Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance (26 page)

BOOK: Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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I’m willing to bet that the first daughter sucking her stepbrother’s cock under it is a historic first for this desk, too.


He and Irving are still arguing back and forth about his conduct, but I feel his cock begin to swell even bigger inside my mouth. I feel him start to try to pull away, and I know why, but I don’t care. Right there, we could be on the damned front lawn, or on national T.V. and
would stop me from finishing this.


Because I want to taste him. I want him to fill my mouth, and I want to swallow every drop of him.


Hunter coughs loudly in the middle of Irving talking, and suddenly, his hips are bucking forward under the desk. And then he’s coming, right into my mouth under the damned desk while I blur my fingers across my clit. He’s salty and sweet, and earthy, and everything I wanted him to be as I swallow everything he gives me, only then pulling off of him and teasing him some more with my tongue.


“So, we’ll issue a language apology or something— maybe tie it to your service record, and that might clear things up.”


“Yep, fine,” Hunter chokes out, and then a minute later, I’m hearing the door to the office shut.


“You are fucking
,” he growls, suddenly pushing back from the desk and yanking me up from under it. His eyes burn into mine before they dance down over my state of undress. Lingering on the heaving swell of my breasts as I catch my breath and the way my skirt is still wrinkled and pulled up to my waist.


His jaw is tight as he moves against me, his hands moving up over my skin, running over every inch of me before he pushes a finger between my legs. I moan as he slides easily through my wet lips, a finger finding my clit with expertly teasing strokes.


Naughty, naughty girl,
” he growls into my ear as his finger works magic across my clit, and I practically come right there. Just the sound of his voice saying those words to me brings me to the edge.


I feel his cock hot against my thigh, still rock-hard, still pulsing with need against my skin. I gasp as he pushes me back against the desk, easing me back onto it until I’m sitting on the edge of the thick wood with my legs spread for him and his fingers rubbing maddening circles around my clit. I reach out and wrap my fingers around him and look up into his eyes as I start to stroke him, feeling
fucking naughty and so


And right there I know there’s no denying this anymore. There’s no pretending what we’re doing is somehow “okay”, so long as I stick to these arbitrary rules I’ve set for myself.


No fucking
; yeah right. Because everything else we’ve done is totally fine. Everything else like masturbating for each other, or sucking his cock until he shoots his cum across my tongue under the President’s desk is somehow fine so long as we don’t actually have sex?


Just to make things more complicated,
we already have
. Just to make it that much harder to say no to him, I
what he feels like inside of me, and I
how fucking incredible it is and how nothing else in the world could possibly compare to the feeling of Hunter Ryan sliding deep inside of me.


That right there breaks my final rule. Right there, with my legs spread for him, and his mouth on my neck, and his finger swirling again and again around my clit, I let the rest of my trappings of normalcy shatter to the ground around me.


Because I


I raise my lips to his ear, gasping as his finger rolls over my clit. “
Fuck me,
” I whisper out, and I bite my lip as I feel his whole body freeze, his cock pulsing a beat in my hand. 


He pulls back from me, his eyes blazing, and suddenly he’s kissing me, making me moan as his lips bruise across my own. I pull him by the cock towards my heat, whimpering into his lips as I feel him slide against me.


“Wait, put one on.”


He grins as he pulls back from me. “You sure?”


Hell no
. Not in the slightest fucking bit. Truth be told, I want to feel
him inside of me. I want to feel every bare, hot inch of him driving into me again and again, but I’m not that crazy.


I can feel my cheeks blush as I look up at him. “Please tell me you have one.”


Hunter raises a brow and smirks at me. “I don’t know, princess, this sure sounds a lot like begging.”


I feel my breath catch as he teases the head of his cock across my clit. “I am


,” he growls, letting his cock brush teasingly over me and making me shudder. “You know you want to beg me to slide every inch of this cock deep inside of you and make you come again and again.” He leans in and draws my bottom lip between his, sucking at it before letting it pop from this lips. “You want to feel me
inside you when you come, don’t you, you naughty girl.”


He’s got me almost ready to come just from his words and that teasing feel of his cock against my clit. And he’s
, of course. I know if he suggests it one more time, I’ll give in. If he teases me for another second with this, I’ll
my stepbrother to fuck me bare without a condom on in the freaking Oval Office.


But he doesn’t, and he pulls back for a second; thank


“You’d think there’d be one in this desk.”


I wrinkle my brow. “Ew?”


He laughs. “No, not from your mom, Jesus. I mean from other Presidents. C’mon, we’re
the first two people to be naked in this office.” He winks at me as he leans in and sucks my earlobe between his lips. “But don’t you worry, I’m betting we’re the first two step-siblings to do it.”


I groan.
, why does that get me even hotter? It should be gross, and crude, and dirty, and it
all those things, but they’re just making me wetter.


Hunter reaches back for his jacket and pulls a foil packet from the pocket as he winks at me.


“Ew, you seriously carry one around in your jacket like that?”


He grins as he tears it open and start to roll it down over his impressive size. “With the prospect of you dropping those hang-ups of yours and letting me do exactly this?” He leans in and kisses me, hard. 


yes,” he growls as he pulls away. “Of course I was carrying one around.”


I moan as he moves back against me, sliding the head of his thick cock up and down my lips and making me tremble as I grab him by the tuxedo shirt still hanging off his shoulders. I’m sprawled out across the desk, my skirt around my waist, my breasts spilling out and my hair fanned loose and wild around my face. I just don’t care. I feel wild and unhinged; free and crazy and
for this. 


I’m ready for


He starts to slide inside, and I cry out, just like I did the first time. He rocks all the way in, driving
inside and making me feel so full and making me gasp as I rake my fingers down his chest. He groans and pulls out before diving back in, his hands grabbing my ass and rocking against me as he slides in. 


Doing this with him is like a drug, and I
it. I’ve needed it and needed to feel him inside me again ever since that first time in the dark strange room. I’ve needed to feel him drive in like he
me ever since that night, and needed to see the way he looks at me when he does it like I’m the most incredible thing he’s ever seen.


Just like he’s doing now.


“We’re going to get caught,” I moan out as he fucks me, my head falling back against the desk and my hands clutching at his shirt as he pounds into me, driving deep with determined strokes. 


“No we’re not.”


“We could,” I gasp out, feeling my body start to seize up as he fucks me right towards that sweet release.


Hunter slides his knee up on the desk and eases us back until he’s leaning right over me, never stopping in his thrusts as he leans into my ear. “And I bet that turns you on even more, doesn’t it?”


I whimper, feeling his shaft drag across my clit with every thrust.




” I cry out, feeling the last shreds of my sanity start to shatter around me.


I can hear him smirk into my ear, “
Dirty girl.


And that does it.


I moan loudly, so much louder than I should, as I feel him drive deep inside, and then I’m crashing right over the edge. Hunter rocks in deep, and I let go, feeling my body go to pieces around him. His cock
deep inside me as he roars and lets go with me. Right there on top of the Oval Office desk, with my skirt around my waist and my pearls cascading across my neck, with the last man on Earth I should be with buried deep inside of me, we both
let go.




Holy shit.


We’re still panting, and grinning at each other. My mind is still flying through fucking space, but I do know one thing: fucking Maddie is like putting myself back together. 


I’ve fucked a hundred girls, but it’s never…it’s just never
like that. It’s fucking perfect.
perfect; a perfect fit like her pussy was
for my cock. Like she was made for


In the afterglow of it, she’s lying there, panting like a perfect,
impossibly sexy
hot mess. She’s gorgeous and tousled, stretched out across the Resolute desk with her chest rising and falling in a slowing rhythm. The creamy swells of her breasts heave as she catches her breath and I’m still buried inside of her, her pussy  clenching me tightly with every beat of her heart.


I’m still rock fucking hard. This girl’s already made me come twice in a row and I could still fuck her again right now.


But she sits up, and suddenly she’s all business as her eyes dart quickly to the door, then back to me. 


“We need to get out of here.”


I grin and lean in to kiss her neck. “Relax, I’ll hear if anyone is coming.”


“Oh, like at the museum?” she says sharply.


I roll my eyes. “That was different,” I say, stepping away from her. She’s already fastening her bra and hiding those glorious tits away from me, which makes me frown as I start to pull the condom off.


Maddie looks at me in panic. “Wait, where are you going to put that?” Her voice is high pitched and jittery; I frown at her.


“I thought I’d put it inside the folder over there for the new healthcare bill, what do you think?”


She purses her lips together.  “This isn’t a joke.”


“I’m not laughing.”


, you are,” she says, buttoning her shirt back up and shooting me this
. “You’re still joking about this.”


I frown at her as I start to button my own. “No, I’m just not
freaking out


Her eyes blaze. “I am
‘freaking o—’”


“Yeah, you are, doll.” I sigh as I start to tuck the tails of my shirt back into my pants. “Relax, no one’s going to know you just got the fucking of your life on your mom’s big important desk.”

BOOK: Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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