Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation (25 page)

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Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation
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He moved back toward her clit, sucking it into his mouth while his hand slid up from her stomach to her breast and rolled her nipple between his fingers.

That was all it took for Bethany to hurl across the finish line, her hips bucking once more as the orgasm vibrated deep inside, spreading outwards.

Jack kept licking, feeling her juices spread over his tongue.
Better than anything, baby.
Opening his mouth wide, he felt her vibrations throughout, wanting them to last forever. They slowly subsided and he raised up, seeing her head back on the mattress, her eyes closed…and a smile on her face. He wanted to roar
…I put that fuckin’ smile on her face!

Standing with her legs still raised up high, his cock was at her entrance. He watched as her eyes opened when the crinkle of the condom wrapper broke into her sated orgasm coma.

Realizing that he was going to take her in this position, she smiled again, already licking her lips in anticipation.

“I see my baby wants it hard,” he chuckled.

“Hard, fast, blow my mind…oh yeah,” she said, watching his eyes darken with desire. Her gaze caught the condom and she said, “Jack?” He stilled, his gaze latching onto hers. “Um, are you um…you know? I’m on the pill, and I’m clean. So if yo—”

“Babe, get checked out every six months for the job. Haven’t been with a woman since before that. I’m clean.”

She did not have time to process the realization that he had actually been without sex for that long before he interrupted her thoughts.

“You sure?”

She nodded, smiling once again. Then she did not have time to process anything other than to hang on for the ride of her life.

In one swift movement, he plunged inside her wet channel to the hilt. Her body quickly adjusted to his girth as he touched her womb.

“Oh, my God,” she breathed, as he began pistoning in and out, hard and fast. At this angle, it felt as though he was touching her very soul.

He leaned over the edge of the bed, his hands on either side of her hips, watching her breasts as they bounced in rhythm to his thrusts. Unable to keep from touching them, he reached up, palming their firmness, before tweaking her nipples once more. Giving them a slight tug elicited a groan from deep inside of her that shot straight to his dick.

He lifted his gaze to her face and saw she was looking down to where there were joined.
Hot as fuck. Jesus, she’s gonna kill me.
His cock, slick with her juices, continued to find a tempo all its own, pounding inside her grasping pussy.

“You close, baby?” he growled, his voice like gravel.

Her eyes squinted shut as her fingers clutched his hips. “Yes,” she panted.

“Eyes. I want your eyes on me,” he ordered.

She heard his words through the haze of sensations bombarding her, but they did not obey. Suddenly, his hand came down on her ass with a sharp slap, the sting immediately causing her eyes to snap open. Before she could protest, he smoothed his palm over her red globe, soothing the sting away.

“Want your eyes on me when we come, beautiful.” He chuckled as he saw her eyes widen first with indignation and then hood with lust. “Yeah, my baby likes that,” he said, giving her ass another little pat.

With her eyes trained on his, he tweaked her nipple at the same time as using his thumb to press on her clit while his cock continued its assault. He watched as she flew apart underneath him, her orgasm grabbing his dick as it began to pour itself deep inside of her.

Never went gloveless. Never wanted to until now. Fuck me, I’ll never be able to go back to a sheath again,
he admitted as the indescribable feeling of coming while buried bareback inside of her hit him. His legs, weak with strain, buckled and he fell on top of her, rolling to the side at the last second before crushing her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her to his side, her cheek resting on his chest.
I want this. I want her. Everyday.

As the post-orgasmic coma descended, they both lay quietly. She wondered what he was thinking. And she had to admit that she was already falling for this man—the one who works so hard to fight injustice when there will never be any glory in the success. She lay in his arms, luxuriating in the power of his embrace.

An hour later, after one more round of shower sex, a new experience for her and one that she could fully enjoy in his humongous tiled shower enclosure with the multi-head faucet raining water down upon them, they finally went back outside.

She squealed with delight as he handed her a helmet and proceeded to back an ATV out of the garage.

“You ever been on one?” he asked. Seeing her shake her head, he added, “Jump on and wrap your arms around my waist. Hang on and I’ll show you my property.”

In a few minutes, they were following the trails that covered the outskirts of his twenty-six acres. The back of his land rose steadily as it climbed the base of the closest mountain. When they slowed down, she was able to discern the fencing that divided his property from the park. Stopping at the peak of his acreage, he twisted and assisted her as he took her helmet off. He watched with pleasure as she turned and gazed down over the land.

“Oh Jack, it’s beautiful!” she exclaimed.

Her blonde hair had partially escaped its ponytail and the breeze blew it around her flawless face. Her wide, sky-blue eyes took in everything as she viewed the trees, meadow below, and in the distance, his home.

“Yeah,” he said, staring at her, “It’s beautiful.”

They sat in silence for a while, the late summer sun warming them on its descent. He sat on the ground at her back, his long legs stretched out on either side of hers.

“This is going to be beautiful in the fall when the leaves change colors,” she added after a while.

“I wasn’t here often last fall, so this’ll be my first time to see it.” Catching her smile as she twisted around to look at him, he added, “And being able to experience it for the first time with you will make it even better, baby.”

As she leaned her head back onto his shoulder, he kissed her once more. Soft. Gentle. With the promise of good things to come.

By the time they returned home, it was almost dinnertime and she insisted on cooking. He offered to help, but mostly just stayed out of her way. She flitted around the kitchen, discovering where he kept items and utensils. Soon, the smell of homemade tomato, basil, and garlic pasta sauce was simmering, hand-rolled meatballs were cooking, and garlic toast was baking.

Sitting down at his table for their dinner, the conversation flowed, just as it always had. She learned more about his business, what he could tell her, and she regaled him with tales of life at the cabins.

He managed to convince her to let him have the wall built this week for her protection. After dinner, they settled on the deck swing, her legs stretched out in the seat with her ass in his lap. Sipping wine while watching the sunset over the mountains in the distance was the perfect end to a perfect day. Or so she thought.

It was actually when she fell asleep, her head on his chest with their legs tangled and his arm protectively around her middle after another round of sensational sex. Then it was the perfect end to the perfect day.

Chapter 19

he next weekend,
Jack was gone once more so Bethany took a drive to visit her grandmother. The facility was a long, one-story, red-brick building with stately columns in the front. The flower gardens and lawn were meticulously manicured.

Walking through the lobby, she waved at the receptionist and headed to the main room. Gram was sitting at a table with other women as they worked on a puzzle. She looked up as Bethany came in and her smile spread across her face.

“Helen!” Gram called out. She turned to the other women at the table and said, “My sister has come for a chat.”

The other women looked up at Bethany, all with expectant smiles on their faces. She greeted each one as Gram stood and moved over, linking arms with her.

“Come on,” Gram said conspiratorially. “I can work puzzles anytime, but I want to hear the gossip!”

Walking a short distance they sat on a small, but sturdy, setee. “So,” Gram began. “Are you still seeing Charlie?”

Bethany had no idea if Gram was referring to Jack, or if she was really thinking about Helen and Charlie from sixty years ago.
It doesn’t matter. Either makes her happy.

“Yeah, Gram. I’m still seeing Charlie.”

They chatted for a few minutes, more like old friends than in the here and now, but Bethany was learning to accept the changes. A few nurses walked by smiling at the two of them and, occasionally, stopping by to speak.

As Bethany was getting ready to leave, a nursing aide came over. “Oh Mrs. Bridwell, I see your granddaughter came to see you.”

Bethany saw the confusion pass through Gram’s eyes as she turned and stared at her. Linking her arm with hers, she said, “Come walk with me, Gram.”

They said nothing as they made their way back toward the front of the beautiful building. As she turned to hug her grandmother, Gram spoke softly, “You’re not Helen are you?”

Licking her lips nervously, wanting to say whatever would give her grandmother the most peace, she confessed, “No. I’m Bethany. Your granddaughter.”

Gram stood peering into her eyes and then smiled. “You’re so pretty, just like my sister was.”

Bethany hugged her tightly and whispered, “I love you, Gram.”

Tears sprung to her eyes when she heard whispered back, “I love you too, pretty girl.”


The weekend after
Labor Day found Mountville almost deserted, so Jack took advantage of the lull. Having made arrangements ahead of time with Sally, who had agreed to stay, he whisked Bethany off early Saturday morning.

“Where are we going?” she asked, as he made his way to Hwy 81 heading south.

“Gotta surprise for you, but I think you’ll like it,” he replied, flipping on the radio to a country music station. Pleased to discover that she was a fan, they sat in comfortable silence for a while as the tunes lulled her to sleep.

He glanced over when they were near their destination and saw her head leaning against the window.
She works too fuckin’ hard
. Turning off the highway and then again off of the main road, he noticed her head bump against the glass as he hit a pothole.

“Babe. Babe, wake up,” he cajoled, gently shaking her shoulder.

She blinked several times before rubbing her eyes. “Mmm, are we almost there?” she asked, her voice groggy.

“Yeah, we should be there in about ten minutes. I was afraid the potholes in the road were going to slam your head against the glass too much.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I needed to wake up.” She flipped the visor down to fix her light makeup and smooth her hair back. Looking around, she saw farmlands on either side of the road before he turned down a long gravel drive.

Whipping her head around to him, she said with excitement, “Jack, is this your farm? You’re mom’s place?”

“I thought we’d take a trip here so I can check in on my mom and introduce you to her,” he said smoothly, belying the trepidation he felt. This was a big step and he knew he was ready.
But is she?

He need not have worried. One look at her and the smile returned to his face. Her eyes were darting everywhere, excitement pouring off of her.

“All of this land was in my family. When my dad died, mom ran the farm for a while, but it was more than she could handle. She and I talked and, since I had no desire to come back and work the farm, we sold most of the acreage, rent the rest and she keeps the house and three acres that surround it.”

Just then, passing the tall corn stalks, they came to a clearing and a white, two-story house came into view. Jack pulled the truck to a stop as a woman walked out onto the front porch. Wearing a simple button-up dress with an apron tied around her waist, she lifted a hand in greeting and offered a smile.

Assisting Bethany out of the truck, he noted her smoothing her hands down her pants nervously. Leaning in, he whispered, “You’re gorgeous. Don’t worry, she’ll love you.”

She only had time to spare him a glance before they walked up the front porch steps. He let go of her long enough to envelope his mom in a huge hug before turning to introduce Bethany.

Jack’s mother was tall and slim, with shoulder-length gray hair pulled back from her face.

“Oh, my dear, welcome. Please call me Jeanette.” The two women hugged and then Jack gently settled Bethany back into his embrace as they walked into the house.

The entrance foyer held an antique coat rack and mirror and then, a few steps in, she could see the living room to the left and the dining room to the right. Ushered into the living room, they sat on a comfortable sofa and Bethany’s gaze tried to take in the whole room. Antique frames held pictures that appeared to be a hundred years old. Some were of couples and others of whole families. The mantle held newer ones, most of Jack and his parents in his early years.

Flowered curtains were pulled back allowing the noon-day sun to stream through, making the room feel light and airy.

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