Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives--Willow

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Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives Willow

Christina Phillips

Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives Willow
Christina Phillips

From the hottest writers in Australia comes a scintillating new series. Enter the world of Sydney's elite, and find out what goes on behind the doors of the most exclusive addresses in the country…

Meet the Housewives of Sydney. They are wealthy, elegant, poised, and constantly in the public eye. But what goes on behind closed doors, in the private homes and parties where the cameras and paparazzi aren't welcome? Delve into the most personal details of their relationships, their friendships and their lives. The only question is: can you handle the heat?

Willow has loved Seb for as long as she can remember, but he has a past that she can't handle, so she's never done anything about it. But to not have him in her life is unthinkable, so she holds on to him the only way she can—through friendship. Now his writing career is taking off, and Willow finds herself increasingly jealous of his groupies and increasingly unable to keep her feelings to herself. An unexpected visit leads to an unanticipated kiss—and Seb and Willow end up in her bed. It's the best thing that's ever happened to Willow, but can she trust that Seb wants more than a bit of afternoon delight—and can she trust herself to let go of the past in order to gain a future?

Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives

Reading order:

1. Virginia—Rhian Cahill

2. Lana—Cate Ellink

3. Nella—Cathleen Ross

4. Sienna—Tamsin Baker

5. Jorja—Lexxie Couper

6. Meagan—Shona Husk

7. Christa—Keziah Hill

8. Emma—Viveka Portman

9. Willow—Christina Phillips

10. Camilla—Mel Teshco

11. Darla—Tracey O'Hara

About the Author

Christina Phillips is an ex-pat Brit who now lives in sunny Western Australia with her high school sweetheart and their family. She enjoys writing paranormal, historical and contemporary romance, but whether the hero is a fallen angel, tough warrior or sexy mortal, the romance will be sizzling and the heroine will bring her hero to his knees.

She is addicted to good coffee, expensive chocolate and bad boy heroes. She is also owned by three gorgeous cats who are convinced the universe revolves around their needs. They are not wrong.

Christina loves hearing from her readers! Contact her at
[email protected]


To receive notification of when her next book is released, sign up for her mailing list on her website


Thank you to Tracey O'Hara and Kate Cuthbert for inviting me to be part of this continuity. It's been a lot of fun! Thanks also, as always, to Amanda Ashby and Sara Hantz and my wonderful family. You all rock!



For Mark
Always my inspiration.


About the Author


Episode 9—Willow

Bestselling Titles by Escape Publishing…

Episode 9—Willow

Willow Adams pushed herself out of her pool and sat on the edge, feet dangling in the glittering blue depths as she squeezed the water from her hair. The February morning sun was already hot and she gazed through a gap in the palm trees that surrounded the pool, where glimpses of the tranquil Lane Cove River at the foot of the hill could be seen.

Although she was in the middle of designing her new jewellery line, first of all this morning she had a meeting with top French chef Henriette to go over the last minute details for the Double D dinner on Thursday night. She knew Henriette already had everything planned, but she had to make sure there were no last minute glitches. The last thing she wanted was Lana, one of her mother's oldest and closest friends, telling her mother that Willow had screwed up.

Her mother might be enjoying herself in Europe, but distance was no deterrent when it came to letting Willow know she wasn't quite up to expectations. The Diamond Dinner Club, and everything it represented, was her mother's pride and joy and Willow had officially joined the elite club when she turned eighteen.

She sighed and forced her mother's overbearing presence from her mind. There was no point getting worked up over possibilities. She just had to focus on making sure Thursday night was, as always, perfect.

She wrapped a towel around herself and saw Mrs Duval, her housekeeper and all-round miracle worker, emerge from the French doors.

“Good morning, Mrs D.” She'd inherited Mr and Mrs Duval along with the Hunters Hill property from her late great-grandmother two years ago. They loved the house as much as she did, and she'd never dream of letting them go. But despite having known them all her life, to even think about calling them by their first names verged on sacrilege.

“Good morning, madam.” Mrs Duval's reserved manner was belied by her warm smile. “Mr Wallis has just arrived. Would you like me to show him out here?”

Willow's sense of serenity from her early morning yoga session vanished. What the hell was Seb doing here at this time of the morning? She hadn't even had a shower yet. And while Seb was only her friend and there was no reason why she should give her appearance a second thought when it came to him, the problem was—she did.

“No, I'll come inside.” It would be easy enough to dash upstairs and make herself look presentable. But she hadn't even reached the French doors when Seb strolled out.

For a second she simply froze as she drank in the perfection that was Sebastian Wallis in the flesh. 6'4" of lethal masculinity, his toned body radiating raw sex appeal that she still found as irresistible as she had the first time they'd met nine years ago.

“Hi, Willow.” How could he make a perfectly normal greeting sound so sinfully suggestive? No wonder he had legions of groupies hanging breathlessly onto his every word. He leaned in, slid his hand over her arm and kissed her cheek.

She tried not to breathe in his evocative cologne, but as always the musky undertones sizzled through her blood and made a beeline for her pussy. It was so bloody unfair. He affected her as much now as he had when she'd been an awkward seventeen year old.

“I thought you were still in Melbourne.” Thank God she didn't sound as though she wanted to shove him up against the nearest wall and shag him senseless. She swallowed and tightened her grip on her towel. Just lately her fantasies involving Seb were spiralling out of control. She obviously needed to get laid.

It had, after all, been a while.

His fingers trailed the length of her arm and goose bumps erupted, sending a thousand electric sparks skittering over her exposed skin.

“We wrapped up the current series yesterday so I hopped on the first plane back.” He offered her his trademark smile, the one that had helped boost the ratings of his best selling syndicated
In Your Hands
self-help show by snaring the libidos of countless women across the world.

But she had seen that smile first.
Before he'd become a hot commodity and darling of the celebrity set. Before he'd even sold his first international blockbuster at the crazy age of twenty-two; the catalyst that had catapulted his career on its current trajectory.

“I didn't think you'd be coming back to Sydney before your book launch. It's next week, isn't it?” She knew exactly when the launch for his third book was. Next Tuesday in New York at three pm local time.

“Yeah. I was going to fly straight there from Melbourne but I had a change of plan.”

“Well, it's always good to see you.” Despite her best intentions, her gaze slid over him. His shirt collar was undone, giving a tantalising glimpse of bared chest, and the casual pants hugged his tight butt and did nothing to disguise the mouth-watering vision of his hard thighs.

Not that Seb needed designer clothes to look good. She should know. The first time she'd seen him he'd been wearing paint-splattered shorts that had seen better years and a well-worn t-shirt that had showed off his ripped muscles as though he was an exotic dancer.

He was like no other guy she'd met before. From the wrong side of the tracks, barely twenty and lounging on one of her mother's kitchen stools as though he had every right to be there, his easy charm and fascinating conversation had enthralled her.

Her stupid heart was half in love with him by the time her mother got home and she discovered Seb was more than just a labourer working on her mother's renovations.

He was her mother's latest plaything.

Even after all these years she couldn't bring herself to think about that. It was gross and humiliating and so she turned and went inside the house, Seb by her side.

Every piece of furniture, rug and accessory in the room was aligned to allow the harmonious flow of chi and Seb had been here together with her countless times in the past. But today, as his arm casually brushed hers, a rush of energy swirled around them both, sucking the air from her lungs and leaving her oddly light-headed.

She cast him a furtive glance. He appeared supremely unaware of the shift in the delicate balance of yin and yang that she strived so hard to maintain in her life. It was a crazy thought, but she had the strange conviction a powerful dragon had entered her ordered existence.

But then if anyone embodied the dragon's powerful energy, it was Seb. She pushed the thought aside. She wasn't going to start thinking of him as a dragon. Because that conjured up erotic images of chains and fire and a smoking hot dragon shifter that just so happened to have the wild black hair and tautly muscled body of Seb.

She smothered a groan. She was in desperate need of some sex. If only Sebastian Wallis wasn't so totally off limits.

“I need a favour.”

Willow dragged her mind from the gutter, where it was enjoying itself far too much, and raised her eyebrows. “Sure. What is it?”

“To crash here until my flight on Thursday.”

She stared at him, trying to figure out if he was joking. He didn't look as though he was. She cleared her throat and tried not to imagine him crashing in her bed. Because it would never happen, no matter how outrageously Seb might flirt with her on occasion.

“Isn't that inconvenient for you?” He had an apartment in the city. Why did he want to stay here with her? For
three nights
? She wasn't sure any amount of meditation would get her through the trauma of having Seb living with her 24/7. Not without him guessing she didn't, and had never, looked at him in a purely platonic way.

“I thought the kitchen renos would be finished by the time I got back, but it's chaos.”

He was having his kitchen renovated? Why didn't she know about that? She took a deep breath. If any of her girlfriends had turned up with the same request, she wouldn't think twice about saying yes. How many times over the last three years had she told Seb he was just like a girlfriend to her? She wasn't sure he'd ever believed her, but here was her chance to prove she meant it. Even though she didn't.

“Of course you can stay.” She took a couple of backward steps towards the hall. “I'll ask Mrs D to fix the spare room for you.” But which spare room? The one on the ground floor with its own private deck, or the one next to her own bedroom that shared her balcony?


Seb kept the laconic smile on his face until Willow disappeared from view. Then he heaved a sigh and raked his hand through his hair.

Stage one of his plan was in place. Now all he had to do was convince her they belonged together. This week was his last ditch attempt to make things work between them. He'd tried everything over the last three years, but clearly subtly was overrated. He had to make Willow face his past and accept him, faults and all. She might be able to carry on forever with them being nothing more than friends, but it was driving him insane.

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