Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance (36 page)

BOOK: Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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“Sure we can. Like I said, it’s a big plane.”


The need for him is real. The hunger to taste his lips and feel his thickness driving inside of me has my blood roaring in my ears, but at the same time, I’m trying to tell myself how
of an idea this is.


it is.


“What if they come looking for us?”


Hunter rolls his eyes and nods towards the front of the plane, where Emma is typing frantically and Dexter is half-asleep with headphones on. 


“We’ll be fine. Oh, and Maddie?” He leans down as if grabbing something from his seat next to mine, but instead his hand slides under my skirt and brushes against my wet panties again. “You should probably just go ahead and leave these here.” He winks at me, “Five minutes.”


And then he’s strolling nonchalantly towards the back of the plane, leaving me breathing heavily with the wicked little thoughts tumbling through my head.


idea, really. There’s so much room for us getting caught in his plan that it’s insane to even think about. Sure, I want him, and I’d love to feel his hands and his mouth on me, but what he’s suggesting is




‘As in, mile-high club.’


I roll my eyes and try and push the thought of riding Hunter’s cock in the bathroom of the plane out of my head. 


, I tell myself, crossing my arms over my chest and fidgeting in my seat.
It’s a silly idea


Except it’s an idea that just won’t leave my head, and one that actually grows the more I try not to think about it. I’m imagining straddling his lap and sinking own on that big cock of his, and riding him while we cruise at thirty thousand feet. I picture him bending me over the sink and fucking me from behind, my hands against the mirror and my eyes locked on his through the reflection.




He’s too good at this. He’s too good at planting this little
inside my head and just letting it grow until I can’t resist it anymore. And here he’s gone and done it again, because before I know it, I’m glancing once more at the front of the plane before reaching under my skirt. 


My pulse is pumping at what feels like a million miles an hour as I slowly peel the panties down my legs, and even while I’m chiding myself for actually doing this, I’m stuffing them into my purse and smoothing my skirt as I stand.


I glance once more at the front of the plane, seeing that no one’s paying attention, before I turn and start to walk towards the back of the plane. I wring my hands together and it feels like
every eye
on the plane is burning into my back even though I know they aren’t even looking. 


But deep down, I know I love this. I love the thrill of it, the heady rush of adrenaline from always being on the brink of “being caught”, and I love the almost chemical rush I get from doing it with him.


Hunter opens the door right as I timidly knock, as if he knew I was there. I’m breathing heavily, standing there in the hallway for half a second almost like I’m still making up my mind if I’m actually going to do this, when he yanks me inside and shuts the door behind me. The next thing I know, I’m moaning as his mouth is on me in an instant, his lips crushing hard against my own as my body molds against his.


His hand slides up my leg, and I’m already trembling and gasping as his fingers find me wet and bare. He arches a brow at me as if surprised that I actually left my panties behind. 


“Good girl,” he murmurs into my ear, and I moan as he slips a finger inside of me. 


I could tease and be teased by him in this little bathroom for the whole five hour flight, but I
him inside of me, right then. I’m tearing at his belt and shoving his pants down before my hand curls around his cock, stroking him as his tongue slips into my mouth.


I’m pushing him away and grinning wickedly at him as I turn around and press my hands against the mirror, tossing my hair out of my face as I look back over my shoulder at him. 


“I need you to fuck me.” 


Hunter’s eyes flash with heat, his jaw tightening as he grips his cock in his hand and moves towards me. 


Fuck me
,” I husk out, feeling his hands slide over my ass and his cock press against the slippery wetness of my pussy. I look back at him once more, “Don’t be gentle.”


I cry out as I lurch forward, my hands splayed across the mirror as Hunter drives his cock balls-deep in me on the first stroke. He grinds against me, pressing the head of him deep inside before he pulls back, only to thrust in again. Pleasure rolls over me as he starts to drive into me again and again, his hands tight on my ass, holding my skirt around my waist as he buries that wonderful dick in me again and again.


His palm comes down across my ass, making me whimper and clench around him as the heat blooms across my skin. 


Oh fuck yes…
” I moan out, clawing at the glass under my nails as Hunter fucks me hard and fast. His hips are a blur as they slap against mine, his hands alternating between spanking my ass and teasing over the skin as he drives his big cock into me again and again, hitting that perfect sweet spot on every thrust.


This is madness, and utterly insane, but I can’t say no to any of it. This is wild, and explosive, and I know it’s only a matter of time before the whole thing blows up in our faces, but I know there’s no way I’m walking away from this. I’m lost in him, and I’m being consumed by him, and I’m pretty sure I love it.


I’m pretty sure I love—


I let that thought trail off as I feel his hands sliding around to run his fingers over my clit. I gasp as his fingers slide across my slippery lips, feeling the place where we join and letting his thumb roll across my clit. He’s straight up
me, slamming into me again and again like a man possessed, driving forward against the counter with every thrust and dominating me in a way that has my mouth hanging opening and my fingers barely holding on to that last ledge before I fall.


“I want to feel you come for me, Maddie,” he growls, leaving forward to husk the words into my ear. “I want to feel that sweet, tight little pussy come all over my cock, while I fuck you in this bathroom like a dirty, dirty girl.”


I barely manage to bury my mouth against my arm as the cry comes tearing out of me, and as he grinds deep, I feel the whole world sort to fall away around me.


“Come for me, Maddie,” he whispers. “My naughty girl.”


And that does it. The jolt of my climax freezes my body before I just
for him, feeling the electric roar of my orgasm tear through my body and explode out through the ends of my fingers and my toes. Hunter drives in deep one more time, and I feel his cock throbbing and pulsing as he releases his hot cum inside me. He throws his head back in a silent roar as he slams into me, emptying every drop in me.





And when we make our descent into San Francisco four and a half hours later, I don’t even feel the turbulence, or flinch when the wheels come down, or make a single peep as we touch down across the tarmac. 


Because I know there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.




I spend the last four and a half hours of the flight holding her hand.


What the
is going on with me?


I mean, sure, I’m also grinning away thinking about how I just fucked her brains out in the bathroom, but it’s more than that; a fucking
more than that. 


Because somehow when I wasn’t looking, this girl became everything to me. She’s somehow taken over my mind, and slipped her way inside my heart. I want to be crude and say it’s because she has a “magic pussy” or something even filthier about the fact that she’s not only
me, but
asked me
to take her ass twice more since that night in the Oval Office. 


I want to say this is just us having fun, and keep pretending that this is just fun, dirty, kinky sex between two people who happen to have a fun time with each other.


Those might be
of it, but I’d be a fucking idiot and a liar if I thought that was the whole story. Because it’s so much more than that.


It’s the fact that she’s the first thing I want to see when I wake up and the last thing before I fall asleep. It’s that I absolutely hate that I can’t really sleep in her room because that’s pushing it with the bodyguards and security and the scrutiny, and I hate that
are the kind of thoughts I’m having.


I’ve fucked a hundred women, and never once been
when I couldn’t
spend the night
. Hell, I’ve mostly been pissed when I felt like I
have to; always looking for an exit, a way out.


I’m not looking for an exit right now; not with her.




Part of me feels a pang of jealousy when we get to the hotel and I see all the other agents scoping the place out, running through plans with hotel security, and keeping an eye on things as we step from the motorcade and wave to the crowd of onlookers. 


None of them know, of course, that I could probably still smell Maddie’s pussy on my fingers from the quick fun we had in the backseat of the Escalade on the way from the airport. And I’m also betting none of them imagine that Maddie literally just finished swallowing a load of my cum not five minutes before we pulled up.


It’s amazing how much fun it is to know something everyone else doesn’t.


But yeah, there’s a little bit of jealousy watching these guys do the job I worked so hard to get. The job I gave up when Eleanor and my dad went public.


We check in, and I realize that Maddie and I get a whole fucking
of the hotel to ourselves, and that pang of regret somehow gets smoothed
over. Thirty minutes later, when I’m sneaking across the hall into her room, stripping down, and joining her in the shower, I’ve already forgotten about any sort of job-related bullshit.


Let ‘em sweep for bomb traces, and scope around for sniper spots, or double check egress plans; I’m
too busy sinking my cock inside of this girl to even
about that.


Except later, when we’re lounging on the bed, Maddie napping with her head on my chest and my hand stroking her hair, my mind
start to wander to other things again. Everything I don’t want to think about suddenly starts to bubble to the surface then, before I can shove it back down.


Because, yes,
right here is perfect. This moment in time right here in bed with Maddie’s cheek against my chest and her leg over mine as she breathes slowly in her sleep is
. But what happens when this thing hits the wall? In a few months, I know it it will.


In a few months, we’re not going to be “almost the first step-siblings” we’re
going to be step-siblings. Right now, we’re having fun, and pretending nothing can touch us, but as much as we don’t want to think about it, the wedding
change all that. Unofficially, the wedding between her mom and my dad is the end of everything we’re doing here. Because like it or not, Maddie and I, and whatever this thing is, has an expiration date.

BOOK: Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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