Seducing Simon (13 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Christian, #Romance Contemporary, #Best Friends

BOOK: Seducing Simon
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“Yeah, I just ran over to pick Toni up for the barbeque.” Irritation surged over Simon. “You left work to pick her up when we’re all heading over there anyway? She could have ridden with us.” Mike shrugged. “Slow morning and you’re only five minutes away.

Besides, I asked Toni to go with me.”

Remembering how angry he had made Toni last time, Simon bit his tongue and turned away. “She’ll be out in a minute.”


Seducing Simon

“Mike, what you doing here?” A.J. asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“Picking Toni up.”

A.J. frowned. “She could’ve ridden with us.” Mike rolled his eyes. “Can you just get her? I have to get back to the station pretty quick.”

“Toni,” A.J. hollered toward her room. “Loverboy’s here to get you.”

“Don’t be an ass,” Mike said with a scowl.

Toni appeared seconds later, and Simon did an instant double take.

In a word, she looked fantastic. She glowed from head to toe. And her shirt. He had the insane urge to throw a jacket over her to cover the neckline. Was it all due to pregnancy or had she always looked so damn beautiful?

“Hi, Mike, you ready to go?” she asked with a smile in his direction.

Jealousy slammed hard into Simon’s chest leaving him nearly shaking. Jealousy. Good God. He was losing his ever-loving mind.

“I’ll see you guys in a bit?” she asked turning to look at him and A.J.

“Yeah, we’re coming now,” Simon said, picking up his keys.

Mike led Toni out with a hand to her back, and Simon followed behind seething the entire way. And as usual, A.J. was wearing his smug little grin.

“This isn’t working,” Toni said, as she and Mike pulled up to the firehouse.

A multitude of cars and trucks were parked at the station, and in the vacant lot adjoining the building, a large barbeque grill had been set up.


Maya Banks

Firemen, ambulance personal and even some of the sheriff’s department were gathered, laughing and joking over cold beer.

Mike turned the engine off and slid around in his seat to face her.

“What’s not working?”

“This whole charade,” she said with a sigh. “I feel pretty stupid about it now. I don’t want to drive a wedge between me and Simon, and I think that’s precisely what I’m doing. If I can’t have him in the way I wanted, I at least want to continue our friendship.”

“That’s understandable.” His eyes softened in sympathy. “I’m sorry, Toni. I wish I could help.”

“You have helped.” She reached over and squeezed his hand. “You’ve been a great friend.”

“So does this mean you’re dumping me?” he asked, adopting a mock wounded look.

She laughed. “I doubt anyone’s ever dumped you.” Simon and A.J. pulled up beside them, and Toni turned to get out of the truck. She could feel Simon boring holes in her back as she followed Mike into the station house.

As they walked in, Matt called out a greeting. He and Stephanie were talking with the fire chief and his wife. Toni smiled and waved, feeling a quick moment of happiness that Matt had found the woman he wanted to marry.

Within moments of their arrival, a game of flag football formed and Toni was cajoled into playing. The fire crew was pitted against rescue, and Toni was recruited by ambulance since she had worked dispatch in the past.

Amidst cries of traitor, she joined her teammates against Matt, Mike, A.J. and the other members of their fire squad. Curiously, Simon stood back, a drink in hand, broodingly silent. Toni frowned as she lined up


Seducing Simon

across from A.J. “What eating him?” she asked nodding in Simon’s direction.

A.J. shrugged. “Dunno. He’s been like that all morning.” She glanced back over again as the football was snapped and froze.

A.J. shot by her but her gaze was riveted to the woman standing beside Simon. What the hell was she doing here?

“You’re way too easy,” A.J. teased as he brushed back by her to line up.

She blinked then flushed. She’d missed the entire play. “What’s she doing here?” she hissed as she tried to divert her attention to the game.

A.J. glanced over his shoulder. “Talking to Simon it looks like.”

“My, aren’t you the observant one,” she said sourly.

He chuckled. “C’mon, let’s play. You can get out all that pent up aggression.”

“Just remember you asked for it,” she muttered as she drove her shoulder into his stomach.

Thirty minutes later, the score was tied and the barbeque was almost ready. But rescue had the ball and they weren’t conceding defeat just to go eat. They formed the huddle and Steve, a paramedic Toni had gone to school with, gestured at her. “Give the ball to her. No one will mess with a pregnant woman.” He winked at her.

She laughed. “Don’t be so sure about that. A.J. is out for revenge after I laid him out awhile ago.”

“You up for it, Toni?” Rick asked. “I’ll hand it off and run interference for you down the field.”

“Oh sure, make the pregnant woman run,” she grumbled, but grinned good-naturedly.

They lined up and she grinned evilly at A.J. “Don’t get in my way, pretty boy.”


Maya Banks

The play started and after a fake pass, Rick tossed the ball to Toni then shoved A.J. out of the way. She tucked the ball under her arm and took off down the field toward the appointed goal line.

Laughter rose as Fire figured out they’d been had. But Mike wasn’t so easy a sale. He cut her off before she could reach the goal line and scooped her up ball and all. “Interception!” he yelled as he took off toward the opposite end of the field.

She shouted with laughter. “Put me down, you lug!” She bounced on his shoulder, the ground spinning below her as he wrapped an arm around her legs and increased his speed.

And just as suddenly as she had been plucked from the ground, suddenly she was flat on her back, Mike sprawled on top of her. She sucked in air, or tried to as she wheezed for breath.

“Oh crap, Toni, are you all right?” Mike demanded as he scrambled up.

“What happened?” she croaked.

“The moron fell on you,” A.J. offered as he appeared beside her.

Concern filled his eyes as he bent down. “Are you okay?” And then Simon was over her, shoving Mike and A.J. back. “Don’t move,” he instructed.

“I’m okay,” she protested. “Just got the wind knocked out of me.

Don’t go all paramedic on me, Simon. There’s enough of those around.” The crowd gathered around her laughed in relief. But Simon was still frowning. He glared up at Mike. “That was a dumbass thing to do, Sanders. You don’t sling a pregnant woman over your shoulder and go barging down the field.”

Mike remained silent to Toni’s relief. She had no desire to be the center of an argument. “I’m fine, Simon,” she said firmly. “Now help me up.”


Seducing Simon

Strong hands lifted her to a standing position and remained on her shoulders as she stood a moment collecting herself. She caught Matt’s concerned gaze across the field and nodded reassuringly at him.

“Guess the game’s over,” Rick announced.

“The food’s ready anyway,” Steve remarked, sliding his arm around his wife, Tracy.

“Are you okay, Toni?” Tracy asked, placing a hand on Toni’s shoulder.

She smiled at the other woman. “I’m fine, Tracy. Thanks though.

“You know these men,” Tracy said, rolling her eyes. “All brawn and absolutely no brain.”

“Hey, I resemble that remark,” Mike protested. He slid an arm around Toni’s waist, apology reflected in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Toni. Simon’s right.

It was stupid and I could have hurt you.”

“At least he admits it,” Simon muttered.

“Enough already,” she said. “I’m ready to eat.” The crowd filtered out, all heading to the two tables that had been set up by the barbeque pit. Simon lagged behind as Toni slowly walked toward the others. “Are you sure you’re not hurt?” he persisted.

“Simon, I’m fine,” she said in exasperation.

He put an arm around her shoulders and walked back with her. As they approached the others, Toni could feel Starla staring at them. There was no malevolence in her eyes, just thoughtful reflection.

Toni felt a pang of guilt. What if Simon really wanted to be with Starla? What if she was the only one who could make him happy? She shook her head, then disguised the gesture by smoothing her hair with her hand. No. She couldn’t countenance Starla being the right woman for Simon after she had betrayed him by sleeping with another man.


Maya Banks

The line had formed as the barbeque ribs and chicken were laid out on the table. Delicious smells filled the air and several groaned their appreciation. Every year the barbeque was eagerly awaited as it was generally accepted Chief Maxwell cooked the best darn barbeque in southeast Texas.

The talk centered around the latest fire or ambulance calls. The sheriff’s deputies added their stories of the latest weirdos they had arrested. Then, of course, the conversation settled on something they all appreciated. Football.

Toni sat to the side to eat, watching the others. A.J. was flirting with Darcy, an EMT with the ambulance service. She grinned. He was barking up the wrong tree with that one. Darcy knew far too much about A.J. to ever give him the time of day, and if A.J. knew just how marriage minded Darcy was, he’d drop her like a bad habit.

Her attention turned to Matt and Stephanie, and once again she felt a pang at their obvious devotion to one another. Stephanie was a sweet girl and perfect for Matt. Toni just hoped Stephanie felt as much for Matt as he did her.

Then her gaze slid to Starla who stood several feet away from where Simon was conversing with Chief Maxwell. It escaped Toni why Starla had even shown up, but then the barbeque always got its fair share of people who invited themselves. Before the day was over, most of the town would probably end up coming by.

A series of shrill beeps split the air and a chorus of groans soon followed. The on duty guys, including Mike, scrambled up and headed for the inside of the station. He stopped on his way by and offered an apology. “I’m sorry, Toni. If I’m not back by the time you get ready to leave, can you get a ride home with Simon and A.J.?”


Seducing Simon

She nodded and he hurried off. A few minutes later, the fire truck left the station and the party resumed. She picked at the rest of her food, her appetite practically non-existent.

A curious tightening in her abdomen had her shifting in her seat to alleviate the discomfort. After a few minutes, she got up and threw her plate away in the garbage. She stood watching everyone else, fidgeting from one foot to another. She couldn’t explain the slight unease she felt.

In relief, she turned her attention to Matt, who stood and motioned for silence. Stephanie stood beside him, smiling shyly at the people now staring at her and Matt. Toni’s chest tightened and a smile found its way to her mouth. She knew what was coming.

“I have good news, folks,” Matt announced, a broad grin on his face.

He glanced down at Stephanie and squeezed her hand. “Stephanie has agreed to marry me.”

The people gathered erupted in cheers and whistles and Matt and Stephanie were immediately swarmed as everyone came to offer congratulations, hugs and handshakes.

Toni stood back, her smile growing ever wider. It was wonderful to see Matt so happy. He found her gaze and she smiled even bigger. He returned her smile then mouthed I love you.

She blew him a kiss then wiped quickly at her eyes. When the crowd around them lessened, Toni walked over and enfolded Matt in her biggest hug. “I’m happy for you,” she whispered.

He gripped her harder.

Then she drew away and smiled at Stephanie. “Congratulations, Steph.” She hugged her future sister-in-law.

“Thank you, Toni. Are you sure you’re okay with this?” she asked anxiously, holding on to both of Toni’s hands as they drew apart.


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“You’re kidding right?” she asked in mock surprise. “Anyone who can make him smile that big has my blessing.” She winked at Stephanie.

“You two make a great couple.”

Stephanie relaxed and settled back into Matt’s side.

“Do you have a date yet?” Toni asked.

Stephanie looked up at Matt. “We thought next summer.” Matt nodded his agreement.

Once again, Toni felt the discomfort of guilt. She had a feeling if it weren’t for the fact she was pregnant, they would marry much earlier.

But as it was, they wouldn’t have a house to live in until she and the other guys moved out.

She turned away and excused herself then headed inside the station to go to the bathroom. A few minutes alone would do wonders before her smile cracked in front of everyone else. And she did have to pee awfully bad.

But when she pulled down her underwear and sat down on the toilet, she forgot all about everything but the faint smudges of blood in her panties.

Her stomach clenched and panic swelled in her throat. She closed her eyes and tried to remember the passage in her pregnancy book about blood. Damn it, there were only forty different reasons a pregnant woman could spot, but the one uppermost in her mind was miscarriage.


Seducing Simon

Chapter Thirteen

Toni walked outside, her eyes seeking A.J. When she zeroed in on his location, she made a beeline for him. Thankfully, he was on the edge of the crowd of people so they wouldn’t attract any attention.

She walked up to him and touched him on the arm. He stopped talking to the sheriff’s deputy and turned to her. Alarm flashed in his eyes. Was her fear that obvious?

Before he could voice any concern, she tightened her grip on his arm.

“Can I speak to you a minute?” she asked in a low voice, hoping not to be overheard by anyone else.

He followed her over a few feet then immediately demanded to know what was wrong. She swallowed the rising panic and tried to speak calmly so as not to alarm him further. “Can you take me home?” He frowned. “Sure, but what’s wrong?”

“I’m spotting,” she whispered.

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