Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives--Willow (3 page)

BOOK: Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives--Willow
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When she remained rooted to the spot, he slid his fingers through hers and tugged her into the room before kicking the door shut behind them.

“It's all about relaxation and letting go of your everyday stresses,” Seb said, while his thumb caressed the back of her hand.

She let out a huff of laughter. “Nice try. It looks to me more like a prelude to sex.”
Of course it was.
The only question was would she go through with it or not?

“No, the sex is optional.” His wicked grin scrambled her senses. Optional? Was he serious? “I'm offering you the ultimate stress reliever tonight and that's

The graphic vision of Seb's hands on her body filled her mind.
No sex?
Every guy she'd ever dated couldn't wait to get to the sex part. Then again, she wasn't dating Seb. How many times did she have to remind herself of that?

“Sounds tempting.” Her voice was breathless. She resisted the urge to wrap her arms around his neck and to hell with the no sex part. She was so damn horny even the thought of him touching her caused liquid heat to trickle from her pussy.

He tugged her ponytail free and slowly speared his fingers through her hair. Erotic swirls of pleasure radiated from wherever his fingertips touched, sinking into her blood and stealing her ability to think.

She swayed towards him. But he didn't take the hint and drag her into his arms. He appeared determined to drive her out of her mind, by simply massaging her head.

“How does that feel?” His voice was smoky and weaved into her senses, more potent than the cognac she could still taste on her tongue.

“Good.” She wanted to sound sultry but the word was a desperate croak. She gripped her dress before she was tempted to grip his shirt. “You have magic fingers.”

“You've not seen anything yet.”

Was he going to use those magic fingers on every part of her? Her clit throbbed at the notion and she shuddered with hope. He smoothed her furrowed brow and she sighed, relaxing beneath his ministrations.

Damn man was seducing her chakras one by one.

He caressed her cheekbones, sweeping upwards and then around the curve of her ears and down the column of her throat. She swallowed and her eyes fluttered shut. She'd never much liked guys touching her face. But with Seb she couldn't get enough of it.

“Look at me.” His whispered command brooked no denial. “I want to see you watch me, Willow.”

His words were surprisingly arousing. Almost as arousing as the intense look on his face as he gazed at her.

Without breaking eye contact, he slowly undid the tiny pearl buttons on the front of her dress and then slid the narrow straps over her shoulders. Her dress slithered to the floor and pooled at her feet and Seb's hot gaze raked over her mint lacy bra and matching skimpy French knickers.

He'd seen her wearing bikinis plenty of times at the beach and pool, but she'd never felt so deliciously exposed before. With nothing to grip onto, she pressed her sweaty palms against her thighs. “Are you going to make me stand up all night?”

His fingertips glided up from her wrists to her shoulders, igniting nerve endings she never even knew existed before. “I was going to wait until your knees gave way.”

She laughed, a breathless sound, and even that had the power to ratchet up the tension sizzling through her blood. “Trust me, they're close.”

Before she realised his intention he swept her up into his arms. She gasped and wound her arms around his neck. God, he smelled good enough to eat. She licked her lips and leaned in close, but before she had the chance to taste he lowered her onto the bed.

In the flickering light from the candles he looked strangely primitive looming over her. And why was he still fully dressed? That wasn't fair.

“Roll over.”

She blinked. “Seriously?”

He flexed his fingers. She stared at them, mesmerised. “Totally.”

She rolled over and wriggled into the antique bedspread, trying to ease the throb between her thighs. The bed dipped as Seb knelt by her side before swinging one leg over, trapping her hips between his knees.

The hard ridge of his erection pressed against her butt. She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut. Was he doing it on purpose? Of course he was. He had to be. Maybe he wanted her to beg.

With practiced ease he unhooked her bra. She tensed, waiting for his touch. Finally, just when she couldn't stand the suspense any longer, his fingers pressed into her rigid muscles.

She sighed and sank deeper onto the bed. The evocative aroma of jasmine and rose essential oils drifted around her in a sensual cloud, enhancing the subtle scent of the candles. The oil warmed her skin, magnifying every sensuous touch of Seb's fingers. She was floating in a cocoon of sensation, on a precipice of boneless rapture.

He glided down her body, causing untold pleasurable havoc as he sculpted the curve of her waist and hips. He shifted down the bed until he straddled her calves, and palmed her arse.

She groaned; a sound of tortured bliss.

“That good?” Seb hooked his fingers into the be-ribboned band of her knickers and slowly tugged them over her butt.
He was looking at her naked butt.
A shiver skimmed the length of her spine and an incessant throb tormented her swollen clit.

Good? It hardly covered the way she was feeling.

“You're killing me.” Her words were muffled against the pillow and she squirmed helplessly as with deliberate restraint he pulled her knickers down her legs and over her feet.

“I've not finished yet.”

“Oh fuck.” She buried her face in the pillow as he rubbed the cheeks of her arse, spreading her wide open for his dark gaze. No guy had ever done this to her before. Every time she squirmed he used the pressure of his palms to push her down on the bed, an unbearable friction because it just
wasn't quite enough.

With one hand across her arse keeping her in place, he stroked the back of her thighs and calves. She wriggled and clutched the bedspread but he was relentless. Breathless whimpers escaped, and she could do nothing about it. All he was doing was massaging her legs and her whole damn body was on fire.

He leaned over her back, his hands at her waist. “Over you go.” His voice was raw with need and she struggled to roll over before he changed his mind. He tossed her bra across the room, kneed her thighs apart and dipped his head.

What the fuck?
Was he going down on her? She threaded her fingers through his hair but he didn't look up at her. Didn't say a word. He just cradled her hips and pushed the tip of his tongue against her sensitised clit.

Sanity fled. Her hips bucked and she gripped his hair. His tongue pressed harder, an unbearable pressure of heat and wet. Her eyes closed and back arched and beyond the thunder of her heart the first ripples of orgasm claimed her quivering pussy.

Her body convulsed. Erratic shivers raced over her damp skin. Seb's tongue and lips worshipped her clit, wringing every last possible shudder from her spent body.

After forever, her nerveless fingers finally released his hair and flopped onto the bed. He slowly lifted his head. There was a look of feral possessiveness on his face.

It caused another exhausted spasm to claim her core.

He leaned over her and planted his fists either side of her shoulders. His warm breath, with the faintest trace of her musky scent, brushed her face. She trailed a shaky finger along the line of his jaw, but before she could fully enjoy the feel of his rough stubble against her fingertip, he braced his weight on one hand and roughly pinned her arm over her head.

“Don't touch.” It was a sexy growl that sent raw desire spiralling through her. She couldn't wait to see him naked.

“Hurry up.” With her free hand she tugged uselessly at his belt. He bared his teeth at her, a savage smile.

“Wait.” He unhooked her fingers from his belt as her befuddled brain tried to make sense of his comment. Why did he want to wait?

Something soft and velvety slid over her erect nipple. She tore her gaze from Seb's dark eyes and looked down at herself. He was trailing a rose petal across her breast.

“Seb.” There was a touch of reverential awe in her whisper. For reply he twirled the petal around her nipple and the elusive caress was like nothing she'd experienced before.

He teased her, tracing the petal across her body and over her curves. He didn't touch her with his hands or fingers, but his breath branded her as he slowly moved between her legs.

Oh my God.
He wasn't. But he did. The rose petal drifted over her wet crease and then he swirled it around her swollen clit. As she watched, mesmerised, he breathed in deep and then levelled his smoky gaze her way.

“Your scent makes me so hard, Willow. I want to eat your pussy until you come inside my mouth.”

No one had ever talked dirty to her before. His husky words—
—spun through her shocked senses and when he circled her clit with his thumb she fell off the edge.

Mindless, rhythmic pleasure enslaved her, spiralling through her pussy. The intensity stole her breath and fried her brain. Shudders racked her and she couldn't control it. She could only ride the wave of primal ecstasy, a willing slave, until it finally ebbed.

Panting, she dragged open her eyes. She had no idea how long she'd basked in the crimson aftermath, but Seb was still kneeling between her legs and had obviously enjoyed watching her come.

God, how many more firsts was he going to wring from her tonight? She'd never experienced a double orgasm like that. And nobody had ever sat back and watched her before either.

The fact Seb had done both caused her chest to tighten. She liked the thought of him watching her. A lot.

“Willow.” There was an edge to his voice she'd never heard before. “Is your offer of sex still open?”

Her floaty sense of sated wellbeing fragmented. Unbelievably, need fluttered between her thighs. While there was no way she was up for a third orgasm, there was also no way she was going to say
to Seb.

“Do me.” Her voice was hoarse and she watched with a sense of unreality as Seb tore off his clothes as though the hounds of hell were snapping at his heels. In the muted light from the candles, every muscle and ridge of his body looked unfamiliar and forbidden. She held her breath as he ripped off his pants and almost died at the first sight of his impressive cock. “Commando,” she croaked. Did he always go commando? It stoked her arousal and wet heat seeped from her pussy.

He ripped a condom from its packet and rolled it on. She waved a languid hand at him. Somehow she felt she should be doing that, but despite the desire licking through her channel her bones were still enjoying a state of cloudy weightlessness.

“Gonna fuck your brains out.” His promise—or threat—caused erotic tremors across her naked skin. She could get used to this kind of pillow talk. He wrapped his hands around her ankles and pushed her legs up, exposing her fully to his scorching gaze.

“Sounds good.” She wasn't sure he'd understand her breathless words. It was too hard to think let alone speak properly. All she knew was all her fantasies were coming true. Seb, naked in her arms.
Inside her
. Molten need stirred low in her belly. “Hurry up.”

His grin was feral. He hooked her ankles onto his shoulders and planted his fists either side of her hips. The head of his cock nudged her wet crease. She dragged her palms over his chest, moulding every breathtaking contour.

He pushed into her. A long, slow glide of solid pressure. Her breath strangled in her throat and she arched off the bed. Fuck he was big. Better than her fantasies. She clutched onto his straining biceps and felt her body stretch to accommodate his size.

“Fuck, you feel good.” Seb rocked into her and she gasped as he pressed her into the bed. His dark hair fell over his face. He looked wild, untamed.
. She hooked her ankles together behind his neck to drag him down onto her, but he resisted her efforts. “I want to see you come again.”

Her pussy quivered. She wasn't sure it was humanly possible for her to come again. “You already have,” she panted. “It's my turn. I want to watch you this time.”

His thrusts became less controlled as he pounded her into the bed. It was frenzied, savage, like nothing she'd ever experienced before. Her breath shortened and heartbeat hammered. This was Seb.
Her Seb

He leaned down, shifting position, and his cock grazed her swollen clit. “I love the feel of your tight cunt around me, Willow.”

A ragged scream tore her throat and she convulsed around his thick cock. Her orgasm spiralled through her, and when Seb ground her name and pumped his release he damn well fucked her brains out.


Seb idly circled one finger around Willow's erect nipple as she lay on her back beside him. Her erratic breathing had finally slowed and a smile of carnal content curved her lips. He'd been bracing himself for her to freak out when she floated down from her high, but so far she appeared supremely unconcerned they had just broken the massive unspoken rule that had defined their friendship for the last three years.

He leaned over her and trailed kisses from the corner of her mouth up to her ear. She squirmed and snuggled closer. He abandoned her nipple and wound his arm around her instead.

“Where did you learn to shag like that?” She wrapped her arm over his, hugging him tighter to her damp body.

“Years of practise.”

She huffed out an exhausted laugh. “You tart.”

He pulled her closer, angling her against his far from disinterested cock. “You shouldn't believe everything you read about me. It's not true I keep a harem of groupies in every major city.”

In fact, for the last three years his sex life had been underwhelming in the extreme. Sure he'd fucked a few women. He wasn't a saint. But there was only one woman he'd ever fallen hard for. And when six years of screwing around hadn't dimmed the memory of her smile or the touch of her hand, he'd known it was no good fighting it any longer.

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