Secret Torment (Bend To My Will #9) (5 page)

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“I don’t need you to do that,” Vivienne said, lifting her chin. “I’m doing just fine.”

Just fine
isn’t as good as you could do.”

“Now you’re making me angry.”

Jacob took a breath. “All I’m saying is that I’d invest in
, and that would allow for more expansion. You could hire a management team, or utilize some of my staff, and
go big

“But it’s not my financial welfare that you’re concerned about, is it?”

“No, it’s
, Vivienne. Traveling with me has benefits, but it’s also an imposition. I’m aware of that, and I don’t want it to be that way. The way I see it, you need to consider this option. Otherwise, I’ll travel without you, as much as I’d hate to. And you won’t see me as much.”

“But Jacob…”

“No, listen, this can work. I have experience with this. I’ll make it a smooth transition.” Jacob took her hand. “You’ll see. With the right funds and more of a management structure, your brand will get noticed. I know celebrities that would wear your perfumes.”

When Vivienne didn’t argue, Jacob continued. “Just like in the twenties, when movie stars wore diamonds to make them popular, if you get some endorsements like that, the Broadway actors you admire will be wearing

It wasn’t the first time Jacob had negotiated a deal, although Vivienne was a bit more difficult to predict than the men he had dealt with. Still, he knew when to shut up. He leaned back in the chair to give her time to think it over.

After looking out the window for a few minutes, Vivienne turned to face him. “I can see the advantages, so I’m considering your offer. But I’m going to repay all the funding when I’ve made the money back.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Jacob sat up. “I’ll take a fee, if that makes you happy, a percentage of the profits.” He could see that she was encouraged. “The arrangement will be beneficial for all concerned. We’ll take Vee’s international, and at the same time, free you from the day-to-day operations.”

“I already have Michele.”

“Yes, I know that, but she can only handle so much,” Jacob said. “I’m proposing that you operate on a much larger scale.”

“On one condition.”

Jacob lifted his hand. “Which is?”

“That Michele is a partner. She has played a key role in the stability of my company, and her focus is on her career. I won’t take that away from her.”

“I can write the agreement that way, and you can decide on what percent she will own.” Jacob looked into Vivienne’s eyes. “Your talent is with the scents. This will allow you to devote your time to that, more like a consultant. But you’ll still have majority ownership.”

Vivienne nodded. “Okay, you write the agreement and I’ll take a look at it.”

“Is Alfred back from Barcelona?”

“Yes, he got home recently.”

“Then I’ll have my attorney contact him, to see that the entities are set up correctly. We’ll make sure the new structure aligns with Sensual Scents, so there’s no conflict.”

Jacob would speak to Alfred personally. He knew the man was shrewd in business and would see the wisdom of the arrangement. He was a good friend to Vivienne, and Jacob no longer harbored jealousy over the relationship.

“I’ll contact my accountant, too, so he can set up the bookkeeping.”

“Your accountant at Rinaldi?”

“No, I use another firm for my private business, the same one who set up the accounting for the abused women’s legal fund,” Jacob said. “So it’s agreed?”

Vivienne smiled. “You drive a hard bargain, but there’s no way to say no. I’m not staying behind when you travel. And you’re right; it is difficult to juggle everything.”

Jacob grinned. “You’ve made the right decision, baby.” He was sure of it. Now he could take Vivienne along whenever he traveled, which he much preferred. The idea of having her with him, whenever he liked, was very satisfying.



Chapter 5

It wasn’t long before they left for Argentina, but Jacob had already set things in motion for Vee’s Scents. A new management team had been put in place, with funding for expansion. Michele was excited about the prospects for the future, and coordinated with the new team.

Vivienne was able to travel with much less concern for her business. They flew into Mendoza, the capital of the region of the same name. The area was famed for its vineyards and produced over two-thirds of Argentina’s wine. The province’s hot summers and cold winters, with very little rainfall, was the type of climate that enhanced grape growing.

Santiago, Chile was a little over two hundred miles to the west, beyond the Andes Mountains. The hot summer had cooled, and for springtime temperatures in the seventies were expected. Jacob had reserved a room downtown at the Park Hyatt.

The building was a restored Spanish colonial structure, conveniently located on the Plaza de la Independencia, the central square. The interior was classic mixed with modern, incorporating granite, stone, and wood. The room had wood furnishings and soft fabrics, with white marble counters and crystal washbasins in the bathroom.

Out the windows was a view of the sprawling city, with the snowcapped Andes rising majestically in the distance. Since Mendoza was in a desert area, Vivienne was surprised that it was so green, since there was less than ten inches of rainfall each year. She learned there was an artificial irrigation system to water the trees and create a natural cooling system, providing shelter during the hot summer days.

The first day Jacob and Vivienne explored the city, with its large squares and wide avenues. It was interesting and relaxing to explore, with the main attractions scattered around five central squares, positioned like the number five on dice.

Each of the squares had its own unique appeal. In the heart of Plaza Independencia was an impressive fountain, with grassy areas to sit and enjoy it. The huge square hosted a daily open-air market with over a hundred vendors.

A pedestrian street, Avenida Sarmento, lined with restaurants and many cafés with sidewalk seating, ran east and west from the main plaza. Jacob and Vivienne stopped for lunch at a place that specialized in Argentine fare and ordered empanadas cooked in a clay oven, finding the handheld meat, cheese, and vegetable pastries delicious.

They enjoyed the nightlife, trying out some of the bars and restaurants along Avenida Colón. Vivienne learned that Argentina functioned on the same schedule as Spain. Due to the hot temperatures during parts of the year, the city effectively closed down for a siesta in the afternoons. Restaurants didn’t open for dinner until eight, and the activity at the clubs didn’t pick up until midnight or later. As a result, they drastically changed their sleeping schedule to accommodate the late hours.

Touring wineries in the surrounding countryside, known as bodegas, occupied several days. Vivienne learned that bodega meant wine shop, but could also refer to a cellar or building to store wine. There were hundreds of wineries to choose from, but Jacob knew which ones to see.

Domaine St. Diego, a tiny garage winery, was hidden on a country road next to an ivy-covered church. The winemaker’s family had used their own savings and ingenuity to bring life to that part of the Mendoza province. Jacob and Vivienne tasted the handcrafted wines, paired with homemade bread, olive oil, walnuts, and almonds.

Jacob couldn’t pass up the chance to taste the remarkable wines at Mendel, made by one of Argentina’s most respected and experienced winemakers. The prominent grapes of the region, Malbec and Merlot, were featured. The family had been making wine for over a century. But not all the wineries had such a long history.

Ruca Malen was a fairly new, forward-thinking winery in the picturesque foothills. The winemakers were proud of their vision to create the highest quality wines of Argentina. Jacob and Vivienne sat on the patio at the edge of one of the property’s vineyards, facing the Andes. They gazed out at the sweeping view of the vineyards and mountains, wine-tasting while enjoying a five-course meal.

Despite the number of courses, Vivienne was not overwhelmed. A small plate of chorizo was served with a Cabernet blend, followed by beetroot with burned goat cheese and a Syrah. Then there were medallions of grilled beef with baked onions, perfumed with lavender from the estate’s garden, served with an inky-black, fruity Malbec.

Even Vivienne could tell that Mendoza had a vibrant wine scene with choices from wineries with long traditions, as well as a new generation of innovative winemakers. The city was a good place to stay, since the vineyards, whether near town or in the shadow of the Andes, were just a short drive away. The city had an array of hotels, bars, and restaurants that featured wine lists with the best of the region.

Vivienne didn’t know if she’d get so used to travel that she took it for granted. Each country had charmed her in its own way, and Argentina was no different. There was so much to see and do that she could have spent months there.

One day after their siesta, Vivienne suggested having dinner at the hotel. Bistro M offered fine cuisine and an extensive wine list. Although the concierge had offered a list of many fine restaurants in the city, Vivienne wanted to try the bistro. After dressing for the evening, Jacob suggested a cocktail in the lobby lounge, a bar that extended across the length of the hotel’s lobby, since dinner wouldn’t be served until later.

Sipping on a martini, Vivienne took the luxury of looking across the table at Jacob. He wore a blue dress shirt that matched his eyes, diamond cufflinks that sparkled in the candlelight, and tailored slacks that fit in all the right places. When he looked back, his expression was one of admiration.

“You look beautiful tonight,” Jacob said, and took her hand.

“I was going to say the same about you.” Vivienne didn’t think she would ever tire of looking at Jacob. He was so handsome, and impossibly sexy.

Jacob leaned back in the chair and sipped his drink. He was strong and confident, and Vivienne liked that. Just staring at him turned her on, and Jacob didn’t seem to mind the attention. They nursed their cocktails for a while, until seating was ready in the dining room.

As they were shown to their table, Vivienne glanced toward the kitchen, the wood burning oven visible through the open archway. Delicious aromas filled the dining room, whetting her appetite. They were escorted to the terrace with a view of the plaza.

Once they were seated, Jacob studied the wine list. “Did you see the wine as we walked by?”

“I couldn’t miss it.”

“The room was dominated by that two-story wine library,” Jacob said. “This restaurant won an ‘Award of Excellence’ for having one of the most outstanding wine lists in the world.”

Vivienne smiled. “Well, I hope you can find something suitable for us.”

Jacob laughed. “Yes, I believe I can.”

The trip had seemed to relax Jacob as much as her. Yet at the moment, she was excited. The way Jacob filled out his dress shirt wasn’t the only thing that had aroused her. Before leaving the room, Jacob had forbidden her to wear any panties.

The hem of Vivienne’s cream-colored lace dress ended mid-thigh when she sat down. She was wet, just knowing she was naked underneath. No one could see, but that didn’t matter. It was the idea. And the fact that he’d forbidden her had set the tone for the evening.

Jacob’s blue eyes gleamed when he looked at her, as if he read her thoughts. “Will the Calchaquí Valley Reserva Malbec be agreeable?”

“I think you know it will.”

The waiter was attentive, and brought the wine to the table without delay. While he poured, Jacob kept his eyes on Vivienne. After a taste, he approved the wine, so the waiter filled their glasses then disappeared.

“I like knowing that you are naked under that dress,” Jacob said.

No one was likely to hear their conversation, yet saying it out loud was bold. Vivienne glanced away, unable to meet his gaze. She sipped her wine, and Jacob did the same. His eyes roamed over her body, making her nipples hard.

Holding up his glass, Jacob admired the rich color of the wine. He took another sip, then gazed at her, with a smoldering look in his eyes. “This wine has a succulent finish…just like you.”

Vivienne’s cheeks heated. It wasn’t so much what Jacob said, but how he said it. His words held more meaning than the innocent comment implied, making Vivienne imagine climaxing in his arms. The command he had over her sent a delicious shiver through her.

Without averting his gaze, Jacob continued to sip his wine, while Vivienne enjoyed hers. Yet her focus was on him, and what he had in mind for her, as he most surely had something planned. The look he gave her, and his deep tone of voice, foretold that there was more to come.

Plus, Jacob had told the waiter they would drink for a while before ordering, to let him know that he shouldn’t come back until he signaled. The restaurant terrace was fairly packed with other couples chatting and drinking all around them, with the clank of dishes against a background of classical music.

Yet for Vivienne, there seemed to be no one else but Jacob. His blue eyes pierced into her, and she knew she’d do his bidding, whatever it might be. He refilled their glasses as soon as they were empty, but he didn’t reach out to touch her or give any sign of affection.

Then Jacob moved his chair so he was adjacent to her. No one seemed to take notice; they were just two lovers sitting closer together. With his wine in one hand, Jacob put his hand on her knee, causing Vivienne’s sex to clench. He could reach under her dress, all the way to her bare sex, and that knowledge tantalized her.

Jacob leaned over, so close his breath caressed her cheek. “It’s good that you obeyed me tonight.”

“Yes, I did as you asked.” Vivienne’s voice was no more than a whisper.

“If you hadn’t…I had a suitable punishment in mind.”

Vivienne’s skin tingled, and her mouth went dry.

“You know I would have seen to your punishment, don’t you, Vivienne?”

The way Jacob said it put her under his spell. She wanted to hear more, soothed yet aroused by the sound of his voice, but all she could do was nod.

“If you are naughty or defy me, do you know what I’ll do, Vivienne?”

Images flashed through her mind, all erotic, and every one stirring deep urges within her.

Without waiting for her answer, Jacob continued, “If you disobey, Vivienne…I will bend you over this elegant table.”

Vivienne’s body heated at the image, and her clit tensed.

“I’ll lift your skirt…in front of all these customers.”

There was no question that Jacob would do just that, if he decided to. Vivienne was torn between embarrassment and the desire to have him do as he threatened.

In a low voice, Jacob lured her into his fantasy. “You have no panties on, Vivienne. The men in this classy restaurant would like to see your sumptuous ass.”

Vivienne licked her lips, wanting nothing more at that moment than to have Jacob follow through. She imagined all the men in the place staring at her bare ass, yet knowing that she was only
. And that was part of the thrill.

“For your disobedience, I’ll humiliate you…in public.”

Vivienne couldn’t believe he’d said that. Such an act had been one she’d fantasized about, a couple of times, while pleasuring herself. How did Jacob know? Yet she was uncomfortable admitting that she really wanted such treatment. Her breasts were heavy, the lace over them aggravating her distended nipples.

The more Jacob spoke, the more turned on she became. “You can see it, can’t you? I’ll hold your wrists behind your back so you won’t be able to escape. With your naked ass in view for all, I’ll spank you…loudly.”

Hardly taking a breath, Jacob continued. “My palm will imprint on your butt. The sound of the slaps will draw all the attention in the room
to you

Vivienne was extremely aroused by the concept of humiliation and public display. She realized the power of fantasy. Jacob had her dripping wet, without even touching her. By his words alone, the threat of what he could and just
might do
to her, Jacob had led her to the brink of orgasm.

“But you will obey me, won’t you, Vivienne?”

If she defied him, would Jacob do what she craved? Was it possible that he would spank her in a high-class dining room? Even thinking it, Vivienne knew that he would, which was why his words were so powerful.

Jacob put his fingers under her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I like it when you tremble.”

Vivienne bit her lower lip, anticipating, ready for whatever he wanted of her.

“I know how wet you are right now,” Jacob said. “And I seek the thrill of having you submit in public.” His look was stern. “But I don’t feel like spanking you right now, even though you’d like me to. It’s my choice, and I intend for you to wait until another time for such pleasure.”

Vivienne’s heart sank. Would he really just torture her?

“Reach under the table, Vivienne, and pull up your skirt. I want your bare butt on this soft chair.”

His command brooked no argument. Vivienne pulled her skirt higher until the soft fabric of the chair touched her bare ass. Her skirt still covered her, for decency’s sake.

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