Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance (32 page)

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His tongue makes its journey again and again, making me moan. And then he’s getting bolder, and I gasp as I feel his tongue tease across my ass, making me shiver. It’s only a tease, and his tongue slides back to my clit, but the naughty reverberations of it are still ricocheting through my body as I feel myself move for him.


I can feel his finger slide across my ass then, and suddenly I can feel it teasing


“Woah,” I say, catching my breath. “What are you doing?”


“I told you,” he growls, his voice deep and tugging at my insides. He lets his tongue slip across my clit and I shiver. “I want
of you, Maddie. I going to make
of you mine.”


“Yeah, but—”




His tongue flicks my clit again and I whimper as his finger
circles my asshole, sending new, powerfully erotic sensations flooding through me. 


“I’m not going to hurt you, darlin,” he says lowly, kissing my thigh. “But you have to trust me.” 


His hands slide across my ass as his lips kiss up my thigh, and my eyes flutter shut as I let the feel of him flood over me. 


I nod, “I trust you.”


And I do. I trust him not to hurt me, or not to push me if I don’t want to be pushed. I trust that
he does to me makes me feel — and
— bigger and harder than I ever have before. And I might be
about this being new, but I’m not


Not with him.


I bite my lip as I arch my back and push my ass back towards him in response, and I hear him swear under his breath as he growls. 


His mouth drops back to my pussy, his tongue curling around my clit as his finger, now wet from his mouth returns to my ass. He’s teasing me with his finger as he works his tongue across my pussy. He’s not rough, and he doesn’t rush it, he just teases around the outside, just enough to make me shiver and moan at how illicit and dirty this is, and how fucking
it makes me.




I’m putty for him, whimpering into the pillow, feeling my whole body melt under his fingers and his tongue as he pushes my limits and pushes me towards that sweet release. I feel him move away from me, and I’m about to beg him to come back when I feel his cock rock hard against my pussy.


His thick, bare cock, ready to slide into me unprotected once again. And when he slides easily into me, his finger stays there teasing my asshole as I gasp and grab the sheets in my fists.


He fucks me slowly this time, crouching above me and driving down deep into me; making me his and making me bite the pillow to keep from screaming in pleasure. The finger teasing circles around my ass slowly begins to center, and wet from his mouth, he starts to push.


Oh my God…


I moan deeply, the sound almost primal as I feel his finger start to slide into the place I’ve never had anyone. And it’s strange, and new, but as he continues to fuck me with slow, deliberate strokes and rubs my clit with his other hand, I can feel the newness morph into something


I’m clawing at the edges of my sanity as the sensations of being so
and the jaw-dropping dirtiness of it all starts to wash over me. What we’re doing is
fucking illicit, and so
, and his cock and his finger feel
fucking good, that it’s all I can do to even remember to breathe.


I’m on my knees, in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House, with my ass up in the air while my stepbrother fucks me with his big cock and slides a finger into my ass.


And I’m loving every second of it.


It’s wrong, and
, and so fucking naughty, and as his cock hits that sweet spot just inside again and again, and his fingers tease my clit in circle after circle, I know I’m going to go
over the edge at any second. 


When it hits, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Like a nuclear bomb going off. My whole body suddenly goes absolutely stiff and my mouth flies open in a silent scream before the world shatters around me. 


into the pillows, my whole body shaking and writhing under him as orgasm after orgasm roars through me. I’m coming again and again, literally clawing at the sheets and screaming my release into the bed as I feel him roar behind me. He drives in deep and then I  feel him throb within me as pulse after pulse of his hot cum erupts bare inside me.


I’m gasping for breath and feeling my vision swim as I collapse onto the bed, trembling in the aftershocks. But he’s there, moving to lay beside me, wrapping my shaking, shuddering body in his strong arms.


” I manage to mumble out, feeling his rumbling chuckle as he holds me close to him, enveloping me in his warmth.


“Told you you could trust me.”


I groan, nestling back into him as my pulse finally starts to approach something resembling normal. “Remind me to trust you like that more often.”




The gun ricochets in my hand, the thud of release echoing through my mind and bringing me right back to Baghdad. I squeeze slowly, pumping shot after shot down the length of the shooting gallery deep in the bowels of the White House. Trying to let the pent up frustration,  anxiety, and memories explode out the barrel and far away from me.


I don’t enjoy shooting because I like guns, I do this because it makes me remember things no one should really forget.


I reload and wind another paper target down the field, leveling the gun in front of my eyes and lining up before I pull back and hear the crack of release. 


Holding the weapon, and letting it be an egress for the traces of hate and rage and fear still rattling around inside of me keeps me sane on days like this. On days when the memory of that hell is a little stronger than usual, and the names of those I lost are etched in crystal clarity across my mind. I need to escape. 


Even if I never can, or should, forget.


When the third clip is empty, I lower the gun and safety it before putting it down on the table in front of me, letting the air in my lungs out in a thin stream.


“Is this why you called me down here?”


I grin broadly at the sound of her voice, even before I turn to see her leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. “Nah, just felt like seeing how fast you’d get down here if I texted you.”


She rolls her eyes. “You are
, sometimes, you know.”


“Yeah,” I grin, “I know. Thanks for coming down though.”


Truth be told, I wanted her here because on days like this when the demons come knocking at the door, it’s best for me not to be alone with them. And somehow Maddie Adams has this calming, soothing effect on me, I’ve realized.


Well, no, that’s a lie. She has a blood-pumping, hormone-spiking, erection-inducing effect on me, but I will
take that over regret and bad memories any day.


I nod at the gun.”Wanna take a few shots?”


Maddie gives me a look. “Do I seriously look like a gun person?”


I shrug. “You don’t look like a girl who would let me do
the things we’ve done.”


Middies blushes bright pink and rolls her eyes. “You’re the


I grin and step towards her. “I know, but you love it.”


She bats me away playfully. “Do


“I’ve got another gun you can play with down here if you want,” I say with a wink.


Maddie quickly darts her eyes up to the very obvious security camera in the corner of the room. “Hunter—”


I cough and downplay my move to pull her into me as just a playful ruffle of her hair instead. I
anyone’s, watching, but you never know. 


“Besides,” she says, “we have that thing.”


“Yeah,” I say, the sudden burst of ardor cooling as quickly as it flared up inside of me. “Yeah.”


The “thing” being the tour of the D.C. VA hospital, since Maddie’s picked that as one of the causes she wants to get behind. I mean, of course I’m going, and not just because
is, but it’s the reason the past is so fresh in my mind today.


I glance at the time. “Time to go, huh?”


“You don’t—” She gives me a soft look, her hand coming up to squeeze my arm. “You don’t have to come, you know. I


I shake my head. “Nah, it’s good for me to see it.”


It’s good because I don’t want to forget, because forgetting means failing those we lost all over again.


I smile at her as I hold out my arm. “Shall we?”




It’s raining when we leave and the wind cuts into us as we wrap our jackets closer and run to the waiting motorcade. The agents have barely shut the tinted-window door when Maddie grabs me by the collar and sears a kiss across my mouth. It’s not anything hot and heavy, or lusty, or anything like that. It’s sweet, and tender, and full of something fierce, and I’m suddenly losing myself in her as she holds me tightly.


“What was that for?” I say slowly when she pulls away from me.


“For being incredible, that’s what.”


I grin. “Well, I mean, preaching to the choir princess.”


Maddie rolls her eyes and pushes me playfully. “No, dummy, I just mean for being incredible in there. It was amazing to watch you talk to those guys after what you and them have gone through and seen.”


I nod slowly and watch the rain through the window as the car rolls through downtown D.C. 


“It’s not easy, but it’s important,” I say, echoing my thoughts from earlier. “It’s important to remember, so the ones that can’t aren’t ever forgotten.”


I turn back, and she’s staring at me with wonder in her eyes, shaking her head. “I’ve mentioned that it’s a huge turn on when you talk like that, right?”


I laugh as I kiss her, losing myself all over again in those lips of hers. “Let’s talk about
in there.”


She shrugs, “It’s just one of the charity things my mom set up.”


I shake my head. “Nope, sorry; you don’t get to downplay it that easy.”


“What do you mean?”


“I mean you were
in there.”


“Oh,” she makes a flippant gesture with her hand. “I just like talking to people.”


“Yeah, well you’re really fucking good at that.” I raise a brow at her. “Ever think about following mom’s footsteps and going into politics?”


Maddie snorts. “Yeah,


“Hey, I’m serious!” I grin, sliding close to her in the sequestered backseat of the SUV, draping an arm over her. “I think you’d be great.”


“It’s a broken system.”


“You could
it,” I murmur into her ear, letting my lips trail over her neck.


“You are
convincing, Mr. Ryan,” she says with a grin, letting her eyes close as she sighs at my kisses. “Maybe
the politician here.”


“Couldn’t do it,” I say quickly.

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