Seduce Me Tonight (15 page)

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Authors: Kristina Wright

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Short Stories (Single Author), #Romance, #Contemporary

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‘This had better be good.’ I sounded pissed off and I couldn’t have even told him why because I didn’t know myself.

‘It will be,’ he said. Then cupped my face in his hands and kissed me hard.

His lips were cool at first, but they quickly warmed against mine. His tongue glided across my bottom lip before teasing the crease of my mouth and slipping inside. I caught my breath as he deepened the kiss, holding me still with his hands on my face, our noses bumping awkwardly in that way of first kisses.

When he pulled away, my hands were still tucked in my pockets but I was a hell of a lot warmer than I had been. He smiled.

‘Get it now?’

‘Um, I thought I got it before, when I felt you. Maybe you should explain.’

‘Candace and I broke up a month ago.’

I blinked at him. I hadn’t expected that. He didn’t sound broken up about it and I wasn’t really sorry, so I just said, ‘OK.’

‘Don’t you want to know why?’

What I wanted was for him to kiss me again, hard. But I played along. ‘Why?’

‘Because we’d been together six years and I still hadn’t asked her to marry me.’


He raked a hand through his damp hair. ‘You’re not making this easy for me.’

‘Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you.’

I sat down on the bench, feeling the moisture instantly soak the seat of my jeans. I was beyond caring. This day couldn’t get any more surreal. And then it did.

‘She gave me an ultimatum. She wanted us to set a date or she was gone. I tried, Katie, I tried.’ He sighed. ‘I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t look into my future and see myself with her. But I could see myself with you.’

I was still caught up in the idea that she’d actually given him an ultimatum that I missed the last part. Did women really
that kind of thing? And did men really cave in to that kind of emotional blackmail? Then I realised what he’d said.

‘Me?’ It came out sounding like a croak.

He dropped down on the bench next to me before I could warn him that it was wet. He made a face. ‘Well, I guess I deserved that.’

I laughed. ‘Yeah, you did. But I got wet too.’

We sat there watching the slow-moving water in the creek. I glanced over at his profile. He looked irritated. At me? I wasn’t sure.

‘So, you couldn’t marry Candace, but you could see yourself with me,’ I prodded him. ‘Care to expand on that thought?’

‘I’m in love with you,’ he blurted out, a proclamation made to the rocks and trees and the running water. ‘I couldn’t marry her because I’m in love with you. It’s not a crush or because I want to have sex with you – which I do, don’t get me wrong – but this is the real deal. I love you.’

Whoa. That was a lot to take in all at once, especially since I’d only just found out he’d broken up with Candace. I held my hands up to stop his confession, but it was too late.

‘Dude, you can’t just blurt out that you love me when up until thirty seconds ago I still thought you had a girlfriend. Damn, what am I supposed to say to that?’

He gave me a sidelong glance. ‘Ideally, you’d tell me you were in love with me, too.’

‘Are you
me?’ I didn’t just sound angry, I
angry. ‘I’ve walked around for the past five years pretending you didn’t
a penis because I didn’t want to wreck our friendship and biting my tongue whenever that harpy snapped her fingers and you jumped – and you want me to tell you I’m in love with you?’

‘So you’re not?’

His voice sounded strangled and for a minute I felt bad. It didn’t last. ‘No, I’m not in love with you. I don’t run around coveting other women’s men.
my friends.’

He leaned over, his shoulders shaking. I stared at him. I’d made him
? Holy hell, what alternative world had I slipped into? I was ready to bolt back to the truck and rally the troops for help when I realised Landon wasn’t crying, he was laughing. Great guffaws shook his shoulders, startling the birds that were sheltering themselves in the trees.

I punched him in the arm. Hard. ‘What is
with you? I thought you were crying.’

‘I am.’ And he did have tears in his eyes, but he was still laughing. ‘You just sound so furious at the idea, it’s funny.’

I punched him again. ‘So you’re not upset I’m not flinging myself at you with proclamations of love?’

He wasn’t laughing any more, just staring at me with a goofy smile. ‘Upset? No. I didn’t expect it. Would’ve been nice, but we haven’t really gotten to know each other like that. I just figured, since you were talking about my dick, that maybe …’

I blushed. My comments took on a whole new meaning in this context. ‘Sorry about that,’ I muttered. ‘I do think you’re hot. Always have. And you’re a great guy, my best friend.’

‘Are you building a case for falling in love with me?’

I leaned my head on his shoulder. ‘Maybe.’

‘Can I kiss you again?’

I felt like I was in high school. ‘Yeah.’

He turned toward me, cupped my face in his hands again and kissed me just as hard and seriously as he had before. Except now I knew what was behind it. I knew he was single. I knew it was more than just sex. And where it had just been a sleepy fantasy before, I felt my desire shift from purely physical to something with some roots. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and shifting until I was practically sitting on his lap. And this time when I felt his erection it didn’t seem weird at all.

I pulled back and searched his face. ‘When you were hard earlier, was that really because you just woke up or because of me?’

‘You,’ he said simply, going back to kissing me.

I don’t know how long we sat like that, making out in the still-drizzling rain, but I wasn’t chilled any more. He ran his hands up under my hoodie and along my bare back and I pressed against him. It wasn’t love, not yet, but it sure as hell was desire driving me when I tugged his shirt up and tucked my fingers in the waistband of his jeans, feeling his warm belly against the backs of my hands.

‘What are you doing?’ he murmured against my mouth as I slipped off his lap and worked his zipper down.

His cock popped free of the confines of his jeans and I sighed at the sight. Leaning over his lap, I said, ‘What I’ve been wanting to do all morning.’

And then he was in my mouth, his hand sliding up my back to the hood of my sweatshirt, pulling it free so that he could stroke my hair. ‘Damn, Katie. Damn,’ he said, as if he couldn’t catch his breath.

I took him as far as I could, which still left several inches of him to go, and wrapped my hand around the base of his cock. Up and down, mouth and hand working in tandem, stroking the length of him to the back of my throat and back out, his sighs and gasps in my ears, along with the rain and the birds. Breathing in the scent of this man I knew so well, and yet was just starting to learn. I sucked him slowly, drawing out the pleasure for both of us, my pussy creaming through my own jeans as I pressed my thighs together. Landon. I still couldn’t believe it, even as I caressed the head of his cock with my tongue and tasted his sweetness.

‘I can’t take much more,’ he said, and that was my cue to take him to the back of my throat and swallow, the ripples massaging his erection. ‘No, God. Stop before I explode.’

He pulled me up, his cock popping out of my mouth and bobbing in the air. ‘Not like this,’ he said. ‘I want to be inside you the first time.’

I wasn’t going to argue with him. Between us, we got my jeans down over my hips, and he turned me so that my back was to his chest and I was once again sitting on his lap, his cock pressing up between my thighs. I shifted my knees apart and rose up, taking his cock in my hand to guide it into me. He slipped his hands under my hoodie, cupping my bare breasts as I lowered myself onto his erection.

We both let out a long sigh as he filled me, my wetness slicking his length as I lowered myself back to his lap. We sat like that, looking out over the forest and the creek running below us, with his cock buried inside of me and his hands cupping my breasts while his thumbs massaged my nipples. If anyone had glanced over the barricade above, we would’ve looked like a couple in love, two tourists taking in the view. I imagined we weren’t the first couple to take advantage of the overhang and the bench and I sat there enjoying the feel of Landon inside of me in a way I’d hardly even let myself fantasise about.

I tried, but I couldn’t stay still, couldn’t resist rising up so that his cock slid out until only the head remained pressed between the lips of my pussy, then sinking back down until he was fully inside of me. Up and down, slowly, feeling every inch of his erection. He let me control it, for a while, and then his hands on my breasts became more insistent, tweaking my nipples hard, tugging on them until I moved quicker, harder, riding him. I leaned forward, bracing my hands on his knees, tilting my hips back to him for my pleasure, but hearing his corresponding groan to let me know it felt pretty damned good to him, too. I rode him hard, slamming down on him, crying out as he raised his hips to meet me halfway.

I was right there, clinging to the edge of control, no longer even trying to be quiet because it felt too damned good. I moved one hand between my legs, rubbed my swollen clit, stroked Landon’s cock where it went into me, the combination of internal and external sensations pushing me higher until I was coming and coming. He groaned as I tightened on him, my hips rolling with the force of my orgasm, driving him up deep into my clenching pussy. I reached lower and fondled his balls, rolling them in my hand and tugging on them gently. That was all it took and he was coming, surging up into me until I was nearly unseated. I didn’t worry about tumbling headlong into the creek – I knew Landon wouldn’t let go.

Blood pounded in my ears as my voice echoed off the overhang, along with the sounds of the birds going wild. Only birds didn’t clap. As I caught my breath, I realised we had an audience. Above us, half-hanging over the guardrail, were Brian and Greg, applauding wildly and acting like jackasses with their hoots and hollers.

‘Hell, if I’d known there was going to be a free show, I would’ve made popcorn,’ Greg called.

‘Get back in the truck, you jerks,’ Landon yelled, turning away from them to shield my half-nakedness. ‘Show’s over.’

Their laughter faded as they walked away, but I wasn’t embarrassed. Much. Somehow, what I’d just shared with Landon made up for any ribbing I’d get over the next couple of days. He held me cradled to his chest, his heart thudding against my back, his hands still under my hoodie, cupping my breasts. He nuzzled my neck and I leaned back against him. I struggled to pull my damp jeans up over my hips.

‘I guess we have to go,’ he said, sounding genuinely disappointed. ‘They’re never going to let us live this down.’

I climbed off his lap so he could get dressed. ‘So? I can live with it if you can.’

He smiled. ‘The hard part is going to be explaining to them why I don’t want to do any fishing this weekend.’

‘Sounds good to me,’ I said.

I took his hand as we walked back up the stairs. Love? Nah, not yet. But I could see myself with Landon. For now, that was enough.

Their Lover

I was riding Eric slowly, angling my hips so his cock hit my sweet spot in that way that makes me never want to stop, my pussy gushing with every short, quick stroke. It was then, when I was reaching the point of no return, that he said, ‘Would you like to try a threesome?’

My orgasm, which had been right there a minute ago, decided to leave the room. Or maybe the planet. I stopped mid-motion like a car that has just run out of gas on the freeway and looked down at him, my long hair swinging in his face.

‘Now? You ask me that

I might have lost my concentration, but Eric’s cock was still in the game. He thrust up into me, his face contorting in a way that let me know he was getting close to his own release. ‘Why not now? Seems like a good time to talk about sex while we’re having sex.’

In spite of myself, I swivelled my hips and moaned. ‘Fine,’ I gasped, ‘If you can keep talking through me riding you, let’s talk about having a threesome.’

Eric braced his hands on my hips, guiding me up and down on his erection. ‘I didn’t say we had to talk about it. It was just a question, Nina.’ He thrust up into me hard enough to make me cry out. ‘A yes or no question.’

And just like that, I was right back in the game myself, my orgasm not only back in the room, but front and centre and demanding attention. Eric’s words repeated in my head as the whole world started spinning and I started coming.

Would you like to try a threesome?

‘Yes, yes, yes!’ I cried out, and it was as much in response to his question as it was to the pleasure he was giving me. ‘Yes!’

Eric was right there with me, coming with a primal groan. ‘Yes,’ he echoed me. ‘Yes.’

* * *

And that, more or less, is how I came to find myself sitting in a hotel lounge, sipping a watered-down cranberry and vodka, waiting for our ‘date’ to arrive. I nursed my drink and watched Eric, wondering if he was nervous, too. He didn’t look nervous. Of course, Eric
looked nervous. About anything. He was fearless, an adrenalin junkie. A scuba instructor, skydiver, white water rafter and rock climber, among other equally dangerous pursuits. Eric organised extreme adventures for tourists who had office jobs and lots of discretionary income even in a lousy economy. People whose most extreme act in their day-to-day lives was switching to non-dairy creamer would find themselves praying to a God they didn’t think they believed in within twenty-four hours of one of Eric’s trips. At the end of the trip, they’d be tanner, leaner and braver than they ever imagined and would have the pictures to prove it. He was so good at what he did – giving people a taste of something they’d never had, that pure adrenalin terror he called freedom – that most of his trips were with repeat customers

Even though we’d been together for six years and married for two, I still had no idea why Eric was attracted to me. I didn’t share his interest in dangerous pursuits. I was the office manager for an advertising agency, my most adventurous vacations included room service and massages, and the idea of jumping out of a plane or diving with sharks gave me hives. But I loved Eric and his crazy energy and he loved me and my predictable ways, so I bit my lip over his interests and he didn’t make fun of mine. And never the twain shall meet … until now.

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