Sexed Into Submission (16 page)

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Authors: Julie Bailes

BOOK: Sexed Into Submission
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With one solid blow to Sailor’s temporal, I knock him out cold. Quickly, I drag him to where he had my beauty restrained and chain him up. This motherfucker is going to get a taste of his own medicine. Looking around the ground, I see drops of blood staining the concrete and the intimidating cat o’ nine tails that drew it. Not only has he harmed my belleza, he’s risked her life by bringing her to this disgusting abandoned warehouse. He lashed her open and exposed her to filthy fucking germs. Thoroughly enraged, I pick up the barb-wired tails.

“You can’t beat him with that,” Starlet sobs.

“You stay in your fucking corner or I’ll hit you with it. You’re the reason we’re here, and you deserve this just as much as he does.” These two have awoken the beast, and he is fucking ugly. There is no controlling him, and once he’s loose, he can’t be contained.

Lifting the tails over my head, I bring them down and strike his shoulder to wake him. His head snaps back and he lets out a howl. “Feels good, no?” Rearing back, I use all my strength and whip the angry tails across his pelvis and thighs.

“Goddammit,” he bellows.

“Does it make you feel like a man to force yourself onto a lady, Sailor?”

“Piper’s no lady,” he snickers hatefully.

Without delay, I give him five more lashes. He bawls louder with each strike I give. Good. “
Piper is a lady…
fucking lady,” I spit in his face. As bad as I want to beat him until he bleeds out, I need to get to Piper. I’ve already spent too much time away from her. “I thought about killing you, which is very fucking tempting. Yet, that would be giving you the easy way out. After all the pain and humiliation you brought
beauty, I will find pleasure watching you drown in your own misery,” I express, lashing him across the face.

“Shit,” he hisses, blood quickly dripping down his face.

“Shit, indeed. Your wife should be here any moment,” I advise him.

Lifting his head, he looks to Starlet in hopes she’ll be able to set him free. “Oh, she can’t help you. Those chains,” I begin, pointing to all four corners, “
the only way they’re coming off is if the fire department comes out and cuts you loose with bolt cutters.” Slinging the cat o’ nines across the warehouse, I pick up the violent wand from the dirty ground and place the lightening rods to his neck. “What did you give her?” Instead of answering, he spits in my face.

Removing the electro wand from his carotid, I take it down and shoot his balls with electrical current. “Okay, okay, okay,” he pants. “Ketamine.”

Zapping him two more times, I drop the lightning rods to the ground. “Stay the fuck away from my club, and
life,” I growl, making my way out to the woman who has quickly become my everything.

When I get to the car
, Piper is fast asleep. Removing her from the car, I drape her body over my arms and lower us into the seat. “Where to, brother? Do we need to take her to the hospital?” Dean inquires. Too busy covering Piper’s face with kisses, I shake my head to let Dean know a hospital visit isn’t necessary. “All right, your house it is.”

Forty-five minutes later, Dean pulls into my drive. “I need for you to come hold her for me,” I tell Dean.

When he steps out of the car, he comes over and takes Piper so I can go inside and run her a warm bath. Once the water is ready, I two-step the stairs and retrieve my sleeping love.

“Call me tomorrow and let me know how she’s doing,” Dean requests.

“Sure thing,” I nod, carrying Piper inside.

When we’re upstairs, I set her on the side of the tub and lift the shirt over her head. My breath catches as soon as I see
the bloody lashes covering her body from head to toe. “Querido Dios, no. Lo siento mucho, belleza. So, fucking sorry,” I say, kissing every puncture I find.

“It isn’t your fault,” she whispers, her eyes closed and head hung.

Ridding myself of my clothes, I pick her up and step into the tub. As her open wounds make contact with the warm water, she grips my neck and hisses. “I know, nena. Just give it a few seconds, the sting will fade,” I assure her, submerging us into the water completely. Seconds later, her body relaxes and I position her so her legs straddle mine. She rests the side of her face on my shoulder and I gently wash her back.

She becomes more alert the longer we’re in the water, finally opening her
eyes, and holding her head up without help. I don’t want to force her to tell me anything, especially not now, but there’s one thing I need to know. “Belleze, did he...” I can’t bring myself to say the words.

“No, he didn’t,” she lets me know.

Gracias, Dios mía.
“Did you—”

“Shh, no, I promise,” she hushes, cover
ing my mouth with hers.

What have I done to deserve this
woman? Passionately, we kiss until the water goes cold. Lifting her from the water, I wrap her in a towel, walk her over to the vanity, and take care of her wounds. Then, I hand her one of my t-shirts to wear for bed. “Are you hungry? I can go down and put something together.”

She yawns,
“No. I’m still a little nauseous. Really, I just want to go to bed.” I’m sure she is. Hell, I haven’t been through half the bullshit she’s dealt with today and I’m exhausted.

“Of course,

Settling in bed, I try to keep my distance because I don’t want to hurt her, but she reaches for my boxers and pulls me close. “I don’t want to hurt you, beauty,” I whisper, pulling her hair away from her face.

“You won’t. Not being able to feel you hurts more than my lashes.” Surrendering to her request, I scoot close, hold her, and watch her until the sun rises and my eyes force themselves closed.








Two weeks have gone by and Ryder hasn’t let me out of his sight. The day after my incident with Sailor, Ryder demanded I put the condo up for sale. Although I owned the home, Sailor bought it and Ryder doesn’t want me living or driving in anything he gave me. We sold my car to a local dealership, and I bought a BMW M4 convertible.

“I can’t believe you already found someone who wants to buy
my condo,” I say, devouring the delicious steak Ryder grilled for us.” Today, I spent most of the day with my realtor signing paperwork and I’m famished. “It’s in an upscale neighborhood, beauty. I knew it wouldn’t take long,” he grins, satisfied that I accepted his request to move in with him. Well, I didn’t come right out and accept. He got his way how he always does, by not playing nice and making me beg; which is fine by me, because I can’t imagine being anywhere else. Falling asleep and waking up in his arms is exactly where I want to be.

Ryder is the biggest decision I’ve ever made, and while our relationship may be a fatal attraction, I’m going to live this life of danger until it comes to an end. This man, he manifested himself inside my heart
and I continuously yearn for him. Maybe we won’t last forever, but maybe we will. All that matters is right now.

Sailor is no longer a threat.
Zoey showed up to the warehouse, saw blood and called the police. Of course, Starlet threw Sailor under the bus to protect herself. She snitched on Sailor, and told them what he had her do. They searched his pants and found a substantial amount of powdered Ketamine, enough to haul his ass to jail and charge him with a felony. I was asked if I wanted to press charges, but honestly, I don’t want my dirty laundry airing through Miami. I said no. Ryder wasn’t happy, but when he was informed that both Starlet and Sailor would be spending time behind bars for the possession of illegal substances so he let it go.

Now that our storm has calmed, I’m ready to bring the wind. He’s given me time to heal, and while I appreciate it, there’s a hunger in my core that only he can feed. Placing my dish in the dishwasher, I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him down to me. “If you have room for dessert, I’ll be upstairs waiting for you,” I whisper, runn
ing my tongue along his smooth lips, earning a low growl.

Seductively gazing over my shoulder,
I remove my shirt and drop it to the floor. Then, I place my thumbs in the sides of my thong and twirl my hips slowly. Dropping the plate and drying his hands, Ryder runs after me and I take off running up the stairs. He chases after me, and I lead him into our spare bedroom, which is currently under construction and being transformed into our dungeon.

“You prepared for this,
belleza?” he questions, noticing the candles I’ve lit around the room.

“Yes, Ryder,”
I smile. “May I, Ryder?” I ask, reaching my hand into the waistband of his briefs.

belleza, remove them,” he urges. Slowly, I tug them down his leg. “Come here, beauty,” he orders, walking over to our portable Saint Andrew’s cross.

ripping my hips, he lifts me and places my feet onto the platforms at the bottom of the cross. Before he restrains my ankles, he kisses up the inside of my leg and uses his teeth to remove my thong. After both ankles are restrained, he stands and kisses me while he tightens the restraints around my wrists. “You’re ready for this?” he asks.

. I was born ready, Ryder,” I breathe.

Blindfolding me, he tilt
s the cross so it’s parallel with the floor. I jolt when I feel cool mist covering my body. “Don’t move, beauty,” he commands, dripping hot wax from my neck down to my mound. The hot and cold sensations send my core temperature rising quickly. Next, he mists my nipples and circles them with the scorching liquid, and I arch my back. “Belleza, come off the cross again and I’m going to restrain your stomach and thighs,” he warns. Bending, he kisses me briefly, slips his fingers inside my heated wetness, and eagerly fucks me with his flawless finger.

“Oh, yes,” I hiss, buc
king my pussy against his hand and earning a fierce nipple twist. Instead of the scream I’m sure he was expecting, I moan appreciatively.

“Goddammit,” he puffs, removing the blindfold and loosening the restraints from my wrist and ankles. Removing me from the cross, he crashes his lips to mine. “I’m going to do something I’ve never done before,” he utters, nibbling my bottom lip.

“Yeah, what’s that?” I ask, anticipation building deep within my hungry pussy.

Carrying me across the hall, he lays me on the bed, our lips never separating. “
Voy a hacerte el amor, la belleza,” he whispers.

Little does he know, I’ve
became quite acquainted with my translator app, and asking Ryder to make love to me is something I’ve been practicing for days. Surprising him, I say, “Hazme el amor, Ryder.”

Growling into my mouth, he fills me
with his deliciously hard cock. “Eres mi vida. You are my life,” he breathes into my mouth.

For hours,
we hold each other hostage while we take our time discovering one another’s bodies, our tongues worshiping and devouring every inch of skin.

In life, we all have to go through pain to experience joy. Each of us, at one point in time,
is terrified to open our heart to love. My entire life, I believed nothing good could come from this thing called ‘love’, and if all good things come to an end, why try? I try for this strangely, wonderful man by my side, gazing into my eyes, the man I want to fall asleep with at night and wake up to each morning. Though I’ve never experienced true love before, I know what Ryder and I share can’t be anything short of it. We’ve proven that we value the other’s life more than our own, and we would withstand all of types of hell to hold each other’s hand. While I can’t begin to imagine what our future holds, I know that mine includes him. Only time will tell if this love we share is a blessing or a curse.


The End






First, I have to give thanks to God for allowing me to be able to do what I love. Yes, some may judge me for the material I write, but in the end, I only have to answer to one person. Remember His word, “Judge, and you shall be judged”. To my amazing husband for supporting
me and my dreams, and for helping me write the spiciness that consumes Sexed into Submission. Our lives have transformed into something even more beautiful than we imagined. What started out as research transformed our lives for the better.

To my street team member, you all hold a special place in my heart. You pimp me so hard my back hurts. You accept me for the crazy ass
slappin’ momma that I am, and support me in my time of need. Some of you believe I’m a rockstar, but the real rockstars are you. Thank you for being by my side and helping me grow, not only as an author, but as a person.

Kellie, the yin to my yang, you make me horny for a flogging. You’ve been there for me since day one, and words can’t explain how thankful I am to call you my friend. Christine, always looking out for me and having my back, spank you, hard!
Tyeesha, the peanut butter to my chocolate, we’re a deadly, southern combination. You are always there for me whenever I need you. You always offer a hand, try your damnedest to promote Darren and me, and I can’t wait to meet you face-to-face. Hilary, thanks for always being by my side, accepting my crazy and loving me for it. We come up with crazy shit, you and I are an explosive package.

nna! Oh my word, you woman, are AMAZING! You are the half of my brain that doesn’t write. You handle everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! I’m honored to call you my friend. Like Hilary, you accept my crazy. You have my best interest at heart and you’re always looking out for me. You remember my insanely naughty passwords, and take all my disorganized shit and turn it into beautiful, organized 3 ring binder masterpiece. Most of all, you believe in me, and I thank you for that.

To my faithful, naughty vixen, YOU ROCK! Without you, my characters would drive me to the crazy house. You are the reason I write. Thank you for taking a chance on me. Your support means the world to me. Sexed into Submission is my favorite book yet, and I hope it didn’t disappoint. Please remember to leave a
review, it’s the best gift you can give me.

Jennifer Maldonado, you are a
life saver. Thank you for taking the time to help me freshen up my Spanish. I took three years of this beautiful language, but hardly remember anything. You are truly amazing! Many smooches and ass slaps to you, lovely.

This isn’t the end for Ryder, Piper, and Dean. Pi
per and Ryder will have sizzling story coming soon, telling their relationship development, and Dean will finally find his bottom. To keep up all the scandalous information on my releases by liking my amazon page, facebook, Twitter, and blog page. Feel free to email me at
[email protected]

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