Secrets in the Lowcountry--The River (41 page)

BOOK: Secrets in the Lowcountry--The River
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“Mr. Pinckney,” the same woman interrupted. “Please be quiet.”

Rod continued as if no one had spoken,
“He’d forgotten he’d given me Power of Attorney a month or so before. Wanted to make sure all his bills got paid.” Another chuckle, harsh and cruel
echoed off the walls
. “
direct deposit
checks from the government arrived each month as did Mom’s. Not much, but
over the years
paid for the basics.” He glared around the room. “My father said that he wanted his motor home to be his final house.” Once more the same harsh sound filled the room. “H
e got his wish.” Rod’s
chains bang
against the t
able. Suddenly, he stared at Taylor
with hatred
. His
lips formed a single
, ugly

“Miss Martin, Mr. Benjamin,” Jim said, “Please come with me.” His voice compelled them to go and ask no questions.
Once outside the room, he said, “
Thank you.
We’ll handle it from here.”

Jeff grabbed her and held her tight. “Please, please, don’t ever scare me like that again. I understood your comments, but I kept watching his face. I almost punched him
I saw your signal
and forced myself to remain still, but I
poised to move.

“I sensed your tension, but strangely until the end
never experienced fear.”

Jeff slid his hand around her waist and kissed the side of her head. When they heard another door open, they turned in unison.

Sheriff Trotz emerged from the connecting room. “Miss Taylor, you sure

Trying to relax, Taylor joked, “I believe you feared Miss Mary’s wrath if anything happened.”

“That, too!” He nodded.

other men and the woman
who they’d met earlier,
joined them. Sh
appeared to be in charge and showed it by speaking
first, “Clever idea about the southern gentlemen. What made you select that topic?”

“Thinking back over the years, Rod often mentioned the importance of being a Southern Gentleman.
Another topic was “Bubbas” as he called them. He mocked what he called rednecks, almost hated them. He talked about my family and my social position, telling me he wanted had to have
standing in the community. I decided I needed to push his buttons.”

“And push them you did,” Jim responded
, as he rejoined the group

The woman spoke again,

The State
to let
copy Rod’s computer records. From what we heard, sounds like the murders took place in South Carolina.  H
be transfer to
Sheriff Trotz,
but we have some paperwork to complete
be staying for a day or two
. After making a copy
of the hard drive
, you’
ll be
here, M
r. Benjamin. You and Miss Harris
are free to go home.”

Chapter Sixteen


On the ride to the airport, Jeff started to speak several times, but Taylor simply clasped his hand and shook her head. During the flight home, Jeff honored her earlier silent request while maintaining physical contact with her.
itting at the window, she stared
without seeing the view, while Jeff worked at his computer.
After landing, he grabbed both satchels from the overhead bin, placed them on his left shoulder and put his hand on her right shoulder. Once on the gangway, he slid his arm around her waist. His constant support bolstered her spirits. As they maneuvered through
the terminal, she peeked at him
often. Each time, he smiled
back at her. Jeff’s nearness and strength fought to fill and replace the sadness seeing Rod had caused.

Miss Mary and Taylor’s dad waited on the other side of security. Both faces showed their worry and
trepidation. Unwilling to increase their apprehension, she managed a small smile. The twosome collectively sighed.
How good they look together,
she thought. Her dad’s extended his arms and she ran into them. Mary grasped Jeff in an equally tight squeeze. Taylor spoke first, “Let’s go home and talk there.”

In the back seat, she rested her head against Jeff’s shoulder and breathed in his familiar aftershave.
Here was happiness. Why hadn’t I seen this before?

They found seats, once again, in the Florida room. This time Jeff and Taylor occupied the couch, while Mary and Martin selected the cane chairs.

“If I could, let me tell all of you what I discovered about the ‘scheme’
before we d
iscuss our
,” Jeff said, getting out his computer. “The ploy
used was
he arranged
with property owners to use their land
, saying he would pay them off after a number of lots were sold
The people he contacted all had property in the same area
, which gave him control over 3000 acres
He talked to the County and told them he’d put low-income housing in one section. This made State money available for the project.
Then he advertised
the development at special prices
very low down payments, so low that even in tight times, people
buy. He managed to seduce a
number of people, but not enough to pay the initial investors for their property. Instead of declaring bankruptcy, he decided to take
he’s collected, close to
a quarter-of
-a-million and leave town.”

“That’s not enough to live on for the rest of his life,” Martin said.

“No, but it’s sufficient for him to start again. Plus
as narcissistic as he is
the embarrassment of losing would have been impossible for him. He lost, so he disappeared.
And don’t forget he still collected his parents’ social security checks.

“He did what?” Mary asked in a shocked voice.

Quickly, Jeff explained what Rod had told them.

“Well, I never …” She shook her head. “Unbelievable!”

“Back to the scheme,” Martin said, “
Will people be able to get their money back?”

“I’ve checked his bank account in Bayou and I have a record of the investors and the property owners.” He shook his head. “The money doesn’t add up to allow each person a full refund. The courts will step in and unravel the mess.”

“Oh, our poor
neighbors,” Mary chimed in.

“Talking about neighbors, I need to tell my dad. I called him and briefly explained the situation
. Taylor, would you like to come with me?

She nodded.

After deciding to walk the twenty minutes it would take to reach Trey’s home, they headed out. At first neither spoke. Then Taylor stopped, turned and stared at Jeff. “I’ve been a fool.”

He reached for her, but she held him off.

“I lived next to the kindest, gentlest, sweetest man possible, and I chose a cruel, cold, actor. How could I?”

“We’ve known each other
since infancy. I became your brother, the guy you talked to about problems, the one that listened when your mother disappointed you, the friend always available. None of those is a lover.” Jeff wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lightly then allowed his tongue to touch hers. Instantly, she opened her mouth and caressed his lips. His hands moved to her sides and he touched her breast with one. She moaned with pleasure. He eased back and glanced around. “I don’t plan on having our first love making on a dirt path.”

She laughed. “I agree. After we see your dad, let’s
check out our guest cottage. I’m sure one of the rooms has a king-size bed.”

“Great idea!” He kissed her hard and she returned his passion with her own.


One month later

Taylor stood by the rail with Mr. Lee. They focused their attention on the mounting block and a petite teen preparing to climb on Pedro for the first time.
After walking and grooming him at least twice a week for almost two months, she and he were well enough to take the next step. The two watchers held their breath, as Hannah
lifted her right leg and placed it over the small Mustang’
s back
The horse stood perfectly still;
his ears s
ticking straight toward the sky
looked content. The teen
eased her
weight down on the gelding and settled in. Both adults sighed quietly.

Jean adjusted the girth, n
ext step the stirrups
. She took
her time
, measuring
to make sure each of Hannah’s legs was securely set and that everything was perfect
ly balanced
at last, Jean smiled at the young girl
. “Ready for the ring?”

A firm voice responded, “Yes!”

Jean led the duo through the open gate and proceeded to walk around the ring
keeping the lead short. They stayed
close to the wooden fence thereby maximizing the length of the ride
and maintaining control

Mr. Lee touched Taylor’s hand. His eyes
on his daughter
but Taylor could see the moisture in his tears. “She did it,” he said in a soft, gentle tone.

Taylor squeezed his before releasing it. “See how she and Pedro are almost one?”

“I guess so.” He smiled. “However, I know nothing about riding. All I see is a girl and a horse being guided around a ring.
I do like the huge smile on my darling daughter’s face.

Taylor smiled back.
e talked to Hannah about what we would do today. Everything is going according to our schedule. W
ait a few more minutes.”

They remained still and silent. Then Jean allowed the led line to lengthen, so that she was separated from the horse and rider.

Mr. Lee’s eyes opened wider.

Taylor sensed his concern.

“She’s fine. Watch.”

For the next half-hour, Jean con
tinued lengthening the line. Finally, she walked back to Hannah and Pedro. “Ready?”


Pedro appeared to agree.

Jean unhooked the line and walked to the center of the ring, never taking her eyes off the twosome.

“Let’s see what you can do, Hannah and Pedro,” Jean called out in her deep, velvety voice.

The two
began walking around the ring;
Hannah’s body straight and Pedro’s leg strong.

Joy filled Taylor as she stayed focused on the duo in the ring.
They would both heal and would continue to succeed. This is why I loved riding and helping others.


A few days later

“Miss Mary, Miss Mary!” Taylor calle
d as she raced into the kitchen, followed by Jeff.

“Hold on child.” Mary wiped her hands on the tea towel she usually kept on her shoulder.

“We’re getting married.” Taylor hugged her.

“That’s not a surprise.” She chuckled. “When?”

“We’ve decided on a fall wedding.
” Taylor moved back and hugged Jeff.

“Instead of a formal affair, we’ll
do Lowcountry dressy,
have a pig roast and country music,” he added.

“What a great idea! Everyone loves a pig roast
and doing informal allows the guests to relax and ‘let their hair down’
. Will you have a tent?”

Taylor could tell Miss Mary had already begun planning the event.
“Why don’t the three of us sit down and decide exactly what we want.”

“Grab a chair and let’s start.” Mary’s face beamed with pleasure.

With plans established, Taylor said, “Jeff and I have one other request.”

When they asked her, her eyes filled with tears. “I’m sure Martin will love that too.”

“One other question,” Taylor said. “Remember when I asked you if Rod were dead and you said you didn’t sense he was?”

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