Secret Black Projects of the New World Order (11 page)

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Authors: Tim Swartz

Tags: #General, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Parapsychology, #Body; Mind & Spirit

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The Russian's continue to maintain their exotic weapon's systems. The cost to the Russian's unfortunately has been extremely high. Problems in the Russian economy could be because of the high cost of maintaining their defense system. The 3rd-generation Russian Jumbo Cosmospheres were first deployed in April 1981, in parallel with the first U.S. Space Shuttle mission.

Jumbo Cosmospheres are much larger than the 1st generation models, and use Electromagnetic Propulsion instead of rocket thrusters to move around. In 1984, Russian Jumbo Cosmospheres captured two communication satellites right after launch from U.S. Space Shuttle Mission #10. The Russians found anti-satellite missiles mounted on one satellite and dumped both satellites into useless orbits.


By now, you may be curious to know what form this energy takes and where it may be obtained from. You may also wonder why you have not heard of this startling disclosure before now. The answers to such questions are very simple:

• The energy is FREE ENERGY!

• It is available all around you —from the very air itself!

And the reason you have not been told






cause there is a massive conspiracy

afoot on the part of the military-indus-

trial complex to keep its existence a





"masses of asses," who it is felt, should

remain in total ignorance so that the

"corporate interests" can continue to rake in huge profits at the sake of life

and limb—mainly ours!


Chapter 10





Reports have surfaced that the Soviets have had confrontational encounters with UFOs and Extraterrestrials. After Mikhail Gorbachev dissolved in 1991 the KGB

top-secret intelligence administration, secret material from that department found its way to the CIA.

As reported by the authoritative magazine, Canadian Weekly World News, U.S.

intelligence obtained a 250-page file on the attack by a UFO on a military unit in Siberia. The file contains not only many documentary photographs and drawings, but also testimonies by actual participants in the events. One of the CIA representatives referred to this case as "a horrific picture of revenge on the part of extraterrestrial creatures, a picture that makes one's blood freeze."

According to the KGB materials, a low-flying UFO in the shape of a saucer appeared above a military unit that was conducting routine training maneuvers.

For unknown reasons, somebody unexpectedly launched a surface-to-air missile and hit the UFO. It fell to earth not far away, and five short humanoids with

"large heads and large black eyes" emerged from it.

It was stated in the testimonies by the two soldiers who remained alive that, after freeing themselves from the debris, the aliens came close together and then "merged into a single object that acquired a spherical shape." That object began to buzz and hiss sharply, and then became brilliant white.

In a few seconds, the spheres grew much bigger and exploded by flaring up with an extremely bright light. At that very instant, 23 soldiers who had watched the phenomenon turned into stone poles. Only two soldiers who stood in the shade and were less exposed to the luminous explosion survived.



The KGB report goes on to say that the remains of the UFO and the "petrified soldiers" were transferred to a secret scientific research institution near Moscow.

Specialists assume that a source of energy that is still unknown to earthlings instantly changed the structure of the soldiers' living organisms, having transformed it into a substance whose molecular composition is no different from that of limestone. A CIA representative stated, "If the KGB file corresponds to reality, this is an extremely menacing case. The aliens possess such weapons and technology that go beyond all our assumptions. They can stand up for themselves if attacked."

The March 31, 1997 issue of Defense Weekly ran the story, "Air Force organizes for offensive info war." According to the article, the US Air Force has created the position of deputy director for information operations. An "Offensive Information Warfare" division will be created under the new deputy director. The division will have the organizational code AF/XOIOW and will be headed by Lt. Col. Jimmy Miyamoto.

Offensive information warfare, which implies attacks on both military and civilian targets, is among the least discussed aspect of the Air Force's moves to organize, train and equip the service for information dominance, the article admits.

The new information Operations office will coordinate with the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. New research efforts are under way to support this new program, including: Lethal HPM munitions.

The USAF Office of Scientific Research is working on developing a small affordable laser and high-powered microwave for unmanned aerial vehicles such as the ones possibly being tested at Groom Lake Complexes (Area 51) in Nevada, General Aerodynamics facility by El Mirage Dry Lake, north of McDonnell-Douglas radar cross-section site near Llano, California. These vehicles would be used to perform a variety of missions, including enemy communications 88


and computer systems monitoring.


Software viruses are being developed to be placed or injected into enemy weapons and information links. These viruses would remain dormant until activated by satellite, aircraft radar, or jamming equipment, etc. When activated, the virus would render the equipment useless, or better yet, "there could be a very subtle change for a finite period of time." A country's entire computer network could be completely destroyed by the careful insertion of one or more destructive viruses.

Defense against a computer virus is almost hopeless because of the ever growing types of virus being developed. As soon as you come out with an anti virus program, there is a new generation of viruses in which there is no cure.

The article describes a quasi-information warfare/psychological operations program that was first discussed in the Air Force after Desert Storm. Holographic projection involves projection of a three-dimensional holographic image in project decoys, or even an "angry god" (religious imagery) above the battlefield.

The Pentagon had listed the holographic projections openly as part of its

"non-lethal" weapons program. However, since 1994, the program has disappeared from view, evidently now a "BLACK" effort, says Defense Week. In conclusion, the article states that the Army's JFK Special Warfare Center and School in late 1991

disclosed that it was looking to develop a PSYOPS Hologram System with a capability to "project persuasive messages and three-dimensional pictures of cloud, smoke, raindroplets, buildings. The use of holograms as a persuasive message will have worldwide application."


Chapter 11





In 1984, President Reagan in a public address deliberately, or inadvertently, let slip the remarks that the world may one day unite to fight a threat from outer space. This was followed by a series of subsequent remarks during the latter days of his term of office. The basic information revealing the existence of Operation Majestic-12, the crashed UFOs, alien beings, and their secret bases within the United States, was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act from the files of the CIA, NSA, FBI, State Department, and the U.S. Air Force.

These documents reveal the "Above Top Secret" nature of Operation Majestic-12.

They also verify that the scientific discovery of all time has been hidden from the people of Earth, and that both communications and relationships with extraterrestrial alien beings have already been achieved. The belief that the secret government has built underground bases is widespread within the UFO/conspiracy community. Rumor has it that some of these bases were given over to extraterrestrials by the hidden government.

There is no denying that secret underground bases do exist. In the book, Underground Bases and Tunnels, author Richard Sauder reveals that several such facilities have become public knowledge following the fall of the USSR, including Mt. Weather in Virginia. What may be surprising to some is that the facility at Mt.

Weather, established as an emergency White House, is under the administration of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

A 1989 article in the U.S. News and World Report stated that FEMA and the Pentagon administer some 50 secret underground command posts, including Mt.

Weather, and a Pentagon backup facility called "Raven Rock" or "Site R" near the Maryland-Pennsylvania border. This site is relatively near the presidential retreat

"Camp David," which is thought to possibly have its own underground complex.

Sauder points out that if such a complex exists, it is at least conceivable that the two underground complexes may be linked. However, that is only speculation.



Part of the difficulty one has in trying to unravel this mystery is that it has become linked with national defense. Most of the early underground facilities were apparently connected to our nuclear testing program, with some more complex plans outlining deep storage MX missile silos. Some of those plans include mechanical borers that would tunnel to the surface through the rubble of a nuclear attack, pulling a MX

missile behind them. Once the borers reach the surface they move out of the way and the missiles they have in tow could be fired in retaliation.

These are doomsday scenarios that are the stuff of science fiction, and appear to only scratch the surface of what has been proposed over the past four decades. Sauder reveals that the U.S. Intelligence community became aware of a tunnel system beneath Moscow that leaders of that country could use to survive a nuclear attack. This became known in the early 1960s, and it could reasonably be speculated that efforts soon got underway to construct such facilities for the leadership of the United States.

However, to be effective these facilities had to be completely secret. To accomplish this, technologies had to be developed to construct such underground facilities, and methodologies had to be developed that would allow their construction to remain unnoticed by those who live nearby.

To understand the significance of what can be done, one only has to look as far as the Greebrier Hotel, in White Sulphur Springs, WV. When the story broke in 1992, only six Members of Congress were aware of the construction of living quarters, meeting rooms, banks of computers, and communications equipment installed in an underground complex at the Hotel. The entrance to this facility was protected by two 20 ton blast doors, and had been designed to house Members of Congress in the event of an attack. One can only speculate how Members would be notified of the need to travel to the mountains of West Virginia in case of an emergency.



Not only do these facilities exist, but also, they are able to exist beneath a community without its knowledge. As outlined by Sauder, technologies have been suggested that seem more like "Buck Rogers" than current capabilities would seem to allow for. A 1974 Bechtel report included such proposed boring techniques as

"Plasma," "Microwaves," "Electron Beam Gun," and "Electrical Disintegration."

This is not idle speculation from a think tank. Sauder's research showed patents had been issued to the US Atomic Energy Commission and the US Energy Research and Development Administration for Subterrene technology.

There is no record of its construction, but the borer (vehicle) would use a liquid metal cooled atomic reactor to generate enough heat to melt its way through rock, just as a worm moves through soil, leaving a glass surfaced tunnel in its wake. Again, this sounds like science fiction, but it appears that some of this technology is already patented. It should be noted that the U.S. Patent office issues patents on viable technology, and not on what "might" be possible.

This, of course, leads to further speculation about vast tunnels that have been created, linking unknown underground bases. If the secret underground bases have been built, such tunnels are certainly possible, but Sauder admits that they would be part of a "black budget" technology and details aren't available.

One proposed defense plan called for the creation of several hundred miles of tunnels in the western states. However, there is no record of those plans being carried out. Some projects outlined on paper would create facilities more than a mile and a half below the surface, but again there is no information detailing if these projects were actually completed.


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