Sex and Punishment: Four Thousand Years of Judging Desire (63 page)

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The Cully Flaug’d
; Marcellus Laroon II; ©The Trustees of the British Museum

Marriage A-la-Mode
, Plate III; William Hogarth; Bernard Baron ©The Trustees of the British Museum

Black, Brown & Fair
; Thomas Tegg; Thomas Rowlandson; Henry William Bunbury ©The Trustees of the British Museum

Watercolour painting on paper of a Hindu wedding ceremony ©The Trustees of the British Museum

The monk in the cornfield; making love to a woman
, c. 646; Etching and drypoint; Rembrandt ©The Trustees of the British Museum

Couple making love at the end of a four-poster bed, face at window
, after Raimondi; corresponding to Aretino’s Sonnet 11. Brush drawing in grey wash, over red chalk; Jean Frédéric Maximilien de Waldeck; Marcantonio; ©The Trustees of the British Museum

St. Ambrose & Theodosius.
Theodosius refused admission into the cathedral at Milan by St. Ambrose in 390 for the massacres recently carried out at his order at Thessalonica
: line engraving, late 19th century, after the painting by Anthony Van Dyck. ©TopFoto_Emperor

Censorship Seal, 1973. The seal of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, founded in 1873. On the left the purveyor of obscenity is being thrust into a cell, while on the right a Christian layman consigns infamous volumes to the flames. ©TopFoto

Christopher Columbus with Hernando Cortés receiving a native American girl as a gift
(c. 1820–1839). Plate 5 from
Le Costume Ancien et Moderne
, Volume I, by Jules Ferrario. ©TopFoto

Jewish Mythology—Simon of Trent and Judensau
. Top register shows the bound child, Simon of Trent, and the instruments of his torture and death. The bottom shows the infamous Judensau, with an attendant devil. The woman riding the goat hints at the connection believed to exist between the Jews and the Sabbat (or, to the transvection to the Sabbat). Copper engraving of the 17th century. Georg Liebe,
Das Judentum in der deutschen Vergangenheit
, 1903. ©TopFoto

Lot and His Daughters
, Albrecht Altdorfer, 1537. ©TopFoto

Representing the last stage of mental & bodily exhaustion from Onanism or Self-pollution. From:
The Secret Companion
, a medical work on onanism or self-pollution, with the best mode of treatment in all cases of nervous and sexual debility, impotency, etc., by R. J. Brodie. Published by Brodie, R. J. & Co. Consulting Surgeons 27 Montague Street, Russell Squ., London 1845. ©Wellcome Library, London

A fish with spikes
. Coloured etching. ©Wellcome Library, London



RITING AND PUBLISHING this book required a lot of help and I got it on all fronts. On the research side, I am grateful to the librarians at the UCLA research and law libraries, who were patient with my inquiries and generous with help. Online services can sift through millions of pages of material instantly, but nothing comes close to the creative thinking of a human being. The UCLA librarians are the best in the business.

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