Seducing the Professor

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Authors: Sabel Simmons

BOOK: Seducing the Professor
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Seducing the Professor


Sabel Simmons


Copyright © 2014 Sabel Simmons

All rights reserved. 


ISBN-13: 978-



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






Cayman Desires

His Million Dollar Date Baby

His Vengeance, Marriage and a Baby

Love me if you dare

Payback Time Baby

The Tycoon and His Honey Pot

The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon

You Owe Me, Baby



Chapter One

“Hmm … that feels good.  Do you want more, Baby?  Ahh … come here, I have so much more to give you.”

“What the bloody hell is going on here?”

Paul Shuttle stormed around the corner to his priced thoroughbred’s stall, expecting to find some cheap hussy seducing a stable boy.

What he did find,
immobilized him. A scruffy looking, tall woman with dark blond hair stuck inside a black cap, spun around at his harsh expletive.  Guilt spread across her delicate features and his mouth flattened into a tight line.  He refused to acknowledge the effect she had on him when he slapped eyes on her.


“Yes sir?”

“Get over here!”

The cap was pulled low over her eyes and only her small nose and full cupid like lips were visible.  She wore dirty jeans with a checked shirt, both smeared with mud and her sneakers did not fare any better.  It seemed as if she crawled through mud recently.  The mud at the back of the stable to be exact.  Might it be that he caught the culprit causing the illness amongst his stable?

A tall youngish blond man
, came rushing around the corner and skidded to a halt next to Paul where he stood straight, tall and broad, with his fists in his sides.

“Yes sir?”

“Do you know this … female?”

The way his nose
twitched and his mouth smirked, he probably wanted to say something totally different and Alexandra felt the anger starting to simmer inside her.

“Never seen her, sir.”

“I can explain …”

“I am sure you can, but you will do so in jail.”

“Now just a damn minute!”

Paul’s eyebrow shot towards his hairline at the incensed interruption.
His interest peeked at the husky voice. She lowered her head again and toed the mud off her sneaker.

Damn the man.  She had every intention of going to the house first, but she could never resist a good stable.  And he had a magnificent stable, one well known across the globe.  Falling in the mud at the back of the stable was also not
planned, hence her standing here like a dirty crook!

“Go and fetch my car, David and
some rope.  I don’t trust this … female as far as I can smell her!”

Her struggles were meagre and useless against his strength and he had her hands tied in no time.  He grabbed her elbow and yanked her after him towards his SUV parked in front of the stable.  He opened the back door and then looked down at her covered in dirt and slammed the door shut
with a grunt.  He yanked her to the back of the vehicle and pulled the boot open.

“You are bloody crazy!  Let me go!”

“Not even if you pay me.  You are going to jail.  Does No Trespassing mean anything to you, woman?”

“I said I can explain!”

“Get in.”

She struggled but he picked her up and dumped her in the back of the SUV.  Luckily it was not a closed boot, otherwise she would have screamed her head off.  He slammed the hatch closed and she pulled her legs up against her body, glaring at him as he got into the driver seat.

“You are going to regret this!”

“I shiver in my boots!”

“Look, this is really a misunde …”

“Save it, Blondie.  I am not interested.  Maybe the authorities will be, but I am not.”

The drive into town took about thirty minutes and he saved no time yanking her out of the boot and up the stairs into the police station.  Old man Gray looked up when he stomped through the door with the dirty urchin in tow.  His eyebrows rose and he folded his arms over his chest.

What has the cat dragged in at your place this time, Paul, my boy?”

“Poison I would say.”

“You think she is the one sabotaging your stable?”

“Caught her red handed in front of Blade’s stall, feeding him who knows what.  I already phoned Brett to go and check him out.”

“So what do you want me to do with this little miss?”

“Lock her up.  She trespassed and is under suspicion of sabotage!  Is Slade here?”

“Yip, in his office.  Now see here, little miss.  You are not going to give old man Gray any trouble, now are you?  Come around here and I’ll book you in for the night.”

His delighted laughter was not appreciated by the woman that struggled
and cursed viciously when Paul led her around the counter to the cells at the back of the station.  Paul frowned at her.

“Does your father know you have such a filthy mouth?”

She literally spat at him.  When old Gray took the rope from Paul she lifted her head and speared him with eyes bluer than the ocean.

“Mark my words … you will regret this!”

“Hm … as I said … I shiver in my boots!”

He turned away and sauntered with long strides towards the captain’s office in the corner.  She glared after him and even in her anger could not deny he had the damn tightest and sexiest ass she has ever seen on a man.

Old man Gray untied her hands and she went to sit on the bunk stroking her wrists.  She could not remember ever being so angry.  She jumped up and shouted at the retreating old man.

“What about my phone call?  I am allowed a phone call!”

“Oh yeah … Paulie … what is the rule on the phone call here?”

The tall dark haired man turned around and glared at her.  He shrugged and said something to old Gray who chuckled.

“Yeah … phone calls in Kentucky only until eight.  After that … you only get to make it at eight in the morning.”

“That is ridiculous!  I am going to sue all of
you!  I want my phone call!  Old Gray … get back here!”

After two hours she realized no one was paying her no mind, and she slumped back on the hard bunk, trembling with anger.
Relieved that it was at least very clean. She eventually fell asleep and was roughly woken up by a clanging against the jail bars.  She groaned and pulled up into a sitting position.  Groaning at her sore back from sleeping on the hard bunk.

“Bathroom break, little miss, then some grub.”

Alexandra wrinkled her nose and could not help seeing a blob of oatmeal as the grub in her mind’s eye.  She was thankful for the trip to the bathroom and managed to wash her face and hands at least.

She refused to go back in the jail cell and stood with her feet apart and her fi
sts on her hips challenging Old man Gray.

“I am not getting back in there.  You did not book me for anything, you did not read me my rights and least of all,
did you allow me my phone call! I demand to speak to the captain!”

“So speak, miss.  I am listening.”

She swung around and had to nearly bend over backwards he was so tall.  He was a massive man, not someone you would ever tangle with willingly.  Probably close to forty he towered over everyone there and glared at her.

“What were you doing in my
cousin’s stable?”

“Your cousin?  Oh hell no!  I want out of here!  I want my phone call, right now!”

Slade stared at the dirty woman in front of him and could not help but stare.  She had the bluest eyes he has ever seen and he was relatively sure once cleaned up, she was one hell of a looker.  He nodded and indicated to old Gray to allow her the call.

He watched her dialing and animatedly gesturing while talking on the phone.  She looked at him and
waved him over.  He strolled towards her slowly.

“My associate
would like to speak to you.”

“Slade Wilson speaking.”

“Mister Wilson, clearly there is a misunderstanding.  Miss Simpson was sent to Kentucky to investigate the possibility of a disease effecting the thoroughbreds in that area.  I can assure you she is not a spy, nor a saboteur.  She is one of the best in the field of horse diseases and if there is a problem, she will find it.  Surely you can see it was purely a mishap that had her end up where she perhaps should not have been at that time of the night.”

“Quite right.  Where did you say you were

“Oh, my apologies.  I am Fred Pope from the
ADC on Plum Island.  Miss Simpson is one of our top Professors in her field.”

“I see.  W
ell then, I agree there appears to be some sort of a misunderstanding.  Not to worry, Mr. Pope.  I will sort this out.”

He replaced the receiver and turned to Alexandra, looking her up and down.  He grinned suddenly.

“A Professor?  Well, well … isn’t he going to be surprised!  Now miss, understand one thing very well.  Here in Kentucky, we don’t appreciate people skulking around where they do not belong, especially at night.  I sincerely trust you have learnt your lesson.”

“Of course.” 

She forced the polite words past her lips.  He chuckled, openly amused at her suppressed anger.

“Now, is there somewhere we can take you?”

“Yes.  My car is still at that stupid cousin of yours’ farm!  Someone can go and fetch it, while I go back to the hotel to clean up.  I have a few choice words I need to say to him!”

He smiled at her bossy attitude and would love to be at the next meeting between Paul and this little firebrand.  He called one of the deputies and gave him instru
ctions to drop her at the hotel and fetch her vehicle.

Alexandra was still too irritated to appreciate the friendly young deputy trying to make amends for her being locked up for the night.  She could not wait to get into a hot bath and soak the mud from her hair and body.

She sighed as if in heaven when she sank into the deep tub, filled to the brink with hot water and bubble suds.  She dunked her hair and then leaned her head on the side of the tub, just soaking in the hot water.

Half an hour later she was dressed in
skinny Sissy Boy jeans and a tight black low V-neck tee-shirt that hugged her full breasts.  She pulled her black Cats ankle boots on and brushed her dark blond hair until it shone and hung straight down her back.  She quickly added some light and natural make-up with coral colored lipstick.  She felt human again.

And more than ready for round number two with a chauvinistic, thoughtless bully!

She was still in time for breakfast and gobbled down a large farmhouse breakfast to the amazement of the waiter.  She smiled and told her she always eat a lot. 

“I probably have a very healthy metabolism.  Thanks, that was wonderful!  Now I have strength for the day.”

She found her car keys at the front desk and within minutes was on her way to the Silver Star Stud Ranch just outside of Richmond.  Her stomach pulled tight in anticipation of the upcoming confrontation with the owner of the ranch.

This time she drove straight up to the house and parked the rental next
to a sleek Mercedes Sports car.  She got out and walked with long easy strides up the stairs to the front door which stood open.  She glanced inside and smiled wickedly.

“What the hell … he locked me up once already!”

She walked inside and took the majestic hallway in at a glance.  The place was huge and a personification of luxury.  She heard noises coming from a door to the right of the one staircase and a little down the one passage.  She ambled in that direction.  The closer she got, the slower she walked, her ears burning.  Maybe retreating at this point was a good idea.

“Hmm … Paul do that again! 

Alexandra bit back a giggle at the high pitch voice that sounded sugary sweet and would irritate the living daylights out of her if she had to listen to it often!

Curiosity killed the cat they said, but Alexandra could not bring herself to turn around. She continued towards the door that stood slightly ajar.  She pushed it open slightly wider and leaned against the door frame.  The woman was reed thin and had her hands all over the man with his back to Alexandra.

And what a back it was.
Her mouth watered at the rippling, smooth muscles upon his broad back, toned, wide, perfect T-framed and did she say muscled?  He only had a small white towel wrapped around his waist and his legs were strong and muscled.  In one word, he was absolutely mouthwatering.  Pity he was such an asshole!

She watched him lean into the woman
who threw her head back as he kissed her throat, causing the nauseating giggle to return.  Alexandra held her breath when the woman tugged at the towel around his waist and nearly groaned when he slapped her hand away.

“Behave Gloria.”

“But, I am naked … and I am ready!”

Alexandra nearly burst out laughing.  Is the man deaf?  How could he stand that voice?  If it was her, any amorous arousal would have withered long ago!

She reached for his towel again and this time she was too quick for him. Alexandra’s breath wheezed between her teeth.  She was right.  He had the most gorgeous ass she has ever seen on a man, with narrow hips and tight buttocks.

Paul sighed and closed his eyes when Gloria groped
for his shaft, which was still only semi aroused.  It has been nearly a year and he was quite desperate for sex, but with someone that he actually desired, and her … he most definitely did not.

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