Sexed Into Submission (15 page)

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Authors: Julie Bailes

BOOK: Sexed Into Submission
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Twirling my hips, I continue to turn my circle as I undo the wrist restraints and collar
ed top, allowing them to fall onto the stage. Suddenly, this song is fitting for tonight. Reaching around the back of the chair, I release Wes’ wrists. “As of now, I’m gifting you a no-holds-barred dance. You may touch me, but keep your hands off my pussy. Got it?” He eagerly nods.

Pushing him back against the chair, I lower my lids and rub my hands up and down my body
, massaging my breasts, tugging my nipples, and stroking my pussy. Turning between his outspread legs, I bend until my palms are flat against the floor and shake my ass against his erection. Then, I replace myself on his lap and roll my body. Mr. Bachelor’s hands move along the sides of my body. I take his hands between mine, pull his face between my breasts, and Wes slithers his hand up my spine.

Before I’m able to make another move, I’m being lifted from Wes’ lap and he’s lying on the floor. Ryder charged Wes from the side of the stage and tackled him to the floor. “What the fuck? Beast, set me down,” I shout. “I’m sorry, Piper, but I can’t. Mr. Ramirez instructed me to keep you restrained until he gets back here to you.”
No doubt Mr. Ramirez is Ryder. I don’t bother trying to escape Beast’s hold. It would be a waste of energy and strength, and I’m saving everything I have for Ryder.

When Ryder emerges through the curtain,
his face is red and the veins in his neck are sticking out. I have a real good feeling something bad is about to happen. When he’s within reach, I fight to escape Beast’s clutch and swing at Ryder—hitting nothing but air. “You fucking stop that shit, right now. You’re in enough trouble as it is, Piper. Do not force me to spank your ass right here in front of an audience. I will fucking do it,” he spits.

“You won’t touch me
, you lying piece of shit. Fuck you, Ryder,” I seethe.

Taking a few step
s closer, he circles his arms around to my back and pins my arms at my side. “That is all, Beast,” he dismisses. Lifting my feet from the floor, he carries me inside Dean’s office and kicks the door shut.

“You fucking let me go,” I bawl, twisting in his arms.

“I will let you go if you are finished trying to fight me.”

“I won’t hit you
. Just let me go,” I yell.

At once, he sets me to my feet, but doesn’t set my arms free. Instead, he pulls them behind my back
, bends me over the arm of Dean’s chair, and spanks my ass. Not expecting the blow, I yelp. “Now that I have your attention, belleza, what in the fuck do you think you were doing out there?” he asks through clenched teeth.

I don’t ow
e him an explanation, so I don’t answer.

Again, I receive two more blistering licks. “Now is not the time to test me, Piper. I want an explanation, and I want it right fucking now,” he growls.

Fuck what he wants. “Want in one hand and piss in the other, Ryder. See which one fills fastest,” I retort.

“Goddamn you,”
he mumbles, pulling up. He backs me into a corner and pins my arms above my head. “I warned you, if he touched you I would take him down. You provoked him. Why?”

“Why do you care?” I snap.

“Because you are fucking mine,” he booms.

“I was yours. Not anymore,” I

His brows furrow and he shakes his head. “Wh
at did you just say?” His voice is full of hurt, and I almost regret saying the words, but I swallow that shit down and repeat myself.

“You heard me. I am not yours, Ryder. Did you think I wouldn’t find out about the bitch you can’t resist, huh? I’m not
stupid. I saw her grinding her hands all over you, and you standing there letting her do it. You’re no different than Sailor,” I grimace, my accusation panging my heart just as it did his.

Ryder sucks in a sharp breath, releases my wrists, and paces before me. “That fucking hurt, Piper. I am noth
ing like that motherfucker and you know it. The woman you saw me with, she’s like Sailor. She’s my ex-wife, a cheating whore who made me believe for thirty-eight fucking weeks that she was pregnant with my child; only after she delivered him, did I discover he wasn’t my son. That bitch means nothing to me.”

n why did you allow her to rub all over you, Ryder? Why doesn’t she think you can resist her?”

He stops his pacing and stare
s into my eyes. “She’s fucking crazy, beauty. I didn’t
her feel me up. I told her to stop and she didn’t listen. What you saw only lasted a few seconds before Chaos escorted her from the club,” he enlightens, capturing my face between his hands. “Look into my eyes, belleza. Pierce my soul with your beautiful fucking eyes, and tell me if you honestly believe that I would betray you.”

“No,” I breathe, a sneaky tear escaping my lid.

“Exactly, Piper. I fucking love you. You dammit, no one else,” he whispers, swiping my tear away with his thumb.

“I love you, too, Ryder,” I reassure him, desperately regretting my words from earlier.

“I know you do, belleza.” He places his lips to the center of my forehead. “Tell me what I need to hear, nena,” he requests.

todo tuyo,” I promise.

Lowering his lips to my mouth, he kisses me fiercely until I’m gasping for air. “Go shower while I finish a project Dean had me help him with. When I’m done, I’m taking you home and
am lighting your ass on fire. Relax while you can, mi amor, you won’t be resting anytime soon.” He kisses me one more time and returns to work.

Before I shower, I go to my area and down the rest of my water
. As I’m gathering my towels, I run into Gemma. “Everything okay with you and Ryder?” she frets, wringing her fingers.

“Yeah, we’re fine. Just a misunderstanding,” I assure her, walking
toward the bathroom.

“Wait, Piper. Are you mad at me? You know, for being with your dad?”

When I turn around to answer Gemma, I feel somewhat faint and see two of her. “Of course not, Gem.”

She squeals and wraps her arms around me. “Great, because I went to the doctor and can’t wait to show you the pictures from the ultrasound.
I mean, if you want to see them.” She pulls back and holds me at arm’s length. “Are you feeling okay?” she examines, pressing the back of her hand to my cheeks and forehead.

“I’m fine, Gem. I just need a hot shower,” I insist, smiling weakly. Maybe my symptoms are a side effect of love and the whirlwind of emotions it carries with it.

“Okay. Go get that shower and we’ll catch up after my performance.” Hugging me one last time, she goes out onto the stage and I head for the bathroom.

As I lower the
G-string down my legs, I’m lightheaded. Slowly standing, I grab onto the sink and close my eyes to will the dizziness away, but it only becomes stronger. Attempting to look around the room for a towel, the room is spinning and everything’s a blur. My heart begins to race and my legs feel weak and heavy. Despite my heavy limbs, I take a few steps to where I think the door is, but my legs give way and my knees collide with the floor.

I try to scream for help, call for Ryder, but my tongue is paralyzed.
Black spots float before my eyes, and breathing is a struggle. What the fuck is wrong with me? I can’t die in the bathroom of a strip club. Using all my strength, I use my shaky arms to pull myself across the room. As I’m sluggishly making my way toward the door, a pair of black shoes scurry to me. The quick movement fuels my vertigo, causing throbbing pains in my brain. Is it Ryder? Dean? I can’t lift my eyes any higher than their ankle.

Whoever it is, they wrap me in a robe and scoop me up. A warm breeze blows across my face as I’m carried outside. I hear voices, a man and woman, but they’re muffled and I can’t make out
who they are. My lids are heavy, so damn heavy. Realizing the arms holding me are familiar, ones I’ve been in many times before, I figure I’m safe and finally let go of the light and surrender to the tempting darkness.








The nerve Cassianna has, coming into my place of work and begging for money. She let me know she spent all of Cadence’s funds I left for him, but that isn’t my problem—not anymore. She’s hooked on something hard. Her pupils were dilated, her speech slurred, and she was ready to do whatever she had to in order to get her fix. It makes me ill to know Piper saw Cassianna groping me, and to know she actually believed I would cheat on her. Seeing Piper grind her body all over the bachelor infuriated me to no end. She knew what she was doing. She thought I was fooling around, and instead of coming to me, she sought revenge. When she dismissed me, told me she was no longer mine, it felt like daggers to my heart. When I get her home, she will pay.

It’s taken me longer than I thought going over Delectable Desires budget, five minutes shy of an hour. As I’m finishing the paperwork, I hear one of the girls scream, “Oh, my God, Dean!”

Dropping the papers, Dean, Beast, Chaos, and I rush backstage. “What is it?” Dean panics.

“Pi-Piper,” Gemma stutters, pointing to the shower area.

“Piper what, Gemma?”
I walk to the bathroom and push open the door. Stepping inside, I skim the room for Piper, but the only evidence of her being here is her leather G-strings lying on the floor. Punching the door, I go back and hold Gemma by her shoulders. “Where is she, Gemma? Where is Piper?”

With fat tears streaming down her face, she shrugs. “I don’t know
. She went in to take a shower as I was going on stage. When I came back and didn’t see her, I went to check on her but she was gone. Her things are still in her locker,” she sniffs.

“Good. Maybe she won’t come back,” Starlet snickers.

“Don’t you say that. Where is she?” I roar. Dean and Beast hold me and push me back when I lunge for her.

“What makes you think I know where she is?” she leers.

Out of nowhere, Gemma tackles Starlet and pins her to the floor. “You tell us where she is, now,” Gemma commands, her hands wrapped around Starlet’s throat.

“No, leave them,” Dean says as Chaos goes to break the girls apart.

“I’m not telling you anything,” Starlet rasps.

“Apparently, I need to tighten my grip because you’re still able to talk. Where is she, bitch?” Gemma spits.

As Starlet’s face turns red, she taps on Gemma’s wrist. Gemma loosens her hold and Starlet coughs. “Sailor took her, but I don’t know where,” she gasps as Gemma removes her hands from her neck.

“You’re lying. Tell me where she is, goddammit
,” I bellow. Before Dean and Beast realize I’ve slipped past them, I have Starlet against the wall by her throat. I’ve never laid my hands on a woman unless they wanted me to, but I will kill for my belleza. I clasp my fingers around Starlet’s neck, not tight enough to choke her, but enough to let her know I mean business. “Where is she?” I ask through clenched teeth.

“I don’t know,” she
forces out.

do you know?” I loosen my grasp so she can speak clearly. “Sailor had me put some sort of powder into her water while she was dancing. She drank it and five minutes later he was carrying her to his car. He said they had unfinished business,” she answers.

Dean rests his hand upon my shoulder and nods his head back, silently urging me to release Starlet. I let her go, but I’m not finished drilling her. “Why would you help him? What kind of sick fucking person helps someone abduct
another?” I grimace.

“He said it was the only way we could be together. He has loose ends with he
r, and once they’re tied, we can move forward with our lives—together,” she babbles.

“You stupid fucking girl. It isn’t Piper preventing you from being with him
. It’s his goddamn wife and kids. He’ll never leave his wife for you. If he didn’t do it for Piper, what makes you believe you’re the exception? Just… so fucking stupid,” I scoff. “He’ll never choose you.”

Dean grabs
my shirt and tugs me toward the back door. “Okay, wait,” Starlet sighs. “I think I might know where he took her,” she finally admits, realizing her own ignorance.

Pulling my shirt from Dean’s hold, I walk over and take Starlet by her hair. “Take me to her,”
I command, leading her outside. I get inside the car and set Starlet on the floor between my legs. Fucking Ferrari. As Starlet guides Dean, a million scenarios of what Sailor could be doing to—
—my beauty, play in my mind. Nothing can save Sailor from my wrath; not his mother, father, or the power they have over this state. He’s going down.








Ice-cold water douses my body, snapping me from my tranquilized trance. Flinching from the needle prickling sensation, I feel my arms outstretched and suspended by metal chains. My legs are widely spread, each of my ankles enveloped with chains, and restrained. “Welcome back, cupcake. Open your mouth for me.” Sailor? How did I get here? Where is Ryder?

With all my might, I lift my head to confirm my fear. Sailor stands before me with his tousled blond hair and deceiving eyes, completely naked. “No,”
I rasp, my head dropping on its own accord.

g the back of my hair, he forces my head back. “Now cupcake, I don’t recall asking you to do it. Open your fucking mouth,” he commands.

“Fuck you, Sailor,” I forcefully spit, earning a sweltering slap across my face.

“I am your master, cupcake, and you will refer to me as nothing else,” he seethes. “I won’t say it twice,” he warns, placing the gag ball to my mouth. I keep my lips sealed tight. “No?” he frowns.

I shake my head.

“Yeah, maybe you shouldn’t. I’ve missed the sound of your voice, crying out and begging for mercy,” he smirks, licking up the side of my face.

Releasing my hair, he walks over to a chest of drawers and removes several items, but I can’t tell what they are. My vision still isn’t sharp, and black floaters come and go with the dizziness.
When Sailor returns, he loops his disgusting fucking tongue around each of my nipples. “Just as I remember, just fucking perfect,” he admires, slithering his fingers between my slit. “You’re dry, cupcake,” he scowls.
No fucking duh, you sick bastard
. “I’ll fix that,” he smiles, zapping my clit with an electrical violent wand.

Instantaneously, my treasonous cunt obeys the enemy’s request. Slipping his fingers into my wetness, he smirks, “You may be headstrong, cupcake, but you’re my dirty girl
. You don’t have the strength to deny your filthy desires.” Nothing about me is strong at the moment, except my hate for him. He thrusts his fingers in and out of me intensely while sucking my nipples.

“They aren’t my desires, you sick fuck. They’re yours,
Sailor,” I growl.

Removing his
mouth, he brings the violent wand to my breasts and zaps each of my nipples. “One more time you call me Sailor, you’ll regret it. Cupcake, I only want to please you. Just enjoy it,” he whispers.

Against my will, the electrical charges shoot directly to my core, and Sailor’s satisfied grin tells me he notices. “Yes, cupcake, that’s my girl,” he boasts.

“I’m not your fucking anything,” I bite out. My heart pounds violently against my chest and my eyes flutter shut. The pressure between my legs begins to rise, and I force my lids wide. When I open my eyes, Ryder’s face is all I see. With his fingers caressing my G-spot in just the right way, I moan.

“That’s right, cupcake. Come for me,”
Sailor breathes, his mouth possessively consuming mine. Shaking my head, I try to make sense of what’s happening.

When he pulls his face back from mine, Sailor scowls, then Ryder… and then Sailor again. Motherfucker
, I’m hallucinating. “What did you do to me?”

Finally, he removes his fingers from my pussy. “You see, cupcake, you’ve been a bad little bitch. You flaunt your body before me, provoke me, and then go off to please another. I’m greedy, baby. No matter what you think, I am your owner
, not Ryder,” he snickers. “He’s the reason you are here, cupcake. I could have let you be, but you pissed me off royally. How do you piss off a master, cupcake?” he asks, licking down my stomach and over my mound to caress my folds with his tongue.

Unlike Ryder, I know Sailor’s question is
rhetorical. Defying your dom in general dissatisfies them. Calling the safe word causes humiliation and can sometimes be the end of a D/s relationship. Coming with anyone other than Ryder, it’s unforgiveable.

“St-stop,” I stammer
. He ignores my plea and continues suckling at my throbbing clit. I will not come for him. I won’t. I am Ryder’s, and I am loyal to him. “Fucking stop!” I scream, pulling against the bone-crushing chains.

“Get mad, baby
. The sex is so much better when you are,” he chuckles, biting the inside of my thigh so hard he draws blood.

“Motherfucker!” I yell at the top of my lungs. He’s going to kill me. No one know
s where I am, so no one will come for me. He’s going to fuck me against my will, force me to betray Ryder, and then he’s going to kill me.

With my head continuously spinning, I vomit unexpectedly.
“You stupid fucking bitch,” he seethes, swiping the bile from his shoulder. Standing, he walks over and picks up a leather gated barbed wire cat o’ nine tails. “I tried being nice to you, cupcake, but you’re too fucking stubborn for your own good,” he growls, whipping the flesh biting tails across my lower stomach.

Agh, fuck,” I wail.

“That possessive prick won’t want you once I’m finished with you
. Not only am I going to make you come for me, I’m going to mark you, cupcake. These lashes will remind you who your owner is,” he grunts, licking my breasts with vicious pricks.

Strike after ferocious strike,
I hold my breath as he circles my body and crucifies me. Blood drips from each puncture the leather barbwire leaves behind. Although my body feels like I’ve submerged myself in a pool of fiery coal, I don’t shed a single tear. After the fifteenth lash, Sailor lays the cat o’ nines to the floor and walks away. Just when I think I’m able to breathe again, he returns with one of the most powerful, climax inducing weapons ever made.

“I remember how much you love this, cupcake. I remember how you would dance all over the bed, tug on your restraints, and beg for me to let you come. You remember that?” He laughs, turning on the vibrating wand. “
Seven speeds, just like you like it.” With one hand in my hair, he tugs my head back and kisses all over my neck as he places the intense, vibrating head to my clit.

My entire body stiffens, and I bite onto my tongue to keep from moaning. Dear fucking God, he’s more evil than even I gave him credit for. “You like that, yeah? Hold on, cupcake,” he whispers, grinding his hard cock against my side and increasing the speed four times higher.

“Don’t you fucking do it, belleza. You hold it in.”
Ryder’s voice fills my mind. I hold on to his voice as I feel the vibrations increase three times higher, now on its highest setting. “Oh, God,” I groan, fighting to hold on.

“Come, cupcake,” Sailor urges, trailing his mouth down to bite my nipple.

“No. I won’t fucking do it,” I grimace, the unwanted pleasure so intense it hurts.

Wrenching my head by my hair,
Sailor snaps his face up to mine. “Wrong. You don’t have to like it or love it, but you will fucking do it,” he roars. My body shakes violently as I struggle to hold in my orgasm. I will not betray Ryder. I won’t. “You are quite a feisty bitch, aren’t you, cupcake? So much so, the Ketamine isn’t taking full effect,” Sailor sneers, taking away the wand. “Well, if I can’t vibrate it out of you, I’ll fuck it out of you.”

With whatever Sailor gave me to get me here, the flogging, and strength I’ve used to keep my pride and Ryder’s
, I’m emotionally and physically defeated. When both of my ankles are free of the chains, I try to kick at Sailor. God, I try so damn hard to fight him, but my brain doesn’t communicate with my legs. Sailor lifts my thighs to his and brings his pelvis to mine. “Don’t. Sailor, please… Stop,” I plead. As his thick tip presses against my entrance, I finally release the tears I’ve been fighting tooth and nail to hold back.

“You almost had me
, cupcake. You asked so nicely, yet you still call me Sailor,” he tsks. “Try again,” he urges. He wants me to call him master, but I refuse to do so. I’ll risk my pride to keep Ryder from shame. If I refer to Sailor as my master, Ryder will never live it down. Maybe I’m stupid, but I love Ryder. When you love someone, you’re loyal to them… you’ll sacrifice your life for theirs.

When I shake my head, Sailor pulls his hips back and gets ready to slam inside me. “Get your grimy motherfucking hands off her,” Ryder booms. Immediately, Sailor drops my legs.

“You slutty fucking nark,” he growls. I don’t have the strength to turn my head to see who he’s talking to, and I really don’t care who it is. All that matters is my man found me.

“I’m sorry, Master
.” I recognize the voice immediately. Starlet.

“You sold me out, bitch. I am not your
master,” Sailor dismisses.

“And you sure as fuck aren’t hers,” Ryder snarls.

All of a sudden, all I see are Ryder’s feet darting pass me as he takes Sailor off his. As Ryder and Sailor handle business, my wrists are set free from the chains and I fall to the ground.

“I got you, gorgeous,” Dean whispers, scooping me into his arms.

When we’re outside, he gently places me in the passenger seat of his fancy car and removes his shirt. “Let’s cover you up,” he insists, bending me forward and helping me slip the shirt over my head. “Jesus Christ,” he sighs, acknowledging the bloody stripes covering my back. “I promise you, Piper, Ryder will make him pay for it. Sit back and relax. You’re safe now,” he assures, kissing the top of my head.

With the silence of night, the steady beat of my heart sounding in my ears, and being in the comfort of Dean’s car
, I fall back into darkness.

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