Seduced by Magic (13 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Fantasy

BOOK: Seduced by Magic
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“I’ll protect them with my life,” Scarlata promised Johanna, the
’s lavender eyes wide and filled with dread. “I promise.”

The crying children did not want to leave their mother and Scarlata flew away with her heart in her throat, terrified she would drop one of the squirming bundles. They only weighed about twenty pounds each but their chubby little bodies represented so much more than their mother’s love. They represented hope for the

As soon as she had cleared the ring of smoke and fire, she realized she’d made an error. She needed somewhere safe to keep the children but it would have to be close so she could return for others as soon as possible.

The answer came in a flash of memory and an entreaty to the Great Goddess Uni for luck and a little foresight on the part of others.

* * * * *

Justin blinked and found himself in a large cave.

With no apparent entrance or exit.

“Damn you, Sal,” he muttered under his breath. “Son of a bitch.”

The cave was wide enough to host a dinner party for twenty, table included. And the sheer rock walls rose at least thirty feet above him.

A soft glow illuminated the space, some of it coming from above, where there had to be an opening to the outside, explaining the fresh air. But most of the light came from the glowing walls. Veins of silver-colored crystals ran all through the stone, giving off a radiance that shone like bright moonlight.

He’d never seen anything like it. The researcher in him had to get a closer look, running his hand along the faintly warm rock. Which must be why the air didn’t feel cool.

But where the hell was he?


Seduced by Magic

If Sal thought to keep him safe here, it wasn’t going to work. He’d drag himself up the walls with his hands if he had to. He’d be damned if he took this sitting down.

Moving his fingers along the stone, he searched for handholds and began to climb. He’d only gotten a few feet off the ground when the glow in the cave flickered.

He glanced up and saw something had blocked out the light at the top.

No, not something. Someone.

“Justin, thank the Goddess,” Scarlata breathed. “I was hoping you would be here.”

Scarlata had entered somewhere above and floated toward the ground, her wings flapping to ease her down.

Too stunned to do more than kiss her when she landed, he didn’t even notice the crying babies she held in each arm until one of them hit him in the chin.

“Here.” She passed him the children, filling his arms with squiggling, little, warm masses of flesh. “I’ll be back.”

Then she flew up and out of his sight.

Leaving him with a hole in the pit of his stomach and two terrified babies with green streaks in their yellow hair, eyes so blue they blazed and chubby little cheeks flushed bright red in their fury.

Holy shit. He didn’t know a damn thing about kids, not a blasted thing. None of his friends—not that he had many—but no one he knew had babies. Or if they did, he’d never seen them. What the hell did he do with them?

The children began to scream louder.

“Hey, guys. Give me a break here. I’m doing the best I can.”

The slightly smaller of the two children hiccupped but stopped crying.

“I’m a girl,” she said, sounding for all the world like an American child. “I want my mommy.”

“Where did the fire come from?” asked the boy. “Will my mommy be okay? What about Dilby and Auralia and Cornelius and—”


Stephanie Julian

As the twins—they had to be, they looked too much alike—continued to spout questions he couldn’t answer about their mother and friends, Justin realized Scarlata’s task was much greater than he’d imagined.

How many people were stuck in the center of the ring of fire? Was she planning on flying each of them out herself? How long would that take? Could she do it before the fire made its way to the center of the ring?

In the short time he’d known her, he knew she would do whatever had to be done to save her friends.

No matter the cost to herself.

Dread sank into the pit of his stomach like acid and he held onto the children just a little tighter.

Forty-five minutes later, Justin was surrounded by seven kids—two of whom had hooves—varying in age from the three-year-old twins to the mute ten-year-old Auralia.

Then there was Dilby, a beautiful dark-haired girl who looked completely human.

She’d been the last to arrive and immediately took over.

She picked up the twins and gathered the rest of the children in the center of the cave. She got them quiet with a few words and sat them down on the floor while she wove a spell.

Suddenly the air over their heads filled with what looked like a movie, figures moving, thunderbolts flashing. Regiments of centaurs, warriors with wings and spears fighting dragons and giants.

He didn’t realize he was just as engrossed in the illusion as the children until Dilby appeared at his side.

“She’s not going to be able to save them all.”

For the first time since Dilby arrived, Justin heard a tremble in her voice. With the children, she’d been steady as a rock, seemingly old beyond her years.


Seduced by Magic

“She needs help,” Dilby continued.

He shook his head, frustration boiling in his stomach along with dread. “I know. I want to, Dilby. I just don’t know how.”

“You’re the son of a god.” She bit out every word, emotions far beyond her years in her eyes. “You need to do something.”




“Or she’ll kill herself trying to get their parents and everyone else out.” Tears began to appear in her dark eyes. “You’ve got to help.”

He released a frustrated sigh. “How?”

Dilby opened her mouth but stopped before making a sound.


Dilby slapped a small hand over Justin’s mouth and, with a wave of her other arm, dissipated the illusion the children were watching then silenced them with a curt motion of her hand across her throat. The kids immediately went quiet.

Someone’s coming.
Dilby’s voice was silent but he heard her perfectly. In his head.

Someone’s getting close.

He figured it wasn’t Scarlata.

His heart nearly beat into his throat. The kids. Jesus, how would he protect these kids? They were so tiny and he was powerless against the magic these people had.

“Dilby,” he whispered. “My powers. Tell me how I get them.”

She didn’t answer right away but her eyes widened in fear before narrowing in speculation. And hope.

It should only be done by an elder, someone who knows what they’re doing.
He heard her voice in his head again.
But I’ve seen the ritual performed. I know what it entails.

“Can you do it?” he whispered again.


Stephanie Julian

She swallowed hard then nodded.
But if something goes wrong, I could kill you.

His heart beat just a little faster but he ignored his fear and forced a grin. “Honey, you’re all I got at the moment. If there’s any chance you can make this work, it’s gotta be now.”

Even if there’s a chance you could die?

He nodded. “I know the risks. Frankly, I think they’re designed more to scare off any potentials.” Well, that was what he was hoping anyway. “If you want me to help, you’ve got to do this. Now.”

* * * * *

Though the fire had not advanced, the heat and smoke were becoming nearly unbearable for those remaining in the circle.

Scarlata had taken all the children to the cave but she now faced the daunting task of deciding which adults to remove. She should take the children’s mothers first but she really wanted to have a strong male in the cave in case someone responsible for the fire should actually find them.

She refused to think about the fact that Justin was in that cave as well. He would die defending the children and she would not want to live without him.

By the time she flew into the circle, she’d made up her mind.

“Dagobert, you must come next.”

The young
drew closer, shaking his head. “The women, Scarlata. You must get the mothers out.”

“We have no time to argue.” She nearly stomped her foot in frustration, the heat of the fire beginning to make her eyes tear. “You are the strongest. You must protect the children.”

“Yes, go,” urged Johanna, the mother of the twins. “We are all expendable. They are not.”


Seduced by Magic

Dagobert looked ready to argue but Scarlata merely picked him up in her arms and flew away. Although he only stood four feet in height, he weighed nearly one hundred and fifty pounds. Luckily she was strong and it wasn’t far to fly. Still, by the time she reached the cave, her arms ached from the strain of holding Dagobert and her lungs burned.

But when they reached the cave, the sight that greeted her wrenched a shout from her.

“Justin! No!”

* * * * *

Well, maybe death wouldn’t be as painful as he’d figured.

Justin felt only Dilby’s warm palm resting on his chest as he lay on the floor naked, his bare skin in contact with the soil from head to toe.

Dilby had explained what she was going to do but not how it was going to work.

Frankly, he hadn’t cared as long as it did work.

And at first, the only discomfort he felt were the rocks against his back. Then warmth began to seep into his body, coming directly from the stone.

He had about thirty seconds to ponder that situation before excruciating pain enveloped his entire being and he couldn’t think at all.

Every molecule in his body screamed in agony as Dilby continued chanting. His heart felt as if it were trying to beat its way out of his chest then began to ache with searing pain.

Blood continued to pump through his veins but it slowed to a sluggish crawl as if it had thickened and was congealing. He couldn’t move his lungs to breathe and with his last breath, before everything went black, he saw his Red.

* * * * *

“No! Dilby, no!”


Stephanie Julian

Scarlata ran for Justin but strong arms tightened around her from behind.

“Let her finish,” Dagobert hissed. “If she stops now, she
kill him.”

Scarlata wanted to scream in frustration but the sight of the children huddled in a tight knot in the far corner of the cave brought her to her senses.

“Children, quickly,” she urged. “In a circle around them. Put your hands on the stone. Call to the Mother Goddess and entreat her aid.”

They did as she asked, looking happy to contribute in some way.

She was so engrossed in what was happening with Justin that she didn’t realize two men had materialized in the cave.

“You were right, Mr. Bonnini,” a voice behind her said. “This cave is the perfect hiding spot. Damn, we hit the jackpot.”

“Shut up, Jason, you idiot. You’ll scare the children. And we wouldn’t want that.

We want to be friends with them.”

Scarlata whirled around to stare at the newcomers. The taller of the two leered at her but it was the smaller man who scared her.

He had power. Dark power. And she recognized his voice. When he’d spoken to Justin outside the cabin.

This was Justin’s boss, Daniel Bonnini. The man had short, dark hair, innocuous features and a smile as sharp as a blade.

She started toward him—

And with a flick of his hand, he knocked her several feet back. She fell on her ass, ears ringing as the children screamed.

Struggling to her feet, she saw Dagobert counter with a spell that should have made both men writhe in pain. The tall one, Jason, did fall to the floor, curled in a ball, but Bonnini barely flinched.


Seduced by Magic

The children. She had to protect the children, now crying in fear. The incantation she needed to produce a protection shield around them eluded her and Bonnini drew closer.

“I’ll make you a deal,” he said, looking like a normal businessman in his suit pants, dress shirt and tie. All he was missing was the jacket. “Allow me to take two of the children and I will put out the fire and let the rest of you leave. That seems like a more-than-fair exchange, don’t you think?”

The bastard. Rage bubbled through her blood as she shook herself. “You will not lay one hand on any of those children.”

She stood, fighting the binding spell he was attempting to weave around her. She glanced at Dagobert, who had positioned himself between the children and Justin—still unmoving on the ground.

Bonnini raised an eyebrow. “You
know that if I have to kill you and the goat boy, I will take all the children and allow the fire to consume the others. Take the deal, girl.

Justin is dead. You’re on your own.”

Scarlata knew he was right, knew she’d failed and, with a war cry, flung herself at the monster who had destroyed her forest, her people and her life.

Justin came alive with a renewed burst of pain and the sense that he held a force inside his body he couldn’t contain.

He opened his eyes, sat up—and saw Bonnini fling his precious Red into the wall with enough force to make her crumple in an unmoving heap to the floor.

Scrambling to his feet, careful not to step on the children surrounding him, he rushed toward Bonnini with a shout.

Bonnini looked startled for all of a second before he snarled and threw what looked like a bolt of lightning at Justin’s chest, hitting him directly above the heart.


Stephanie Julian

Justin braced himself for pain, not knowing what to expect. But his body absorbed the energy as if it were water.

Bonnini stopped in his tracks, his expression no longer as smug as it had been.

And Justin smiled.

He might be new to this son-of-a-god stuff. He might not have a clue what he could do yet. But his body felt bigger. His skin practically vibrated with strength and he swore every hair on his body crackled with static electricity.

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