Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion (32 page)

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Authors: Ph.D. Paul A. LaViolette

Tags: #New Science

BOOK: Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion
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We can only speculate how much beam power was needed to lift the Skyvault craft.
Don did not disclose this, nor did he mention the size of the Skyvault craft.
Obviously, the power needed for a given propulsion beam would depend on the weight of the craft and on how many beams it used for levitation.
With this method, it should be possible to lift a craft even the size of an aircraft carrier.

As mentioned earlier, sawtooth-shaped waves having a sharp rise in negative electric potential will produce repulsive forces on bodies they encounter.
Also, artificial metamaterials having electric or magnetic resonances close to the microwave beam frequency are capable of responding with very large repulsive thrusts.
As mentioned in chapter 7, the Skyvault craft very likely used such a material for its wave-shaping diode and in a beam refractor that reversed the path of its main beam to pass through a lens toward the ground.
The mixer diode may also have been made out of such a metamaterial so that, in addition to producing an outgoing beam that would be the phase conjugate of the incoming probe beam, the diode would also be lofted by both the incoming probe beam and the downward-refracted pump beams.

Consequently, the sawtooth-shaped waves emitted from the Gunn diode resonator cavity will exert upward forces in the wave-shaping diode, in the beam reflector, and in the mixer diode that will together act to levitate the craft.
The microwave beams that strike the ground will produce a downward force on the ground, but this force will not be as great as that lofting the craft’s dielectrics, since it is unlikely that soil material typically encountered in the ground would have any resonant frequencies near the craft’s microwave beam frequency.

Based on Don’s testimony, we can conclude that this microwave-induced thrust would not be just an electrostatic effect, but also an electrogravitic effect in that it would repel the mixer diode through a mass effect.
In such a case, this phase-locked soliton beam could induce a gravitational force on the craft that was opposed to the Earth’s downward pull, thereby reducing the craft’s weight and causing it to levitate.
The idea that a microwave beam should have gravitational effects is not entirely unexpected.
As discussed earlier, research by Brown and Podkletnov indicates that sawtooth electric potential waves produce gravity-like thrust effects.
This electrogravitic coupling phenomenon is also a key prediction of subquantum kinetics.

A Skyvault spacecraft could maintain proper pitch stability by using three microwave beam generators spaced from one another so as to produce a tripodlike beam arrangement (see figure 8.5).
A single mixer could be located at the center of the craft’s lower hull to phase-conjugate the three beams.
Alternatively, three mixers might be used, one near each of the craft’s microwave beam generators.

In summary, by using phase conjugate technology, a craft would be able to build up a resonant energy beam between itself and the ground that would have a cumulative power far in excess of that which the craft would be feeding into it.
Its advantage for propulsion may be readily seen when compared with a conventional microwave system that uses an onboard maser (
mplification by stimulated
mission of
adiation) as a microwave transmitter.
In the case of a conventional maser system, the emitted radiation would simply leave the craft, strike the ground, and scatter in various directions, with a minute fraction of the original radiation scattering back toward the craft.
To get a reflected beam by this method that would exert a measurable propulsive force, the craft’s transmitter would have to be so powerful and its energy source of such a large size as to make this method of microwave propulsion totally impractical.


Figure 8.5.
A possible
arrangement of microwave
phase conjugate resonators
in a Skyvault spacecraft.
LaViolette, © 2006)

However, in the case of a craft employing phase conjugation technology, the initially minute amount of microwave radiation scattered from the ground and striking the craft would be phase conjugated and sent back to the ground as a time-reversed beam.
This time-reversed beam would retrace the path of the scattered rays, targeting just those facets on the ground that were reflecting microwaves toward the craft and reflecting back from those facets to the craft’s maser transmitter.
So out of all the microwave rays being scattered from the ground, the phase conjugator would pick out just those that were striking the craft and send out its energy to trace in reverse the trajectory of those rays back to their transmission source.
As the microwave energy was resonantly reflected back and forth among the craft’s transmitter, the ground, and the craft’s phase conjugator, a soliton beam would form specifically between the craft and the ground and begin to progressively increase in intensity.
The waves would remain coherent despite repeated reflections, so losses would be minimal.
Eventually, this beam would accumulate an intensity far in excess of the power being outputted from the craft’s AC maser source and possibly would even draw in energy cohered from the surrounding environment.
Given that this soliton beam exerts an upward repulsive force on the craft, with sufficient resonant amplification it would produce an upward force sufficient to support the craft.
In effect, this microwave phase conjugate resonator would act as a gravity wave amplifier to generate an enormous electrogravitic thrust for supporting the craft.
Ray, the black-project physicist I had spoken to, said that in the black R&D world, this resonant amplification effect is referred to as “field-induced soliton phenomenon.”


Another purpose of projecting beams out from the craft to the ground surface would be for flight control.
As mentioned earlier, the ground-reflected probe beam enters the mixer diode, where it is mixed with the beam from the craft’s main Gunn oscillator to produce sum and difference frequencies, the difference frequency being the Doppler output signal, whose frequency is determined by the speed of the vehicle’s motion relative to the ground.
Don said that in both the homodyne and Micro-X units this difference signal was fed into what he termed the “processing circuit,” where it was amplified and processed “to produce the vehicle in motion.”
Unfortunately, he gave no additional information as to the nature of this processing or how it might result in moving the vehicle.
He stated that the frequency of the Doppler output signal not only depends on the speed of the vehicle, but also “controls the speed of the vehicle” (see page 3 of Don’s letter in
appendix E

In his letter, Don wrote that the Doppler frequency, φ, caused by the vehicle’s movement in a 100-gigahertz microwave radiation field (
) was given by the equation:

φ = 2

in which φ is the frequency difference due to Doppler shifting of the outgoing signal,
is the frequency of the outgoing microwave signal generated by the vehicle, v is the speed of the vehicle in centimeters per second, and
is the speed of light (3 × 10
centimeters per second).
Unless he was just using an analogy here, Don seems to imply that they were using a 100-gigahertz oscillator for their propulsion beam—hence, one that operated in the W microwave band.
The φ in the above equation represents the difference frequency,
, that would be produced by the mixer diode as a result of combining the incoming probe beam signal with the spacecraft’s local oscillator reference signal, the pump beam.

If the vehicle was stationary relative to the targeted region, the waves scattered back to the craft would have the same frequency as the original outgoing microwave signal.
Don noted that in this case the output in the mixer diode would be relatively simple; that is, no difference frequency would be produced.
However, in a case in which the vehicle was moving relative to the ground, the reflected signal would be Doppler shifted, causing its frequency to differ slightly from the spacecraft’s local oscillator frequency.
In this case, he said the signal output from the mixer would be more complex, that is, there would be a difference signal output.

As an example, if the vehicle was beaming down a signal of
= 100 gigahertz and was receding upward from the ground at a speed of 1.5 meters per second, this 100-gigahertz signal would arrive at the ground redshifted by 500 hertz (10
Hz × v/c), presenting a frequency
– 500 hertz.
Upon being reflected from the ground up toward the receding vehicle, this redshifted microwave beam would appear to be redshifted by an additional 500 hertz relative to the vehicle.
As a result, the incoming reflected signal would be redshifted by 1,000 hertz compared with the signal originally sent out by the craft’s local oscillator.
Consequently, when this redshifted frequency
is combined in the microwave mixer with the pump beam frequency
from the local oscillator, the mixer would produce a 1,000-hertz difference signal, which is the Doppler output frequency, φ.
Harmonic multiples of this fundamental Doppler beat frequency would most likely also be present, although in a lesser amount.

It is quite likely that such a phase conjugate propulsion system would emit sound, since piezoelectric media physically move and oscillate when they are excited by electromagnetic waves.
In fact, such materials are used in telephone speakers and sonic alarms.
Similarly, the piezoelectric mixer medium in the Skyvault spacecraft, excited by this difference frequency, would emit a sonic vibration.
If such a craft was to hover up and down at only 15 centimeters per second on its 100-gigahertz microwave beam, the fundamental harmonic of its beat frequency would have a very low value of around 100 hertz.
Sonically, this would be at the lower end of the audible spectrum.
As the vehicle proceeded to climb at an increasing speed, the sound pitch emitted from its mixer diode would accordingly increase, passing up through the audible range to ultrasonic frequencies.
At an upward velocity of 30 meters per second (sixty-seven miles per hour), the craft would be generating a 20,000-hertz beat frequency (i.e., in the ultrasonic range).

Unconventional flying objects, however, have been sighted that emit somewhat lower microwave frequencies.
For example, in one aerial chase of a UFO that took place near Meridian, Mississippi, in July 1957, electronic countermeasures equipment on board an RB-47 plane was able to pick up a 3-gigahertz microwave frequency emanating from the UFO.
The signal occurred in 2-microsecond-long bursts that repeated six hundred times per second.
UFOs have generally been observed to radiate electromagnetic waves in the 0.3 to 3 gigahertz range, hence in the UHF band.
If the craft was to transmit a 1-gigahertz maser signal and travel upward at a velocity of 30 meters per second, its beat frequency would be felt in the low frequency audio range at 200 hertz.

Let us next attempt to interpret Don’s laconic statements describing how the Skyvault craft’s microwave receiver operates when the ship is in motion.
As we noted above, when the craft is moving upward, the ground will be receding from the craft and, hence, upon reflection from the ground, the local oscillator frequency
will be Doppler redshifted to a slightly lower frequency by an amount
= –
Also, as the ground-reflected probe beam enters the mixer diode, it will experience an additional Doppler redshift due to the craft’s upward receding motion.
Thus, upon entering the mixer, the probe beam will have been Doppler shifted relative to the local oscillator frequency by a total of
, which is equal to –φ.

However, the mixer diode will compensate for this frequency shift.
That is, because the incoming redshifted probe beam and the pump beams differ in frequency by 2Δ
, they will generate a moving holographic grating pattern within the medium of the four-wave mixer diode.
This is well known from experiments with optical phase conjugation.
Upon interaction with this moving grating pattern, the pump beams will produce an outgoing phase conjugate beam that is frequency shifted relative to the local oscillator (pump beam) frequency by an amount equal to the frequency shift of the incoming probe beam,
but opposite in sign
Hence, the four-wave mixer will automatically produce a phase conjugate beam
that is
in frequency by an amount φ = +2Δ
That is, the outgoing beam will be reverse Doppler shifted.
The incoming
redshifted probe beam and outgoing blueshifted phase conjugate beam then differ
in frequency by 4Δ
in the mixer diode
reference frame.
After reflecting from the ground and converging into the Gunn
diode resonator cavity, the blueshifted phase conjugate beam will have been
redshifted by an amount φ = –2Δ
So upon reaching the receding craft, its frequency will end up precisely matching the local oscillator frequency.
Thus, a condition of resonance will be established with the outgoing local oscillator frequency.

In the Earth’s reference frame, the frequencies of the ground-reflected probe
beam and the phase conjugate beam will differ by an amount 2Δ
numerically equaling the difference frequency, or beat frequency, that the
ground-reflected probe beam generates in the four-wave mixer.
As a result, these
two counterpropagating beams will build up a phase-locked soliton beam between
the craft and the ground that in the ground reference frame will have a beat
frequency φ =2Δ
This is equivalent to the frequency that Don’s formula specifies to be the “frequency caused by movement of the unit” (or vehicle).
Its value depends on the speed of the craft relative to the ground.
This beat frequency will likely induce an audible sound in any material body on the ground that it happens to push against.
This could explain UFO sightings in which witnesses have reported hearing humming sounds.

If we properly interpret Don’s letter, he appears to say that the mixer’s Doppler output signal may be used to control the speed of the vehicle.
He talks of amplifying and processing this signal.
Presumably, this amplified Doppler signal is fed back into the mixer.
The amplified signal, in turn, would add its power to the outgoing phase conjugate beam and ultimately to the soliton beam.
Thus, by controlling the amount by which the Doppler signal is amplified, a pilot would be able to control the soliton beam intensity and the amount of thrust that the beam would develop.
In this way, he could control the speed of the craft.
With more amplification, the craft would accelerate away from the Earth and with less amplification it would decelerate or even enter a descending flight mode.
As the craft moved horizontally, its velocity relative to a beam’s particular ground target location would continually change and as a result the frequency of the mixer diode’s Doppler output signal would be changing accordingly.
Whatever frequency the mixer happened to be outputting, the amplifier would be amplifying that signal at the amplification level that the pilot had set.

Thus, although the power level of the Gunn diode beam generator could also be changed, for finer adjustments the craft guidance system would be controlling the power level of the much-lower-frequency Doppler signal.
This is reasonable since lower-frequency waves in the audio or radio frequency range are much easier to control than those in microwave frequencies.
If the craft supported itself on three microwave beams, it would need some very sophisticated computer hardware to coordinate and properly control the Doppler signal power levels of all three beams.

It is conceivable that the same technique could be used to produce a tractor beam that would lock on to objects and draw them toward the craft.
A microwave beam could be changed from a repulser beam into a tractor beam simply by inverting its sawtooth waveform to have a sharp increase of positive potential followed by a gradual decline.
This could be done by reversing the polarity bias on the Gunn diode and on the barium titanate dielectric that would be used to shape the wave.
If the craft had several phase conjugate resonators (i.e., more than one local oscillator and several mixer diodes), some might be used to create repulsive beams to support the craft, leaving another free to phase conjugate an attractive soliton beam that might be used to target a transportable object.
By adjusting the power applied to its tractor soliton beam, the craft could control the movement of the targeted object as it made its approach.
Similar technology could explain UFO sightings in which cars or people have been picked up by a force field and drawn toward a hovering craft.

In summary, the development of microwave field propulsion technology combines three areas of research: (a) research into the production of high-power microwave beams, (b) research into metamaterials that exhibit a negative index of refraction or strong electric or magnetic resonances at microwave frequencies, and (c) research into microwave phase conjugation.
With the proper engineering development, it should be possible to produce a vehicle capable of free levitation.

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