice of hers would tell me she wanted me again.

"Um, Drake, don't you think that's a little overboard?" Stephen said bringing m
e out of my sinful thoughts.

I shifted in my seat trying to hide the erection such thoughts produced. It was no use; nothing was going to hide this monster. Only Rebecca could do this to me, make me so hard it was painful. Stephen probably already saw it anyway.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if you want to talk to her so badly, why not just call her or go see her? Why make up such an excuse?"

Stephen had a point to a certain extent. I could do those things, but I doubted it would work. She might not want to see me. She left me after all.

"Do you honestly think they're going to let me waltz right in there and have myself a visit with one of their wolves? They think I'm here to take over and by the way whoever told them that is getting their ass kicked."

Stephen shrugged. "We thought it was good PR. They needed to know you were serious. We never said you were taking over, just that it was in there best interest to talk with you."

"Right, PR, whatever. So, what do you think? Will it work?"

He shrugged again. "I don't know, maybe. I guess we'll have to see."

e pulled up to Mater Christensen's mansion. It was a large white plantation home that they had most likely added a large basement to for the Master. So many lights were on it almost looked daylight outside and a ton of guards surrounded the house, some even in wolf form. They must have been nervous. I glared at Stephen. Stupid PR, I thought.

I was led into the mansion, only Stephen and two other guards accompanied me, which was what we agreed. That was fine with me; I
was not here to start any trouble. As I had said earlier, I only wanted answers.

After passing through the foyer, which I didn't see much of because of how many guards surrounded me, we went into a sitting room. I looked around the spacious room. There was a large brick fireplace straight ahead. The red brick looked nice with the light yellow walls. The pine floors gleamed and the furniture looked comfortable. Very homey, I thought.

I looked at the people present and realized with surprise that two women were joining us. One was a redhead dressed in a bright green summer dress. She was scowling at me and I could tell right away that she was a werewolf. If I had not smelled her scent, the growl waiting to come out of that gorgeous throat would have clued me in.

I glanced at the other women;
she was much calmer. She sat looking at me with curiosity instead of hatred. I liked her much more. Her brown hair was loose and long, flowing over one shoulder almost reaching her lap. She was wearing a much more subdued dress. It was more of a skirt suit in an off white.

I turned to the men in the room. A few guards lined the walls but four men were actually standing in the center near the
women. I knew Christensen was the dark headed man in the black suit so I made my introductions to him.

"Good evening. I'm Master Evans,
" I said bowing slightly. "And this is my friend and head guard Stephen. And this is Bruce and Derek." I gestured to my guards.

Christensen nodded then stepped forward and bowed. "I am Master Christensen and this is m
y lovely wife Jessica." He gestured to the woman in white. I nodded to her in acknowledgment.

"And this is my head guard
, Sean." I looked at the guard and nodded. I sniffed lightly as was habit from when I was a wolf. I was glad that sense wasn't taken away with the change.

There was something familiar about this guard Sean's scent. Before I could think on it any more
, Christensen nodded to one of the other men who actually had a close resemblance to the guard Sean I had just met.

This man looked close to being a beach bum if it wasn't for the nice gray slacks and white cable knit shirt. His tan skin and shoulder length shaggy blonde hair made him look like he was ready to go surfing. I actually looked down to see if he had shoes on. He did; a very nice pair of black dress shoes actually.

"Hello, I'm Pack Master Dane and this is my head guard, Paul," he said. I nodded to both men. "And this is Paul's mate, Susan." He gestured to the red head who was still scowling at me.

I smile at her and her growl actually slipped out. I almost laughed
, but I was ready to get down to business.

"Please have a seat,
" Christensen said.

I sat down in one of the blue chairs. Dane took the chair across from me, Christensen and Paul sat by their
women on the beige couches so that we all sat in a circle around a glass coffee table.

"I hope you do not mind the ladies joining us tonight
, Master Evans. They were quite insistent," Christensen said.

The red head, Susan, sneered at him. I couldn't help but smile at that.

"No, of course not," I said looking to my left at him. "I want to start off by saying thank you for meeting with me." The red head snorted. I ignored her this time."What I have come to talk to you about is Gretchen. I want to know how she died."

I noticed the woma
n in white, Jessica, shift uncomfortably in her seat and I immediately wondered of her involvement in the situation. She was tied to Christensen with the Enduring Kiss so maybe she killed Gretchen to get to him. I narrowed my eyes slightly. That didn't seem right though. She looked too innocent.

I looked back at Christensen when he spoke. "May we ask first why you decided to turn her?"

I was surprised by his question. He should have known this answer. "Well to be honest I'm surprised you didn't. Her illness was enough to consider the option, but being your lover should have swayed you."

Jessica gasped and I turned toward
s her, but she was looking away so I could not see her face

"Is that what she told you? She had an incurable illness and that she was my lover?" Christensen asked
, anger tightening his features.

" I replied. "Was she not?"

" he said simply.

Great, I thought. I could tell he was being truthful. I
could sense no deceit coming from him. "Tell me what's going on," I demanded.

"Gretchen was one of my feeders. When she noticed my attachment to Jessica
, she became obsessed with winning me for herself. She tricked Jessica into believing Gretchen and I were going to perform the Enduring Kiss, which was not true. When I finally fired her and had her move out of the house, she recruited a new wolf of Dane's pack to help kidnap Jessica. When we caught up to them, Jessica was nearly dead. In fact, I had to perform the Enduring Kiss to save her. What we couldn't figure out was who turned her and why." Christensen explained.

I was shocked. Gretchen did all of that and was able to hurt this women because I was tricked into turning her. I felt disgusted
with myself. I looked over at Jessica. She was looking down trying not to make eye contact.

"Jessica." When I spoke her name
, she looked up and I could see her eyes were wet with unshed tears. "I am so sorry," I said. She nodded and gave me smile that made me feel a little better.

I glanced at them all. "I'm sorry to you all for the mess I've put you in. Not only with what happen with Gretchen
, but with this meeting as well. I was informed you thought I was gunning for a takeover, but that was never my intention. Some of my staff decided to get a little carried away," I said giving Stephen a sideways glare. He just shrugged it off.

"Apology accepted,
" Christensen replied. "And if I might be blunt?" I nodded. "I was surprise she was able to convince a Master to turn her. We normally do not turn someone so quickly. I understand more now that I know she made you believe she was dying, but still...," he paused a moment. "Were you a new Master?"

There was his bluntness. However,
I was not offended.

"Yes, I became a Master right after I was turned, only five years ago." There was silence in the room.

"That does explain it, although your compassion for others shows in your actions and that is commendable. I have another question though." Christensen continued. I raised my eyebrow in acknowledgment. "You smell and act like a wolf. Were you a werewolf before?"


"Then were you turned against your will?" The red head asked suddenly.

I noticed concern had replaced her scowl
. I guessed the situation had turned away from being hostile.

"No, I wasn't. It was complicated
, but essentially I was threatened into it."

I could feel the shock of what I said go through the room. Well
, through everyone except my party. They already knew the details. I decided it was time to move on to my other plan.

"This brings me to something else that has come to my attention." I turned to the Pack Master. "I was recently informed that a past member of ou
rs is now a part of your Pack."

I notice Stephen trying to get my attention
, but I ignored him. I had to get Rebecca.

"We need to speak with her immediately, please, Pack Master Dane."

"Sure, who is she and if you don't mind my asking, why does this sound so serious? And please, call me Nathaniel," he added.

"Thank you Nathaniel. We need to question her about the murde
r of the Master before me. Her name is Rebecca Olson. Oh, and you all may call me Drake."

I could feel the tension in the air along with the hostility. The red head was ready to leap to her feet
, but her mate Paul had his hand on her arm. I glanced backed toward Christensen and his wife and saw their concern, but what really surprised me was the guard, Sean's, reaction.

To say he was pissed was putting it mildly. He had a shocked look on his face that quickly became hatred. His fists were clinching at his sides, his muscles bunching, readying for action.

The room definitely wasn't peaceful anymore.

"No!" Sean suddenly yelled.

Nathaniel stood and went to him touching his arm. Sean pulled away from him.

o, he is not taking her," Sean said.

"He didn't say anything about taking Rebecca, Sean. We need to a
ll sit down and talk about this," Nathaniel said.


They all turned to look at me and no one looked happy. Even Stephen looked grim. Oh well, I
did not care what they thought. I just wanted Rebecca.

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