Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion (36 page)

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Authors: Ph.D. Paul A. LaViolette

Tags: #New Science

BOOK: Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion
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During the late 1980s, there were numerous sightings of hovering vehicles that resembled the B-2 bomber.
For example, in 1987, a year prior to the B-2’s unveiling, hundreds of people living in Wythe County, Virginia, claimed that on several occasions they had seen a triangular-shaped black craft hovering in the night sky, mostly between the hours of eight and ten.
Many who had seen the craft concluded that there was military involvement.
One resident said that low-flying jets flew until 7 p.m.
and then the “saucers” took over.
Another witness had observed these objects flying a certain pattern at night and said that at the first crack of dawn, helicopters would fly the same pattern.
Observers said the strange flat craft made no noise and in some cases hovered motionless in the air.

Danny Gordon, news director of radio station WYVE in Wytheville, Virginia, was one witness to the phenomenon.
Regarding the similarity to the B-2 bomber, he stated, “Unequivocally, undoubtedly it was the same aircraft.
I saw it, a lady in Fort Chiswell saw it .
the same aircraft, flat-wing V-shape.
This is not all the UFOs we’ve seen here, but this is one type, and I believe it’s connected.”

Gordon said that several nights earlier he had paced a similar aircraft while driving his car at a speed of twenty-five miles per hour.
He said he did not know how anything that big could travel at such a slow speed and not fall out of the sky.
He concluded that the stealth bomber was being tested in their area by the Air Force and that other aircraft also observed might be part of the experiment.
While Air Force authorities have acknowledged that the B-2 is a relatively slow-moving aircraft, such sightings lead us to believe that it also has the ability to hover totally motionless.
If so, then this may have been accomplished along the lines suggested in chapter 5, that is, by applying high-voltage AC across ceramic dielectrics oriented vertically at spaced intervals within its wing.
The propulsion method would have been similar to that used in Brown’s vertical-lift electrokinetic apparatus, and as concluded earlier, this type of AC field propulsion would have generated soliton beams beneath the craft.

These sightings might not all be B-2 craft.
Air Force officials acknowledge that diamond- and triangular-shaped vehicles are “the trend now.”
According to
Aviation Week
, one of these high-altitude military craft has earned the name Pulser because it is seen as a single bright light that sometimes pulses.
The craft emits no engine noise or sonic boom, yet it has been seen crossing the night sky at extremely high velocities, exceeding the speed of conventional aircraft.
Speaking about aircraft under development in U.S.
black projects, the magazine reported in 1990:

In addition, there is substantial evidence that another family of craft exists that relies on exotic propulsion and aerodynamic schemes not fully understood at this time .
Over the past 13 months, large, triangular wing-shaped aircraft characterized by a relatively quiet propulsion system have been the object of at least 11 sightings near Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., and one near Fresno, Calif.
These are supported by additional reports of similar vehicles seen and heard around remote central Nevada communities near government ranges operated by the Energy Dept.
and the Air Force.

Possibly prototypes or concept demonstrators of the Air Force B-2 or Navy A-12, the fairly flat, triangular-shaped vehicles have a rounded nose, rounded wingtips and probably no vertical tail surfaces.
The flying wings’ trailing edges may be slightly curved, but definitely are not sawtooth-shaped like those of the Air Force’s B-2 bomber, according to reports received so far.
One observer in Nevada described the shape as “like a manta ray.”

Very large aircraft whose shape fits this general description have been seen in the Hudson Valley region, thirty to sixty miles northeast of New York City.
Beginning in the spring of 1983 and continuing for a period of several years, tens of thousands of people on various occasions saw an immense craft described as looking like a boomerang-shaped flying wing with a rounded prow and measuring about 300 feet from wingtip to wingtip.
It was usually seen flying at night with lights along its leading wing edge and at various locations beneath its body.
These would periodically turn off or sometimes change in color.
The craft was often seen hovering noiselessly or moving very slowly, about twenty to forty miles per hour, but occasionally it would accelerate to enormous speeds, disappearing to a point on the horizon in the blink of an eye.
Either this was an exotic craft that the United States was secretly developing or one must presume it was an alien vessel.
Clearly, to be able to hover noiselessly and undergo such enormous accelerations, the craft does not use a conventional means of propulsion.

Triangular-shaped craft have been sited hovering over various parts of Belgium on numerous occasions since 1989, with witnesses also numbering into the tens of thousands.
Eyewitness accounts and photographs suggest the shape shown in figure 9.2.
On top, the craft have a dome fitted with several windows.
Viewed from beneath, they have bright white circular regions at each corner and a single red light near their center.
Could these corner “lights” be luminous emissions from microwave horns that are part of a microwave phase-conjugation resonator system projecting down beams that support and propel the craft?

The craft were observed to hover, sometimes to move slowly horizontally, and at other times to accelerate vertically or horizontally to great velocities.
On one occasion, after one of the craft was detected by radar, the Belgian government scrambled two F-16 fighters, but they were unable to apprehend it.
The craft exhibited erratic changes in direction and very rapid linear accelerations.
In one case, a craft changed its altitude by 9,500 feet in just five seconds, an acceleration of more than 24 g.
This would have been fatal to any pilot if it had been a vehicle operating on the conventional jet-thrust principle.
Although the spacecraft attained a velocity of nearly twice the speed of sound, no sonic boom was heard.
Quite possibly, this was a military test of a beam propulsion vehicle of the kind developed in Project Skyvault.

Figure 9.2.
Drawing of a spacecraft seen over Belgium as viewed from below.


The early research efforts leading to Project Skyvault began not long after July 1947, when an extraterrestrial spacecraft is reputed to have crashed near Roswell, New Mexico.
Shortly after the crash, the site was secured by a top-secret military task force, and the scattered wreckage, including the vehicle’s occupants, was subsequently removed to U.S.
military laboratories for analysis.
Similar operations were conducted in subsequent years to recover other downed alien vehicles.
Although the military has made a concerted effort to keep knowledge of these incidents from the public, much information has since come to light as a result of research by dedicated investigators.
This has been summarized in books such as
Behind the Flying Saucers, The Roswell Incident, UFO Crash at Aztec, Above Top Secret, Alien Contact
, and
The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell
These recovery operations are said to have resulted in an accelerated program to develop antigravity propulsion technology under projects code-named Y and Redlight.
Since Project Skyvault and other advanced propulsion technology development programs were initiated around this time, it should be helpful to review something about these UFO crashes.

The first incident is believed to have taken place on the night of July 4, 1947, when a wedge-shaped spacecraft measuring about 15 by 25 feet crashed about thirty-five miles north of Roswell, New Mexico.
Some say that two crashes actually took place at the same time but separated by some hundreds of miles.
A few months later, in October, a 36-foot-diameter, dome-shaped craft is said to have crashed in Paradise Valley, Arizona.
Then in March 1948, a 100-foot-diameter disc reportedly crashed in Aztec, New Mexico, and in July of that same year, a 90-foot-diameter disc is said to have come down near the Sabinas River in Mexico, thirty miles southwest of Laredo, Texas.
In UFO Crash at Aztec, UFO researchers William S.
Steinman and Wendelle C.
Stevens estimate that as many as sixteen UFO craft may have crashed at various locations around the world between 1947 and 1986.

Although the U.S.
government has officially maintained that UFOs do not exist, a secret memo dated September 23, 1947, indicates that the military was taking this matter very seriously.
It was written by General Nathan Twining, commander of the Army Air Force’s Air Materiel Command at Wright Field, to the Air Technical Intelligence Command in Dayton, Ohio.
Excerpts from this memo, printed in
Aviation Week & Space Technology
, read as follows:

  1. As requested by AC/AS-2 there is presented below the considered opinion of this Command concerning the so-called “Flying Discs” .
  2. It is the opinion that:

The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.

There are objects probably approximately the shape of a disc, of such appreciable size as to appear to be as large as man-made aircraft.

There is a possibility that some of the incidents may be caused by natural phenomenon, such as meteors.

The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely.

Also, a twenty-six-page classified report issued in 1948 by the Air Technical Intelligence Command stated:

It must be accepted that some type of flying objects have been observed, although their identification and origin are not discernible.
In the interests of national defense it would be unwise to overlook the possibility that some of these objects may be of foreign origin .
if it is firmly indicated that there is no domestic explanation, the objects are a threat and warrant more active efforts of identification and interception.

Additional confirmation about the saucer crashes and the government’s secret R&D involvement in the matter has come from a conversation that Wilbert B.
Smith had in September 1950 with electrical engineer Dr.
Robert Sarbacher, who was then serving as a consultant to the Research and Development Board, headed by Dr.
Vannevar Bush.
Smith, who was a senior radio engineer with the Canadian Department of Transportation, had read the account in Scully’s book about the Aztec, New Mexico, saucer crash and secret government retrieval operation and wanted to verify if there was any truth to it, so he contacted Sarbacher through the Canadian embassy in Washington.
According to Smith’s handwritten notes, their conversation went as follows:

Smith: .
I have read Scully’s book on the saucers and would like to know how much of it is true.

Sarbacher: The facts reported in the book are substantially correct.

Smith: Then the saucers do exist?

Sarbacher: Yes: they exist.

Smith: Do they operate as Scully suggests on magnetic principles?

Sarbacher: We have not been able to duplicate their performance.

Smith: Do they come from some other planet?

Sarbacher: All we know is, we didn’t make them, and it’s pretty certain they didn’t originate on earth.

Smith: I understand the whole subject is classified.

Sarbacher: Yes, it is classified two points higher even than the H-bomb.

In fact, it is the most highly classified subject in the US government at the present time.

Smith: May I ask the reason for the classification?

Sarbacher: You may ask, but I can’t tell you.

Note that Sarbacher’s comment about the classification level was made two years before the H-bomb had been detonated.
On November 21, 1950, Smith sent an intra-departmental memo to the Controller of Telecommunications of the Canadian Department of Transportation that summarized some of what he had learned from Sarbacher.
The memo, which is reproduced in appendix F, was marked top secret but was downgraded to “confidential” in September 15, 1969.
It stated:

The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States government, rating two points higher than the H-bomb.

Flying saucers exist.

Their modus operandi is unknown but a concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush.

The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.

In a response to inquiries made in 1983 by UFO researcher William Steinman, Sarbacher wrote a letter confirming that the U.S.
government had recovered crashed flying saucers, along with the bodies of their occupants.

The top-secret administrative group that Sarbacher said was headed by Bush was later discovered to have the code name MJ-12, or Majestic 12.
This group of twelve individuals is said to have been formed September 24, 1947, under the authority of President Harry S Truman for the purpose of investigating UFOs, reporting the findings to the president, forming policies on the basis of those findings, and implementing policies that had received presidential approval.
A photocopy of the memorandum Truman wrote to authorize its formation is displayed in appendix F.

Programs to analyze the crashed saucers and to attempt to duplicate their technology came under the direction of the Research and Development Board, which, in turn, reported directly to MJ-12.
The Research and Development Board, which Sarbacher was consulting for in 1950, was organized by Bush in 1947 at the time that MJ-12 was formed.
Under Bush’s direction, this board headed up the R&D organizations of three branches of the military: Army Research and Development, Air Force Research and Development, and the Office of Naval Research.
Brown’s electrogravitics technology, which was evaluated by the Office of Naval Research in 1952, was probably closely scrutinized by this overseeing organization.
Bush had previously headed the Office of Scientific Research and Development, which administered the Manhattan Project and other top-secret wartime efforts, such as the development of radar and the proximity fuse.

On November 18, 1952, two weeks after his election, President-elect Dwight D.
Eisenhower is said to have been briefed on MJ-12 and the crashed saucer retrieval operations.
In 1984, television producer Jaime Shandera and UFOlogist William Moore obtained a document through intelligence contacts that they believed to be the top-secret “eyes only” document used in that briefing.
Although some doubt whether the document is in fact genuine,
Washington Post
article does confirm that President-elect Eisenhower had received a military briefing on November 18, 1952, the same date stated on the MJ-12 briefing.
Moreover, the existence of a subsequent briefing with MJ-12 is corroborated by a memo that Moore and UFO researcher and physicist Dr.
Stanton Friedman obtained from the National Archives through a Freedom of Information Act request.
The memo, dated July 14, 1954, was written by Robert Cutler, special assistant to President Eisenhower, and sent to General Nathan Twining, one of the individuals claimed to belong to MJ-12.
The memo, which concerned the NSC/MJ-12 Special Studies Project, states, “The President has decided that the MJ-12/SSP briefing should take place during the already scheduled White House meeting of July 16 rather than following it as previously intended.”
The NSC designation refers to the presidential office’s National Security Council, which was also created in 1947.
MJ-12 is said to operate under the NSC as an unacknowledged subcommittee called the Special Studies Group, with a current membership of thirty-three.

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