Second Ride Cowboy (Second Chance Series) (11 page)

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Dillon was loading bales of hay onto the back of a truck. He saw Duke first and greeted him with a nod. When he saw Lila, he smiled. If he had any clue as to what Duke and Lila had been doing, he didn’t show it. She was grateful.

“Enjoy your evening with Miss Bakerfield,” she said to Duke as she passed him. “Have a nice day, Dillon.”

“You to, Lila,” Dillon said.

Hurrying from the barn as fast as her shaking legs would carry her, she didn’t stop to take a breath until she was far enough away from prying eyes. Sweat beaded on her upper lip and she wiped it away with her knuckles. Her knees trembled and her heart beat rapidly, still reeling from the best orgasm she’d had in a very long time.




LILA POURED ANOTHER cup of tea just as she heard the key in the front door. She checked the wall clock and smirked.
Nine-thirty P.M.
.. Duke was home early.

She sipped from her cup as he came into the kitchen. He looked handsome in a long-sleeved blue and white shirt and dark jeans, and of course his worn cowboy boots. His gaze caught hers as he sat down at the bar. “Early night I see,” she said.

One corner of his mouth curved into a perfect smirk. “Were you up waiting on me?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Duke.” She set the cup down and tightened the belt on her silk robe. “I made myself a cup of tea.”

He relaxed and stretched his legs. His eyes slanted. “You only drink hot tea at night when you have a lot on your mind.”

Bracing her hands on the edge of the granite counter, she sighed. How did this man know her so well? “Of course I have a lot on my mind.”

“I’m guessing it has something to do with me.”

“Why is it you think everything involves you?” He flipped an eyebrow. She sighed again. “Okay, it does this time. But not all of my thoughts revolve around you.”

“You don’t have to be angry about Leslie,” he said in a calm tone.

“I’m not angry.”

“You sure?”

“I’m going to bed.” She swept past him, but his hand on her elbow stopped her. Looking at his large fingers against her skin, she couldn’t deny his touch warmed her. A current of awareness sparked every nerve ending. She brought her gaze up. His eyes were on her. “What, Duke?”

“You wanted to talk to me this evening. I’m here now.”

The richness of his voice was like a hypnotic seduction. “It’s late. The talk can wait.” She started to move, but he continued to keep his hand on her.

“No, I don’t believe it can.”

He stood up and Lila swallowed. He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her hard against his body. He lowered his face and nuzzled her hair. “I can’t get you out of my blood,” he whispered.

She lifted her chin, bringing her face to his. “I know you said you weren’t on a date with Leslie, but I guess if you were it’d be none of my business,” she said.

“There can be a dozen Leslies and Lucas’s but never enough to break this spell that binds us.” His voice was warm. He smelled of beer and mint. “Can you deny that?”

His fingers pushed into her back and her breasts tingled against his chest. Her nipples came alive. “Duke…”

“You’re still the most beautiful woman.”

His erection pressed against her hip. She remembered holding his throbbing sex in her hand and tasting him as she brought him pleasure. She knew every smooth curve and shape. There was nothing more she wanted than to fall into his arms.

Her breath caught when his fingers dropped to her neck, swept across her shoulder blade and down her chest to the opening of the robe. “So soft. Silken flesh.” His words penetrated the cloud engulfing her. She moaned as he slid his hand inside and stroked her naked breasts, flicking her nipples with the tip of his thumb. He moved the satin off one shoulder and lowered his lips, suckling each mound. Closing her eyes, she rode the waves of seduction.

His palm smoothed over her stomach, stopping at her belly button. He lifted his head slightly. “You have new curves. Carrying a baby has made you lovelier. I wonder what you looked like, full with our child. Stunning, I’m sure.”

Duke was a rugged man, but when it came to sweeping her off her feet, he was an expert. His fingers dipped lower, sliding across her moist lips and she arched as he rolled the tip of a finger over her clit. Shards of sensation shattered through her core. He slipped his thumb into her opening and pumped in and out. “You’re body is on fire, baby. I remember how wet you’d get when I’d touch you. I remember the taste. The scent is an aphrodisiac.”

The combination of his words and his touch brought every cell in her body awake and high on the adrenaline. Swirling her hips around his palm, she silently invited him to take her. He must have understood the unspoken request because he drove his finger deep, moving his digit until she wanted to scream. She swallowed back the sound, except for one… “Duke…”


Duke buried his head into the mound of her breasts. He loved the feel of her silky skin. He licked

one erect nipple as he glided his fingers along her smooth, moist body. Her fragrance reached his nostrils and he breathed in the sweet musky scent. His cock grew harder. Damn! He was ready to sink himself inside her. His focus was on giving her pleasure.

Her breathing turned shallow and she gyrated her hips.  He knew she was there—on the brink of satisfaction. “Let it come, baby. Let it come for me.” Her muscles tightened around his finger. It was almost his undoing.

Holding back was no longer an option. He removed his hand to unzip his jeans and lift his throbbing cock from his boxers. Lifting her onto the counter, he moved himself between her thighs and pressed his tip against her moist lips. Gently, he guided his length inside her and her muscles eased to fit his. “I…don’t…think I will last,” he said through an exhale of breath.

“I’m coming again,” she said through a moan and her fingernails dug into his back.

Control was lost. In one hard thrust, he buried himself deep inside. Release came with the velocity of a wind tunnel, carrying them onto a plateau of heavenly bliss.




LILA EXAMINED HER nude body in the full-length mirror. She didn’t look different, but she felt changed. She was a real woman again, not just a mom. In fact, she imagined she could move a mountain with the adrenaline coursing through her.

She’d had sex twice yesterday. Not just sex, all logical reasoning to the wind, never-forget sex.

In reality, any attention in the nether region, after sustaining for so long, would feel like erotica times ten, yet she couldn’t downplay the connection she had with Duke. Lovemaking, whether naughty or intimate, had always been amazing. She knew she shouldn’t have fallen into that web again, but passing up a calorie-free dessert of hot, sexy male seemed forgivable. Lila rested her guilty conscious. She wouldn’t allow regret to mar the wonderful experience.

She’d wanted Duke to come to bed with her last night, but she’d been feeling a little cautious. And apparently he was too because he didn’t ask.

Today, she would return to work since taking the hiatus to help with Duke. Working flexible hours, she’d still have plenty of time to spend with Ava. Right now, she needed the extra money. Soon, she and Ava would be moving from the McAllister. She made a mental note to call Carly and tell her she’d take the cottage at the Swift Wind.

Jenny, the new sitter, would be arriving soon. Margaret had a new granddaughter and would be helping her family in Arizona. Lila hadn’t had a chance to speak to Duke about the arrangement. There wasn’t much talking going on last night. She smiled.
Talking was overrated

Glancing at the clock on her nightstand, she sighed.
Ava wouldn’t be waking up for a while. Lila headed down the hall to the nursery and peeked in through the partially opened door. She expected to find a snoozing, curly-headed baby, but the crib was empty.

“Duke?” she yelled out as she descended the stairs.

A mumbled voice sounded from the kitchen. She followed it and found Ava sitting safely in her highchair, stuffing pieces of banana into her mouth. Duke stood at the counter pouring coffee into a cup.

“I found you.” Lila kissed the baby on the head. “Why aren’t you out working?” she asked Duke.   

“I decided to take a few hours off. Coffee?” He was already handing her a cup.

“Thank you.” She sipped the rich liquid. It was delicious, and the view wasn’t bad either. Duke made waking up a pleasure. She tried ignoring his scent of masculinity and soap, but awareness crept across her libido. She needed to work on how much affect he had on her. Yet, she’d make that effort later. For now, she slipped her gaze over his black tee, worn jeans and bare feet. She also, against better judgment, looked at his crotch, remembering with great recollection how good his long, thick member had felt inside her.

“Was it okay?” he asked.

She fluffed her ponytail and knew her cheeks had turned crimson. How did he know what her thoughts were? “It was good, I mean, it was great. No regrets right? We got caught up in the moment.”

A charming smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “I was talking about feeding Ava.” Lila choked on her coffee. “But, yes, no regrets about last night.”

“Yes, that’s fine. Bananas are her favorite fruit.” She forced her hands to stop shaking. What was wrong with her? “I go back to work today.”

“I got the idea by the scrubs.” His voice was warm. “I’ll gladly stay with Ava.” He winked at the baby who giggled. Lila knew the feeling.

This offer was no surprise. “I’ve hired a sitter since Margaret won’t be available. Her name is Jenny and she is a college student at the local university. Ava has met her and they got along fine.”  

“Shouldn’t we have talked about this together? I’m more than capable, Lila. Is the sitter for me or for Ava?” There was a slight edge to his tone.

“For Ava, of course. And I guess we should have talked about hiring a sitter, but it seems we are like ships passing in the night.” She swallowed the last drink of coffee and rinsed her mug in the sink. “Won’t you be out on the ranch? It’s no place for a baby.”

“Not if I’m needed here,” he said.

“That’s great, but what if an emergency happens and you’re expected? How helpful would it be to have Ava with you?”

She could see his jaw relax. “You’re right.”

One hurdle down. “And you’ll put your demon personality away for the day, right?”

He caught her with a narrowed expression. “Sure, you won’t be here.”

The joke made her laugh, although, she figured he meant it to a certain degree. “Can we talk?” she asked.

“I thought that’s what we were doing?”

She needed to get this over. “In private.”

He glanced around the room. “We are.”

She pointed at Ava. “Away from baby ears.”

“What will she care unless you’re planning to repeat last night?” He wriggled his brows.

“It requires a lot of patience to have a conversation with you. Do you realize that?”      

“So, no repeat huh?”

“Never mind, Duke. I’ve got to get going and the sitter is running late.”

“Lila, you can leave. I’ll stay until she gets here. Everything will be okay,” he said.

She breathed in deeply and exhaled, ridding herself of any anxiety. She kissed Ava on the

cheek. “Mommy will be home soon. Keep daddy in line.” She tossed Duke a glare as warning.

Leaving Ava was hard, but she knew she was in safe hands with Duke. “Okay. If Jenny doesn’t show up in an hour, text me, okay?”

“Sure thing. In the meantime, I’ll see if Ava’s ready to ride a horse. I have a saddle she might fit into.” He tickled Ava’s chin.

“What?” Lila asked.

He lifted his hands in surrender. “I’m only kidding. That’ll come next year.”

Glancing at her watch, she sighed. “I’ve got to go. Love you—” She’d said the words to Duke. His eyes widened. She searched her mind for a path of recovery and went with the easiest way. “Ava.”

And she was gone, not sticking around to see Duke’s reaction.

Lila stepped through the front door and stopped when she saw scuffed boots. Lila followed the long jean-clad legs, past slender waist, upward over breasts to a face that made her cringe.
Leslie Bakerfield
. Lila’s loyalty to Carly surfaced and Lila didn’t bother hiding her distaste. The woman was beautiful, Lila’d give her that. Long, black, wavy hair, perfect smile showing off white even teeth, and bright blue eyes probably did melt many a man’s heart. “Can I help you?” Lila asked.

“Lila? Right?” Leslie asked.     

“Yes, I’m Lila. Carly’s
friend.” That should have been enough to send the woman packing in embarrassment, but no such luck. Lila opened her mouth to say something sassy when a hand on the small of her back paused her. She turned around and met Duke’s grin.

He bent his head and whispered, “Now, now. Who’s being a demon?”

Lila wanted to show him by way of middle finger, but they had a guest. Not just any guest. “Look, Duke, your friend is here. Good thing the sitter is on her way to take Ava.”

Duke swatted her behind. Lila couldn’t have been more surprised, until he said, “Off to work you go. It’ll do you some good to put that overworking mind to use.”

Lila gritted her teeth and stepped past Miss Bakerfield. “Take care, Doctor.”

“Nice meeting you,” Leslie said.


Duke watched Lila until she was in her car He turned to Leslie and offered her a smile. Even he’d felt the burn of awkwardness.

“I don’t think she likes me much,” Leslie said.

“She has a loyalty bind to Carly.”

Leslie sighed. “I’m still the slut who steals married men, huh?”

“Pretty much.” Duke knew there was no reason to sugar coat the truth. Duke knew the truth of what happened between Leslie and Chance. Carly knew the facts now, too.

Duke wanted Leslie for the McAllister vet. For that to be comfortable, Lila needed to hear that Leslie hadn’t set out to hurt Carly. He didn’t like drama, and he certainly had to be careful so it didn’t look like he was taking Leslie’s side. He understood Lila’s devotion to Carly. Hell, he’d do the same for Chance. “Come on in, Leslie. Did we have an appointment today?” he asked as he moved slowly back from the door. In time, he hoped he’d be back to normal, whatever normal meant.

“I thought I’d stop on my way to the Haskell’s. You said you were looking for a stallion and I believe I’ve found you one. He’s a beauty.”

“That was fast.” He shut the door and motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen.

“Old man Haskell passed last week. His wife Ethel called me first thing this morning wanting to get rid of all of the animals, including his prized horse.”

When Ava saw them, she burst into a smile. She gurgled and stuck her fists into her mouth. Duke took her out of the highchair.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, Duke, but I never thought I’d see you with a baby. Thank goodness she looks just like her mom.” Leslie tickled Ava’s tummy.

The loyalty must have run in the family because Ava pointed at Leslie and said, “No.”

Leslie took a step back.

Duke shrugged. “She has her mother’s genes running through her veins.”

Leslie smiled. “No problem. I have nieces and nephews who are the same way. Anyway, I thought you might want to ride over with me to take a look at the horse.”

Duke looked at Ava who busily played with a button on his shirt. “I better not.”

“Okay, but remember, there were a lot of people interested in that stallion. I don’t know if I can stall Ethel. She’s hell bent on getting rid of everything. She has plans to move to Florida and closer to her kids.”

Lila did say that a sitter was coming for this very reason. “Can you wait for a few minutes? The sitter should be here any minute now. I’ll get you a cup of coffee.”

Leslie hesitated, checked her watch then nodded. “Okay, but one cup. I’ve got a jam packed day ahead.”

Twenty-minutes later, Jenny showed up and Duke felt a rush of guilt as he left Ava. He understood how Lila must have when she had to go back to work.

“You’re upset with leaving your daughter, aren’t you?” Leslie asked after they were heading toward the highway.

“Yes, I am. Is that normal?” Duke asked from the passenger side of Leslie’s truck.

She shrugged. “Don’t ask me. I haven’t even gotten far enough to think about having kids.”

He let it drop.

An hour later, Duke paid Ethel Haskell cash in full. The smile on her face told him she was a happy, horseless, woman. He was glad to get his hands on the stallion. The horse was a beauty, just as Leslie promised.

“I told you, Duke. Best buy you’ll make for a stud like that,” Leslie said as she ran her hand

down the back of the horse.

“Well, he’s mine.” Duke had a sense of pride. “You think Ava’s too young to receive a gift like this?”

“I had my first horse while I was still in my momma’s womb.” Leslie closed up her bag.

A flash of lightening lit the sky, followed by a loud crack of thunder. In the distance, he saw dark clouds. In Texas, that was a ranchers warning to buckle down. “We better head back to the McAllister. Looks like we’re going to get hit soon.”

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