Seduced by Two Warriors (7 page)

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Authors: Ravenna Tate

BOOK: Seduced by Two Warriors
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he came up for air, he sat back on his heels and brushed his hands over her
inner thighs, holding her gaze. “It’s going to be all right, Gia.”


teased the opening to her pussy with the head of his dick. It was so red and
swollen, she wondered if
was in
pain by now. Rune
his mouth open and his eyes
glazed over. It was so damn sexy having them both here
this, naked, ready for her. This was how it

wanted them to take away the fear and the painful memories, and replace them
with this. This heady, blissful melting into their
and completely giving her soul over to them. “Make love to me,” she whispered.
“Please. Make love to me and give me new memories.
With both
of you.”

cried out in pleasure as Thane slipped his cock into her pussy. There was no
pain, only the most delicious fullness. He moaned loudly, and then he began to
move. “Gia, are you okay? Oh stars … you feel so damn incredible.”

fine. Please don’t stop.”

won’t, sweetheart. I won’t.”

was going to come again. It was right there, poised on the edge. Rune bent down
to kiss her, shoving his tongue into her mouth, and that was all it took. She
moaned in the back of her throat as the contractions invaded her body once
again, and then Thane cried out loudly. His thrusting grew swift and jerky before
he collapsed on top of her. Rune had to move aside quickly or his brother would
have fallen on top of him, too.

some restraint.”

you,” muttered Thane.

laughed. “No, you fucked
, not

lifted his head, gave Rune a droll look,
off Gia. “You’re so weird.” He kissed Gia passionately, and then he lay on his
back next to her.

positioned himself between her legs. “I’m sure I can outlast him, even if I am

giggled. This was so
She could
spend the rest of her life trying to make this up to both men and wouldn’t be
able to. They’d saved her in ways they would never understand.

leaned over and kissed her, silencing her laughter. He slipped his dick into
her pussy and kept kissing her, and it was all Gia could to do keep breathing.
Each thrust in this position massaged her clit, and she came again within
seconds. He released the kiss and groaned against her neck, his breathe hot.
“Oh, Gia … oh stars, baby. That is fucking incredible.”

Feels pretty fucking good to me,

rolled them on their sides, and hung onto her top leg with his hand while he
continued fucking her. She moaned out loud at the waves of contractions still
going strong. She’d never come three times in one night in her life.

Rune’s thrusting grew more intense, Thane was behind her, nuzzling her neck and
brushing his hands over her ass cheeks. Oh, now
was sexy. Being fucked by one man and having the other touch
her at the same time. She loved it. There was no fear, or revulsion, or anger.
Only sweet, heady lust coursing through her body faster than she
could process it.
She never wanted this to end.

cried out loudly and then jerked roughly into her several times. After he
finished coming, he kissed her again, then cupped her face and gazed into her
eyes. “Thank you.”

thank you.
Both of you.”

gently rolled her to face him, and she
a bit as
Rune’s cock was forced to slide out.

on, bro. Give me a chance to get out of the poor girl first.”

Sorry about that. I just can’t get enough of her.” Thane kissed Gia, and she
clung to him as her arousal grew once more. Truthfully, it had never abated,
that realization made her want
to laugh, cry, and
dance all at the same time. “I want to try something different.”


groaned. “Don’t tell him that, baby. He has a kinky side.”

might be fun with you two.”

time, they both groaned. Thane caressed her ass cheeks.
another time.
Let’s ease into this. But can I try from behind? I mean in
your pussy.”

She rolled onto her stomach and then got up on her hands and knees. Because she
felt so happy, she shook her ass at them, and both men laughed.

are such a tease.” Thane settled behind her and caressed her ass cheeks again,
plus her hips and thighs, until she thought she’d lose her mind. This was all
so unexpected, and her heart swelled with joy. When he finally eased his cock
into her pussy, she cried out in pleasure and dropped down to her elbows. At
this angle, each thrust massaged her sweet spot inside, and she giggled as she
realized another orgasm was on its way.

funny about the way he fucks?” asked Rune, a big grin on his face.

I’m just so happy.”

sat up and brushed a finger along her jaw, then down to her breasts. Thane
reached underneath and massaged her clit, and this time when she came, he did,
too, pumping hard as he emptied his cum into her a second time.

fell back onto the bed with a loud groan, and Rune asked her not to move. He positioned
himself behind her and slipped his dick into her pussy, and it didn’t take long
for him to come again, either. She collapsed onto the bed, prone, and Rune lay
on top of her, breathing heavily. She didn’t mind his weight or his warmth
right now. All she wanted to do was bask in the glow of both men, and the
perfect, beautiful memories they’d just given her.

pushed the frightening stuff, deep into her mind where she might never be able
to find it again, and instead filled her consciousness with joy, lust, and a
crazy desire for each of them. How had they done that? And did it even matter?
The point was, they
done it, and
she knew her life would never be the same again.




The first few days of the new
work week rushed by in a blur for Gia.
She was very busy writing and translating content,
but she didn’t mind. Her weekend with Thane and Rune had opened the floodgates,
and she could barely type fast enough to get all her experiences into documents
on her computer.

spent Saturday and most of Sunday with
and by
Monday morning when she’d stopped at her apartment just long enough to shower
and change clothes, her pussy was as sore as every muscle in her body. But she
didn’t mind that, either. The soreness this time was all wrapped up with heady,
decadent memories of their lovemaking. Each time she caught their scent, she
smiled, basking in the images once again.

original plan had been to give her the week alone to think about everything,
and to decide whether the weekend was a one-time deal, or if she wanted to keep
seeing them both. She had no idea how dating or hooking up worked in their
world, and when she’d asked, both men had chuckled.

doesn’t,” said Thane. “At least, not the way it did on Earth. If we had our
way, you’d move in with us and we’d never get out of bed.”

shivered at his words, and at the images they’d conjured up.

we have to work,” said Rune, “and we both want you to be absolutely sure you’re
okay with this. We don’t want to push you.”

she appreciated them being so gentlemanly, she wasn’t sure they understood what
they’d done for her. They had changed everything, and there was no turning
back. Not for her, at least. She had no idea what would happen next week, next
month, or next year. But right now, she wanted to be with them both, whatever
that might mean in the future. She’d waited a long time to feel normal again,
and to enjoy the touch and sight of a man. They were like a drug. She had to
have them.

afternoon, Cord, Arlo, and Fallon went to a meeting with other department heads
in a different part of the Ministry, and Gia found
alone with Thane and Rune in the middle of the afternoon. She was busy typing
away when they both came into her office and closed the door. She looked up,
broke out into laughter at the looks on their faces.
You mean you’re not going to make me wait until
Friday night?”

on,” said Rune. “We’re trying to be patient and understanding.”

saved the document she’d been working on and put her computer into sleep mode.
Then she stood and came out from behind the desk. “And I appreciate that. More
than you can imagine. But what you two don’t seem to get is that you’ve
unleashed something inside me.
Something dark, deep, and

slow, sexy grin spread across Thane’s face. “So, you’re not afraid anymore?”

haven’t thought about it all week, and that’s the truth.
only one bad dream since the weekend.
That’s a record for me.”

pulled her close and stroked her hair. “You shouldn’t have had to wake up from
even one dream alone. If we’d been with you, we could have comforted you.”

pulse raced. “Well then, maybe I should move out of my apartment?”

say the word and it’s done,” said Rune.

studied their faces. “You’re serious.”

course we are,” said Thane.

was moving so fast, but no decisions had to be made right now. She hugged Thane
again. “So, what shall we do with this space all to ourselves for the next few

sure we have it to ourselves for that long,” said Rune, “but I think we can get
away with an hour of alone time.”

don’t think the meeting will last as long as they said?”

frowned, and the worry in his eyes sent a shiver down her spine. “There are
rumors we’ve been hearing, and not only inside this building. They’re also
coming from Vaughn and River.”

pulled out of Thane’s arms. “What kind of rumors?”

“Rumors of the invasion kind.
I have a feeling this department
head meeting might be to confirm or deny them. Either way, I’d say we have an
hour at most before they come back to tell us what’s going on.”

didn’t want to ruin what little time they had by asking more questions, so she
pushed away what Rune had said and kissed him instead. The past few days had
been torture. All she’d had were quick kisses from each man as they’d said good
night to her at the end of the workday. But now, she took her time, exploring
the inside of his mouth with her tongue.

groaned, soft and sexy, while next to her, Thane brushed his hands along her
hair and arms. When Rune released the kiss, Gia didn’t think about it. She
pulled off her top, taking the camisole with it. She’d never been naked at work
before, but the risk of being caught, even though it would only be Cord, Arlo,
or Fallon who discovered them, sent arousal coursing through her body.

and Rune both reached for her at the same time, but Thane grabbed her around
the waist first. He lifted her onto the desk, and then took one nipple into his
warm mouth. She tangled her fingers in his hair and cried out, then bit her
lip. Someone still might hear them if she was too loud.

pushed everything on her desk as far to the side as possible without dumping it
on the floor, and then they laid her down. He pulled off her jeans, panties,
and shoes, and then he turned her so she faced the edge of the desk. Thane
moved her chair around and took a seat, then dove between her legs to lick and
suck her pussy.

God…” Gia found it nearly impossible to stay quiet as the men took turns like
that, eating her out, and sucking her nipples. When she came, she had to dig
her nails into her palms to keep from screaming.

didn’t even take their clothes off. All each man did was take his swollen dick
out of his jeans, and then they took turns fucking her in the pussy. She clung
to their arms as sweat pooled at her hairline, and admired the way the veins
stood out on their necks. Their arm muscles flexed with each thrust. Their
strength excited her now, rather than made her apprehensive.

withdrew, and then he gave her a look she now recognized. It meant he wanted to
ask something of her, but wasn’t sure she’d agree to try.

is it?” She touched his face. “What do you want me to do for you?”

do you feel about blowjobs?”

smiled slightly. If they’d asked her that before Friday, she’d have recoiled.
The memory of being held down by two sets of hands while the third man forced
his entire cock into her mouth came back, fast and furious. It had happened
more than once, and each time, the men had tasted of sweat, cum, and urine.
She’d gagged so often that she’d had to learn how not to puke while doing it,
because she was quite sure they wouldn’t have given a shit if she choked on her
own vomit and died.

men saw her reaction. There was no way for them not to. They exchanged a dark
glance, and then Thane pulled her into his arms. “I’m so sorry. Forget it,
okay? It’s not even close to important.”

counted slowly to ten in her mind, pushing the images way deep down where the
rest of them were hidden, and then she pulled out of his arms so she could see
his face. “You couldn’t have known. I want to try.
The right
way this time, without someone forcing me.
And … and
with just a few inches at first, until I see whether I can handle more.
Can we do that?”

“Oh sweetheart.”
Thane held her close again. “Of
course we can.”

licked her lips and then grasped his cock in both hands, stroking it. He moaned
softly, and when she tasted the tip, she smiled. All she detected was his
pre-cum, and the musky scent that reminded her of their weekend together.
she could handle.

licked up and down his shaft, eliciting more soft moans from him. Rune moved
closer to her, holding his dick. She took turns then, grasping both and
stroking them, alternating the licks that become bolder as she grew more
confident that she could enjoy this, too.

she finally dared to take one of them into her mouth, she chose Thane first.
She wasn’t trying to play favorites, but he looked more ready to burst than
Rune. She liked it.
A lot.
The velvety smoothness
contrasted nicely with the veins, and neither man held her head or pushed more
of his dick inside her mouth than she took in on her own. She alternated
between them again, because it made both men so damn excited. Their arousal fed

please…” Rune’s voice begged her. “We can only hold out so long. What do you
want us to do? I’m ready to burst here.”

gazed into his eyes. “Do you want to come in my mouth?”

let out a sound halfway between a gasp and a moan. “Can you handle that?”

long as I know you’re going to, and you don’t force it in there, yes.”

it done.”

she’d met two men like this on Earth in her former life, she’d never have left
their sides. The realization that she’d been walking around for two years
believing all the alien men were total pigs deep down inside floored her. She’d
been so wrong, and she couldn’t be happier about that. These two would never
hurt her. She knew that now, down to the depths of her soul.

wrapped one hand around each dick, and took as much of Rune’s inside her mouth
as she could. Then she moved up and down it, stroking Thane’s at the same time.
Both men cried out, and within seconds her mouth was filled with hot cum. She
swallowed every tasty drop, and then barely had time to catch her breath before
Thane begged her to take his inside.

wrapped her lips around Thane’s cock, and it took only a few seconds before he
came. She tried to swallow all of his cum, too, but some dribbled down her
chin. The guys didn’t seem to care. They took turns holding her and stroking
her hair and back.

was incredible,” said Thane. “Thank you so much.”

were magnificent, Gia.” Rune’s voice was filled with awe. “Are you okay? Please
tell us you enjoyed that.”

Thank you for making it … consensual.”

pulled away and gently cupped her face.
“Always, Gia.
Nothing we do to you will be anything less.” His gaze traveled over her face,
and then he let go of her. “Guess we’d better let you get to the bathroom and
clean up.”

put a hand on her face.
“Oh, God.
I’m sorry.” They
both laughed as she scooted off the desk. “You two are gross.”

worse than your pussy juice all over our faces, sweetheart.” Rune’s voice
followed her down the hall as she ran into the restroom and washed up. She eyed
herself in the mirror, putting both hands up to her face. This was real. These
two men weren’t going to hurt her, or force her to do anything she didn’t want
to do. Last weekend had really happened, and she’d just given them both
blowjobs and hadn’t gagged, or cried, or been so afraid she was sure she’d pass

welled up again. The past was truly over. They’d helped her push it away, and
maybe in time, she’d be able to annihilate it forever. They wanted to be with
her, all the time. And maybe that was exactly what she needed? To get out of
that tiny apartment, where she’d hidden away from everyone and everything for
two years?

shouldn’t she live in a nice condo with porches and balconies, and big, soft
beds to sleep in, instead of a twin-sized mattress that pulled out from the
wall? She could cook for them, and maybe in time she wouldn’t be afraid to go
outside when the neighbors were around.

her former life on Earth, she’d had a ton of friends. She had loved being
outdoors, and she wasn’t afraid to try anything once. She’d been so adventurous
and happy. Gia desperately wanted to be that person again. Thane and Rune would
help her find herself once more. They were gorgeous, charming, and the most
amazing lovers she’d ever had. They’d been nothing but patient and gentle with
her, and she had no reason to believe that would change.

she walked back to the office, she made up her mind to tell them. She was
moving in with them.
Today, if possible.


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