Secrets (19 page)

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Authors: Debbie Viggiano

BOOK: Secrets
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Chapter Forty


After lunch the Canada Companions boarded the minibus for an excursion to Niagara-on-the-Lake. Amanda refused to sit next to James and made such a fuss that in the end Garth told her to sit next to Janey and he would sit next to James.

‘Sorry,’ said Amanda as she flopped into the seat next to Janey.

‘That’s okay,’ Janey lied. As the minibus set off, she heaved a sigh and stared out the window. The waterfalls were now behind them. They were driving along a road that ran adjacent to the Niagara River. For a moment Janey was spellbound by the sight of so much rushing water as it hurtled towards a drop of almost two hundred feet.

‘What a prize pillock.’

Janey reluctantly tore her eyes away from the mesmerising sight and looked at her travelling companion. It was clear Amanda wanted to offload. Janey patted Amanda’s arm.

‘I’m sure he’s not that bad.’

‘I don’t mean James,’ Amanda sniffed. ‘I mean
the wally-brain for allowing my head to be turned by a petulant prat.’

‘Why don’t you just kiss and make up?’

‘No thanks. Any man who can flip over a drop of water just like that,’ Amanda clicked her fingers to demonstrate, ‘clearly has a nasty temper.’

‘To be fair, it was quite a lot of water.’

‘We all told him to wear the plastic poncho, but James wouldn’t have it. There was no need to insult me. Fancy accusing me of sounding like his wife!’

‘Perhaps that’s an indirect compliment,’ Janey said cautiously. ‘After all, he did go on to say his wife had a lovely voice.’

‘Huh, as opposed to me!’ Amanda seethed. ‘Apparently I sound like a fishwife. At least my Brian doesn’t have a temper. And he’s never disrespected me.’

‘Have you heard from Brian at all?’

‘Yes, he’s texted me. Sometimes several times a day.’

‘Well, there you go,’ Janey smiled encouragingly. ‘Your husband is missing you.’

‘Yeah, he’s missing me all right.’ Amanda fished in one of her pockets and pulled out her mobile phone. ‘I’ll show you just how much.’ She put a finger against the touch screen and passed the mobile to Janey. ‘Here. Read that little lot.’

Janey took the phone and read aloud. ‘
Amanda, we’re out of baked beans. I found some soup in the larder. Where do you keep the tin opener

Amanda nodded. ‘Keep going.’

It’s me again. We’ve run out of toilet rolls. Hope you don’t mind, but I’m using those fancy napkins your mother bought last Christmas

‘You’ll like the next one.’

Amanda, are napkins biodegradable? I’ve blocked the loo

‘I got three texts that day. All one after the other.’

‘I can see,’ said Janey. She continued to read. ‘
I tried flushing one more time. Unfortunately I’ve flooded the bathroom. The good news is the toilet is unblocked. I used your washing-up gloves to clear up. Don’t worry, I’ve cleaned them in the washing-up bowl
. Oh good heavens.’

‘The remainder are all in a similar vein. Clearly, somewhere between frequenting the pub and watching football, Brian has clocked my absence and realised the supermarket fairy doesn’t exist.’

‘Indeed. I feel quite sorry for him. He doesn’t seem to be coping too well.’

Amanda shrugged and sighed heavily. ‘Huh, men. The only thing they’re good for is carving the Sunday joint and mowing the lawn. How’s your romance going with Garth?’

Janey looked startled. ‘We’re not having a romance!’

‘Don’t give me that tosh.’ Amanda clicked her tongue as she took back her mobile phone.

‘You’re wrong.’

‘Anybody with eyes can see the man adores you. I’ve seen the way you look at him too.’

‘Truly, you are way off beam. Garth is in love with somebody else. In fact, that’s why he’s come to Canada.’

Amanda frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Can you keep a secret?’

‘Of course.’

So Janey quietly told Amanda all about Emma, Adrian and baby Anna, and how Garth was on a DNA mission to find out the truth about Anna’s parentage and ultimately win Emma back.

‘Geez,’ said Amanda sucking on her teeth. ‘What a tangled web.’

‘Indeed,’ said Janey miserably.

The two women were silent for a moment. Amanda was the first to speak.

‘I don’t care what you say, Janey. I still think the man has a massive soft spot for you. But if things are as complicated as you say they are, just make sure you don’t get hurt.’

Janey looked at Amanda wretchedly. Hurt? It was a bit late for that.


apter Forty-Nine


The Canada Companions were now in Niagara Village and had paired off to explore the tourist shops. Regrettably Janey found her ‘other half’ being Amanda. Garth diplomatically steered James away to check out a chocolate shop.

‘Let’s go in here,’ said Amanda. She linked arms with Janey and led her into a store full of Christmas decorations.

‘Really?’ muttered Janey uncertainly. ‘I’m not sure–’

‘Yes, really,’ Amanda asserted. ‘You can’t possibly come to Niagara and not buy anything from this place. As tourist shops go, it’s quite famous.’

As the women crossed the threshold, Janey stared around in amazement. The shop rivalled Harrods with its variety of festive stock. By no stretch of the imagination was anything “run of the mill”. Amanda broke away to check out a life-size polar bear wearing a tartan waistcoat and matching bowler hat. The bear held a tray aloft on which was a piece of carved wood proclaiming
Believe with All Your Heart
. Janey paused by a stand of glittering golden maple leaves. She was astonished to see leaf fall had been collected, then dried and painted before being preserved in glass. Colourful thread was looped through each fragile decoration ready for hanging on a Christmas tree. Janey decided she’d never seen such an exquisite ornament.

‘Look at this!’ Amanda beckoned Janey over. Dangling from one finger, a frosted cupcake slowly twirled. ‘Looks good enough to eat, eh?’

Janey agreed. She moved on to a Nativity display. Above her head, a speaker issued Christmas carols. Everything inside the shop was at wintry odds to the sunshine and humidity outside. Janey picked up a cherub complete with halo and inspected the price tag. Her brother would appreciate this. She decided to buy it for him. Suddenly Janey felt an overwhelming urge to talk to Joe. He would be delighted to hear from her. Other than the odd text, she hadn’t really spoken to any of her family since flying out of Heathrow. A pang of guilt shot through her. She really ought to check in properly with her parents, if only to reassure her mother she’d not been mugged or murdered. Violet had a rampant imagination at the best of times. Janey’s eyes fell on a trio of festive sculptures depicting a family at Christmas. There was Mummy, smiling indulgently at a little girl hanging up her Christmas stocking, while Daddy looked on fondly. Her mind instantly flitted to Garth. Perhaps this poignant scene would be Garth this Christmas, back home with Emma and little Anna. Or perhaps Garth would decide to make Vancouver his home. After all, he was a writer. He could take his laptop anywhere in the world to write.

‘Janey? You look a million miles away. What do you think of this?’ Amanda waggled a large plush bear in front of Janey’s face. It was a grizzly. Instead of growling when its tummy was pressed, it issued a cheery
Ho ho ho!

‘Cute,’ Janey acknowledged. The bear reminded her of Garth. Rugged on the outside, but soft on the inside. Her heart squeezed painfully. She definitely needed to call Joe for advice.

‘I think I’ll get this teddy for my nephew,’ said Amanda. ‘What are you buying?’

‘An angel, for my brother.’

Amanda pulled a face. ‘In touch with his feminine side is he?’

‘Yes,’ Janey grinned. ‘He is actually.’

The women continued browsing. Suspended from the ceiling were numerous
bauble bouquets
. These were a mix of decorations threaded with fairy lights and fir greenery. A wealth of wall racks displayed miniature sweets, grinning reindeer, smiling polar bears, teds on sleds, jolly Santa faces, beaming snowmen, personalised name balls, stars, flowers, ribbons, bells, bows, and Disney characters. All were gaily threaded and ready to dangle from the branches of a Christmas tree. Half an hour later, the women were back to the glittering golden maple leaves again. On impulse, Janey plucked one from the display stand.

Just as the two women were paying for their festive finds, Garth wandered into the shop with James. Horrified, Amanda hastily shoved her purse away and grabbed her shopping.

‘Quick,’ she said to Janey. ‘Move. And make it snappy.’

Janey felt herself being propelled towards a vast Christmas tree covered in blue smurfs.

‘Why are we hiding?’ Janey whispered as they ducked behind the tree.

‘Because James is over there,’ Amanda hissed.

‘This is ridiculous,’ Janey protested as the tree wobbled alarmingly and a smurf bounced against her nose.

‘But necessary,’ Amanda countered.

‘Are you quite sure James and you won’t be billing and cooing by dinnertime?’

‘Quite sure.’ Amanda gave an emphatic nod of her head. ‘Since this morning, I’ve had an epiphany.’

‘An epi–?’

‘Seen the light,’ Amanda continued. ‘I’m nearly forty years old. I’ve been married to Brian for half my life. I’ve experienced a mid-life crisis. That’s all.’

‘A mid-life crisis?’ Janey repeated incredulously. ‘Amanda, you’ve been bonking the living daylights out of another man! I’m not sure your husband would be up for smiling benignly and agreeing it was just a marital blip. I think he’d be more inclined to accuse you of having an affair.’

!’ Amanda scoffed. ‘An affair is something long and drawn out. Like your Garth’s Emma pursuing that brother of his for months on end.’ Janey winced at the comparison. ‘No,’ Amanda shook her head knowingly. ‘My blip – and it was a blip – was totally different.’ Janey wasn’t sure who Amanda was trying to convince – Janey or herself. ‘What I had with James was simply a teeny fling. But since seeing him have a temper tantrum like a two-year-old, I’ve come to my senses. And thank heavens I did.’ Amanda shuddered in mock horror. ‘To think I nearly threw away my marriage for James. I can’t wait to get back to my Brian, the great useless dollop.’ Amanda plucked one of the smurfs from the Christmas tree. ‘In fact, I’m going to add to my purchases and buy this too.’ She looked at the decoration fondly. ‘This smurf looks exactly like my Brian – except Brian isn’t blue of course.’

‘I’m pleased to hear that,’ Janey smiled.

‘What? That my Brian isn’t blue?’

‘No, silly. That you realise you
love your husband after all.’

‘Yes, I do,’ Amanda gulped, her eyes suddenly filling up. She blinked rapidly to quell the tears. ‘I’ll give him a call later.’

‘To tell him you love him?’

‘Yes, I guess so,’ Amanda sighed. ‘Apart from anything else, he still can’t find the tin opener.’


er Fifty


Amanda had stuck like glue to Janey throughout the remainder of the Niagara Village excursion. She’d again insisted on sitting next to Janey on the return coach trip. Once back at the hotel, she’d practically sat on Janey’s lap throughout dinner. Her monopolisation of Janey had been so total, conversation with Garth had been impossible. Now, back in her room, Janey pulled out her suitcase to pack for tomorrow’s early flight to Vancouver. She was half way through folding clothes when there was a tap on the door. Janey froze. She really couldn’t cope with any more of Amanda’s company in one day.

‘Who is it?’ she called nervously.

‘Me,’ said a male voice.

Janey’s heart quickened. She immediately chastised herself. Tossing a pair of linen trousers to one side, she went to the door.

‘Sorry to knock so late,’ Garth apologised.

‘That’s okay.’ Janey felt momentarily awkward. Should she ask Garth in? Neither of them had been in each other’s hotel rooms. She decided to take the plunge. ‘Do you want to come in?’

Garth appeared to hesitate. Janey instantly regretted asking the question. He nodded at the open suitcase. ‘Am I holding you up?’

‘Not at all. I was going to have a break anyway and FaceTime my brother.’

‘So I
holding you up!’

‘Don’t be silly,’ Janey grinned. ‘Joe can wait for five minutes.’

‘Five minutes?’ Garth teased. ‘Will you only grant me an audience for three hundred seconds?’

Janey could feel herself getting flustered. ‘No, of course not. Stay as long as you like!’ She inwardly cringed. Now it sounded like she was open to the possibility of him staying the night.

Garth registered her discomfort. He broke the tension by holding out a bottle of Jack Daniels and two glasses that he’d kept hidden behind his back. ‘I just thought it would be good to catch up for half an hour. Thanks to both of us babysitting Amanda and James all day, I’ve hardly seen you.’

Janey laughed. ‘Tell me about it.’ She stepped aside to let Garth into her room. ‘I feel quite drained after listening to Amanda banging on about “her Brian” and what a fool she’s been.’

‘Likewise with James. I’ve had him twittering away about Muriel. Apparently he can’t wait to watch back-to-back episodes of Coronation Street with
and plan a holiday together to Bognor Regis.’ He set the glasses down on the hotel’s desk-cum-dressing table and began to work the cap from the bottle of Jack. ‘How many fingers?’ he asked, nodding at Janey’s tumbler.

‘Just the one, thanks.’ Janey could have done with two fingers, but was anxious about the liquor loosening her tongue. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself.

‘Actually, I have a confession to make,’ said Garth, handing her the glass.


‘There was an ulterior motive for me coming to your room.’

‘Really?’ Janey squeaked. She cleared her throat, which was suddenly horribly dry. Her heart was once again palpitating uncomfortably. She tried to appear nonchalant and took a sip of the dark liquid.

‘I don’t want to burden you with my problems when you’ve been listening to Amanda’s all day long.’ He momentarily swirled the liquid around in his glass. ‘But, as you know, we’re off to Vancouver bright and early tomorrow morning.’

Janey nodded. She noticed Garth couldn’t quite meet her eyes as he spoke. ‘Yeah,’ she replied casually. There was an awkward pause. The liquor had hit her stomach and its sudden fire ignited a shred of boldness. She decided to seize the moment and rescue Garth’s obvious discomfort. ‘You’ll be seeing Emma.’ There. She’d said it. The name of Garth’s love interest hung in the air, like some sort of invisible barrier between them.

Garth nodded. ‘Once we’ve checked in at the next hotel, I won’t be tagging along with the Canada Companions.’

Janey was brought up short. ‘Why?’

‘There are…,’ Garth’s gaze dropped to his shoes as he contemplated, ‘…things to do.’ He put his glass to his lips and downed half the liquid.

‘Of course,’ Janey nodded. She tried to arrange her features to look both understanding and sympathetic. ‘Emma and you have…well, a lot of catching up to do.’

‘I’m not sure about that,’ Garth frowned. ‘But certainly there are things to immediately address. Arrangements. You know…
.’ His stomach momentarily knotted. Now that the time was almost here, he was starting to feel apprehensive. ‘The DNA test,’ he added quietly.

‘Yes. Emma is expecting that, isn’t she?’

‘Sure,’ Garth nodded. ‘She sent me a text confirming everything. She actually said she was looking forward to seeing me.’

‘Good.’ Janey gave an encouraging smile, even though the thought of Emma greeting Garth with open arms made her insides curdle.

‘I was quite surprised when I read that bit,’ Garth admitted.

‘Well there you go!’ Janey could feel her forced smile starting to set like concrete. Oh to be Emma right now.

‘Obviously Adrian isn’t quite so thrilled.’

‘I guess that’s understandable,’ Janey murmured. What man wouldn’t be put out with an ex-lover rocking up and challenging paternity of a child, not to mention out to win back the heart of his woman?

‘Anyway,’ Garth ploughed on. ‘I just thought it would be courteous to give you the heads-up. Whilst in Vancouver I’ll mostly be out of the loop.’

Janey nodded. For a moment she didn’t quite trust herself to speak. ‘So,’ she eventually said, ‘if things go well, will you be staying?’

Garth shook his head almost imperceptibly. ‘One step at a time. I need to sort out the paternity issue first. I’m meeting up with a guy tomorrow afternoon who is going to take care of it all in superfast time.’

‘Can that be done?’

‘Anything can be done if you pay the price,’ Garth grimaced.

‘Ah,’ Janey nodded. ‘Well, I’m rooting for you, Garth.’ She gave a sincere smile this time. ‘I truly hope everything goes your way.’

Garth took a deep breath. As he exhaled, it became a sigh. ‘Thanks, gorgeous. I appreciate that.’ He drained his glass, then looked at her enquiringly. ‘Another small finger?’

‘I’d better not, or else I’ll be slurring when I FaceTime my brother.’

Garth looked apologetic. ‘I’m delaying you. Let me leave you to your packing, and your bro.’ A shadow crossed his face as he said that last word. ‘I’m kind of looking forward to seeing my own bro, but at the same time I’m also dreading it.’

‘Would you like me to come with you?’ Janey blurted.

‘That’s really sweet of you,’ Garth smiled bleakly. ‘But it’s a no. It wouldn’t be appropriate.’

‘Sorry. I’m not thinking properly,’ Janey gabbled. She felt foolish now. The last thing Garth needed was a love-struck female mooning after him when he was doing his own love-struck thing mooning after Emma. Janey tossed the rest of the Jack down her neck in an attempt to hide her flaming face.

‘No need to apologise,’ Garth said lightly. ‘I understand.’

Janey doubted very much whether Garth truly understood. Her whole body wanted to reach out and embrace him, and her mouth ached to rain butterfly kisses over his lips.

Garth picked up the bottle of Jack and took Janey’s glass from her. He stacked the tumblers together then, moving forward, took Janey in his arms. With his hands full, there was absolutely nothing romantic about the gesture. It literally was a bear hug. But to Janey, it was exquisite. She relished the brief opportunity of melting against Garth’s solid body. Oh to be able to do this all the time! Suddenly her hands took on a life of their own and shot up, wrapping themselves around Garth’s neck.
Steady, Janey, steady. There’s support in friendship, and then there’s full-on lust. Don’t confuse the two and overstep the boundary.

‘Thanks for being so understanding, gorgeous.’ Garth dropped a kiss on her forehead. Seconds later he was gone leaving Janey staring forlornly at the clothing paraphernalia on her bed.

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