Seducing the Regency Dom (6 page)

Read Seducing the Regency Dom Online

Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Seducing the Regency Dom
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"These should go. I have a desire to see your
pretty cunt in all its naked glory. If we continue, I will be delighted to be
your barber."

She moaned. Those words along with that slight touch,
had created so much cream, and when he put his fingers to his mouth and sucked,
a fresh gush dripped onto her leg.

"Definitely a gag.
I wonder how loud I
can make you
" He paused. "Later."

She stared as he lifted the serviette from the trolley
the waiter had left, and rolled it into a ball.

"Open." She opened her mouth and he
carefully put the soft linen inside. "All right?" he asked softly.
"Nod if you are happy."

Susanna nodded. Happy was perhaps not the right
word. Excited, apprehensive, quivering, all fitted the bill. Her skin tingled
with the thoughts of what he may be about to do. Susanna was book wise but
experience poor, and eager to learn first hand how different a climax was by
someone else's ministrations. She clasped her hands onto the arms of her chair,
and tucked her legs carefully round the bottom of the chair. The wood was warm
over her silk stockings, and the contrast between that and her bare quim was
more erotic than Susanna thought possible. She remembered his words. He would
like her cunt truly bare and he would be her barber? Oh, my.
Yes, please…

Tony stared at her for a long minute. Then he opened
her right hand to place his snuffbox in it. "If at anytime you're not
happy, drop my snuff box. As you can't speak, we have to have a way of
communication. Nod if you understand." Susanna nodded.
wish he'd hurry up. What if the play ends and I still haven't come by his hand?
I will be bereft.
To say nothing of angry.

Tony's eyes glittered.
He took up another serviette and set it beside him, as he knelt on the floor
much as she had earlier. His prick still hung free from his pantaloons and to
Susana's amazement it was once again standing up out of its nest of curls. He
stroked it from base to tip and collected the tiny drops of pre-cum onto his fingertip.

With his other hand Tony took the serviette out of
her mouth. Susanna was dismayed by the disappointment she experienced. Was that

He held his hand to her lips.
This is what you do to me."

Susanna let him coat her tongue. His essence tasted
warm and salty. She licked her lips to get the tiny drops he'd stroked on them.


"Very well.
May I have
more?" Her voice was husky. Was that her pleading? Later she might feel
embarrassed at her temerity, but not now. Now she needed to be open about her

If you are good.
Wickedly good."
He returned the wad of cloth to her mouth, and bent his head to her cunt.

At the first touch of his tongue on her clitoris
Susanna knew why she needed the gag. He stroked her from cunt to arsehole with
long, delicate licks. Each one increased the tension in her body. Her skin was
too tight for her body, the hairs on her head ached with tension and every
nerve end was on high alert. It seemed as if she was watching from a great
height. In one part of her mind, she registered the catcalls and applause from
the auditorium, but nothing mattered except his touch. Tony pushed her legs
apart, and ran the tip of his tongue inside her channel. Her juices gushed.

Thank goodness for the
in her aroused state Susanna had enough of her wits about her to know she would
scream without it. Her own ministrations had taught her how close to
the little death
she was. She began the
first exciting shake.
The one where she knew oh so soon she'd
fall over the edge, and into the abyss of ecstasy and satiation.
closed her eyes to deepen her sensations. Tony's grip on her legs tightened,
and then he moved up and over her.

Susanna glanced at him from under her lowered
eyelids. He held his cock in one hand and guided it toward her cunt.

"Now, Xiao
, this is for you. Relax, and let me
show you what we can be." Slowly he slid the head of his prick over her
cunt lips and then used her cream to aid his access. Inch by inch he eased in,
and waited until she relaxed. Then it began again. Each time he moved further,
Tony nipped her nub, or kissed her ear.

"Now, it’s now." He surged the last inch
and Susanna blinked as tears of pleasure cared her lashes. "And come
now." He pinched her nub once, bent to bite the soft skin of her rounded
bosom, and surged in and out of her twice. She shook as she tumbled into
oblivion, and then to her distress he pulled out, to spill over the spare

The roars increased. Shouts of bravo echoed around
them, along with 'more' and 'encore'.

It seems we all came
to completion at the same time.



Was it possible to see stars as you spilled your
all? Tony determined it was.
More than once.
How he
summoned up the willpower to withdraw and spill over the linen he'd remembered
to put handy he couldn't imagine. All he wanted was to thrust ever deeper and
ever harder into Susanna. Watch her fall apart around him, and to splinter into
tiny pieces as his seed filled her, and mixed with her cream. Instead he
his teeth and pulled out at the last minute.

He gave himself the luxury of slumping forward for
one brief moment, before he knelt back and mopped up the sticky remnants of his
seed from his cock. He pulled up his pantaloons and winced as the material
scraped his tender skin. His cock, half erect, didn't sit quite as it should
and he readjusted it, conscious of Susanna's gaze on his movements.

"One minute, sweet Xiao
, and I will make you
presentable to the world. This perfect sight is for me alone." Her skin
was still flushed and little trembles of tiny climax still rippled through her.

Tony took the saliva-dampened cloth from Susanna's mouth,
and kissed her hard. "That, my love, is a prequel if you want. But now we
need to make haste." He dipped the cloth into her half full glass of wine,
and stroked it over her quim. "You may smell as if you've drunk the
bottle, but better than smelling of sex."

She went white.
"Oh sweet
lord, yes."
Her voice was husky, and he passed his wine to her.
"Drink this. Your mouth will be dry now. I have better gags but this was a
case of make do and use." As she sipped the liquid, Tony accepted he would
never drink wine again without remembering this moment.
way her virginal channel enclosed his prick, the resistance her maidenhead put
up and then the acceptance of his mastery.
He had to have more, and

Tony pulled her dress down and the top of her bodice
up. Even though he hadn't given in to temptation and taken her nipple into his
mouth, his love mark was clearly visible over the neck of her gown. "Damn,
I seem to have left my mark." He traced the red stain with his finger.

Susanna looked down to where his hand rested.

"Ah, I will wrap my shawl around me." She
giggled somewhat shakily. "I wondered why so many ladies felt a need for
one on a warm summer evening. No wonder the modistes are hard pressed to keep
up with the demand for lightweight opaque silks."

Tony nodded. He'd been the welcome customer of several
such modistes in the past. "Then, love, perhaps you better. I think Mr. Keane
has taken his final bow, and I dare say we're about to be disturbed." He
took her hand and squeezed it. She returned the gesture.

"Will you be able to converse sensibly about
this drama we've allegedly seen?" Tony asked her as he unlocked the door
to the box, and poured himself a fresh glass of wine. "And if so, perhaps
you should fill me in on the salient parts."

"She dies, he's distraught. Mr. Keane excelled
himself," Susanna said. "I'll tell Mama I was overwhelmed by your
presence and couldn't concentrate. That will silence her."

"Or make her more vocal in her insistence you
encourage me to pay you attention?"

Susanna shrugged. "Maybe that's the way to play
it. Let her think I'm not averse to your attentions and play along?"

"And make me out the cad when I don't
offer?" Tony shook his head. "That does not sit comfortably with me.
Think again."

If looks
could kill, his Mama would be choosing hymns. "Well then, my lord, you
decide our fate. I'm stymied."

Tony found that hard to believe. His love, and––he
accepted––the person he wanted to learn more about, looked at him with no more
than polite interest. He wanted so much more than that.

"So, do I say I made you come? So hot and hard
I had to gag you? And you want me deep inside you, but that is all?"

She paled and shook her head.

"No, I thought not. Therefore, let's work
together and be honest. Perhaps it is time for you to tell me why you begged me
not to offer for you, and then gave yourself to me in such a perfect way? Why I
want to fuck you over and over and make you truly mine?"

She was quiet for so long he wondered if she would answer.
Then she took such a deep breath he was amazed her breasts didn’t pop out of
her gown. "Can we take time to talk properly?"

"I'll pick you up for a ride in the park
At eleven.
Be dressed for the phaeton…after,
I will take you to Sentern House and we will talk."

Susanna bit her lip and then, just as he debated whether
to shake her for an answer, she nodded. "I'll be ready."


By the time Tony dismissed his valet and stripped
and changed into his banyan before bed his head whirled, and it wasn't the
fault of inferior brandy. Almost immediately after they had firmed their plans
to meet, there had been a rap on the door that connected their box to the one adjacent.
He called a discrete "come in", and Jane and Stephen interrupted him
and Susanna. He ignored the look that passed between the ladies: knowing, intimate
and satisfied. It set alarm bells ringing inside his head.

It also made him wonder just who was seducing whom,
and why.

He knew what he was doing. He rather thought he'd
succumb before too long and offer for Susanna. The evening's activities had interested
him enough to know any coupling in the future would be with her and no one
else. If only she agreed and was happy with his desires. To judge by the last
few hours, she might well be. He took Susanna's arm.

"Chin up and be haughty. Emulate Lady Danvers."

Susanna grinned. "I do feel somewhat
disheveled, but I also want to put on a most superior grin and tell those poor
misguided fools who never experience what I just have, how sad and pitiful and
empty their lives must be."

Tony burst out laughing. "I so agree."

Stephen winked at him. It seemed Jane and Stephen
had also passed their time agreeably.
Probably not giving
their full attention to the play.
However, as a married couple, they
could at least be left alone without scandal. He had to protect Susanna's

The four of them proceeded to make a great show of
leaving, from the same box. Tony ignored the knowing looks and nudges from
their peers as he escorted Susanna out of the theatre and into his coach.

Once inside the chat became general, and it was
obvious none of them had seen much of the performance after the interval. He'd
have to hunt the darned poem out and make sure he could make an educated
comment about it.
Damn Byron and his verses.

He delivered Susanna to her door and bowed punctiliously
over her hand in front of a benign Major Domo. Once Stephen and Jane left him,
he dismissed the coachman and walked to clear his head. He'd missed something
regarding his dealings with Susanna, and he didn't know what. Even now as he
climbed into bed he still had no idea what elusive thought he should have. Why
would she be insistent he didn't offer for her and then give herself to him
without any terms and conditions? Something was wrong with that scenario.

Several hours later he accepted he wasn't going to
sleep the sleep of the just and righteous, and lit his candle, to allow him to
descend the stairs to the library. A glass of very superior brandy, a perusal of
the newspaper and a think were in order.

The embers of the library fire were glowing enough
for him to rekindle them. Soon the coals were blazing, and he was able to sit
out in his old leather chair, stretch his legs out in front of him, and swirl
the liquor around the bulbous glass.

Tony always prided himself on his methodical mind,
but that seemed to have gone to the wind over the last few days. Instead he was
bemused and bewitched by a pair of fine green eyes and a redhead who he
suspected lived up to the temper said to go with the color of her hair. He
would never have said red hair appealed to him, especially a red haired muff,
but after their evening together it could become a firm favorite. Well, not the
muff, but the rest. He laughed under his breath. The seduction scenario was
appealing more and more.

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