Secret Worlds (113 page)

Read Secret Worlds Online

Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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“Expecting somebody?”

“Sort of.” The landlord and her son got out of their car with bags of groceries. Drats. Still no Kheelan.

“A guy?”

Tanner sounded a little funny. “Yeah.” Skye reluctantly sat back down in the chair. “It wasn’t him though.”

“Don’t tell me it’s that guy from the shop.”

She snapped her fingers. “That’s right. I forgot you met him a few nights ago at closing time.”

Tanner wasn’t smiling anymore. “About this Kyle dude –”

“His name is Kheelan.”

“But you said his name –”

“I thought it was Kyle at first but it’s another guy who looks almost exactly like him.”

Tanner’s face scrunched in confusion. “A twin brother?”

Skye threw up her hands. “Long story.”

“I’m listening.”

“Don’t you have a football meeting or a date or something?” Skye couldn’t figure out what he was doing here.

He put his hands behind his head and settled in even more. “Nope. I’m all yours.”

Bad choice of words. Skye gulped and looked away, hoping he wouldn’t notice her red face. The curse of a fair complexion. “Why do you care?”

“Because I saw the way he looked at you. Kinda creepy.”

“Kheelan’s not creepy.” She got up and started pacing in irritation. The guy had enough to put up with in the Faery world without having his own kind mock him. Tanner had every advantage in life; great parents, good looks, athletic talent and a truckload of charm. He could afford a little kindness.

“He kept staring at you.”

“Like I said before, why do you care?”

“Because you and Michael have been my best friends forever, that’s why. If this Kheelan is a problem we’ll take care of it.”

“Spare me the big brother act.”

He held up his hands. “Chill. I’m just sayin’ –”

“Is it so hard for you to believe some guy might actually think I’m pretty?” She wanted to cut her tongue out the minute she said it. But there, it was out there.

Tanner dropped his hands. “I never said you weren’t pretty. That’s why—”

“Forget it.”

“Geez, you’re in a great mood tonight.”

“The last couple of days have been crazy.”

“What’s up?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

Skye folded her arms across her chest. “Okay, how’s this for starters – weird things have been going on at the shop. Then, when I get off work yesterday, Kheelan’s waiting for me in the back alley.”

Tanner took his feet off the coffee table and sat up. “Why that . . . did he hurt you?”

Skye waved him off. “So we go out for a drink and he knows everything that’s been going on at the shop. And he says there’s a way to meet the fairies. I think he may even be one for all I know.”

“You’re tellin’ me,” Tanner’s words were slow and disbelieving, “this Kheelan’s a . . . a . . . fairy?” He laughed. Deep throaty laughs that had him sucking air and almost falling off the sofa. “Good one.”

Skye glared at him. “Not a fairy in the way
mean it.”

“You can’t be serious.” Tanner tried to stop laughing.

She gave him her best stony-eyed stare.

“The dude’s just making a move on you. He sees you working in that kind of store and came up with a scam to wow you.”

“He’s not making it up. I saw the fairies myself.”

That shut him up. Skye explained about the hagstone.

“Let me see that thing.”

She dug it out of her purse and he went to the window and lifted the stone to an eye. “Nothing’s out there.” Tanner faced her again, holding out the hagstone.

“Aim it at that oak tree across the street.”

He sighed and lifted the stone again. “I’m tellin’ ya, all I see is a tree.”

“Give it here.” Skye grabbed it, looked through the opening, and frowned. “But they were there last night.”

Tanner shook his head.

“Really, I’m not making this up.”

“He filled your head with a load of crap and you got so excited you
you saw something. Understandable. You’ve always been a sucker for that wacko stuff.”

“Tanner Hamilton Adams, you’ve been around weirdness before. Your family is in the same coven as mine.”

“Man, you had to throw out my full name. And the witch stuff too.” Tanner shook his head in mock dismay and then grew serious. “I left all that witch business behind in Piedmont. Never wanted anything to do with it. Coming to college was my ticket out.”

Skye cocked her head to the side and studied him. So she wasn’t the only one trying to start fresh and leave high school behind. “I can’t imagine not having any magic in my life. I’m not much good at it, but it’s a big deal to me.”

“Yeah, well, I had hoped you’d change your mind. Not that it’s a deal breaker.”

“Deal breaker? You lost me.”

Tanner shifted his large body and rubbed his hands on his jeans. “I’ve been trying to tell you ever since I came in.” He took a deep breath. “About the other night. You kinda took me by surprise. I’ve thought about it and, uh, if you’re still interested, maybe we should give it a go. You and me, I mean.”

She couldn’t speak, could hardly breathe. “Seriously?” she managed in a strangled voice.

He took her hand, pulled her onto his lap. “Seriously.” Tanner leaned in and kissed her.

Just like that.

The moment she’d fantasized about all through high school was finally here. . . .

. . . And she wasn’t feeling it. At all.

Try harder
. Skye put her hands on the sides of his face and deepened the kiss.

Good goddess, still no spark. It was almost like kissing her brother. Ewww . . .
as if
. Skye opened one eye, curious to see Tanner’s reaction—only to find him staring back at her. They drew apart at the same time.

Neither spoke. The silence pulsed between them, heavy and awkward. This was
the way she imagined the kiss going down. “It’s not working is it?” Skye asked, her smile rueful.

“Whew.” Tanner melodramatically wiped a hand across his brow. “Glad I wasn’t alone there. This totally sucks, ya know.”

“I know.” She squeezed his shoulders playfully. “Guess we’ve been friends too long for this to work. I must have been blind not to see it before. Do me a favor and don’t breathe a word of this to Michael.”

Tanner drew a line across his lips as if zipping them closed. “This never happened.”

Skye got off his lap and sat beside him. Tanner tousled her hair and gave her his familiar, easy smile. They both leaned back and put their feet up together on the coffee table. Just like old times – only better.

“I’m still worried about you,” he said. “When it comes to you and anything magical, well, it can be train wreck. Remember that time in fifth grade when you did a spell on your pet turtle?”

She laughed. “All I asked for was to make it extra special for show-and-tell.”

“A pink turtle with orange polka dots was pretty special,” said Tanner. “I’ll never forget the look on Ms. Simmon’s face when you took it out of the shoebox.”

“I got in so much trouble. She called Mom and warned her of the dangers of toxic paint on animals. Mom changed my turtle back to green when I got home and told me not to ever do another spell until I was old enough to do it right.”

“But you didn’t listen.” Tanner shook his head. “Poor Greg. You may have scarred him for life.”

“Ouch. Again, all I only wanted him show a little interest in me.”

“The poor guy was obsessed with you.”

“Tell me about it. Greg followed me everywhere. Even tried to go to the girl’s restroom with me. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t stepped in and undone the spell.”

“You’re too powerful for your own good.”

Skye regarded him thoughtfully. She’d never thought of it that way.

The image of Tiffany the Cheerleader reared its ugly head. In high school, Tiffany was the ‘It Girl.’ Perfect hair, expensive clothes, the one all the guys chased and the other girls followed. Tiffany and her clique made constant digs at Skye. Everything about her was wrong in their eyes. The way she talked, walked, ate, the clothes she wore, her friends – everything. All Skye wanted was to bring her down a notch. More of a witchcraft Public Service Act than a personal vendetta. So she cast a teensy weensy little spell that Tiffany’s hair be cut off in a ragged style that looked like a lawnmower had run over it.

Next morning, Tiffany showed up absolutely rocking the haircut. She gelled and spiked it, creating a chic biker look as her own signature style – until several other cheerleaders got identical cuts.

Skye gave it one more go and cast a spell for Tiffany to ditch the fashionable clothes. This time when Tiffany came to class, she sported ripped jeans and t-shirts that looked adorable on her and matched the new wild hairstyle. Sure enough, ragged jeans became the rage at Piedmont High School.

Skye gave it up.

Tanner’s laughter broke up her musings. “Did you just say something?” she asked.

“Yeah, that I bet you’ve cast all kinds of flopped spells Michael and I know nothing about.”

If he only knew the dozens of botched love spells she’d cast for him. “I’ll never tell,” she said with a slight smile. A girl has her pride after all.

Tanner’s cell phone rang and Skye heard a female voice on the other end. She waited for the familiar twist of jealousy in her stomach, but it was gone. Thank the goddesses for that miracle. She headed to the kitchen for a Diet Coke. By the time she popped the tab on the can, Tanner walked in, stuffing his phone in his jeans.

“Saved by the bell?” she said.

“Something like that.” The easy grin was back. “Gotta go.” He gave her a bear hug and held it a beat longer than usual. “We’re cool, right?” he asked.

“Like ice,” she said.

This time when Tanner made his exit there were no tears. Disappointment, sure, but mostly relief the drama and angst were over. Next time she had it bad for somebody she wouldn’t wait so long to open up.

Chapter 9
Absinthe Again

“Did you see the fairies?”

Skye whirled around, even though she half-expected to see him again, the voice from the shadows caught her by surprise. Kheelan emerged from the dark alley behind The Green Fairy and stood beneath the streetlamp. The light cast flickering shadows on the sharp plains of his face.

“Do you only come out at night?” Skye asked, wanting to coax a smile on his serious face. She walked toward him, drawn to Kheelan’s energy, the need she sensed in him. She drank in his dark eyes with their golden flecks of sparkling sunshine trapped in a black hole. “I don’t know how I ever mistook you for Kyle. You’re totally different.”

Kheelan shrugged, but she could tell from his quick half-smile this pleased him.

“You have a good eye.”

They stood in silence as the wind whipped through the dark street. Somewhere in the distance, a cat screeched, breaking the spell.

“I saw them, the fairies.” She clasped her hands in front of her. “They were –” she stopped, struggling to find the right word. “Incredible, gorgeous, dazzling, not like anything I’ve ever seen before.”

Kheelan nodded. “I knew you’d be impressed.”

“More like blown away.” She frowned, and dug into her purse. “Guess you want this back.” She held out the hagstone. She’d hoped to see the fairies at least one more time before returning it, but it belonged to Kheelan.

“Keep it, it’s yours.” His hand closed over hers, wrapping the hagstone in her palm.

She should be afraid. Alone in the dark with a mysterious guy who cracked open a door to an invisible world. But she wasn’t afraid. Just the opposite, she felt safe with him. Her heart raced with the pleasure of his touch.

“We need to talk,” said Kheelan. “Have you had dinner?

Skye flipped open her cell phone to check the time. “Let’s pick up some Dreamland Barbeque sandwiches and go to my apartment. We can talk there.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Kheelan picked up the motorcycle helmet on the ground beside him. “I’ll follow you on my bike.”

Skye lit the salt lamp and the candles scented with frankincense and jasmine. Despite her determined questions through dinner, she couldn’t quite read Kheelan. She inventoried what she did learn: he’d lived all over the Southeastern United States, loved motorcycles, and he either had no family or had lost all contact with them. She knew he was being evasive, but she was equally certain he was a person who spoke the truth and detested deceit.

He fascinated and excited her.

Kheelan pushed the empty sandwich wrapper away on the coffee table. He turned his body sideways on the sofa and faced her. “Tell me what’s going on at The Green Fairy.”

“First, explain how you know something has happened there.” She could be evasive too.

They regarded each other like wary animals.

“I’m something of an expert with the Fae,” Kheelan said, stabbing the straw in his drink before he set it aside.

She waited.

He reluctantly held out his right hand with the vivid colored tattoo. “Do these symbols mean anything to you?”

Skye gazed down at his clinched fist. Beneath the knuckles she saw an intricate design of a black feather encircled by a wreath-shaped Celtic knot.

She shook her head. “I know the knots are Gaelic. I’m guessing the feather represents the freedom of a bird.”

“Just the opposite.” Kheelan withdrew his hand, his face a mask of bitterness. “It’s an ostrich feather, symbolizing willing obedience. The knot around it is for binding.” He gave a dry laugh. “Believe me, there’s nothing willing about my obedience. It was forced on me before I was two years old.”

“Obedience to who?”

“The Fae, the Seelie Court specifically. Are you familiar with fairy lore?”

If he could open up, so could she. “I’m a witch. A crappy, useless one most of the time, but I was raised in a coven. A few members were into fairies and I learned there are two camps – the good, Seelie, and the bad, the Unseelie.”

“A gross oversimplification. Just as humans aren’t all good or all bad, neither are the Fae, no matter what court they belong to.”

“That makes sense.” Still, she was glad he was on the side of the good.

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