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Authors: Eliza Lentzski

Second Chances (32 page)

BOOK: Second Chances
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Allison pursed her lips.  “Are you finished talking?” she calmly asked.

“Yes.” Reagan tried to match the evenness of Allison’s tenor, but failed.  The one-syllable response got stuck in her throat instead and came out terribly garbled.

Allison ran her hands down the length of her skirt, smoothing down the material.  “Well then,” she started serenely. 

Reagan tensed, expecting the worst.

Allison quietly cleared her throat.  “I’d have to say…I agree.”

“What kind of response is that?” Reagan squawked.

The corners of Allison’s lips curled up to form a Cheshire-sized grin.  “An infuriating one.”

stood from the bed and crossed the room until she was standing directly in front of Reagan.  Reagan seemed to sway until Allison rested her palms on her shoulders.  Hazel eyes stared down into bright blue eyes.

“I want to thank you for he
lping Daria and I reconnect,” Allison started. “Seeing her again made me realize that I’ve been pretending to be someone I’m not for a very long time.”

“Uh, you’re welcome?”

Allison laughed and shook her head.  It sounded like the delicate tinkling of bells.  “Seeing Daria made me realize something else.  Something infinitely more important.” She brushed a few loose strands of hair out of Reagan’s face.

Reagan couldn’t help the whimper that fell out between parted lips.

was just as I remembered her. But
not that same girl anymore.  I’m a different Allison Hoge.  And this new version of Allison Hoge, the woman who’s standing in front of you,” she said, lightly brushing her thumb along Reagan’s right cheekbone, “is falling in love with Reagan Murphy.”  She smiled softly.  “No, I take that back.  I
in love with you.”

Reagan blinked once.

Allison quirked an eyebrow. “Now it’s your turn to say something, Murphy.”

Reagan could count the moments in her life where she’d been rendered speechless on one hand.  And this was one of those moments.   So instead of scrambling for something eloquent to say to Allison, she kissed her instead.





























Allison Hoge removed her reading glasses and rubbed at the bridge of her nose.  She kept telling herself that if grad school was supposed to be easy, more people would have their PhD.  But that didn’t make the stack of books she needed to read and master before the end of the semester any less formidable.

She blew out a long sigh and looked at the wall clock nearest her.  It was nearly 10pm on a Friday night, and she was cooped up in the stacks of the university library.  She was close to finishing her
minor field selections on contemporary tragedy literature, and had promised herself that as long as she completed her reading by the end of the week, she’d actually allow herself to have guilt-free fun with Reagan over the weekend.

They hadn’t made any
concrete plans, knowing the chance of her needing to read over the weekend was still high.  She hated disappointing her girlfriend, so when self-appointed deadlines like this loomed, she felt it better to surprise Reagan with free time rather than unnecessarily get her hopes up.

Shortly after graduating from Brown, Allison had moved to New York City, where she’d been accepted into the graduate program in English at Columbia University.  Reagan had graduated from NYU and was currently not making any money at a small art gallery.  She thought she might go back to school for a degree in art restoration, but for now she was satisfied getting experience assisting at the contemporary gallery.

They’d recently moved into an apartment together in Brooklyn; at the time, Allison hadn’t been convinced they were ready to take the big step of living together, but it was economically smart.  She was making a small stipend through her grad program teaching English 101 to snot-nosed Freshman and Reagan wasn’t making much at her own job, but she was proud that she hadn’t used Rodger Hoge’s credit card since relocating to New York.  In fact, she hadn’t talked much at all with her parents, especially her dad, upon moving to New York.

She sighed again. She’d have to do something about that soon.

“Uh oh,” came a familiar voice. “That doesn’t sound good.”

Allison looked up from the
page she’d been reading and re-reading for the past 15 minutes without success.

? What are you doing here?”

Reagan beamed at her studious girlfriend and marveled at how she managed to look uncommonly sexy even in a worn
Brown sweatshirt and jeans.  Her hair was hastily pulled back away from her face and she wore her rectangular black frames rather than her usual contacts.

“I love it when you look like a librarian.”

“And I love it when you wear skirts,” Allison countered. “I never realized how much I missed these skirts.”  Her nostrils flared as she raked her hazel eyes down Reagan’s figure.  She must have come straight from work; she wore a sinfully short, pleated skirt paired with an Oxford shirt under a v-neck sweater.

“Missed my skirts or missed my
?” Reagan playfully teased.

Allison licked her lips.  “Maybe a little bit of both,” she admitted, unabashedl
y still staring at Reagan’s legs.

Reagan bit her bottom lip. “Are you sure you have to
keep studying?” she slightly pouted. 

Allison hesitated. “I-
I guess I could take a quick study break.”

A grin broke over Reagan’s face.

Allison stood up.  “Sit on the edge of the table.”

Reagan quirked an eyebrow in confusion, which was met by one of Allison’s in challenge. 
She complied and sat on the table edge.  The wood felt cool against the back of her legs.

Allison positioned herself between Reagan’s parted thighs. 
Reagan looked anxiously around the space, worried that someone might see them.

have to be quiet,” Allison husked into her girlfriend’s ear.  Her breath tickled against Reagan’s earlobe. “I know how you like to be
though.”  Her fingers traced along the sensitive inner flesh of Reagan’s naked thighs.  When she reached the edge of lacy underwear, she toyed with the hem, threatening to dip beneath the material. “So maybe I shouldn’t do this.”

Reagan whimpered and clung to the front of Allison’s oversized sweatshirt. “Please.”

Allison slowly wet her lips.  She brought her palm in full contact with Reagan’s mound, cupping her girlfriend’s panty-covered pussy.  Reagan’s eyes snapped shut and a shuddered breath stumbled out of her mouth. Allison, her hand still firmly lodged between parted thighs, began to grind her heel in a small circle, manipulating Reagan’s clit.

Reagan bit down hard on her full, lower lip to keep another whimper at bay.  Allison released the delicious pressure on her clit, on
ly to transfer her attention elsewhere.  She pressed two firm fingers against Reagan’s entrance. 

Reagan shifted on the study table and spread her legs further apart.  She knew the length of her skirt, along with Allison’s body, would shield her most intimate parts from any casual observers, but anyone who stared at them for too long would certainly know what they were up to.

Allison ducked her head and captured Reagan’s full bottom lip with her mouth.  She sucked her lower lip into her mouth and lightly bit down.  Her free hand cupped Reagan’s left breast over the material of her sweater.  She gently squeezed, feeling all the more like a teenager, feeling up her girlfriend over the confines of her top and bra. 

Needing to feel more, she slid her hand under th
e bottom hem of Reagan’s shirt and beneath the confining underwire cup of her bra. Reagan quietly sighed when Allison’s hand made contact with her firm flesh. Allison palmed the fullness of Reagan’s pert breast in her hand and felt her sensitive nipple immediately respond.  She pulled back just a little in order to pinch the fleshy nub between her thumb and forefinger.  She knew from experience how sensitive Reagan’s nipples were and she fully intended to tease her and test how quiet she could remain when she had to.

She flicked Reagan’s nipple back and forth with the tip of her
finger, forcing it to harden, but then she abruptly yanked her hand out from beneath Reagan’s top.  The brunette gave her a pained, questioning look that immediately glazed over when Allison’s tongue darted out and licked at the tips of two fingers. Her hand was back beneath Reagan’s top before any other thoughts could filter their way to her brain.  Wet fingers met sensitive skin, causing Reagan to squirm even more on the wooden library table.

Allison yanked the crotch of Reagan’s underwear to the side and immediately slid one firm, long, feminine finger inside of her girlfriend. Reagan gasped at the sudden intrusion as Allison bottomed out on the first stroke.
Allison pulled all the way out and then shoved back into her partner.  Reagan’s breath hitched on the down stroke.  But just as she thought Allison was going to continue fucking her to oblivion, her girlfriend’s finger was suddenly gone, leaving Reagan’s pussy aroused, yet empty. 

Allison collected some of Reagan’s arousal on her fingers and spread the wetness to the rest of her sex.  She slid her fingers along the outside of Reagan’s shaved pussy lips, dipping between the folds every now and again to gather more juices.  She paused long enough to give Reagan’s clit a few firm swirls.

Allison wrapped her arm around Reagan’s waist.  She pressed her hand in the small of her back and pulled her closer, forcing Reagan deeper onto her fingers. The table made a squeaking noise of protest from the movement. Reagan’s eyes were squeezed shut and her breath sounded erratic.

Allison moved the crotch material even further to the side.  Reagan could swear she heard a slight tearing noise, but she was too far gone to care, particularly when Allison used the extra room to pinch at her clit.

Her eyes snapped open when she heard Allison’s voice, low and raspy in her ear: “I wish you were on the table, on your hands and knees.  I’d slowly pull your underwear down to your knees, keeping it there so you could only spread apart your legs so far.  I’d have your thighs apart as far as they could go, straining the limits of your underwear.” She paused and licked her lips.  “Then I’d lick you from behind.  Your back would arch when my tongue hit your pussy lips.  You’d be so wet and ready for me.  I’d grab onto your ass and pull your pussy into my face so I could fuck you properly with my tongue.”

Reagan’s nails bit into Allison’s forearm, leaving little red half-moons in their wake.  Her legs thrashed and she choked back a particularly desperate whine.  Who knew you could have so much fun in a library?



As Reagan rearranged her undergarments and smoothed out the fixed the pleats on her skirt, Allison couldn’t meet her eyes.  “I-I’m sorry if that was too much,” she stammered.  She looked down at her hands.  She could see Reagan’s arousal drying between her fingers.  “I don’t know what happened.”

Reagan placed a hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Allie.  That was

Allison finally looked up and searched Reagan’s face.
“Are you sure you liked it?” Her voice was heavy with trepidation.

“God,” Reagan lowly moaned.
Her eyes rolled back. “Those things you said to me…”

Allison felt her cheeks flush. “That’s unlike me.
I’m sorry.”

“No, baby. It was so
.  You made me feel incredible.” Reagan paused and licked her lips. “Would you like that kind of thing?”


“You know. Take me from behind? Dominate me?”

Allison cleared her throat. “I don’t know. Maybe?” Her normally confident voice cracked on the final syllables, giving her away.

Reagan couldn’t help the grin on her face. Allison’s embarrassment and hesitance was endearing and so unlike her.  “Well, I don’t want to do anything that’s going to make you uncomfortable, but just know that if the mood ever strikes again, and you want to Top me, know that I’m totally down.”

Allison’s jaw went lax.  She nodded
dumbly, unable to find her voice.

Reagan gave her girlfriend one final, lingering kiss.
“Don’t stay away too long, okay?” she smiled playfully. “I’ve still got a scratch that could use your expert touch.”



watched her girlfriend walk away, hips and backside exaggeratingly swishing from one side to the next just for her.  When Reagan was out of sight, Allison sat back down and stared at the page of the book open in front of her.   She shook her head.  None of the words made any sense to her.  They seemed to move around on the page and reshape themselves into the curved hips of her girlfriend and the soft swell of breasts that resided beneath her sweater.

BOOK: Second Chances
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