Sex, Murder, and the Meaning of Life (33 page)

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Ackerman, Josh
Aesthetic judgment
Age preferences
impressing with
mating and
romance and
status and
Alcock, John
Altemeyer, Bob
American Psychological Association (APA)
American Psychologist
Analysis, levels of
Antisocial inclinations
Apostle's Creed, text of
Ariely, Dan
Arizona State University
Asch, Solomon
Atran, Scott
Attractive people
looking at
awareness of
dominance and
positive feelings and
as reinforcer
spending on
Average-looking men
Average-looking women
Bailey, Michael
Banaji, Mahzarin
Bank account, life as
Bargh, John
Barkley, Charles
Beal, Dan
Beautiful women
looking at
overestimating number of
Becker, Vaughn
evolutionary accounts of
negative aspects of
underlying causes of
Behavioral economics
psychology of
motivations and
Bighorn sheep
Biological mechanisms
Biological principles, behavior and
Biology's “right wing,” fallacy of
Björkqvist, Kaj
Blank Slate
Blank slates
Borden, Lizzie
Boyd, Rob
Boyer, Pascal
flexibility of
information processing by
machines and
Braver, Sandy
Brown, Roger
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Robert
Bryant High School
Bush, George W.
Buss, David
Butner, Jon
Campbell, Anne
Capone, Al
Capra, Fritjof
Carroll, Sean
“Change detection” method
Chaotic attractors
Chartrand, Tanya
Cialdini, Bob
Classical conditioning
Cognitive processes
Cognitive psychology
Cognitive science
evolutionary psychology and
Cohen, Adam
Coleman, Jill
Coloring books
Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos
Compulsive subself, described
Conditioning, rules of
Connelly, Julie
Conspicuous consumption
Consumer Reports
Contrast effects
Control condition
Cosmides, Leda
Cottrell, Cathy
Cultural norms
Cultural patterns
Cusp catastrophes
Dabbs, Jim
Daly, Martin
Darwin, Charles
DeBruine, Lisa
evolutionary multiple-mind viewpoint for
Deep rationality
Defenders of the Truth
Delton, Andy
Developmental explanations, described
Developmental hierarchy, life history theory and
Diamond, Jared
Dirty old men, search for
Disbelief, psychology of
Discriminate, failure to
prejudice and
Disgusting, foreign and
Distribution, benefits/costs of
Domain-general theories

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