Seducing Simon (11 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Christian, #Romance Contemporary, #Best Friends

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Seducing Simon

“Hey, you wanna go grab something to eat?” he asked suddenly.

She glanced up at him. “I don’t know.”

“Come on. You need to get out and have a little fun. We could go play some pool afterwards. You used to go down and play with A.J. all the time. You’re pregnant, not dead,” he reminded her.

“Yes, but if I show up with you, speculation will run rampant you’re the father of my baby,” she said lightly.

“I should be so lucky,” he said with a wink. “Now come on. Let’s get out of here and leave Simon to go nuts wondering what we’re doing.”


Maya Banks

Chapter Ten

Simon was waiting when A.J. walked through the door. He picked up his keys off the bar and shoved his wallet in his pocket. “Come on, A.J..

We’re going to go play pool.”

“We are?” A.J. asked, a startled look on his face.

“Yeah, come on. I’ll drive.”

A.J. followed behind as they walked out to Simon’s truck. “May I ask why we’re going to play pool?”

Simon slid into the seat and started the engine. He looked over at A.J. “Because Toni and Mike are going to be there, and I want to make damn sure he doesn’t do something stupid.” He was still pissed off at Toni for going off after she’d had such a close call. And why Mike would take her out to a freaking bar after he knew she had nearly fainted, he couldn’t fathom, but it further solidified his opinion that Mike was in no way suitable to take Toni out.

“Oh no, not this again,” A.J. said opening his door again. “I’ve already sacrificed a date with the put out queen to spy on them once. You can count me out this time.”

“A.J., get your ass back in the truck,” Simon said impatiently.

A.J. paused with one leg out the door. “Why are we doing this, Simon? Clearly, Toni sees something in the guy she likes. What if he’s the father of her baby? Have you ever thought about that?”


Seducing Simon

Rage boiled through him at the thought of Mike getting Toni pregnant. He gripped the steering wheel until his fingers ached. No, Mike couldn’t be the guy. It didn’t make sense. He hadn’t ever called Toni until well after she found out she was pregnant.

“Dude, cool it. It was just a thought.”

“It was a dumb thought,” he snapped. “Toni nearly fainted tonight.

She hasn’t been eating right, and the last thing she needs is to be hanging out in a bar with Mike Sanders.” A.J. slid back into the seat. “Whoa, she did what?” Simon threw the truck in reverse and roared backwards out of the drive. “She almost dropped on the kitchen floor. She said she hadn’t eaten much, and she seemed pretty shaky. Then Mike shows up and suddenly they’re going out to play pool. The jerk even knew she wasn’t well because I told him.”

A.J. frowned. “But if Toni wanted to go…” Simon cut him off with a snort. “I don’t know what her deal is lately.

She’s not herself at all.”

“I see, and you’re saving her from herself?”

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he muttered, wishing he had some sort of clue.

“Well at least you admit it,” A.J. said dryly. “So what exactly are we going to do?

“Play pool, what else?”

“Of course. What was I thinking? We’re not doing anything remotely resembling spying or interfering. Just a harmless game of pool. Which you happen to have not played, oh in at least two years.”

“Shut up.”

Ten minutes later, they pulled up to Benny’s the local bar and all around hang out place, and Simon parked by Mike’s truck. The haunt


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was a favorite with the fire and EMS crew. He noted several familiar vehicles. But it was no place for a pregnant woman. The smoke alone would likely send her into premature labor.

“Dude, if you walk in there wearing that scowl, you’re going to clear the place. Chill out.”

He scowled at A.J., but he relaxed his expression as they stepped inside the dimly lit interior. He scanned the array of people gathered, some sitting at the bar, a few couples dancing as the jukebox blared the latest country song by Toby Keith.

As he and A.J. walked toward the back where the three pool tables were, several hellos rang out. He recognized several faces from work and the ambulance service. He nodded but didn’t stop. His focus now on the farthest table.

Toni stood beside Mike, his arm casually over her shoulders as they waited for the guy across the table to take his shot. Anger surged through him. He started to stalk across the room and tear Mike’s arm out of his socket, but he reigned himself in. What the hell was wrong with him?

A.J. had a stupid smug grin on his face, and Simon had the urge to smash his teeth in. Shaking his head in an effort to clear his murderous thoughts, Simon leaned over the end of the bar and motioned for a beer.

“So,” A.J. drawled. “What now?”

Toni’s tinkling laughter filtered across the noise of the room, and Simon’s gaze jerked back to where she stood. She was looking up at Mike, apparently laughing at something he had said. She looked radiant.

No, she looked damn beautiful.

Mike reached over and tucked a curl behind her ear, and Simon slammed his beer back on the bar. “That’s it.” He surged forward, A.J.

chuckling behind him.


Seducing Simon

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

“Shut the hell up, A.J. Toni’s your friend too. Start acting like you give a damn.”

A.J. caught his arm and swung him around, his eyes blazing. “If you care for her so much, you’d pull your head out of your ass and get a clue.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Had the entire world gone crazy? Toni hanging out with Mike. A.J. acting like he had a bug up his ass. Matt was the only normal one left, and he existed in his own little world anyway.

Before A.J. could continue, he heard Toni’s voice call out. “Simon?

A.J.? What are you guys doing here?”

“You’re in for it now,” A.J. said in a low voice.

“Toni?” He actually managed to inflect genuine surprise in his voice as he walked toward the pool table. “What on earth are you doing here?” She frowned slightly, but damn, she still looked beautiful. The slight bulge of her stomach barely peeked out of the swirls of her shirt. The material gathered tightly around her breasts, emphasizing the gentle swell at the neckline.

“The question is what are you doing here? I didn’t realize you came in here much.”

“I don’t. Well I do, but not all the time,” he amended quickly.

“I haven’t seen you in here for at least a year,” Mike said casually.

He glared at Mike then glanced back at Toni, irritated that Mike had slipped an arm around her waist.

“You shouldn’t be here, Toni. If Mike had any sense, he’d have you home in bed.”

“Now there’s a thought,” Mike said with barely disguised amusement.


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“Over my dead body,” Simon growled. “Toni’s not your next one night stand.”

Toni stepped forward, anger sparking in her soft brown eyes. “I think that’s enough, Simon. What Mike and I do or don’t do is none of your business.”

He flinched. It was the truth, and he was making a royal ass of himself. But damn it, what on earth had gotten into Toni? First she got pregnant and was as tightlipped as a clam about the father and then she started making rounds with the bed hoppingest guy in Cypress.

“You’re right. It is none of my business. But I’m concerned about you, Toni. If you won’t take care of yourself, someone has to.” She flushed a dull red. Embarrassment clouded her eyes, and he immediately regretted his outburst. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. “You weren’t so concerned once your little girlfriend called,” she snapped.

“Starla? What the hell does she have to do with this?” Her lips compressed in a thin line. Then she looked up at Mike. “Can you take me home?” Her soft voice wavered, and Simon mentally kicked himself again.

“You okay?” Mike asked in a low voice, but Simon heard him clearly.

He didn’t like the inference that he had upset her. But even A.J. was looking at him in disgust.

“Toni,” Simon began, but she was no longer looking at him. Mike shouldered by him, his hand at the small of Toni’s back.

“Nice going, Andrews,” Mike muttered.

Simon closed his eyes and clenched his fists beside him. What the hell was happening to him? He was turning into a first class turd.

“Well. That was a success,” A.J. said as Toni and Mike left the pool hall.


Seducing Simon

“Cut the sarcasm, A.J. I know I was an ass.”

“That you were. If you’re done making an ass of yourself, can we go home now?”

“Yeah, whatever.” He stalked toward the door, feeling like a complete moron. He’d rather spend the next twelve hours fighting a damn fire than go home and face Toni upset.

“So, I’ll see you Saturday?” Mike asked as Toni slid from his truck.

She attempted a smile though her mind was whirling. “Yeah. And thanks for tonight. I really did have fun.”

“No problem. I think your boy is contemplating the funny farm at the moment.”

She frowned. “I have no idea what to make of him right now. He forgot about me quick enough when Starla called. Then he follows us to Benny’s and acts like I’m an irresponsible teenager.” He winked at her. “It’ll probably get a lot worse before he wakes up and smells the coffee.”

“I wish I had your confidence, Mike. I’ll see you later, okay?” She shut the door and waved as he pulled away then she hurried inside.

She set her purse down on the bar and stood a moment not sure what to do next. Simon had acted weird. The whole evening had been a venture into the twilight zone. Had she really contemplated kissing Simon just a few hours ago?

In hindsight she was glad Starla had called. She wasn’t at all sure her seduction plan was working, and at any rate, it was too soon to kiss


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him. She didn’t want him to kiss her because he was worried about her.

She wanted him to do it because he couldn’t help himself.

She turned when she heard Simon’s truck pull up. For a fleeting moment, she wanted to retreat to her room, but she wasn’t that much of a coward. Besides, he’d been a complete jerk, and she wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easily.

She leaned against the counter and waited for them to come in. A.J.

was first. He gave her an apologetic look, but remained silent as Simon tramped in behind him.

He had the grace to look exceedingly guilty as he caught her gaze. He glanced over at A.J. “You mind if I talk to Toni alone?”

“Ah damn. You mean I don’t get to see you grovel?” At Simon’s glare, he threw up his hands. “Okay, okay, I’m going.” As A.J. retreated to his room, Simon turned to look at her once more.

“Toni, I’m sorry. Really I am. I was just worried about you. You didn’t see how pale you were when you almost fainted. I just didn’t think you should be going out, and I was pissed that Mike didn’t take better care with you.”

His explanation came out in a rush. She pushed off the edge of the counter and moved closer to him. “I appreciate your concern, Simon.

Truly, I do. But you embarrassed me.” A hot flush swept over her face all over again as she remembered the stares of the entire crowd at Benny’s on her.

Regret sparked in his eyes. “I’m a jerk, Toni. I swear I don’t know what came over me. My only excuse is I do
trust Mike as far as I could throw him. He’ll use you and be on to his next woman in a week.” Another flush stole over her face. “I’m glad you think me that desirable.”


Seducing Simon

“Damn it, Toni. That’s not what I meant. You’re beautiful. One of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever known. But Mike only wants one thing when it comes to women.”

“Well at least I wouldn’t have to worry about getting pregnant,” she said ruefully.

It was the wrong thing to say. She knew it as soon as she let it slip.

Fury rose in his eyes, and he closed the distance between them. “Tell me you aren’t sleeping with him, Toni.”

Her mouth fell open. “I’m not telling you anything. Who I sleep with is none of your business.”

“You’re not that kind of girl, Toni,” he began.

She arched an eyebrow, her anger building by the minute. And her humiliation. “What kind of girl is that?” she asked softly. “Because I go out on a date, I’m suddenly relegated to the town slut? Or is it because I’m pregnant?” She stared pointedly at him.

He gripped her shoulders and gave her a slight shake. “Don’t put words in my mouth. I have never thought less of you because you’re pregnant. I just don’t want to see you hurt. I care a lot about you, Toni.

And I’ll kill anyone who dares call you a slut.” She couldn’t summon a response, nor could she retain her anger.

Her shoulders sagged. “I’m not mad, Simon. Just embarrassed. I appreciate your worrying over me, but I wish you’d lay off Mike. He’s not such a bad guy. In fact, he’s been a pretty great friend.” Simon frowned again. “You have plenty of friends. You don’t need him.”

Toni laughed. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were jealous.” She could have kicked herself. He stared strangely at her as if she’d grown another head or something.

“Your color is better,” he said out of the blue.


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She blinked at the rapid change in conversation.

He reached out to smooth her hair off her cheek. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you, sweetheart. I was an ass. I won’t lie and say it doesn’t set my teeth on edge to see you going out with Mike, but I promise to try and accept it for your sake.”

She smiled at his concession. If he only knew why she was going out with Mike. Would he be relieved or pissed?

“Now, can I persuade you to go to bed and get some rest?” he asked.

“You won’t have to twist my arm too hard,” she said with a smile.

“But I’m only going because I’m tired.” She winked at him and started by him.

To her surprise, he caught her by the waist and enfolded her in his arms. He buried his face in her hair, his words muffled. “I don’t like you mad at me.”

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