Read Seeing Eye Mate Online

Authors: Annmarie McKenna

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

Seeing Eye Mate (5 page)

BOOK: Seeing Eye Mate
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Great, now that he’d touched her and she’d gotten zero images from him, she was letting loose with all sorts of dreams. Dreams that included being with a man she couldn’t read. Now that would be wonderful.

“Maybe you were right, Gramama. Maybe I should let him into my life. If for nothing else than…never mind.”

“I told you so.”

She curled her lip at the smugness in her grandmother’s words.


Caelan drew a breath and steadied himself after the sucker punch to his gut. His mate could pack a wallop with her diminutive frame. He re-holstered his gun and spared a chuckle for the caveman routine he’d just engaged in. It had to have something to do with his species, and their innate sense to protect their mate.

Of course, he should have picked up on her complete nonchalance when saying she’d been attacked. Instead he’d gone into lockdown mode and prepared to defend her life with his own.

He eyed the door with caution and wondered how she could accuse it of attacking her.

Following her retreating figure into the house, Caelan surveyed the area. It was, in a word, homey. His mouth quirked at the mess she hadn’t wanted him to see, and he planted his hands on his hips. Tieran had disappeared. For a split second he thought about the fact that she might run but dismissed the idea just as fast. Why would she have any reason to run?

He flipped the door closed behind him with his heel. It swung back open and slapped him in the rear. Now he could see why she said the door had ambushed her. He pushed firmly on the paneled wood but it still wouldn’t close. He frowned at it. Damn thing was possessed.

Caelan turned when an odd breeze wafted across the back of his neck. The hair on the rest of his body stood on end, a testimony to the eerie feeling he was being watched. He traced the room carefully, looking for anything that may have caused the sudden puff of air, and was tempted to start humming the theme from
The X-Files

“You have to turn the knob to close the door,” Tieran yelled from somewhere deeper in the house.

How had she known he was having trouble with the door?
Because she lives here, you idiot

“Where are you?”

“In the kitchen,” came her muffled reply.

“The kitchen. I guess I’m on my own to find that. Which shouldn’t be too hard for an expert security person like myself.” Jesus, she had him twisted in knots and talking to himself.

He froze in the doorway to the kitchen at the sight greeting him. Tieran was bent over, her upper half hidden as she scrounged in the refrigerator. More blood rushed straight to his cock as he stared at her firm butt encased in tight blue jeans. The waistband of her jeans was bowed out, giving him a glimpse of skin at the small of her back.

His fingers itched to touch her and his inner wolf howled, wanting to claim its mate. Cael curled his hands into fists to keep from reaching out and taking what he already knew to be his.

He swallowed, remembering how her eyes glittered and her cheeks grew rosy when she was angry. He’d first seen it last night at the bar, then again a minute ago when he’d stood on her porch an inch away from her face. Would they look the same way when he was buried deep in her wet heat? Would they glaze over when a climax claimed her? He shifted in an attempt to ease himself.

“Since you’re being so persistent, I guess I’ll offer you a drink.”

He had
made a sound. In fact, he was well-known for his sneaking ability. She either had supersonic hearing or a strong sixth sense.

Caelan rubbed a hand at the goose bumps suddenly tingling along his neck. “What do you have?” His voice cracked like a preteen in puberty.

“Hmm. Water or, water.”

“Wow, great choices. What are you having?” he asked, regaining control before she could see the precarious hold he had on his libido.

“Mountain Dew.” She rose and faced him, a green can in one hand.

His attention, however, was drawn to her midriff. Her jeans, he just realized, were unbuttoned and unzipped. A slice of creamy, tanned skin peeked out where her T-shirt had ridden up, looking smooth as silk just like her delectable backside.

“What are you drooling over? You can’t have my Mountain Dew.”

His attention remained riveted on her belly and he found himself swallowing again. A tiny gem sparkled from where it nestled in her navel. It was the most perfect fucking thing he’d ever seen. He stalked towards her. She seemed to be completely oblivious to the effect she was having on him.

“Water’s fine,” he choked out. He gestured to the exposed part of her anatomy. “Your pants…umm…XYZ!” he spit out.

Her gaze dropped. “Oh, geez. I find it hard to believe you’ve never seen a female body before.”

He looked to the table and back to her, unable to control his need for her. He could take her right there on the Formica.

Tieran threw her hands up. “Whoa!” Forgetting she was holding the can, she fumbled to fix her jeans. The can fell to the floor at just the right angle and exploded, spraying the sticky yellow soda everywhere.

” she yelled. Caelan was rooted to the floor, a silly grin on his face. “You!” she pointed. “Out. Go. Sit on the couch and wait for me.”

Now why did her words make him feel like a dog being reprimanded?

“Uh-uh.” Shaking his head, he ignored her pointing finger and continued walking towards her. She was soaked from head to toe, and he was going to enjoy licking every inch of her clean.

Her eyes widened and she stepped back, once, twice, and bumped into the counter behind her. Caelan stopped just in front of her, pinning her to the cabinets. He had her between his rock and a hard place.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“I’m going to kiss you.” He traced a line of soda down her cheek with his forefinger. “And you’re going to kiss me back.” He framed her face with both his hands, holding her in place, though he didn’t need to. She was frozen to the spot.

Her lips were warm and soft as he licked along them, sipping a drop of the soda’s sweetness from one corner. He pressed his tongue between her lips, demanding that she open to him, which she did without the slightest bit of hesitation.

He tasted her, dueled with her tongue, bit her bottom lip gently, until she groaned and her body melted into his.


Tieran brought her hands up to his chest and fisted them in his shirt.

He tasted like heaven. His tongue was velvet soft and caressed with the perfect amount of pressure. Their lips melded together, sealing their bond. She flicked at his teeth, surprised at how sharp they were, and how very much she wanted to feel them nipping at her skin. His chest rumbled under her hands.

She ripped her mouth away, panting hard. Almost as hard as the erection that was pressed against her belly and not where she really wanted it to be. Inside her.

Caelan’s eyes appeared to glow, just like she’d noticed last night. They were mesmerizing and entrancing, pulling her into their depths until she was lost.

“I want you.” His head dipped and took control of her mouth again.

Closer. I have to get closer.
She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, hugging him to her. His palms were rough when they slipped inside both her panties and jeans. Then he shoved the fabric down and out of the way.

“Step out.”

She shivered at his gravelly command, anxious to do whatever he wanted, her need spilling from her pussy.

He helped her out with the toe of his leather work boot in the crotch of her pants, and suddenly her feet were off the ground. The counter was cold beneath her bottom.

“Jesus.” She yelped and inadvertently pressed her legs together.

Caelan wrenched them apart. “Uh-uh. Mine.” He stared at her drenched pussy, his lungs heaving. His gaze traveled the length of her until he met her eyes with a look drowning in hunger and need.

It fueled her own.

“Now, Caelan.”

He grasped the hem of her sticky, wet T-shirt and yanked it over her head. Her nipples stood proudly at attention, begging to be touched, kissed and sucked. Her womb clenched, his jaw ticked, the air around them crackled. She fought to keep herself from covering her breasts, a moment of insanity brought on by memories of Peter’s bitter words about her small figure.

There was nothing even remotely resembling disgust on Caelan’s face, just pure, carnal lust.

“What do you want, mate of mine.”

Okay, that was weird. Who cares? Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.

God, was she really having sex with a complete stranger? Yes. Yes! The answer was a resounding yes. Nothing had ever felt this good. What was it about this man that had her wanting to scream, “Fuck me, Caelan. Now.”


Oh Lord, she had screamed it. He attacked the button-fly of his jeans, separating the material and allowing his going-commando erection to spring free.

Tieran’s breath caught in her throat. His cock was huge, in circumference and length. Her clit pulsed an achy rhythm, despite the fact there was no way he’d fit inside her. Caelan must have seen her distress because he caressed her cheek with one hand, while the other searched between her labia, looking for admittance to her sheath.

He had no trouble finding it and slipped a finger all the way into her core, filling her, but not enough.


Fucking gorgeous. Her head fell back on her shoulders. Caelan shifted her forward until her sweet pussy was lined up with the edge of the counter. His cock was ready to explode and she was more than ready for him, his finger could attest to that.

“This what you want, baby?” He added a second finger to the first, filling her even more, drawing out her juices and coating his palm with it.

“More,” she breathed, tilting her head forward and looking at him. Her eyes were glazed over just like he imagined they would be. “Touch me, please.” The tendons in her neck corded as she begged.

He placed the pad of his thumb on the swollen nub of her clit and caught her with his other arm when her hips shot off the counter.

“Oh, my God.”

One touch and she’d climaxed! Her vagina clinched around his fingers as he continued to pump them into her. He wanted to feel those tiny muscles working on his dick.

He withdrew his hand, grasped his cock, guiding it to her slick folds, and watched the thick purpled head disappear into her tight, wet passage. She groaned, her head thrashing as he took possession of her body. Skin to skin, just as it would always be between them.

She was ovulating. He could smell it on her and he knew what they were about to do would most likely impregnate her, thereby putting her in extreme danger. Damn it. He couldn’t stop despite the danger. An uncontrollable need to mate with his mate seized him. If he didn’t fuck her, he’d go out of his mind.

Caelan thrust into her, catching her screams with his mouth as she adjusted to his penetration.

“That’s it, my own. All of me, inside of you, always.”

In about two seconds his little head was going to blow off. He stayed motionless and savored the moment.

“Move,” she urged, wiggling against him. “Please.”

Aw, shit. “Don’t move, baby.” He panted and tried to still her to no avail. Fuck it. He withdrew and slammed back home.

“Yes, yes.”

His canines sharpened. He lowered his head to the gentle slope where her shoulder met her neck and pressed his open mouth against the tender skin. He rocked into her sopping pussy again and again. Biting her softly, he claimed her with his teeth as well as his cock, marking her as his mate.

With one last thrust, he buried himself inside her to the hilt, and coated her womb with spurt after spurt of his seed.

Chapter Three

“Micah? Is that you?”

The cool breeze lifted Elizabeth’s skirt, twisting it around her legs. She shivered at the unusual silence of the woods surrounding their quaint log cabin-style home. Where were the birds tonight, the rustle of the leaves in the trees? Goose bumps formed on her bare arms. From the top of the steps, she searched the darkness.

“Micah?” she yelled louder, wrapping her arms around her waist in a tight hug. A low moan captured her attention. She swung her gaze toward the sound and, slowly descending off the porch, headed in that direction. Her heart pounded. Dried leaves crunched beneath her feet.

“Is that you, honey?”

In the clearing about ten yards from the tree line she stopped and peered into the thick, dark woods. Something moved. Elizabeth squinted to get a better look.

“Stop playing games, Micah, supper’s ready.” Her voice wobbled.

A shadow split from the surrounding darkness and ventured into the clearing. For a second, Elizabeth tensed then blew out a breath and swallowed. She smiled despite her true feeling. “I was just looking for Micah. Have you seen him?” She fought the urge to shiver. There was something about him she didn’t like. Even from the first time she’d met him at the Prime’s house. He’d seemed smarmy to her, like he was above the rest of them.

BOOK: Seeing Eye Mate
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