Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series)
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He grinned and obliged.
“I probably should warm up the dinner.” Gabe stood up and placed her feet on the couch.  “Mrs. Jones said she was going to make a pasta dish. I hope that’s okay with you.”

“Anything is fine with me.” Ana wiggled her toes and didn’t find any hurting spots. Maybe she should get Gabe to give her more foot massages in the future. Damn, is there anything he can’t do?
She asked herself.

She looked over to where he was standing in the kitchen. Nice ass, nice body, which had been taking a lot more of gym punishment this week. Ga
be had said it would help relieve the sexual tension in him a little, but not for long.

She had been wearing her unattractive nighties lately. But for the next couple of nights, she intended to push his buttons a little. Hopefully she could tempt him to agree to oral sex, at least use the parts that don’t require much physical activity.
They were already using the mouth, so why not add more?

The arrival of Nate and Manuel interrupted Ana’s reverie. “Hi Nate, Manuel,” she called out to them. A few minutes later Rafe followed in. “How was dinner, Rafe?” He was whistling as he came in. “Here,” she said handing him a tissue.

“What’s that for?”

“You may want to wipe that lipstick off your mouth if you want to survive your brothers tonight,” she said and grinned at him.

“Ah, shit. Thanks Ana.” Rafe turned to face away from his brothers and wiped Kelly’s lipstick off his lips.

Ana smiled and winked at him
, then approached the table where Gabe had laid out dinner. Rafe entertained them as they ate while he helped himself to a beer.

After dinner Ana went to get her gifts. They were an instant hit with both Rafe and Manuel. Gabe had to threaten to break their fingers before they reluctantly stopped kissing her face in gratitude. She left them to their business and went to work on her laptop for a few hours.

She showered and changed into a sheer pink nightdress with a barely there thong.  It reached midthigh and had high slits on both sides that reached the breast area. She left the door open so she would hear Gabe coming.

Fortunately for her, she had stopped taking the pills that had been making her drowsy, and she had a lot of mail in her inbox. It kept her occupied until she heard the guys saying goodnight in the foyer. Ana rushed and placed her laptop on the couch, then turned off the lights in the bedroom and tu
rned on the bathroom lights and stood in the doorway.

Gabe stopped
, almost tripped over himself as his brain and his feet were not in sync. “Ana,” he uttered as he walked slowly towards her. “What’s this?” he asked with a tight face. He had never seen a more enticing silhouette. He was struggling with himself. He lifted his hands to touch her, but dropped them back to his sides.

Ana slowly turned until she made a three sixty degree angle. Then she cupped her breasts holding his gaze. She saw the moment he lost the war. He removed her hands from her breasts and tore the gown right down the center, then he lifted her, his hands under her armpits and took one breast into his mouth.

He groaned loudly, then moved to the bed and sat with Ana straddling him. He sucked deep and the pain shot straight to Ana’s core releasing a flood of juices. He released it then took the other breast and paid the same attention to it. Gabe felt her cum which had drenched her ‘an excuse of a thong’ she was wearing and now drenched his jeans.

Ana removed Gabe’s t-shirt then his belt. She didn’t get as far as the jeans before he placed her in the center of the big bed. He shucked his jeans but left his boxer briefs on. Ana wanted to touch his cock, but he wouldn’t allow her to. He crouched in between her legs and
snapped the thong with no effort, then lifted her butt off the bed and licked her cum until she was dry. He licked her folds then pushed his tongue deep into her. She came like a geyser, panting and screaming.

“You need to sleep, baby.” Gabe held her flush against his body
until the tremors left her body.

“Wait, what about…”

“Shhh. Sleep.” He ran his hand up and down her back until she fell asleep. Finally his erection subsided a little and he fell asleep with a half mast.


The next morning Ana woke to a full hard-on against her belly. She could feel it swell more and more as Gabe made sounds deep in his throat. Ana realized he was fast asleep and dreaming. She smiled. Maybe he was having a wet dream.

Slowly she brought her hand down and found his boxer briefs in the way. When
he turned to lie on his back, Ana took advantage and slowly knelt beside him, then lifted the waist band until his cock sprang free.

The head was glistening with pre-cum. Ana simultaneously lowered her mouth to the head and brought her other hand to hold his cock. She tongued him and wiped the pre-cum clean from the head. The sounds from his throat were now obvious growls. She
smiled as she took his mushroom head into her mouth and pushed down an inch at a time until he was all in.

“Fuck Ana!”
Gabe groaned as he realized it was no longer a dream. As soon as Ana increased pressure, Gabe lost the battle, going from zero to sixty in a nano second. He came in large bursts shooting down Ana’s throat. She struggled to swallow as fast as he was coming, then finally he jerked as he orgasmed one last time and lay limp against the pillows.

Ana climbed back up his body and lay on his chest. “Thanks baby.
” He lifted his hands and held her tight still shaking. “But you really need to follow the doctor’s orders,” Gabe admonished.




That weekend, Gabe avoided Ana like the plague. Ana was amused and didn’t let it
affect her. Instead the whole thing just gave her ideas and she decided to find more ways to seduce the man.

The poor man wouldn’t know what hit him before she was done with him. She was sitting in Kelly’s bedroom late Sunday afternoon
, discussing her ideas of seduction with her best friend. Kelly had just woken up and the rest of the gang had just come back from lunch with Gabe’s family. Each friend was discussing their frustrations with their boyfriend. With the similarities between them they decided to plot together.

“You know I am about to explode with pent up feelings,” Kelly told Ana. “Rafe still thinks I’m fragile. He doesn’t seem to have moved past the days you were in
the hospital and I was a wreck. I need to cut throught that tight reign he has on his control.”

“At least you are getting the sizzling kisses. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought I had some incurable disease or something.
” She pouted. “The way Gabe has been avoiding me has been comic,” Ana went on and laughed. “Since yesterday morning when I gave him a blow job that he won’t ever forget, he gives me the most chaste of kisses before he scrurries away. That all stops tomorrow. I’m sure he is going to be up at the crack of dawn, but I have plans for the evening.”

“What are you planning? I may have to piggy back off you.”

“You know we probably need to synchronize our take downs. That way, no one will have the chance to warn the other. This will be fun,” Ana said excitedly as she piled pillows behind her, making herself comfortable on Kelly’s bed.

a then proceeded to tell Kelly what she had in mind. The girls perfected their plans and couldn’t wait to put them in action. Monday couldn’t come soon enough.

Kelly left for work on a high that left Rafe puzzled and wary. He didn’t
even realize that Kelly had maneuvered and managed to invite herself over to his apartment the next morning. He was trying to focus on why he felt like something major was about to happen. Well tomorrow she was off for the next couple of days and he couldn’t wait to get her all to himself.

He hoped he wasn’t rushing her, so when he asked her to spend the time at his apartment she quickly accepted and they made plans for her to pack an overnight bag the next day after work.

That night Rafe went to bed on an all time high. Needless to say, sleep didn’t come easily.


Gabe didn’t understand why Ana wasn’t trying to jump his bones as he had expected. He knew she was frustrated but was acting like she didn’t have a care in the world. However, her smile and constant winks at him left him scared and wary of what was to come.

She seemed to be a woman with some plan. H
e knew he had to make sure he was alert and make sure that she didn’t catch him off guard and jump his bones. He was afraid she would relapse or something. Not that she had cancer, but what if she went back into another coma? He just needed to make sure they took it slow and gave it a few more extra days than what the doctor had said.

That night he made sure he came to bed well after he knew Ana would be asleep and woke up at the crack of dawn to go to his office. He wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to keep this up before Ana would start misreading the situation and thinking he wasn’t interested in her anymore
, when the opposite was true.

He intended on asking her to marry him soon. He just needed to find the right time, and if it were not for the mess of the boys who had attacked her on the train, he may have had less to focus on.


He was talking to his Chief Financial Officer later that morning, about buying into the company of one of the boys parents who had beaten up Ana when he got a call from her. He knew he had promised to tell her about the whole issue, but he hadn’t wanted to burden her with her trying to recover. But tonight, he hoped he could share with her the good news.

Three of the boys had confessed and surrendered themselves to the police, but the fourth kid was still at large. Most likely being protected by his family that refused to budge.

After Gabe’s ultimatum had expired he had simply advised his CEO to purchase as many shares as he could into the parent company owned by his parents. A good th
ing the other three families have seen the wisdom of their foolishness by not going against him.

Now this last family would ju
st need to learn a much needed lesson in the boardroom and then everyone would see how far he would go after that to win the fight. His priority was Ana, in everything.

“Ana. Are you okay?”
he said into the phone.

“Yes, I’m fine. I just wanted to let you know that I will be going to volunteer this afternoon with Kelly,” she told him. “We will take the car, so don’t worry,” she added quickly and rolled her eyes. “But can you be home at four today?” she asked.

“Okay. I won’t worry then,” he responded and smiled at how she had rushed to put him at ease. “What’s happening at four?” he asked puzzled.

“I need to show you something. It could be nothing, but I think it’s important,” she added with a serious tone.

“Are you sure everything is okay?”

“Yes, I’m sure. I’m just doing light work like the doctor said. Taking it easy,” Ana responded saying all the right words she knew he would want to hear.

“Okay baby. I’ll be there.”

“Bye.” Ana smiled as she hung up the phone. Next she sent a text to Kelly confirming their arrangement for the afternoon.

Apparently Rafe lived right next door, the building next to Gabe’s. It had been a shock to Ana when she heard that from Kelly earlier in the morning. Kelly had passed by to pick up her overnight bag and told her she would be right next door. How convenient they had both said.

Now she called the driver Gabe had assigned to her and asked him to pick them up at noon. Kelly had opted to sleep a few hours in the morning before going to their volunteer event. She had claimed she would catch up with sleep the next day. And so at noon Ana went downstairs to meet the driver.

He was massive, built like a body builder. Ana was sure he doubled as a body guard. She wouldn’t put that past Gabe. She had met him once, a few days after she had been discharged from the hospital. His name was Timothy Wallace but had asked Ana to call him Tim. He seemed like a nice guy, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to evade him.

Not that she was planning anything of that sort now. After her train attack, she was trying to go with the flow and avoid fights about public transportation. She knew that had been an accident and didn’t expect it to happen again, but trying to tell that to Gabe would just be a suicide mission. So she put that aside and decided to deal on the current situation.

Tim opened her door, before he proceeded to drive the short distance to the next building and picked up Kelly. They spent two hours volunteering before they were whisked back by Tim. It was three when they both made it back and wished each other good luck. Since the guys were meeting again that evening, Kelly promised to come and chat with Ana during that time. And hopefully exchange victory stories.

Ana thanked Ti
m before she walked into the building and took the elevator to Gabe’s penthouse apartment. She soaked herself for a good thirty minutes in the tub and hoped Gabe wouldn’t catch her, knowing he would go crazy on her. Since that day she had slept in the tub, he had not allowed her to use the tub alone. A bit extreme, but today she needed to pamper herself and since she wasn’t tired she wasn’t intending on sleeping in the tub.

She got out and made sure the tub was all nice and clean so Gabe wouldn’t suspect. She paid special attention to her whole body, rubbing lotion on every part she could reach. She put on h
er red teddy that had a push up bra which pushed her breasts up, giving the impression of a fuller bust. The body of the lingerie was lace on the right side, and sheer on the left and reached just below her butt. Next she wore her crotchless panties and a pair of her highest knee high boots.

All she needed was a whip. Ana laughed at that thought.

She had aided the help of the doorman, and when she got his call that Gabe was coming up the elevator, she rushed to his home office. She had been doing her own digging into the boys that had thrown her around in the train so had pulled the information up for Gabe.

She had
breathed a sigh a relief when she received a call from one of the detectives letting her know that three of the boys had come forward and were in the middle of making a deal with the DA. Ana knew Gabe wasn’t going to let the fourth boy go free, so she had something she hoped she could give him to help entice the clueless boy to come forward before Gabe gobbled up his parents company.

e heard him shout her name. “Ana,” he said as he walked to his office with his briefcase in one hand and his other hand, pulling his tie off. He stopped at the door when he saw her sitting in his chair.

Ana smiled at him and said, “Hi.”

Gabe stood at the door, at a loss for words. His tie fell to the floor, and he gripped his briefcase handle so tight he felt his nails digging into the palm of his hand.

“Come on in. I have everything ready,” Ana said as if it was an everyday thing for her to wear what she was wearing in the middle of the day. She pointed to her laptop while looking at him, with a smile on her face.

Gabe stood still.

“Gabe,” she called.

Gabe didn’t move, and neither did he show that he had heard her.

Ana stood and walked slowly to him. His eyes shifted and changed into different shades of blue as desire hit him when he saw the extent of her attire. Next Ana saw wariness in his eyes, and when she took the briefcase from him, she saw him tremble.

He gave the briefcase up reluctantly and Ana placed it on the desk. Then she took his hand and led him to the chair and sat him down. She followed and sat in his lap then pulled her laptop closer and started talking about what she had found.

Nothing she said made sense to Gabe. He wasn’t sure if she was speaking in English or
Japanese or another foreign language. His body was tight with need and for the life of him, he was gripped with lust and a desire so intense, he thought his balls might just drop off. He didn’t know what to do because he had promised himself he wouldn’t touch her for another couple of days at least.

Unfortunately his mind went blank and he couldn’t think coherently. His cock was hard against her butt cheeks and he was having trouble breathing despite the fact that he had just pulled his tie off and unbuttoned two of the top buttons on his shirt.
And despite the fact that his senses of both speech and hearing were non-existent, his sense of smell was working overtime.

His hands were itching to activate his sense of touch and with his brain on shut down, he found his hands working against his original idea of ‘no touching Ana’. He pushed her hair to the side and kissed inbetween her shoulders
blades before he caressed both shoulders and arms with both of his hands. He moved slowly, afraid it was a dream and he would wake up and be disappointed.

He didn’t even notice when Ana stopped talking. Not surprising since he had hardly heard a word she had said. He brought his hands to her front and stroked her belly before he brought his hands to her breasts and squeezed.

Ana was as still as a statue until Gabe turned the top half of her body and kissed her. She returned the kiss then turned herself around until she was straddling him on the chair. Gabe pulled her closer and poured everything into the kiss. Ana returned his kiss with ardor as she pulled his shirt free and pulled it from his body.

When she went to unbuckle him she felt two fingers enter her pussy and fill her up. One hand was at her breast and pulling the attached bra down to expose
it. Ana pulled his zipper down and freed his cock from his trousers. His boxers were slightly wet and she smoothed the pre-cum on his shaft, spreading it around the top.

He took the exposed breast into his mouth and pulled hard. Ana screamed as she climaxed and fell onto Gabe. Before she had come back to earth, she felt his cock at the entrance of her pussy. Gabe was holding her up and trying to guide himself into
her warmth. His hands were shaking with need. She took his cock into her two hands and slowly guided him into her.

Home. Gabe couldn’t believe how great it felt. How at peace he felt. It had been a while and her passage was tight, but her cum had made it easy to slide in. However, the fit was still tight and delicious. He still hadn’t managed to say a word since he had seen Ana. His whole focus was on feeling and touching her. He didn’t want to break the spell. He held her hips and started helping her to move up and down his shaft. It was slow and
a lot of torture too, but the moans coming out of Ana’s mouth made it worthwhile. All he could do was grunt and hope that the dream didn’t end soon.

“Faster Gabe.”

He picked up speed and moved faster under her, while pulling her up and down his shaft at a faster rate. Soon they were both breathing way too fast and crashed as they climaxed with some unheard of vocabulary spewing from Gabe’s lips.

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