Seer: Thrall (13 page)

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Authors: Robin Roseau

BOOK: Seer: Thrall
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"Don't be ridiculous. Aubree isn't that old."

"Oooh," I said. "Solange, does Aubree know you slurped on Ada Lovelace?"

"Damn it, Sidney!" But her lips were quivering.

"I bet she'd be impressed. I bet she even knows who Ada Lovelace is. Of course, as you say, you didn't turn Mrs. Lovelace into a fang banger-"

"Oh god, you are incorrigible. Please never ever use that phrase again."

"What phrase?" I asked. "As you say?"

"You know what phrase."

"Fang banger?" I asked. "You don't care for that phrase? But that's what I am, aren't I? Except I'm not hooked on your fangs. I'm hooked on your wrist. Wrist banger? Is that what I am?"


I couldn't hold it in any longer, and I began laughing. I didn't think Solange was actually upset, although I hadn't thought I could shock her so easily.

"Wrist banger? Seriously?" she said. "That is so crude. Sidney, you are many things, but I don't believe I've ever heard you be so crude before."

"I don't know what other term to use, Solange. Perhaps you should teach me. This is all still pretty new to me."

"If you keep this up," she said, "I will teach you a new phrase, complete with the corresponding experience."

"Oh? I like trying new things."

"Blood thrall."

I thought about the implications and sobered. "That's what you were going to do to me? That is what it is called? You wouldn't really, Solange. I don't think you should tease about that."

"I did not feed on Ada Lovelace."

"I never said you did," I replied. "I only wanted to know how you want me to ask in the future. I like slurp. Can I ask you if you slurped on someone? Who is the most famous person you have slurped on, Solange?"

"Amelia Earhart," she said without pause.

"You did not!" I replied. Her lips quivered again. "Oh my god! You did. Oh my god! She never crashed her plane. You turned her into a vampire, and now she's the one who flies your private jet everywhere. I thought she looked familiar!"

Solange began laughing.

"Tell me! Is Elvis a vampire now, too? Is that why people keep reporting Elvis sightings?"

"I'm pretty sure there are Elvis sightings because Elvis impersonators are more common than smart ass computer project managers."

"Especially smart ass computer project manager seers," I said. "We're very rare."

"Perhaps unique," she agreed. "Slurp? Seriously?"

"Well, you were using that crude term 'feed on'. If you're going to be crude, why don't you just say 'munch'? I mean: you're totally a neck muncher!"

"Oh no," she said. "That phrase is right out. I forbid it."

"So we're agreed on 'slurp' then? Ooh, and the person you slurp would be the Slurpee."

She groaned and buried her face. "Knock it off."

I waited a few seconds, then put on a sober expression. "Solange?"

"You're not about to ask who else I've... um..."

"Slurped on?"

She shook her head. "Yeah."

"No, not at all. I have a serious question."

"What then?"

"Does the blood taste different based on the donor's diet?"

"Yes, somewhat. And overall health matters as well."

"So if I ate a lot of fruit from the garden, and you bit my neck, would that make me a strawberry Slurpee?"

She tried not to laugh. She really did.

"I think that's enough jocularity tonight, Sidney," she said eventually. "But it's very refreshing to see you feel confident in teasing me. Now get comfortable and I'll help you sleep."

"No dreams."

"Normal dreams, unless your gift decides to reappear without my prompting."

I nodded, settled into the bed, and then asked, "You were really friends with Ada Lovelace?"

"I really was."

"Did you know her father, Lord Byron?"

"No. I met the countess later in her life."

* * * *

"Is this all you do?"

I opened my eyes. Dolores was standing next to my bed. "Hey."

"How are you feeling?"

"Really good," I said. Really, really good. I was still a little high from Solange's blood earlier. I didn't add that. I sat up and slipped to the edge of the bed. I wrapped my arms around my friend, holding her tightly. Then I relaxed a little and lifted my head, earning myself a lovely kiss for my efforts.

"You're a good kisser," I told her. "You could seduce a woman with that kiss."

Dolores laughed. "Thank you," she replied. "I don't think Solange would appreciate it if I tried to seduce you."

"Still got the shirt I gave you?"

She laughed again and steadied me as I stood up. "I'm going to use the bathroom, then we can make our way downstairs."

"Do you need help?"

I thought about teasing her for her offer but instead simply told her I'd be fine. But she hovered around me as I stepped across the room. I wondered what Solange had told her. I decided her concern was cute.

Dolores was waiting right by the door when I stepped back out. She took my hand, then tried to steer me to the wheel chair, sitting in the corner of my room. "That might be difficult on the stairs," I observed.

"Oh. How do we get down?"

"I walk," I said. "Really, I'm not as weak as that. What has Solange filled your head with?" I headed for the door.

"Do I need to bring it with?" she asked.

"Sure," I said. "In case you need it."

She laughed and hurried to catch up to me, taking my arm.

"Dolores, I'm fine," I said.

"Humor me," she replied.

And so I received unnecessary help making it to the table in the kitchen. Solange and Aubree were already there, waiting for us. "Whatever did you tell her, Solange?" I asked. "She's treating me like an invalid."

"You are an invalid," Solange replied with a smirk.

"Be nice," I said. "Or else."

"Or else what?" she asked.

"Or else I'll tell Dolores not to let you have whatever dessert she brought."

"Yeah," said Dolores. "Be nice to my best friend! Or else."

It was my turn to smirk.

The kitchen table was rectangular and could seat four comfortably, two on a side, or six if you put one at either end and were a little cozy. Dolores had sat me down to Solange's right. Aubree was across from Solange, leaving the place across from me for Dolores. I turned to Solange.

"Um. I'm a little loopy."

"Are you?"

I nodded. "From um..."

"Your medication?"

"Yeah," I said. "My medication."

Solange leaned closer and looked into my eyes. I'm sure she could tell I was still high as a kite.

"Dolores," she said, "I hate to trouble you, but it's a little chilly. Do you think you could collect one of the wraps from Sidney's closet?"

"Sure," Dolores replied. "I'll be right back."

As soon as she was out of hearing, Solange asked, "How high are you?"

"Flying," I replied. "Bah, bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah," I sang. "I want a new drug! One that won't make me sick." I began tapping my hands on the table and waving my body back and forth. I couldn't remember the rest of the words, so I began making up my own. "I want a new drug! One I can slurp from a wrist. One that won't dry up. One that'll get me kissed."

"Stop it!" Solange said. "She'll hear you."

"How much did you let her have?" Aubree asked.

"I sucked!"

"Quiet! Sidney!"

"Party pooper," I said. "Don't you have like super-duper hearing? Can't you hear when she comes back?"

"Were you counting on that?" she asked.

"Of course I was. It's not like I'm drunk. I'm as sober as a monk in the brewery."

"That doesn't make sense," Aubree said.

"Normally she sleeps for another hour," Solange said. "Have I been giving you this much?"

I knew that was a dangerous question. If I said 'yes', she might cut me back. "Noooo..." I said slowly. I leaned closer and whispered in her ear. "I sucked."

I could tell I was making her nervous.

"I think I need some fresh air," I added. "I feel really good."

"Good golly," Aubree said. "I'll get her chair."

"Don't bother. I'm just going to toss her in the lake," Solange threatened.

"Would that make me the Lady of the Lake?" I asked.

Aubree got up and headed upstairs. She passed Dolores on the way, and soon I was wrapped in my warmest shawl. I managed to behave, and then Aubree was there with the wheelchair.

"Someone is a little bit out of it from her medications," Solange said. "I'm going to take her for some fresh air."

"Aubree, did you want to help get dinner started?" Dolores asked.

Three minutes later, Solange was wheeling me out the back. The air felt good. She wheeled me down near the water, and I really wondered if she was going to throw me in. But she set the locks on the wheels then pulled another chair over to sit next to me.

"Are you really that high?" she asked quietly.

"I was worried I'd say something stupid," I replied.

"What is it like?"

"What is what like?"

"Being high. I can't get high. Or drunk."

"Does drinking blood give you euphoria?"

"It's pleasant, but from what I can tell, it's not what you experience when under the influence of any of a variety of substances."

"Like your blood."


"I feel really good, although I'm starting to come down." I paused. "That part is disappointing. I feel physically tired, but I feel emotionally really good. And my inhibitions are lowered. Not gone, just lowered. It's not like being drunk. And you know I've never done anything illegal. Well, unless V is illegal."


"Don't you watch the vampire shows?
True Blood
? No? V is vampire blood. Get with the program, Solange!"

"Right. Sorry. I'm not fond of those shows."

"I'm sorry I scared you. I could have behaved. I just didn't want to. Do you understand? I wasn't going to say anything wrong in front of Dolores. Well, unless your hearing isn't any better than mine. Did I do a big oopsie?"

"No, but please don't count on that in the future."

We sat for a few minutes.

"I could have walked," I said.

"I know, but then you'd be tired when we got back. How are you feeling?"

"Crashing a little, I think," I said. I sighed. "I'm going to be emotional tonight. I think I need food. Or just a little tide me over."


"Teasing," I said. "Although..."


"I'll let you have some of mine."

"Sidney, please tell me you're teasing. You're worrying me again."

I sighed again. "I'm teasing, but if you offered, I'd accept."

"I know," she said softly. "I'm sorry about that."

"We're apologizing a lot lately."

"I've noticed that, too."



"Do you hate me?"

"Oh Sidney. No. Do you hate me?"

"I still blame you," I said.

"So do I. I've ruined your life."

We both turned and looked out at the water.

"Could we go swimming tomorrow?"

"It's far too cold for you!"

"I seem to remember a swimming pool."

"Oh." She chuckled. "If you like."

"That seems like such a normal thing," I said. "Can we go swimming tomorrow? Such a simple, mundane question. But somehow it's not mundane right now at all, is it?"

"No, I suppose not."

"Am I going to die?" I asked in a small voice.

"Swimming tomorrow? I think I missed a transition somewhere."

"Not swimming." I paused. "Just... am I going to die?"

"Oh Sidney," she replied. "It may be I'll turn you. That would be a lot of conversations first, and you may not be interested. If I don't turn you, then yes, some day you'll die."

"I'm not talking 'some day', Solange, and you know it. Do you think I'll be alive in five years?"

"Yes, Sidney, I do."

"Even if I can't dream about things more important than odious men you once knew?"

"Even then."

"Even if I tell you that you suck?"

She laughed. "Even then."

"What if I suggest you neck munch?"

"That will probably lower your life expectancy, or at least the amount of time your clothing will remain dry." She gestured to the lake. "That is just so tacky, Sidney."

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