See Me (12 page)

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Authors: Nicholas Sparks

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: See Me
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“But if you had to, you could probably take him, right?”

“Daly? Not a chance.”

She liked the fact that he admitted it. “And after that?”

“Nothing, really. I’ll probably do some studying.”

By then, they’d turned onto another street, around the corner from Crabby Pete’s. He recognized her car up ahead from the night he’d changed her tire, and when they finally reached it, neither seemed to know what to say. Instead, he felt her eyes zeroing in on him, almost like she was really seeing him for the first time.

“Thanks for walking me to my car.”

“Thanks for the walk on the beach.”

She lifted her chin slightly. “I have another question.”


“Were you serious about wanting to try paddleboarding?”


She lowered her lashes, slipping him a sidelong glance. “Would you like to join me tomorrow?”

“Yes,” he said, feeling a dart of unexpected pleasure. “I’d like that. What time?”

“How about two o’clock? And we’ll check out Masonboro Island? It’s kind of hard to get to, but it’s worth it.”

“Sounds great. Where should we meet?”

“The parking isn’t ideal. The only way to get there is to head down Wrightsville Beach, right to the very end of the island. Just park on the street. Bring some quarters because you’ll have to feed the meter, but I’ll meet you there.”

“Can I rent a board somewhere?”

“You don’t have to. I have two of them. You can use my beginner board.”


“It’s hot pink, though. With stickers of bunnies and flowers on it.”


She giggled. “I was kidding.” Then: “I had a strangely good time tonight.”

“Me too,” he said, meaning it. “And I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”

After she unlocked the car, he opened the door, watching as she slid in. A moment later, she was backing out and then pulling away as Colin stood in place. It might have ended there, but she suddenly stopped the car and rolled down the window, leaning out.

“Hey, Colin?” she called out.


“When you’re in your sparring class tomorrow morning? Try not to get hit in the face.”

He smiled, watching as her car sailed up the boulevard, wondering what he was getting himself into. He hadn’t expected her invitation, and as he made his way back to his Camaro, he replayed the evening, trying to figure it out. Whatever her reason, he couldn’t deny the fact that he’d been pleased.

He wanted to see her again.

No question about it.

knew you’d like him!” Serena crowed. “Was I right or what?”

It was Sunday morning, and as usual, Maria was with her sister on the back porch while their mom was finishing up breakfast. Their father was walking Copo, who was fluffed and clean, with a pink bow near her ear.

“I didn’t say I liked him,” Maria answered. “I said he was interesting.”

“But you also said you’re meeting him today. In your bikini.”

“I’m not going to be wearing my bikini while I’m paddleboarding.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m not you, okay? It would make me uncomfortable.”

“Well, you better show some skin, because believe me, you’re going to want him to take his shirt off. The whole sneaking-a-peek thing needs to work both ways.”

“I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.”

“You’re right. You should probably wear some baggy sweats or something like that. And no matter how you’re dressed, I’m just glad you’re finally going on a date.”

“Don’t try to make this into something that it isn’t. It’s not a date. We’re just going paddleboarding.”

“Uh-huh.” Serena nodded. “Whatever you say.”

“I don’t know why I even try to talk to you about these things.”

“You talk to me because you know I’ll tell you the truth. Which is why, of course, the two of you hit it off so well. Because Colin is just like me.”

“Yes, of course. You’re right. I’m essentially going out with my younger sister.”

“Don’t blame me. I’m not the one who followed him out to the pier.”

“I didn’t follow him out to the pier!”

Serena giggled. “You’re so touchy these days. But if you want my advice, I’d wear a bikini under the baggy sweats, okay? Just in case it gets too hot out there. Because it’s going to be warm today.”

“Can we talk about you instead? Like how the rest of your evening went?”

“There’s not much to tell. We hit the bars, went to a party. Just a typical Saturday night.”

“How’s it going with Steve?”

“He’s a little clingy, and I’m not sure I’m ready for something like that. But back to Colin again. He’s

“Yes, I noticed.”

“Did he try to kiss you good-bye?”

“No. And I didn’t want him to.”

“That’s good,” she said, “keep playing hard to get. Guys like that.” Maria made a face and Serena giggled again. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. I think it’s great, though. You not only have a date – a real date, no matter how you describe it – but you’re the one who asked him. You’re the epitome of the modern woman. And just so you know, I’m totally jealous that you’re going to get to see him with his shirt off. I don’t think he has an ounce of fat on him.”

“I really couldn’t tell you. It was kind of dark and he was walking beside me.”

“I want pictures today. You always bring that camera with you anyway. Just sneak a few of him.”


“I would think that you could do at least this one little thing for your baby sister, who also happens to be the one to set you up with him.”

She thought about it. “Okay, maybe.”

“Awesome. Or better yet, take some with your phone and send them to me and I’ll put them on Instagram.”

“Not a chance.”

“Are you sure? I’d hate to have to tell Dad you’re going out with an ex-con who’s currently on probation.”

“Don’t you dare!”

“I was kidding! I don’t even want to be in the same state when you drop that little bombshell. So warn me in advance, okay?”

“Will do.”

“Still, you should get a selfie with him at the very least. Before the announcement. That way, you’ll know you actually went out with him, since it’ll never happen again after that.”

“Are you done?”

Serena giggled. “Yes. Now I’m done.”

Maria noticed a hummingbird sipping from the feeder her mother had hung, hovering in a way that had mesmerized her since she was a young girl. From inside, she could hear her mother quietly singing to herself, and while the aroma of eggs and refried beans should have been making her hungry, she was already a little nervous about the upcoming afternoon. She wondered how much she’d actually be able to eat.

“I’m still kind of surprised at the way he just… told you everything,” Serena finally offered.

“Had you been there, you would have been in shock. Trust me.”

“It’s weird, though. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like that before.”

“You’re telling



Two hours later, Maria was at home, debating what to wear. Serena’s advice sounded in her ear, making the decision a lot more difficult than it should have been. Normally she wouldn’t think twice about it; she’d wear shorts and either a halter or a bikini top, and she certainly wouldn’t have showered beforehand or put on makeup or felt the clawing pangs of nervousness in her belly, but there they were. Standing in front of her chest of drawers, she debated what kind of impression she wanted to make. Bold? Casual? Sexy?

It was a whole lot easier for men, she decided: Throw on a T-shirt, flip-flops, and shorts and head out the door. Meanwhile, she had to debate the
of her shorts, and decide how
she wanted them to be, or whether she should wear the ones with the sexy tears below the back pockets or go a bit more conservative. And that was just the bottoms; trying to decide on her top was even more difficult, especially since she hadn’t decided whether to wear the bikini or a one-piece underneath. Despite what she’d said to Serena, it was a date, and aside from the fiasco last weekend with Jill and Paul, she hadn’t been on a lot of dates recently. Add in the fact that her thoughts had been drifting to Colin all morning and last night, and the whole thing left her feeling more jittery than ever.

What did she want with him, anyway? Colin was the kind of guy she used to
. Until yesterday, had anyone even suggested that she go out with a guy with his past, she would have laughed aloud or – more likely – been offended. She should have simply said good-bye after he’d walked her to her car last night. The very idea of the two of them going out today was absurd, and yet…
had asked
, and she had trouble remembering exactly how that had happened or what she’d been thinking.

And yet, Colin was…
. It was the word that had popped into her head while she was taking a shower, and the more she’d thought about it, the more apt the description seemed. While his answers had left her spinning at times, she had to admit that his
here’s the real me and you can either accept me or not
shtick was refreshing. More than that, she sensed that his regret had been real, underscoring how much he really had changed. She wasn’t naïve enough to ignore the possibility that he may have been trying to play on her sympathies, but it was impossible to reconcile that notion with the guy who’d changed her tire, or walked the beach with her, or attended classes with her sister in the hopes of becoming a teacher. He certainly hadn’t tried to hit on her, and had she not asked him to go paddleboarding, she had no doubt he would have left her at her car without further ado.

She had to admit that she appreciated the fact that he had been so open and honest about his past. If he’d waited until today to reveal those surprises, she would have felt manipulated and angry, maybe even frightened. The chemistry she’d initially felt with him would have been doused almost instantly, leaving her wondering what else he’d been lying about. No one likes a bait and switch.

Truthfully, she didn’t know a lot of people who’d turned their lives in an entirely new direction, like Colin had. And though she had no idea where today might lead – or even whether it was a beginning of sorts – she finally thought,
Oh, what the hell?
and put on her black bikini, then chose the sexy tight jean shorts with the tears below the pockets. Last, she pulled on a formfitting shirt with a plunging neckline. Serena, after all, had been right about something else. If Colin took off
shirt – and that, she had to admit, wouldn’t bother her in the slightest – then at the very least, she should have the option of doing the same.



Colin was leaning against the side of his car as she pulled in behind him, and when he waved, all she could do was stare. He wore a gray T-shirt that clung from his sculpted shoulders all the way down to his narrow waist. The sleeves could barely contain his well-defined arms, and even from a distance, the deep blue-gray color of his eyes was visible, set off by his sharp cheekbones. As improbable as it seemed, her first thought was that he was getting more handsome by the day. When he pushed away from the car and smiled, she felt something jump inside her while a little voice whispered,
If I’m not careful, I could get in serious trouble with this guy.

Forcing the thought away, she waved from inside the car, then took a deep breath as she shut the engine down. When she opened the door, the heat assailed her almost immediately. Thankfully, the humidity was minimal and a slight breeze stirred the air, making it a bit more bearable.

“Hey there,” she called out. “You’re right on time.”

She saw that he had brought a backpack, a small cooler, and a pair of towels. He leaned over, picking up the backpack and flinging it over his shoulder. “I got here early,” he said. “I wasn’t sure that I was parking in the right place. There aren’t any other cars around.”

“It’s always quieter on the tip of the island,” she said. “People don’t like to feed the meters, which is good, since it means we don’t have so far to walk.” She shaded her eyes. “How did sparring go?”

“It was a little more intense than usual, but no bruising or broken noses.”

“I can tell,” she said with a smile. “How about the other guys? You didn’t hurt them, did you?”

“They’re fine.” He squinted into the glare. “Your turn. How was brunch with your family?”

“No broken noses or bruising, either,” she teased, and when she heard him laugh, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, reminding herself not to get too carried away. “On a more serious note, though, I should probably warn you that I told Serena we were going out on the water today. In case she hunts you down after class and asks you for lots of personal details.”

“Will she do that?”

For sure
, Maria thought. “Probably.”

“Why doesn’t she ask you?”

“I’m sure she’ll be calling me later. She considers it her duty to be heavily involved in my personal life.”

“Okay.” He grinned. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

She felt a flash of heat in her cheeks. “Thank you,” she said. Then, trying to keep things light, she added, “You ready for today?”

“I can’t wait.”

“We’re lucky there isn’t a lot of wind. The water should be perfect.”

She began to unhook one of the straps that held the paddleboards in place on the roof rack. Noting what she was doing, he stepped close to help her unhook the other straps. The muscles in his forearms moved like piano strings, making his tattoo ripple as the two of them worked side by side. He smelled like salt and wind, clean and fresh. He lifted the top board off, leaning it against the car before doing the same with the other, propping the two against each other.

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