Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance (30 page)

BOOK: Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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But she might.




“You’re jealous, aren’t you?


Maddie gasps as she jerks her head up to see me crouched on the edge of the pool, where she’s just come up from her lap. Yeah, like I said, the White House has a pool in the basement. 


” She sputters, pushing her hair back and wiping the water from her eyes.


“I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s kind of adorable how mad you got, but that
it, right?”


She shakes her head, “Get over yourself, I am no such thing.”


She reaches for the handrail to the ladder and starts to pull herself out of the pool.


“Sure you are, it’s obvious.”


She steps up the ladder and out of the pool, and my jaw drops just little bit. She’s dripping wet, and she’s wearing this hot, black bikini. 


Jesus, talk about a scandal:
“President’s Sexy as Sin Hot Daughter Caught Giving Heart Attacks In World’s Skimpiest Bikini: Hottest Thing To Ever Happen At The White House?”


I’m aching my brow at her, freely letting my eyes roam over her body as she goes red and rolls her eyes before she snatches the towel out of my hand. 


“What do you
, Hunter?”


“Oh, me?” I grin, “Nothing, I just wanted to let you know I’d figured out your little possessive jealousy problem.”


“You are
an ass,” she mutters, pushing past me as she wraps the towel around her body. She shoves the door to the women’s changing room open and waltzes inside. I start to follow before she jerks her head around and glares at me. 


“Where do you think you’re going?”


“I’m not done talking with you.”


She sighs heavily. “Don’t you have a job to do?”


“Not anymore, remember?” 


She rolls her eyes, “How about a
to attend to?”


I grin broadly. “And here I was thinking you weren’t jealous.”


“I’m not
you ass, I’m just allergic to douchebags.” She marches into the locker room, and I follow.


“I’m going into the steam room, so fuck off, okay?” She says, storming away from me once we’re inside. She’s heading for the glass door of the sauna. I shrug and start to unbutton my shirt and she rolls her eyes. 


“Oh my God, you’re incorrigible.”


I strip all the way down to my briefs, fully aware that little miss wants-nothing-to-do-with-me is standing there watching me the whole time. I look up and wink at her as I start to pull on my boxer briefs just to get a rise out of her. Which of course, works; she makes this
sound and whirls to the sauna.


I follow.


It’s hot, and the air is thick as we sit on the wooden benches inside. “So, that’s it then?”


“What are you talking about?” She spits out, sitting on the far side of the bench away from me, which is almost a cute gesture considering the whole room is hardly bigger than a bathroom.


“I’m talking about you being jealous.”


“Hunter,” she says, leveling her eyes at me, “I am


“She’s an ex.”


I don’t care
. I’m not jealous.”


I grin as I start to slide towards her on the bench, seeing her stiffen and tug the towel tighter around herself. 


“Sure you aren’t,” I say, moving closer. “The idea of me fucking someone else doesn’t get you…” I trail off as I see the spark in her smoldering green eyes. I grin widely, “I like you mad.”


mad,” she hisses out.


“It’s sexy.”


“I am


Yeah, she’s mad.
I can see it rippling there beneath the surface, see it flaring up in her eyes as she glares at me, and see it in the way her chest flushes pink and how she grips the towel tight across her wet, practically naked body.


I move even closer, “I like you fired up.”


“I’m n—”


“Right. Not mad,” I say lowly, cutting her off as I reach up to push a strand of wet hair behind her ear. I let my other hand rest on her bare knee, and I watch her eyes flutter for a moment as she sharply takes in a breath of air. I let my hand trail higher to the edge of her towel, and she


“I’m not
fired up
,” she gasps in a whisper.


I push my hand right under her towel, and she’s subtly opening her legs, letting my fingers wander all the way up until I find the soaking wet heat of her pussy through her bikini bottoms. I growl as I stroke my fingers across her, seeing her body shudder with a halted breath as the flush spreads across her chest and face.


“I beg to differ,” I say, pushing her suit to the side and letting two fingers spread her open as I trail a third across her opening. “You’re so wet for me.”


“It’s the pool,” she says quietly, her eyes flashing at me as she bites at her lower lip.


“Uh-huh, so is this,” I growl, taking her hand and placing it on the raging hard-on in my lap.


“I thought it’s supposed to get smaller in the pool,” she says with a small grin.


I lean closer, easing into her neck and letting my lips brush across her earlobe. “I didn’t go in. But somehow, doll, I don’t think it could ever get small around you.”


Her breath catches and she chews her lip. “I’m not jealous,” she says weakly.


“Just like you’re not dripping wet for me right now, right?”


“Uh-huh, exactly,” she croaks out, and then she gasps as I slide my finger deep inside her. She moans, and her hand on my lap starts to tug at the waist of my shorts before she reaches inside and wraps her fingers around my cock.


“Uh-uh, princess,” I say, nipping at her ear. “I want to hear you admit you were jealous.”


“Why’s that,” she says haltingly, letting her head fall back as my lips move across her collarbone.


“Call it a power trip.”


“Well, I wasn’t, because that would be ridiculous.”


I start to lower her back on the wooden sauna bench, and with a growl, I pull her towel away and let it drop behind her. The beast inside of me roars at the sight of her spread out like this for me. I reach down and hook my fingers into the sides of her bikini as I start to pull it down over her hips and down her thighs. She allows me to slip it off her feet, blushing, and I groan as my eyes lock onto the perfect, wet slit of her pussy.


Maddie cries out as I lean down and let my tongue trail across her hip, my fingertips teasing up the inside of her thighs until she’s shaking with need. But I don’t touch her there; not yet.


“You know, I can tease you for a
long time, princess,” I growl into the soft skin of her thigh, hearing her moan.


Oh God
— What do you want, you bastard?” She says in a whimper, her hips arching in vain towards my teasing mouth.


“Tell me you were jealous of me, and acting possessive, and that you want me entirely to yourself.”


“I— No—”


I blow a stream of air across her lips, letting my finger trace the crease of her thigh
next to her soaking wet pussy. She shudders, “
, fine, yes.”


“Yes what?” I say with a grin, drawing it out and planting my lips wetly on the top of her thigh.


” she gasps. “Yes, I was jealous.”


it is, and
when I let my tongue slide hotly into her pussy and drag up to her clit. 


Madison cries out, her hips practically jolting off the bench as my tongue brushes her clit. “
Yes, I want you all to myself.”


I growl as I spread her legs wide and eat her with everything I’ve been holding back. I’m curling my tongue around her clit and gently batting it with the tip while I slide a finger deep inside and curl it forward, as if coaxing the sounds of pleasure out of her one stroke at a time. 


Maddie’s going crazy, moaning and writhing for me. She’s pulling her bikini top off and letting her fingers wander up to her breasts where she pulls gently on her nipples as my tongue dances across her clit. I slide lower, letting my thumb take over on her clit as my tongue pushes deep inside to taste her sweet honey. I feel a wicked grin stretch my lips as I let my mouth drop lower.


Maddie squeals as my tongue slides over the tight ring of her ass, her whole body jumping as if touched by a live wire.


“What— Holy
,” she gasps as I let my tongue brush over her again before moving back to her clit and latching my lips around it. I let my thumb dip down and brush against her ass as I tongue her clit and curl my fingers inside of her pussy.


“Oh my God,
,” she moans, her hands sliding into my hair as her hips shake beneath me. She’s writhing for me exactly how she does in my fantasies, moaning and gasping as I drive her slowly, but surely, to that edge.


“Wait,” she gasps out, pushing me away. “Wait, hang on.”




It’s her turn to grin wickedly as she sits up and pushes me back. “I want a taste too.”


She yanks my shorts the rest of the way off, and her eyes go soft with this sort of
look in them as she lets her tongue dance out to wet her lips. She bends down and wraps her fingers around the base of me, giving my cock a tentative stroke. Her eyes lock with mine, and it’s everything I can do not to come right there and then as she slowly lets her tongue slip out and slide up the whole underside of me. 


I’m watching in
as she slowly opens her lips at the top and just lets them
down over my head, until I’m groaning in pleasure as those
, pouty pink lips swallow me up.


But fuck if I’m done with her either.


She squeals again, giggling as I sit up, grab her, and spin her around, pulling her legs around until her knees are astride my head. 


“Oh my
,” she moans, as I pull her down onto my mouth, pushing my tongue deep inside of that sweet, heavenly pussy. She drops her head back down, her lips wrapping around my cock as I drag my tongue over her clit again and again, my hands grabbing her ass, holding her tight against my mouth. 


She’s rocking her hips faster and faster on my tongue, her cries of pleasure muffled and rumbling through my cock as she bobs her mouth up and down my shaft. I wrap my lips tight around her clit and let my tongue dart across it again and again and again, until suddenly she’s pulling off of me and dropping her cheek to my thigh as she cries out and goes to pieces above me. I tongue her through her orgasm, drinking down her honey, letting her come down slowly as her body shudders on top of me.


She’s panting as she lifts her head and starts slide her lips back over my cock, and those lips are fucking
, but I pull her off as I sit up.




“‘What’ is I’m going to fuck you,” I growl, my eyes flashing into hers. “I’m going to fuck you right here and right now, and this time, I’m going to do it with nothing between us.”




Holy shit


BOOK: Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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