Read Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation (23 page)

BOOK: Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation
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“Gentlemen,” he called out loudly. “Last time there was a group here, there was unpleasantness that required the entire group to be ejected and no refunds were given. I trust there won’t be those problems with any of you.”

The men quickly assured the large man standing in front of them that they were there to fish in the fishing contest at a nearby lake and promised there would be no difficulties.

“And furthermore, this lodge is locked, secured, and alarmed after eight p.m.”

“Yes, sir,” they hastily agreed, before signing the register and moving back to their trucks with their cabin assignments.

As the last one left, he took a deep breath and turned to face the seething woman glaring at him.

She opened her mouth, but before she could utter a word of censure, she found his fingers on her lips.

“Beautiful, I get that you’re pissed, but hear me out first and then decide if you’re still pissed.”

She glared but kept quiet.

“Just like with children, it’s better to let guests know up front what your expectations are. You’ve got rules on your website, posted in each cabin and there’s no reason not to reinforce them.”

“Yes, but—”

“And those men don’t want to lose their cabin in the middle of their vacation when there’s no other hotel in the area with a Labor Day opening. One of them drinks too much and even thinks about getting rowdy, the others are more likely to reign him in.”

She had to admit to herself that his explanation made sense. Huffing, she said, “Okay, but what about the—”

“Same thing. Expectations, baby. No way in hell are you still leaving this door unlocked during the evening.”

Okay, he’s right there too.

Then her eyes narrowed, and she said, “How about the way you—”

He stepped closer, gazing down into her blue eyes, watching them widen the nearer he came. “That was because when we’ve been apart, I want to feel your lips on mine. Here, my place, alone, in a crowd. Wherever.”

He stood directly in front of her, the toes of his boots touching the tips of her sneakers. Her head leaned way back so she could see his face.

“You don’t think that was just the teeniest bit alpha caveman behavior?” she asked.

“Nope. I think it was a whole fuck-of-a-lotta alpha caveman behavior.”

Seeing her jaw drop, he lifted her chin with his fingers at the same time he leaned down to place a kiss on her lips.

“Babe, this is who I am. I respect what you do here, but this is no longer the 1960’s and your grandfather’s not here to provide for your safety. This is a different world and I’m sure as hell going to take care of what’s mine. And I don’t give a fuck who’s around when I kiss you. Or,” he said with a smile, “when you kiss me.”

She could not stop the warm feeling that swirled around at his words. Lifting on her toes, she grabbed his face with her hands and kissed him back. Plunging her tongue into his mouth, she gave him everything she had to give and he took it. Then he lifted her up in his arms and took the kiss where he wanted it to go. Long. Hard. Wet.


Bethany jerked to see who was standing there, but her back was to the counter since Jack had turned to face the guest. She twisted to see behind her while dropping her legs to stand. Flustered, she managed to twist around and saw Horace Malinski. He looked askance at having intruded so she quickly greeted him. She saw his eyes dart continuously between Jack and her.

“Mr. Malinski, this is…um—”

“Her boyfriend, Jack Bryant,” Jack said smoothly.

“Yes, um…yes,” Bethany stammered.

A nervous nod was all they received and she handed him his cabin assignment and key. “Here you go. Cabin nine as usual is ready for you.”

Another nod and he was out of the door.

“He always like that?” Jack asked, his eyes following the man as he hurried to his car.

“Yeah. He comes once a month and always asks for the same cabin. He’s harmless enough,” she added. “Always keeps to himself, hardly ever leaves the cabin.” She giggled, “at least not during the day.” Hearing Jack’s growl, she quickly added, “Oh, he never bothers me, but I sometimes wonder if he’s a vampire. You know, only coming out at night.”

He glanced down at the register. Horace Malinski.
I’ll check him out.
Shooting a look at Bethany, who was already greeting the next guests, he decided that he would not share with her that he was checking out her clients.
She did really well with my earlier explanations, I won’t press my luck,
he thought with a smile.

He watched her for a few minutes as she smiled at the families coming in, telling them about the cabin’s upgrades, the rules for swimming in the lake, and the area’s amenities. He had to admit to himself that he had wondered if she would pack up and leave when Gram left…
but fuck, she loves what she does.
Her smile was infectious and the guests appeared to be thrilled to be staying here. A couple of families were returning visitors that she greeted like old friends.

While she finished up, he turned to take some measurements for the wall to be erected, separating the reception area from the lodge room.
I want her in my home, in my bed, but…one step at a time. And until then, I want her safe.


He rubbed his
head, fighting the headache bearing down on him. Watching from afar, he tried to keep his eye on her. A good girl. They all start out as good girls.
Why can’t they stay that way? Because they turn into sluts, that’s why.
Mama always said so.

He knew the police and FBI were searching for him. The newspapers were full of stories and speculations about the Campus Killer.
Campus Killer.
Running his hand over his face again, he grimaced.
They don’t understand. I’m not a killer. I make the sluts pay. That’s all. I just give them their due.

He fingered the long, slim knife again but fought the urge. It seemed to be coming faster. There was a time when he could make it go away. Ignore it.

He thought about the latest one he had seen.
Would she stay good for me? Or be a slut like the others?
He did not travel as much with his job now. Forced to stay closer to home, it was more difficult to find someone when he felt the urge.

Running his finger along the razor-sharp blade, he was careful not to cut himself. Taking a towel, he efficiently wiped the instrument off before replacing it in its hiding place. Behind it, the jar of bones sat, making him grimace.

Why do the sluts do it? Why do they have to point that finger at me when I just want to get close?
He closed his eyes for a moment, seeing his mother constantly shaking her finger at either him or his dad.
Look what I’ve done for you, ma! What I’ve always done for you.


Jack managed to
be home for the entire Labor Day weekend, taking advantage of not having to travel by spending as much time as possible with Bethany. He video conferenced with the men and would see them as they rotated through security duty.

He had stayed at her place Friday and by Saturday night wanted to take her out. “You up for a trip to Chuck’s for some burgers?”

Smiling huge, she agreed. “I haven’t had a Chuck’s burger in…wow, I don’t even remember the last time I was there.”

He chuckled, saying, “Well, it hasn’t changed since the beginning of time. Burger’s are still greasy and the beer is still cold.”

“Sounds perfect!”

Fifteen minutes later, they walked into the bar, greeted by a screech.

“Oh my God, boss-man! Is this the girl that had you making moon faces weeks ago?” Trudie’s voice could be heard across the room and most eyes turned toward the couple.

Bethany looked askance for a moment at the big bust, big hair, and even bigger smile on the woman behind the bar.

They made their way over to her and Jack boosted Bethany up on a barstool before moving to stand next to her, his large body pressed into hers.

Bethany could not help but smile back as Trudie made her way toward them.

“Trudie, meet Bethany. She owns Mountville Cabins up the road. And this is Trudie, bartender extraordinaire.”

“Oh, don’t pay him any mind, honey. I’m Trudie and I’ve been slinging drinks here for a long time. I remember your grandfather would come in every so often and your grandmother would run into me at the grocery store. Nice to meet the woman that grabbed this here big man.”

Laughing at Trudie’s running commentary, Bethany did not have a chance to respond before they were surrounded by Jack’s men.

Helping Bethany off of the stool, Jack snagged her beer as well as his and ushered her to the back table where the others were sitting. He watched her walking in front of him, his eyes naturally drawn to her ass, showcased perfectly in a pair of black cords. Her light blue top dipped in the back, the color making her eyes appear even larger and bluer.

When they got to the table, she could see all seven of Jack’s men were there and several had women with them as well, making for a large group.

She could not remember when she had had so much fun…at least not since she had been at Mountville. She realized how small her world had become, first taking care of Gram and then running the cabins.

Pulling her in tightly, Jack watched her closely. “You okay, babe?”

She twisted her head to look into his face, reaching her hand up to cup his bearded jaw at the same time. Absentmindedly rubbing her fingers along his cheek, she smiled. “Yeah. It’s been a long time since I was out with friends, just enjoying myself.”

“Wanna give you more of anything you need,” Jack replied, wishing he could take the worry off of her shoulders.

“You do, honey. Just by being you.”

Excusing herself to use the lady’s room, she found Trudie at the sink washing her hands. Trudie’s smile beamed at her once more.

“Glad to see you with Jack,” the older woman said. “He and them boys of his have been coming in for the past year. All good men, every one of them. But there was always something about Jack.”

Seeing Bethany’s questioning gaze, Trudie continued, “Them other men? Good people, but a few of them are pretty rowdy with the women who come in here. But hey, the women know the score. Blaise, Bart, and Marc especially are ladies’ men through and through. If it’s puttin’ out, they’re gonna tap it!”

Seeing Bethany’s wide eyes, Trudie rushed on. “But Jack? Never seen a man so serious. He’d come in for a beer. Shoot the shit with Chuck, me, or his boys. But then he was all business.” Trudie walked over and patted Bethany’s shoulder. “He needed a good woman…and looks like he found one.” With a wink, the older woman left the room, leaving Bethany to smile to herself as she washed her hands.

As she made her way back to the table, she only had eyes for Jack. But his eyes were focused behind her—and they were pissed. Before she could get to him, a leg was thrown out in front of her blocking her path. Glancing over she saw the smirk of a young, college age man as he grabbed her hand, pulling her over.

“Babe, you looking for a seat?” he said, patting his lap as his table mates laughed.

Jerking her hand back, she was about to retort when Jack charged over, moving her deftly behind him and towering over the table.

“You have a momentary lapse in judgement putting your hands on my woman and your eyes on her ass?” he asked in a growl. “And there’s only one answer that I’ll accept.”

The one who had been openly ogling Bethany as she walked by, trying to impress his friends, now nervously looked to them to see who would back him up. They all sat numbly at the sight of the large, enraged man in front of them.

Bethany pulled on Jack’s shirt. “Honey, I don’t think—”

Jack whipped his head around, but before he got a word out to her, she was moved gently back a few more feet. Replacing her were the other men, all lined up with equally angry expressions. As she stared at the backs of the testosterone wall in front of her, she could feel her anger rising.
I could have taken care of this myself.

“Sorry,” mumbled the young man, embarrassed to be called out publicly, but smart enough to know that one furious mountain of a man was impossible to take on, much less eight of them.

BOOK: Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation
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