Second Chances (30 page)

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Authors: Evan Grace

BOOK: Second Chances
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He reached out rubbing her lower lip with his thumb. “I’m sorry about last night. I’m sorry I left you instead of talking it out. Please forgive me, baby.” Dustin watched the tears slowly leak out of her eyes.

“Why did you leave before I woke up?” Stacy asked.

“I wanted you to get some rest and I wanted to get my work done so I could be here when you came out, because no matter what I wanted to be here for you. But, baby, you have to stop shutting me out.”

“I know. I’m sorry, Dustin. I’m sorry about everything. I know this probably wasn’t something that you had planned on happening anytime soon. However you want to be involved will be good. There’s no pressure here, I promise.” Her eyes pleaded with him.

“You’re right: this wasn’t something I had even thought about, but it doesn’t mean that I’m not happy that you and I are going to have a baby together. I think you should move in with me. Dylan will be moved out in enough time for us to turn that room into a nursery. I also think we should get married right away.”

Dustin watched her eyes widen. “Uh—what?” Stacy whispered.

“I think we should get marri—” He felt her hand cover his mouth.

“I heard what you said. Are you crazy? We’re not getting married, Dustin. We’ve only really been together a month and a half. I love you, but I don’t want to get married just because I’m pregnant.”

Dustin knew she was right. There was no real reason to rush into anything, especially after all they’d been through, but he was certainly not going to budge on the moving in together thing. He knew they had a long way to go, but now knowing the truth about the baby, they could truly move forward.

He wrapped his hands around her neck, stroking her chin with his thumbs. “Come back to the house with me?” Dustin knew what he needed and if the look in her eyes was anything to go on, she needed it to.

“Okay,” she said.

The drive back to his place was quick and before long they were walking into his place. He offered to make Stacy some lunch, but she said she wasn’t hungry. Dustin still was worried about how thin she was, but hopefully now that the worry was over she’d start eating more. He watched her sit her bag down and settle on his couch. Dustin noticed that she looked more like herself. Her skin had some of its color back, her eyes didn’t seem so dull and she had the slightest smile on her face. Stacy was dressed in some running shorts, a t-shirt and flip-flops. The look was very casual, but he still thought she looked absolutely beautiful.

Dustin watched her pull the picture out of her bag and smile as she looked at it. Sure they didn’t plan this baby, but he was ready to be a father. They’d work out the logistics later. His hope was that she’d be his wife, preferably before the baby was born. Dustin couldn’t wait to tell his parents and the rest of the family. He walked over sitting down next to Stacy. She snuggled in to him, wrapping her arm around his waist.

Dustin let his fingertips graze her arm until he saw the goose bumps pop up all over. She was rubbing her hand over his stomach. He felt his groin start to tighten when her hand slid under his shirt and Stacy started rubbing her hand up his chest. Over the past month he’d really missed her touch. His dad was right: Dustin would never hurt Stacy. And considering the last week, he knew she was missing the intimacy he couldn’t hold back. Neither of them said a word as he grabbed her chin to tilt her face up to him. His lips were hesitant at first, but as soon as he felt the tip of her tongue tickle his lips Dustin devoured hers.




As Dustin started to intensify the kiss, Stacy wanted to cry out in relief. She missed this, she missed him. His tongue met hers in a dance they both knew too well. Stacy felt his hand slide up to her breast. When his thumb swept over her nipple she whimpered into his mouth. Stacy moaned when he pulled back.

“Did I hurt you?” Dustin searched her eyes.

“N-no, just sensitive.” Before she could say anything further he was up off the couch with her in his arms. Stacy kissed his neck and bit his ear as he carried her through the house.

Once in his bedroom they quickly divested each other of their clothes. Dustin let himself fall back on the bed, taking Stacy with him. The heat of his body against hers felt so good and the steel of his erection between them caused a shiver to run down her spine. Dustin grabbed her face in his hands, pulling her down to meet his lips. So many sensations flowed through her body.

As he continued to kiss her, his hands slid down to her bottom, squeezing and pulling her closer to him. Stacy could feel how wet she was for him already as he grinded against her. She lifted up, wanting to impale herself on him, but Dustin had other ideas and flipped them so he was on top of her. His lips slid from her neck to her breasts, where he lavished each nipple with attention. Now that they were more sensitive, the first nip of his teeth caused her sex to clench and she cried out. Dustin continued playing with them for a long time.

“Please, Dustin, I need you,” Stacy moaned.

“I know what you need, baby.” It came out as a taunt, as his mouth worked its way further down her body. When he finally hovered over her sex, Stacy wanted to grab his head and shove it down where she needed it. Dustin’s breath was hot against her slick folds.

Finally his mouth was on her and it felt heavenly. He licked her from top to bottom and then back up to latch onto her clit. A month had been too long to go without this and Stacy came immediately, gripping his hair in her fist. Dustin must’ve been as eager as she was, because he was thrusting inside of her before she could even blink. Stacy cried out; it had been too long and he was stretching her out all over again. Her thighs hugged his hips as he pulled almost all of the way out and slid slowly back in. Dustin slammed his mouth to hers as he started rocking in and out of her. Stacy gripped his shoulders as the pressure inside her started to build again.

She could feel Dustin getting bigger inside her and knew he must be getting close. His strokes became faster and harder. Dustin reached down in between them, rubbing her clit until she couldn’t take it anymore. Stacy exploded around him. She felt her pussy clench him as he pounded into her. When Dustin froze, groaning into her neck, she felt the heat of his release setting off aftershocks around him.

They lay connected for a long time, kissing and reaffirming their love for each other. Stacy couldn’t help it as the tears fell, but she assured Dustin they were happy tears.




A long time later they were still lying in Dustin’s bed. He had his head resting on her thighs and was stroking her still flat stomach. Dustin looked up, smiling at Stacy. “So do you want a boy or a girl, baby?”

Stacy hadn’t really thought too much about that yet. “Honestly, I don’t know. I guess I’ll give that old clichéd answer and say I just want it to be healthy. What about you?” She figured he’d want a boy being all Mr. Manly himself.

“I want a little girl.”

“A girl?” She couldn’t believe he’d want a girl.

“I know. I just can’t help but picture a little you running around with little Care Bear. I will say this, though: If we do have a girl, she’s not dating until she’s forty and I’m gonna invest in a shotgun.”

Stacy burst into a fit of laughter that felt almost cleansing. How long had it been since she’d been able to laugh like that? Dustin crawled up next to her, chuckling to himself, and pulled Stacy into his arms. She buried her nose in his neck, inhaling the spicy scent that was naturally his.

“Let’s take a nap, then I’ll take you to get some dinner. Sound good, baby?”

She smiled and snuggled more into him and nodded. It didn’t take long before she slipped into the best sleep she’d had in a long, long time.




Two months later…


Dustin watched Stacy fidget in her seat. He didn’t understand why she was so nervous, but this had been a long time coming. Out of the corner of his eye he watched her run a hand over her barely there baby bump. In the last two months, Stacy had shown remarkable improvement. Her color was back to normal, except in the morning. Her eyes were always bright and happy. Stacy still hadn’t gained back all of the weight she’d lost, but they walked every night and she was eating well, so it showed in her body.

He knew some women didn’t think they were attractive during pregnancy, but it suited her, and she always had that glow about her.

A week after they found out the baby was his they had dinner with his family. And when they announced they were having a baby, Bellamy had burst into happy tears and attacked Stacy. Even his mom joined in with the theatrics. Everyone was overjoyed with the news, even though the way the baby was conceived was something that would probably haunt them for a long time. Stacy was still in therapy, but only going once a week. She never had to testify about what happened that day, but had to give an official statement.

That whole ordeal set them back for a few weeks, but she didn’t push him away that time, so he knew that was progress.

Stacy was staring out the passenger window. Dustin wasn’t blind that this was going to be hard on her, but it was long past due. They were on their way to see Garrett. Stacy had asked Dustin to take her and he let Ian know that they were coming. Dustin knew Stacy missed him and from what Ian said, Garrett was sad all the time. It was time to move forward. They had a baby coming and Dustin knew Stacy would want her favorite uncle to be there.

“Baby, quit fidgeting.” He grabbed her hand, trying to help ease her nerves.

“I’m just nervous. What if too much time has gone by?”

“Stacy, quit it. It’s gonna be fine.”

They were silent as they turned down the street to Garrett and Ian’s house. Pulling in the driveway, Dustin jumped out of the truck, coming around to the other side to help Stacy down.

Stacy’s palms started to sweat as they walked to the door. She missed her uncle so much. Before everything went down they talked all of the time, now Stacy talked to only the kids and Ian. She rang the doorbell and as they waited she grabbed Dustin’s hand and squeezed it.

When the door opened, Garrett stood there in shock. The whole way there, Stacy had thought about what she wanted to say, but the look in his eyes when he opened the door squashed all of it. She simply walked right up to him and threw her arms around him. Stacy let the first sob escape when she felt his arms wrap around her so hard that it was almost painful, but she didn’t care.

“Baby girl, I’m so sorry I hurt you,” Garrett whispered into her hair. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Garrett.” Stacy felt Dustin walk by them into the house, hearing the door shut behind him.

Garrett pulled back and smiled at her. He let his hand reach out to rub over her teeny tiny baby bump with a tear slipping down his face. “You look beautiful. How are you feeling?”

They moved to sit on the porch swing. “I feel good. I’m nauseous in the mornings most days, but as long as I watch what I eat I’m okay. We heard the heartbeat a month ago.” Stacy sighed and laid her head on Garrett’s shoulder. “It was so fast, but such a beautiful sound. We have another month until we have another ultrasound.”

“You know, you’re making me feel old; making me a great-uncle. Chloe can’t wait for you to have the baby. She told us that she’s got dibs on holding him or her first.” Garrett kissed the top of her head. “If I could take back what I sai—”

“No, Garrett, it’s over. I should’ve been honest with everyone about what happened between him and me. I try not to think about what could’ve happened if he hurt Chloe. Is she talking to anyone about it?” It still made her sick to think that the bastard had threatened that poor sweet baby.

“We did and it helped. She knows that he’s gone and can’t hurt you. The nightmares have stopped. I think being in school now helps, too.”

“I’m glad. I can’t believe she’s in Kindergarten now. Are they here?” Stacy wanted to see her babies.

“Yeah, Ian is out in the pool with them. Come on, let’s go see them.”

Garrett stood up, holding his hand out to Stacy. She smiled at him as she took it and let him lead her into the house. They no sooner walked in the door when two little wet bodies hit her full force.

“Tay Tay!” Chloe and Carter shouted in unison. Stacy dropped down to her knees to give them hugs and kisses, getting them in return.




The next morning Stacy snuggled with Chloe on the couch while they watched cartoons. She was glad that they’d spent the night, even staying with the kids so Garrett could take Ian out to dinner. When they had left, Ian leaned in to hug her, whispering “Thank you” to her. Stacy gave him a watery smile then a kiss on the cheek. Dustin, her and the kids went out for pizza and then to play miniature golf. Several times while they were out they were complemented on having a beautiful family. They wouldn’t correct them. They’d just smile and thank them.

When they got back to the house, Stacy and Chloe made popcorn while the boys picked a movie. The kids both fell asleep immediately, and after they were tucked in, Stacy and Dustin had made out on the couch until Garrett and Ian came home.

Now as they watched cartoons Stacy rubbed at her stomach. This time next year she’d be a momma herself. As much as it scared her, Stacy couldn’t wait. Neither she nor Chloe said a word as they snuggled, watching SpongeBob. A while later Carter joined them on the other side of Stacy. She couldn’t help the sigh of contentment that left her lips.




Stacy had been quiet most of the drive home, but Dustin wasn’t worried. The little reunion couldn’t have gone better if he tried. He grabbed her hand, pulling it to rest on his thigh. She was still adamant about not getting married right now. Stacy’s hope was that they’d wait until after the baby was born. Dustin didn’t want to wait to make her legally his, but because that’s what she wanted, he’d give it to her. Comfortable silence filled the cab of his truck. The only noise was the radio playing softly in the background.

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