Secrets of Yden (29 page)

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Authors: S. G. Rogers

BOOK: Secrets of Yden
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Efysian had regained consciousness and was watching him. Sprawled on the ground, the Wolf Clan wizard looked more like a wadded up piece of parchment than the most fearsome force for evil on Yden.

"Such power," he said, his yellow eyes glittering with malice. "Wasted on such a vulnerable boy."

"You'd know all about wasted power," Jon managed. "I might be vulnerable, but I'm leaving Yden with my head held high. And by taking you with me, I'll be saving your lousy life." He laughed. "You'll owe me, and I want you to think about that as you dissolve. It almost makes this whole thing worth it."

Jon lurched to his feet and retrieved the scroll from where it had fallen during the scuffle. He removed the Portal Key from around his neck and read the spell. When he finished, a trans-dimensional pinhole began to form several yards away, a mere shaft of light at first. The pinhole spread and lengthened until it formed the shape of a doorway.

"Time to go."

He dragged Efysian upright just as circling air currents surrounding the portal picked up speed. Crystals were lifted into the air, and it was as if the two wizards were standing in the eye of a tornado made of precious stones. The effect was terrifying, and weirdly beautiful.

Jon steered Efysian toward the portal, but they'd only taken a few steps before the old wizard sagged to the ground. At first Jon thought he was trying to escape, but as he peered at Efysian's gaunt face, he realized the wizard was dying. "Oh no you don't," Jon exclaimed. "You're not getting out of this so easy."

He healed Efysian in a burst of white light, but in his haste he went overboard — giving him so much life energy Jon was trembling with exhaustion and covered with sweat afterward.
It's not important.
In a few moments my physical condition won
t matter anymore.

"Move," he muttered.

Efysian suddenly wrenched the Portal Key from Jon's weakened fingers. The two wizards grappled as Jon tried to regain the ankh, while the portal dragged them closer and closer. The cavern suddenly exploded with the sound of several wizards transporting at once. To his relief, Jon found himself held in place by invisible bonds.
Wizards are trying to help me!

Unfortunately, the inexorable force of the portal was stronger. He continued to slip toward oblivion, all the while struggling to break free from Efysian's grip. Kira jumped from the shadows and threw a knife at Efysian's shoulder. He howled in pain and loosened his grip, but as he slid toward the portal, his eyes lit with mad laughter.

"You lose, Dragon Wizard," he said, holding the Portal Key aloft. "And now you get to watch her die."

A snaky, silvery strand whipped toward Kira, wrapping itself around her boot. As Efysian was sucked toward the portal, she was dragged along with him.

"No!" Jon cried.

Thereafter, events seemed to unfold in slow motion. Jon reached out, but Kira was too far away to grasp his hand.
If she dies, we die together.
He said the spell of undoing and felt his bonds loosen. Cackling with glee, Efysian faded into the portal and dissolved into the golden light. Kira was mere inches away from the portal when Jon dove across the cavern floor. He'd just managed to wrap his arms around her when the portal snapped closed, the air currents ceased, and a myriad of diamonds and other precious stones skittered to the ground like a crystalline rainfall. Efysian's robes lay in a heap where the portal had just shut, along with his clan ring, the ankh, and Kira's knife.

Jon held Kira and stroked her hair as she trembled. "It's over," he whispered. "We're okay."

He opened his eyes at the sound of movement. All the Dragon Clan apprentices surrounded them, along with Jon's father, Quixoran, Dorsit, Lialia, and even Lady Marla. As Jon peered into their faces, their expressions of love, concern, and relief filled him with humility. "The cavalry came to the rescue. Thank you."

"We stopped you from going through the portal because we love you," Kira murmured. "
love you."

Jon's arms tightened around her, and his throat closed up. The prophecy had come true. Too late, he realized Efysian was the dark hunter who would materialize on Earth with a restored soul.

The noble Champion in battle defeated,
His chance to save Yrth bitterly cheated,
A time for redemption, a soul's restoration,
Dark hunter embarks on a Hell-bound migration.

For the first time in his life, however, Jon was suddenly and totally glad he'd failed. Although
hadn't been the one to save Earth, it didn't matter. The horned owl had been right; sometimes losers really were winners.

Dr. Hansen and Quixoran helped Jon and Kira to their feet. Lialia flung herself at Jon with a dramatic sob.

"I'm so glad you are safe. I confess it was I who gave Efysian's clan ring back to him."

"He mentioned that, yes," Jon said.

"I wanted Efysian to be the only one to go through the portal," she said. "Perhaps I'm a bad nymph, but I told him nothing of the price he would pay."

In the background, Max smirked as Lialia continued to cling to Jon. Fortunately, Brett came to the rescue.

"Ease off, Grandma," she said. "Give the wizard some air."

Lialia pouted, but she let go.

"You're not a bad nymph, Lialia," Jon said. "As it turns out you were just fulfilling a prophecy."

He retrieved the tattered scroll from the cavern floor and handed it to Quixoran with a sheepish grin. "I found the final part in the second owl."

"I guessed as much. I had hoped you would confide in me."

"Or me," Dr. Hansen said.

Jon's cheekbones warmed from embarrassment. "I thought I had more time to work things out, but after the Executive Council went gunning for me this morning, I had to close the portal or risk losing everything."

"I'll deal with the Executive Council." The air surrounding Quixoran practically crackled with controlled anger. "In the meantime, let us return to Dragon Isle. The portal is closed, Efysian is gone, and all is well. It seems a celebration is in order."

The cavern echoed with sound of multiple transports, but Jon kept Kira's hand firmly in his. He pulled her into an embrace.

"You came to my rescue," he said.

"You came to mine."

As they kissed, someone nearby cleared his throat. Jon and Kira glanced up to see Brett and Max waiting for them.

"I thought everyone was gone," Jon said.

"Not quite." Max smirked. "Jon Hansen didn't manage save the world this time. That's gotta hurt."

Brett punched him on the arm. "That was mean."

She grabbed Max's hand, and the two of them disappeared in a flash. As Jon and Kira locked eyes, he opened his arms once more.

"I guess we have a whole future to discuss," he said.

"Yes." Kira slid into his embrace. "But this isn't the time for conversation."

For the few precious moments they were alone, they made the most of the opportunity.


When Kira and Jon returned to Dragon Isle, they found Quixoran had just expelled the two Executive Council wizards who'd been skulking around the tree house.

"It was pure awesome," Ian said. "Master Quixoran told 'em the Dragon Clan no longer recognizes the authority of the Executive Council and any wizard who attempts to take you into custody will answer to him."

"The wizards left in a complete snit," Ronny added.

"Right before they left, Arielle pooped down the back of their robes," Brett giggled. "It was a mess."

Arielle was perched on Jon's shoulder. He reached up to chuck her under the chin. "Good girl." She chittered in response.

Dr. Hansen descended the steps of the tree house with a stony expression, and Jon was suddenly apprehensive. Apparently Arielle felt the same way because she took off.

"I need a word with you, Jon."

They transported to a cliff overlooking the ocean.

"I don't know if I should congratulate you or ground you." Jon's father shook his head in exasperation. "You can't seem to play by the rules." He gave his son a hug. "We came close to losing you, and I'm so thankful we didn't."

By the time Jon and his father moved apart, their eyes were moist. They sat down side by side on a rocky outcropping.

"Your escape from the Executive Council is all anyone can talk about at Castle Ytherium. How did you learn how to do animal transformation?"

"Uh… I kind of got desperate for information," Jon said. "I might've read a few spells considered to be somewhat… off-limits."

To Jon's surprise, his father roared with laughter. "Is Quixoran still pulling that old trick?"


"Whenever my father wants an apprentice to do some extra studying, he tells them the material is prohibited. Works every time."

Jon's jaw dropped. "You've got to be kidding me."

"I'm perfectly serious. Quixoran throws in enough dark spells to make it all look like legitimate contraband, but the rest of it is stuff you need to know."

"Here I was sneaking around, thinking I was getting away with something. Now I feel like an idiot."

"You learned the material and it helped you out of a tight spot, didn't it?"

"A couple of 'em."

"Jon, you've demonstrated more bravery and resourcefulness at your age than most men will ever show. You're a lot more like your grandfather than you realize."


"Yeah. He was never one to follow rules either."

"Mom says I'm pig-headed and stubborn, like you."

His father laughed again. "Maybe so." A long pause was filled by the sound of the ocean surf far below. "Your mother and I have been talking about coming back to Yden, full time."

?" Stunned, Jon nearly passed out.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Premature Optimism

After Dr. Hansen transported to Earth, Jon walked back to camp in a daze. His parents were thinking about living on Yden.
I bet Sela will flip out with excitement.
Lost in thought, when he entered the bungalow his roommates stared at him in alarm.

"Are you all right?" Finn asked. "You look a little strange… and I don't just mean the blood on your clothes."

"Are ye hurt?" Ian asked.

Jon glanced down at himself. "No, I
m okay."

"Yer father must have chewed ye out, huh?" Ian asked.

"No, it was fine."

Max was draped on his hammock, his hands laced behind his head. "I found a real nice letter on your hammock with my name on it, Jon. Thanks."

Jon winced. "Never mind. Things didn't go the way I thought they would today."

"It's all good," Max said. "Hey, man, I love ya too."

"Shut up. Give the letter back if you're going to be like that."

Max smirked. "No way. It's very special to me."

What a jerk.
Considering the fact he was alive and the time anomaly had been resolved, Jon let Max's insufferable attitude roll off his back like water on a nymph. Nevertheless, the Unicorn Clan wizard wasn't grinning quite so broadly when Jon coated his hammock with ice.


That night, Quixoran called Jon into a special meeting in the tree house. Dorsit and Lady Marla were there, along with the four other Executive Council wizards who'd supported Jon. Quixoran announced he was going to issue a Mortal Challenge to each of the remaining members of the Executive Council.

"What's a Mortal Challenge?" Jon asked.

"In matters of honor, a clan leader is entitled to issue a Mortal Challenge to settle the score," Dorsit said.

"It's a duel until one wizard yields," Wele of the Sea Serpent Clan said in a deep bass voice. "Sometimes unto death."

"What if the wizards refuse the Challenge?" Jon asked.

"No wizard may refuse a Mortal Challenge without surrendering his clan ring," Nedd said. "The ancient magic forbids it."

"I might be slow sometimes, but I can count up to seven. Grandfather, are you planning to fight seven wizards at one time? Those odds are a little lopsided, even for you," Jon said.

Ure of the Dolphin Clan chortled in laughter. "I wouldn't wager against Quixoran, my boy. He might not have told you, but your grandfather won the Extreme Wizardry Competition six turns straight."

"Events which are long in the past," Quixoran said. "Nevertheless, I'm allowed to choose as many combatants as there are Mortal Challenges."

"Me," Jon said.

Quixoran nodded. "Your participation would be appropriate."

"Unfortunately, old friend, we're past our prime," Nedd said, indicating his fellow Executive Council wizards. Loft of the Hawk Clan was actually dozing off. "We stand behind you in spirit, but otherwise we must decline."

"Greggoran, Lady Marla, and Dorsit have agreed to the challenge," Quixoran said. "I would like your advice, Jon, on which two apprentices might be ready to join us?"

"Max," Jon said.

Of course, picking Max was a no-brainer, but Jon wrestled with naming the next apprentice. Kira was the best warrior, but he was suddenly reluctant to put her in harm's way.
I have no right to treat her any differently than anyone else just because of my personal feelings… and she'll resent me if I do.

"Kira," he added finally.

"I concur," Quixoran said. "Tomorrow we'll oust the remaining members of the Executive Council."

Jon's lips tightened as he remembered the seven wizards who'd voted to throw him in jail. "Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch."

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