Sex Ed (12 page)

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Authors: Myla Jackson

BOOK: Sex Ed
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The cop car pul ed up, his windshield wipers flinging even more water onto her. "Get in." Door locks clicked.

Kendal yanked open the front passenger door and got in, completely soaked and past caring. She gave the police officer her address and closed her eyes for the remainder of the short ride, determined to avoid conversation. Even if she tried, she couldn't speak past the wad of tears clogging her throat,.

As they pul ed in front of the house, the cop shifted into park and turned toward her. "He's not worth it. A guy who'd let you go isn't worth the trouble." He held up his hands. "Just saying."

"Thanks for the ride." Kendal got out, closed the door and trudged up the steps to her apartment.

The cop had it right. The man wasn't worth it.

If that was the case, then why was she so broken hearted?


Ed dressed in the jeans and shirt he'd worn into the building and peeked around the curtain, looking for Kendal . Lacey had gone out into the crowd to find her while Ed changed.

He spotted Lacey, but no Kendal .

Lacey waved at him from across the floor and jerked her head toward the exit.

They met outside at the rear of the building. Big fat raindrops fel from the sky at random.

"Did she leave?" Ed asked.

Lacey shrugged. "I looked in the bathroom and everywhere else I could think of. She's not in the saloon."

Ed's pulse quickened. "You don't think she's in trouble, do you?"

"She rode with me." Lacey frowned.

"I'm worried something's happened."

"Let me check with Cory. Maybe he's seen her."

Lacey ducked back inside the back door.

As Ed paced the parking lot, the rain let loose, dumping down on him. He headed for the door to see what was keeping Lacey and reached for the doorknob.

Lacey emerged, her face pale. "Cory said Kendal was in the dressing room a few minutes ago and said she was going out the back for some air. I looked again and didn't see any sign of her looked again and didn't see any sign of her anywhere."

Before Lacey finished speaking, Ed ran for his truck, his boots splashing in the puddles. "I'm headed to the house."

"I'l see you there," Lacey cal ed out behind him.

Ed ran around to the front of the Ugly Stick Saloon and leaped into his truck, shaking the water out of his hair. Where the hel was Kendal ? If she'd been in the dressing room, why hadn't she told him or Lacey that she was leaving?

Al the worst-case scenarios sprang to mind. An image sprang to mind of Kendal stepping out back for a breath of air and being grabbed by some ape of a man, thrown into his car and taken into some backwoods area where he'd rape and murder her.

Anger stiffened his muscles. Ed's boot hit the accelerator hard, spitting gravel up behind him. His truck skidded sideways onto the slick highway, straightened and sped toward the house.

He couldn't let his imagination take over.

Everything would be okay. A logical explanation existed for Kendal 's disappearance. She probably got a ride home with someone and left a message with one of the wait staff who forgot to deliver it.

Holy Hell
. Was it five miles or fifteen to his house?

His cel phone rang in his pocket and he almost had a wreck answering it. "Kendal ?"

"No, it's me, Connor. Is something wrong?"

Ed wanted to shout
But he couldn't upset his friend, not while he couldn't do anything to help.

"No, nothing." He prayed.

"Why did you think I was Kendal ?"

"Look, Connor, I'm in a hurry, and there's no good way to do this other than to jump in." Bracing his hands on the wheel, Ed took a deep breath and announced, "I love your sister and want to marry her."

"Holy smokes, Ed," Connor yel ed into the phone. "I thought you were fixin’ to give me bad news. Don't scare me like that."

Ed’s foot eased up on the accelerator. "What, you're not upset or disappointed?"

"Are you kidding? About time you two got together. Kendal 's been in love with you since forever."

"Why was I the last to know it?"

"Hey, I'm your friend. I wasn't going to push my kid sister at you. Besides, she had some growing up to do."

Ed’s thoughts went back to banana pudding and whipped cream. "Oh, she's al grown up now."

"Yeah. Why do you think I asked you to keep an eye on her? I hoped you’d wake up to that fact."

Ed shook his head and slammed his foot on the brake. "Look, Connor, I'm driving in the rain to get to Kendal and ask her to marry me. On your next cal to her, ask her what her answer is."

"Wil do. And congrats."

Tossing his cel phone in the seat beside him, Ed prayed Kendal was at home and safe so that he could propose. He took al the corners too fast, hydroplaning sideways, almost clipping two stop signs. By the time he reached the house, his heart was pounding so hard, he thought it would jump right out of his chest.

Ed drove the pickup into the drive, slammed it into park and jumped out, leaving the engine running, the keys in the ignition. If Kendal wasn't home, he didn't know where he'd look, but he'd look until he found her.
Damn it, she'd better be home

With long strides, he took the steps two at a time. When he reached her apartment door, he banged it hard with his fists. "Kendal !" He continued banging in case she was in the shower or blow-drying her hair. She had to hear him. She had to be there.

Scared out of his wits, he backed up, ready to throw himself at the door and break it down, when the door suddenly opened.

Kendal stood there, wrapped in nothing but a towel, her eyes wide and red-rimmed, her hair dripping down around her shoulders. "Ed? Where's the fire?"

"Holy Hel ." He enveloped her in his arms and hugged her so fiercely, she squeaked.

"What's wrong with you?" Kendal pushed against him.

"Is she here?" Lacey's footsteps echoed on the stairs behind Ed.

"She's here." Ed stil held Kendal in his arms, even as she pushed to free herself.

"Of course, I'm here. Where else would I be?"

"In a ditch, murdered, raped, dead." Ed yanked her against his body again and held her there. "Don't ever scare me like that again."

"I'm not dead, or raped, or murdered. I just came home. Now let me go." Her hands planted firmly against his chest and she pushed so hard, Ed was forced to let go. "You left without tel ing anyone." Ed ran a hand through his wet hair, dragging in a deep breath. "What was I supposed to think?"

Kendal stepped away, her head averted, refusing to meet his gaze. "Ed, you're not my keeper.

Whatever you promised my brother is bul shit. I'm not your responsibility."

"To hel with your brother." His hand pounded his chest. "What about me? What if I care enough to know where you are?"

"You won't have to worry about me much longer."

Her chin jutted out, her bottom lip trembling. "After I graduate from col ege next month, I'm headed to Austin. Out of sight wil be out of mind. You and Lacey can carry on without me in the way." She grabbed the edge of the door and tried to close it.

"Now if you'l excuse me, I'm going to bed."

"Me and Lacey?" Ed looked at her, sure she'd lost her mind. "What do you mean, me and Lacey?"

Lacey stepped up beside Ed. " Kendal , what are you talking about?"

Kendal 's eyes pooled and a dammed tear slipped out and trailed down her cheek. Hadn't she cried enough? "I thought you were my friend."

Lacey's brows drew together and she pushed past Ed, reaching out to take Kendal in her arms. "I
your friend."

Kendal held up her hands, backing away from Lacey. "No. How can you be when you came up with this whole Sex Ed plan? Al along you wanted Ed for yourself."

Lacey's frown deepened. "Me, want Ed? No way. He's yours."

"I'm not at al into Lacey." Ed shook his head.

"Where did you get an idea like that?"

"You don't have to hide it anymore." Kendal swiped at the tears streaming down her face and tipped up her chin. "I saw you two kissing in the dressing room at the Ugly Stick."

Lacey's brows rose, her eyes rounding. "You saw me kissing Ed because I was happy for him.

Not because I love him. The kiss was sisterly, nothing more."

"Yeah, and I'm just a naive col ege girl, gul ible and easily tricked. No thanks. You two can have each other." With a heavy heart, Kendal tried again to shut the door.

"Kendal , I'd just told Lacey that I love you. She was so excited that she kissed me. The kiss didn't mean anything. I love
." Ed pushed the door wider and made a grab for Kendal 's arm.

Joy dared to spring into her heart, but she wouldn’t let herself be hurt again. She dodged him and moved farther back into the apartment. "No, you just feel responsible for me because of some dumb promise you made to my brother."

"I love you. And not because of the promise I made to your brother." He fol owed her into the apartment, his steps slow, measured, like an animal stalking his prey. "I think I've always loved you. It took some crazy female plan to make me see it."

Kendal backed up a step further until her bottom ran into the sofa. "I don't believe you," she whispered.

"Then let me tel you again." His hands slid up her arms and rounded to the back of her neck, tipping her head back. "I love you, Kendal Mason."

"Uh, I'l just let myself out. Maybe I'l just go turn off your truck and col ect the keys." Lacey chuckled.

"You two can handle things from here." The door to Kendal 's apartment closed with a soft snick.

Kendal couldn't tear her gaze away from Ed's, his blue eyes burned into her, swarms of butterflies attacking her insides. "You love me?"

"Yup." He bent to brush a kiss across her lips. "I just needed a little sex education to show me how much."

"What about my brother?" Kendal leaned into Ed, her lips pressing into his.

Ed reached into his pocket and pul ed out his cel phone. "Connor cal ed me on the way to the house. He's on board and told me to plan the wedding for when he's back and can give you away proper."

"He did?" Her eyes widened and a huge swel of happiness fil ed her. "I love you, Ed Judson. I've loved you my entire life."

"Then why the hel did you wait so long to tel me?" He gathered her against him, his mouth slanting across hers, his tongue thrusting between her teeth.

The kiss sparked a fire inside Kendal that burned away the cold of the drenching rain and mistaken betrayal. She let go of the edge of her towel, letting it fal to the floor. "I'm ready for my next lesson," she said against his mouth.

Ed laughed out loud, scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. "I have a feeling you could teach
a few things." He laid her on the bed and stripped his damp shirt from his shoulders.

"Maybe." With a wicked grin, Kendal eased open the buttons on his jeans and pushed them down over his hips. "Shal we start here?" His cock sprang free into her hands.

With slow, steady strokes, she slid her hands up and down his length, reveling in the smooth skin encasing hardened steel. He was hers. Al hers.

Kendal took him into her mouth, grabbing around his hips to pul him deeper until his cock bumped against the back of her throat. His dick fil ed her mouth, stretching her lips.

His hands threaded into her hair as he thrust in and out, faster and faster. When his body stiffened, he pul ed free and climbed on the bed with her, parting her knees.

Kendal stared up into his eyes as he drove into her body, burying his cock deep, fil ing her, stretching her channel in the most delicious way. Her heels dug into the sheets, pushing her up to meet him, thrust for thrust. Never in her life had she felt this complete, this loved and cherished by a man. Her body tensed, the tingling beginning at her core and spreading outward to the tips of her fingers. Kendal cried out his name as she burst over the edge. "Ed."

Ed held her hips as he plunged in one last time, his cock pulsing inside her, his fingers digging into her skin. Then he col apsed on top of her and rol ed them to the side, without severing their intimate connection. "You aren't the little girl I used to know."

"Is that a bad thing?" Kendal smoothed the lock of hair off his forehead, loving that they lay naked in her bed, their bodies joined.

"Oh, it's very bad, in a very good way." He kissed her and thrust into her again.

The cel phone on Kendal 's bedside table rang, vibrating so much it rattled across the wood surface.

Kendal frowned and reached to turn it off when she saw the cal er id flashing
Connor Mason
. She glanced at Ed. "It's Connor."

He nodded, leaning in to nibble at her throat.


With a smile, Kendal draped a leg over Ed's hip and poked the Talk button. "Hi, brother. How's the war?"

"Forget the war, I hear congratulations are in order. My baby sister is engaged."

Kendal frowned at the phone. "What?"

A long pause then, "Oops, did I jump the gun?"

Ed took the phone from Kendal . "I was just getting to that. Thanks, buddy." He handed back the phone.

As Kendal pressed it to her ear, Ed thrust into her.

"Wil you marry me, Kendal Mason?"

"Say yes!" Connor shouted into her ear.

Kendal sucked in a deep breath and held it, the feeling of Ed hard and thick deep inside her threatening to steal the air from her lungs. "Yes," she said, al the air rushing out of her lungs at once. "Yes, Ed Judson. I'l marry you." Into the phone, she said,

"Gotta go, Connor. We're celebrating our engagement."

"Hey, no babies until I can give you away at the wedding."

"I'm making no promises." Kendal clicked the disconnect button and switched off the phone. "Now where were we?" Her arms curled around Ed's neck and she drew him down for a long kiss. "Ah yes. You were about to give me the next instal ment of Sex Ed."


About the Author

Twenty years of livin' and lovin' on a South Texas ranch raising horses, cattle, goats, ostriches and emus left an indelible impression on Myla Jackson, one she likes to instil in her red-hot stories. Myla pens wildly sexy, fun adventures of al genres including historical westerns, medieval tales, romantic suspense, contemporary romance and paranormal beasties of al shapes and sexy sizes. or spending time with her family. She lives in the tree-covered hil s of Northwest Arkansas with her husband of more than 20 years and her muses—the human-wanna-be canines—Chewy and Sweetpea.

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