Secret Baby Complete Series Box Set (28 page)

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Chapter Twenty



The radio in the car was off as I drove to the police station. Silence was what I needed. My head was so muddled with too many thoughts. His cock splitting my legs wide open, his sculpted arms flexing as he fucked me hard. Why did Sawyer have to be so damn hot? Why did he have to be an outlaw? Could our worlds really work together? Could a relationship survive?


I didn't want to think about Sawyer anymore. I finally had a plan to keep the streets safe. I searched my purse in the passenger seat and pulled out the folded piece of paper. Weapon stashes, drug locations, and whorehouses. This was everything I needed to take down The Death Merchants. Or at least hurt them enough to get them to back down.


But doing this would give more power to the Rabid Dog MC. Like Sawyer said, “Lesser of two evils.” Sawyer might be a criminal but at least he didn't want a war. A battle that could cost hundreds of innocents their lives. The Mexicans had to be stopped.


Officer Moore met me in the parking lot of the station as I got out of my car. “What's going on, Officer?”


Moore fumbled around until he found the words. “Good morning, Sheriff. We got a call early this morning about a shootout with the Blacks and Mexicans.”


“How many dead?” I asked, locking my car and walking with purpose into the station.


“At least five. Two of them were a couple eating dinner at a restaurant across the street.”


My heart dropped. It had already begun. This plan needed to go into effect right away. “Moore, I need everyone here today. I mean
We're going to raid the Mexicans.”


“What about...the shooting, Sheriff?” Moore stuttered.


“We already know who did it. Not much we can do there. Send two guys over to process the crime scene. The rest need to be here.”




The raid turned out to be the biggest in Sacks County history. Millions of dollars of drugs were confiscated, weapons were taken off the street, illegal whorehouses were shut down. Twenty Death Merchant members were arrested. Our jail was filled to capacity and the judge was going to have a full plate.


The mayor held a press conference and this time I wasn't nervous as I took the stage. My position as Sheriff was confirmed and the people believed that I could really turn things around in this town. But what about Sawyer and I?


A few days passed and I hadn't heard from him. My body longed for him and touching myself at night was the only way to relax. Was he just using me for my position? Now that the Mexicans were dealt with, was our business transaction over? Should I try and contact him? Too many questions and no answers.

Chapter Twenty-One



The Mexicans were pretty much done with. Between the cops and the Blacks, they were almost completely decimated. The Death Merchants were far from out though. Other chapters would come to their rescue to defend their territory but they wouldn't be bothering us for much longer. The Rabid Dog MC was stronger than ever.


I thought I could forget about Charlotte and move on. Focus on the MC. I was the President now and I couldn't afford the distractions. But that bitch was stuck in my skull. Her soft lips against mine and my hard cock inside her was an unforgettable image.


After a meeting with the MC, everyone filed out and Cole stayed behind. “Everything going okay, Prez?”


“Things couldn't be better. I can't believe we were able to take down The Death Merchants.”


Cole slapped me on the back. “You did good, Sawyer. We tried to work with the Mexicans during my time but there were too many differences between us. I'm glad it was you at the head of the table instead of me. Barely any blood was spilled. That's something to be proud of.”


“That means a lot coming from you. I always tried to think of what you would do in each situation.”


Cole laughed. “Well I think you did better than me, kid. But I think there's more going on in that head of yours.”


Cole could see straight through me. He had known me since I was a high-school troublemaker. I sighed. “I can't settle some things in my mind.”


Cole sat down at the meeting table and I joined him at the head. “Take my advice, Sawyer, don't be like me and let the girl of your dreams pass you by. You're hardwired to fuck and forget but you don't want to be my age and wishing you did something different.”


“Fuck and forget...God damn, Cole, I tried to forget so hard.”


“Some people are meant to be forgotten. Others aren't. She sounds like a chick who shouldn't be forgotten. Now go get the fucking girl before I swoop in and steal her from you.” Cole pretended to jab me with his left hook in slow motion.


“Yeah I get the idea. Thanks for the advice.” We embraced and brushed off each other's leather cuts. “I'm glad you stayed, Cole. This club still needs you.”


He looked down at his leather gloves. “We'll see how long these old decrepit hands will let me ride.”


The chaos and confusion in my head was slowly clearing away. Cole was right. Why fight against my feelings. I asked Big Mike for a shot of whiskey to get some liquid courage. Time to go to the police station and take what's mine.


I walked outside and found Charlotte standing next to my bike. She was wearing her uniform but her brown hair was down, blowing in the wind. I watched the sun reflect off her pale skin and cursed at myself for waiting this long.


“I needed to talk to you, Sawyer,” she said, her fists clenched at her sides. Tears were in her eyes but her face was full of determination.


I put my finger to her lips. “Shh...” I took her in my arms and kissed her like it had been a thousand years since we saw each other last. She melted away against me and Charlotte was finally all mine.




The aroma of the barbecue was like heaven on earth. The long picnic table in the back of the clubhouse was surrounded by the entire MC. The table was set up with plates, forks, knives, and napkins. We each had a cold beer sitting next to us, freshly opened.


Claire raised her bottle. “Who the fuck would have ever believed that the law would be sitting at the table with us. You're a beautiful soul, Charlotte, and we're glad you can put up with Sawyer's fucked-up behavior.”


“Thanks so much, Claire,” Sawyer replied sarcastically.


I mouthed the words thank you to her as we all clinked our beers together. Big Mike brought over a big plate of steaks and we all dug in. The corn was fantastic and the meat was juicy and perfectly cooked. Sawyer kept eying me like I was his own piece of meat. That man had boundless energy. He already fucked me this morning and he'd have his way with me again tonight. I'd never known so many orgasms in my life. My body just reacted to him in a different way.


Leland and Constance sat at the opposite end with baby Isaac bouncing on Leland's knee. They looked like a real family. Maybe someday Sawyer and I could have that. But that would be far off in the future. For now, I was happy just to spend time with Sawyer.


When I moved here to become Sheriff, I was afraid of losing my friends and family. It was terrifying to start somewhere fresh. I didn't want my life to only become my career. But I had found something here I never expected—love.


Sawyer draped his arm over me and kissed me, his breath smelling of beer and cigarettes. I couldn't help but swell with pride. He was all for me.


I looked over at the other MC members and laughed to myself that I considered them enemies just a year ago. Now they were family.


The End

Read on for Bad Boy's Baby

Bad Boy's Baby

Copyright 2016 Michelle Hart


All Rights Reserved.


Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.


No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.




To Hell With Her...





A doctor doesn't have time for a baby.


When the hot-as-hell, Leland, lands on my operating table, I'm bound by my oath to save him.


I can't stand his cocky attitude and arrogant charm. He believes he's God's gift to women. All I can do is roll my eyes and refuse his advances.


But the blazing fire behind his eyes, his hard body against mine…






I wake up in the hospital after another bar fight and she's standing over me—tall, busty, and begging to be touched.


But she thinks her degree makes her better than me. To hell with her.


But her surprise makes me rethink everything. Can a bad boy really change?


Chapter One




My fingers danced around the rim of the shot glass. I lifted it up to eye level and swirled the clear brown liquid around. The shot of Jameson burned as it ran down my throat, warming my insides. I slammed the glass down on the bar and waved the bartender over.


Randy and I had known each other since we were boys. I remembered us playing cops and robbers in the trailer park, the old people yelling at us to keep it down. Those were carefree days. Now Randy owned the Stinky Goat and I joined the Rabid Dog MC. It's weird how things turned out.


“Want another, Leland?” Randy grunted, wiping the bar with a white towel. His long brown beard almost touched the floor.


I nodded and watched as he poured me another shot of whiskey. I nursed this one slowly, taking a few sips at a time. My head was already fuzzy and the room was spinning. Soon enough I'd be in the restroom puking my guts out into the nasty toilet. Maybe Janine's number was still scrawled up on the bathroom stall. I wouldn't mind licking that wet slit of hers again.


“Anymore and you won't be able to drive home,” Randy said.


I grinned stupidly. Randy knew me too well. “I think we passed that point a long time ago.” Randy smiled and left the bottle of whiskey next to me. filled my glass again and took another drag. The alcohol churned in my stomach.


“Who looks good tonight?” a voice to the side said to me


I looked over to find Sawyer sitting next to me at the bar. I wasn't sure if he'd been sitting there the entire time or not. He wore the same leather cut as me with a big Rabid Dog spider on the back. He ran his hand through his shoulder-length blond hair and scratched the stubble hugging his chin. Sawyer was the Vice President of the motorcycle club and he was the one that pushed me to become a prospect. Now I was a full-fledged member and there was no turning back.


I looked around the room at all the chicks. It was Friday night and the bar was almost half-full. The Stinky Goat had become a become a popular hangout over the years for outlaws and degenerates. Randy wasn't entirely pleased by the type of customers but he loved the cash it brought in.


I scanned through the crowd and recognized most of the women—that meant I'd slept with each and every one at least once or twice. I glanced back at Sawyer. “Looks a little boring tonight.”


“How about that one?” Sawyer pointed over my shoulder. My eyes followed his finger and landed on a brunette with tattoo sleeves.


“Been there already—twice.” I took another sip of whiskey and let the alcohol relax me.


“And that one?”


“She likes to call me Daddy in bed.”


Sawyer chuckled and seemed impressed. “Gotta love a girl that has Daddy issues.”


I could get any girl I wanted. It just came naturally to me. I had the uncanny ability to get panties to drop to the floor. I'd been neck deep in pussy ever since.


Sawyer put his hand on my shoulder. “Okay hot shit, how about that looker over there?”


I gazed over and locked eyes with a curly red head I'd never seen before. Her large round tits were pouring out of her under-sized bra and her short shorts stopped right at the bottom of her ass cheeks. She held a pool cue in her hands and bent over to take a shot. The view was glorious. I would definitely remember if I fucked her before.


“Now Sawyer, that is one chick I've never had.”


Sawyer slapped me on the back. “Go get em' champ.”


I lifted my butt off the bar stool and had to hold onto Sawyer to steady myself. My stomach was turning over and over again and it took all the willpower in the world to keep myself from throwing up. I took a deep breath and waited for the nausea to pass. I swaggered over behind the girl and slipped my hands around her waist.


I used my best line. “How about you come home with me and I'll show you a good time.”


She turned around and flushed, her chest heaving up and down. My pants tightened as my erection stiffened. This chick was smoking hot. She'd be moaning my name soon enough. Tonight was going to be fun.


A hand came down on my shoulder from behind. “You talking to my girl, motherfucker.”


Me? A motherfucker?
Nobody talked to me that way.


My hands left the girl's waist and I clenched my right fist. I spun around, swinging my elbow in the air until it connected with the man's face—except he stopped me. The guy was at least a foot taller than me, giant muscles breaking out of his tight shirt. I'd taken on bigger guys. The whiskey must have made me slow, because next thing I knew I was on the ground and his fists were pummeling my head. I tried to block as many of the blows as I could. Good thing about alcohol is that the more you drink, the less pain you felt.


I gathered myself and threw the attacker off me, slamming him into a table. Glasses of beer fell to the ground and shattered. Randy was yelling at me to stop but he knew it was hopeless. A crowd had formed around, cheering us on. Everyone loved a good bar fight. The MC had taken notice and they were taking bets. I better get a cut of the money after I smashed this little guy into the ground.


I stood up and wiped blood from my lips. This guy was going to pay. The girl we were fighting over looked right at me and gave me those doe eyes. A new fuel powered me. Taking her home and flooding her with my cum was the only thing keeping me going. I swung right and left, hitting him over and over again in the jaw. My knuckles became bloodied and broken. I wouldn't be able to take much more without permanently damaging my hands. I needed them for riding.


Sawyer threw me a beer bottle and I smashed it over the boyfriend's head, sending broken shards of glass flying. The man doubled over and fell to his knees. I used the opportunity to spit blood onto his head before ramming my knee into his face, knocking him on his back. I raised my hands over my head like a boxer winning the title.


I didn't even notice him grab a piece of the broken bottle.


Sharp, scolding pain hit my side and I screamed. I looked behind to find the boyfriend stabbing me again in the back. Another spike of pain and blood leaked out of me everywhere. My rage was uncontrollable. I swung around and broke the man's nose. The crunch was clearly heard throughout the bar. My vision was getting blurry and I was able to get one more punch in, dislocating his jaw. I fell to the ground, my own blood staining my white wife-beater. I'd won.


My MC came flying in, kicking and spitting on the boyfriend. They always had my back.


Randy bent down over me and whispered in my ear but I couldn't hear a thing. That redhead was going to feel every inch of me between her legs tonight. I went to claim my prize but everything went to black.

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