SexedUp (5 page)

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Authors: Sally Painter

BOOK: SexedUp
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“My first mandate is to make love to you.”

“Like I said, we have some programming

“First, I am going to kiss your pussy. I so
enjoyed licking you there and sucking on your clit. Then I will fuck you until
you scream. After that, you can adjust all you like,” he chuckled and began
unbuttoning her blouse. “You are so beautiful, Randi. Are all women of your
time this lovely?”

“You’re not programmed to have any concept
of time lapsed from when your donor was alive.”

“I know, but I do have a mind and I’m
learning to use it.” He lifted an eyebrow.

“What?” Her heart stopped beating for a
brief second before continuing in a frantic pounding. “What did you say?”

“You designed me to be intuitive with
nanite focus on the brain. That aspect of my programming is working really
well, by the way.” He let his hands glide over her breasts, dipping between
them and caressing with featherlike strokes over her abdomen.

“You’re cognizant? You know you have a
mind? The ability to think?”

“Um…” He trailed the back of his hand to
her pussy and brushed the labia. His groan was deep and low. “I really love
your pussy, Randi. Your taste is the sweetest one I know.”

“You don’t know any other taste,” she
panted, trying to resist the heat rising with each stroke.

“I have your taste forever embedded in my
memory.” He smiled and pressed his fingers past the fleshy mounds.

She tensed when the pads of his fingers
touched her swollen clit. Her breath lodged in her throat. Somehow he knew
exactly how to touch her. A startling thought drew her mind away from the way
his hair felt threaded between her fingers as he lowered his mouth to her
pussy. Did he really have a mind?

A searing sensation raced to her pussy,
drawing her breath from her when he fluttered his tongue over her clit. She
tried to think in clinical terms and assess his performance but when he gripped
her hips and tugged her closer to his mouth, all thoughts of assessment fled.
His tongue flicked an urgent beat that drove her pulse into a chaotic drumming
in her ears. God, he made her feel so good!

How could her world have survived without
men? Heat coiled and rose up her spine, spiraling in waves as he brought her
closer to release. She wanted it to last but also burned to reach climax. Waves
of heat rushed over her and the orgasm burst free. She cried out, digging her
fingers into broad shoulders as he moved over her, spreading her legs to
receive him.

“Not now,” she gasped, “I’ve just come.
I’ll be too tight for your entry.”

“I’m equipped with a self-lubrication
mechanism,” he said and guided himself to her opening.

She tensed as the tip of his cock probed her
tightened opening.

“I didn’t build that into your make-up,”
she said, trying to recall such a program.

“It’s all natural,” he grinned.

Randi’s muscles stretched with the warm
liquid easing his entry. Could that be pre-cum? Impossible. Her mind raced with
the implications. She lifted her hips and marveled how he felt inside
her—certainly better than Dan the Man. Who was she kidding? Dan the Man didn’t
have the flexibility or the flesh texture that flinched under her touch. Dan
the Man couldn’t speak or think.

“I love fucking you,” he whispered in a low
sexy voice that made her want him again.

Her lips trembled, but she couldn’t push
any words past the excitement tightening her throat. His mouth covered hers.
Soft but firm. Opening her mouth to receive his tongue was natural. She twisted
it around his, marveling how natural it felt to be making love to him.

His kiss was deep and tasted hot and so
different from a woman’s kiss. It was spicy and male. All male. When he tugged
free, she didn’t want to release his lips and whimpered. He lifted onto his
arms and pounded his cock into her. Lifting her legs, Randi crossed them around
his waist. This seemed to excite him more and he grasped her by the thigh,
pulling her into him. Her ears filled with the sucking sounds as he slipped in
and out of her opening, but a new sound accompanied it. A sound she quickly
learned to love—the sound only a real man could create—the slapping of his

Every erogenous zone in her body sparked to
life under his lovemaking. She gripped his buttocks and shoved him deeper
inside her.

“Is this what’s called heaven?” he asked
and covered her lips in a broken kiss.

Oh yeah, definitely!

Sweat beaded along his back and she ran her
hands over his muscles, marveling at the lifelike feel. He was producing sweat!
His muscles flexed and he tensed as the orgasm seized him.

Fire roared through her and the muscles in
her pussy clamped around him. His groan melded with hers as she spasmed under
the sudden orgasm, so intense she trembled.

“Oh God. Was that an orgasm?” His hot
panting fanned her neck as he buried his head into her shoulder.

“Oh yeah, baby, that was definitely an orgasm,”
Randi sighed, shocked by his ability to climax. Her mind raced with the
implication she’d created something more than a hybrid machine.

Chapter Four


It took Randi the rest of the week to
finish tweaking his programming. She finished the final upload that would
release the last of the nanite thinking processes so his brain could gain more
independence and control. It would be a slow process but by the end of two
months, she hoped to have his brain controlling all conscious thought, leaving
the nanites to control only organ function.

She glanced over at him. He sat motionless
in the chair across from her desk, dressed in khaki slacks like the ones she
used for Dan the Man and an old-fashioned white dress shirt. She smiled at the
antiquated style of clothing, thinking it was appropriate for her renaissance
man and certainly fit him better than his predecessor.

It felt as though an entire lifetime had
passed since that first morning lovemaking. One thing she didn’t have to worry
about was his sex drive. Her mouth dried as the last download began.

The new programming would release certain
neurological pathways so along with independent thought processes he should
also begin to develop a personality. She wiggled her foot, rocking it back and
forth as she sat at the desk waiting. She was ahead of schedule. This weekend
would be his final test run. There would be redundant tests conducted over the
next several weeks as safeguards, but she was confident in his perfection.

Her pulse spiked as she sat studying his
overall appearance. Self-doubt slipped past her momentary confidence. She
closed her eyes, said a prayer and opened them once more.

After studying the most recent test results
she was convinced he was the first step in the evolution of a humanoid male and
one day would be capable of procreation. Her breathing quickened. A new
lifeform! She glanced at him and all scientific thoughts melted under the
growing ache to feel his arms around her.

The memory of his body pressed against hers
set her senses tingling. Randi had to constantly remind herself he was a
composite of mechanical and technological components mixed with human DNA and
that he was a project, not her live-in lover.

The download finished. She gnawed on her
lower lip, staring at the holographic monitor.

“Now to see just how human you can be.” Her
voice shook as a beep sounded from the program and he began the rebooting
process. His eyes fluttered, yet didn’t open. Glancing at the holograph screen
projected over his head, she turned back to the monitors hovering over her
desk. His heart rate remained steady, but when he moved his head and looked
over at her, it increased. While it might be a mechanical heart similar to
those used in transplants a few centuries ago before genetic healing had
evolved, it was responding just like a human heart.


The readout for his lungs was perfect.
Oxygen maintained at one hundred percent.

She stood from the desk and walked over to

“Randi?” His voice was deep and sliced
through her as though she was melting butter.

“Hello.” She bent down in front of him.
“Just sit there a moment, okay?”

“Sure,” he replied and gripped the arms of
the chair.

“Relax.” She stroked his forearms. “You
should know I’d never hurt you,” she said and looked at the monitor above his
head. She focused on the readouts while every cell in her body startled to
alertness in response to his proximity. It was involuntary and to her surprise
the arousal was constant. Heat rushed to her pussy and her nipples ached to feel
his lips covering them. She licked her lips and let her gaze travel over his
torso, sculpted to perfection beneath the crisp shirt.

“How do you feel?” she asked. Her voice
trembled and she cleared her throat.

“I don’t feel any different. Should I?” he
asked and lifted a hand to his face.

“I meant inside. How does your body feel?”
she rephrased.

“My pulse is pounding, my cock is engorged
and growing stiff. I have an overwhelming compulsion to make love to you again.
How long has it been? I sense I’ve been unconscious ever since we made love.
Did you shut me down?”

The accusatory tone in his voice alarmed
her. Once more she had to remind herself he was proving to be more than a

“Let me make a few adjustments to the
nanites. Hold on a sec.” She moved to the desk and keyed in the codes to bring
his sensory levels down. “How’s that?”

“I still want to feel my dick inside you.
It’s such a wonderful sensation, the way your tight pussy closes around my cock
and draws me inside you. I’d love for you to sit on top of me and ride me
hard,” he said with a lazy smile lifting the corners of his lips.

Fire licked her throat. Oh yeah, his
ability to express his wants and desires was becoming exceptional. Gone was the
properly spoken computer grammar. He now spoke like a human—like a man.

“We’ll get back to how you feel in a
moment, I-I promise,” she stuttered. The need to kiss him taunted her. Anxious
heat rushed to every sensitive area. It was difficult to concentrate with him
so close.

“By your scent, I can tell you’re aroused
and ready for me,” he said and stood to unzip his pants. His cock tumbled free
from the confining material, erect and throbbing.

“Oh, ah…” She didn’t know what to say. Her
mind went blank with only one thought.
Tackle him.
She wiped her hand over
her eyes. “We need to wait. You need a name. What about Randall or—”

“William.” He extended his hand. “My name
is William.”

She almost laughed out loud at the vision
he created, standing there with his cock stiff as a board while formally
introducing himself.

“It’s nice to meet you, William.” She
rubbed her hand over the back of her neck. “Could you please put your penis
back inside your pants and zip them up?”

“I don’t understand. Your body’s responses
tell me you’re ready to receive me. Am I incorrect?”

“You’re correct, but there are a few things
I must do first.”

“Foreplay? I recognize an update to my
programming. Let me access that application.”

“What I need to do is fine-tune your
sensors, William. I’m curious, why did you pick that name?” she asked.

“It’s my name,” he stated and grunted as he
zipped up his pants, tugging them closed over his cock.

“I think it suits you. Do you know what you
are, William?”

“I’m a man, Randi. You’re a woman. I’m here
to serve you any way I can. Which is what I was attempting to do. Pleasing you
is my only reason for existence. That means giving you pleasure however you
desire through sex, food and romance. I cook all your meals, take care of your
home and whatever you need of me, I willingly give.”

“Good.” She let her hand stroke his arm. So
far the programming was working, but had she redirected the nanites too much?
Was he too independent? Too aggressive?

His skin was warm beneath her fingers and
had she not known any differently, she’d have sworn he had stepped out of the
pages of history.

“What do you want?” he asked, letting his
stare travel down her body.

Okay, that male assessment of her body was
not part of the programming, nor was the spark of intelligence that just
flashed over his dark eyes.

“Let’s start with the basics. You sensed I
wanted you to make love to me. How were you planning on accomplishing that?”

“I seem to know all sexual techniques
guaranteed to please a woman. Didn’t you like how I demonstrated my abilities
the other day?”

“Oh, I liked it, William. Would you mind
sitting down over here near my desk so I can make a final adjustment?”

“Not at all.” He moved and waited for her
to sit down first.

She smiled, pleased by the old-world
gesture. She couldn’t recall if it was part of the initial
Response to
programming. She was excited beyond her obvious sexual arousal. He
was demonstrating possibilities that exceeded all of her expectations.

“What do you like most about making love,
William?” she asked.

“Why not ask me what I like most about
being alive, Randi?” he laughed. “Do you expect me to separate various aspects
of our lovemaking for analysis?”

“What?” she gulped.

“I can’t do that, Randi. I look at the art
of making love as one continuous process, not defined by individual acts.”

“Okay, you see, that’s what I wanted to
accomplish with these adjustments. You should be experiencing quite a few new
thoughts and emotions. And what you just said had the romantic overtones I

“You programmed emotions on a neurological
pathway, I see. Do you want me to review these and then test for authenticity
of emotions? I mean, real emotions, not these false ones in the program?”

“False?” She was ecstatic. “Not only are
you cognizant of the technology operating inside you, but you’re integrating
with your conscious mind. You recognize your own emotions as separate from
those of the programming.”

“Of course I do. Just as you would were you
suddenly invaded by a bunch of nanites. So what’s your intention with this
emotion programming? Are you trying to make me more human?”

“Well yes, William, that has been my
intention ever since the men in our world all died.”

“I understand. While you do seek to provide
the females of your species with a male to attend to their needs in order to be
happy and healthy, you also desire a companion. Even…love.”

“Love? In an ideal world perhaps,” she
said, blushing under his intense stare, “but right now I’ll settle for less
robotics and more romance and human reactions. Now, hold still.” Satisfied the
nanites had released control of his thought processes, she keyed in the codes
that would grant him complete control of his mind. His body stiffened as the
nanites received the infrared transmission.

“When the download is finished, William,
the nanites will need to reboot.”

“I understand.”

The program finished and he closed his
eyes. His body slumped back into the chair. The heartbeat on the screen
continued, unlike previous reboots when all bodily functions shut down. She
pulled up another screen to check the data and sighed with relief. The first
stage of transformation from nanite control to organic was successful.

“Excellent!” she cried.

“I’m finished,” William said and stood from
the chair. “I really don’t need programmed emotions, Randi. It’s insulting to
think you believe me so lacking. Here, let me show you what I mean.” He stood
and looked around the room.

“I think a nicer setting is required for
this demonstration. I’ll get a bottle of wine and some glasses from the
kitchen. Why don’t you start the hot tub on the deck? We can sip our wine and
enjoy the full moon.” He paused beside her. “Among a few other things that will
clearly show you just how human I can be,” he whispered and lowered his head to
hers. His lips brushed over hers.

A streak of lightning shot through Randi.
Oh, he was becoming such a tease. Before she could respond, he broke from the

“Don’t wait for me,” he smiled and patted
her ass.

Randi watched him walk into the kitchen.

“Oh wow,” she sighed and tried to still the
quaking inside her, but the fire had been ignited and she was anxious for
William to prove himself. She hurried across the den to the glass wall, feeling
as though she couldn’t get there quick enough.

“Open door,” she commanded and an opening
appeared to melt away from the glass. She stepped through it onto the deck.
“Screen door,” she said and a screen door filled the space.

The late night breeze blasted against her,
the smell of the sea filling her nostrils. The pounding surf several yards away
set a perfect back drop for the evening along with the moonlight glistening on
the undulating water. She turned on the jets and the water churned in the
crystal tub.

What did William have in mind? She folded
her arms over her chest and stared across the dark waters, wondering if real
men had been as wonderful as he or if he was in fact superior. She decided it
didn’t matter. He would be the typical man in her world.

She planted her hands on the railing and
leaned forward. The beach was deserted. Most people were probably enjoying an
evening at the theater or dining out. Many women had female lovers, but a large
percentage of the population were like her and longed for male companionship.
Society had not altered nature’s mandate to find a mate.

At the start of their manless existence,
the scientists had worked to find a way to clone a male, but the doomsday virus
was always present. The genetic mutation destroyed the cells before they could
split. She had been furious when the world government had shut down the
project, dooming the world to a one-gender existence and eventual extinction.

Her thoughts turned to William and her
heart throbbed. If he continued to evolve there was no telling what he might
become. She glanced at the door, wondering what was taking him so long.
Resisting the temptation to check on him, she turned back to the ocean and let
her thoughts unbind, visualizing them falling into the pounding surf and
carried out to sea.

“The moon’s perfect, isn’t it? Look how it
reflects over the water,” he spoke behind her.

She pivoted and collided into him. The two
goblets in his hand clinked together and he lifted the uncorked bottle of wine
away from her.

“Easy there, love. I’m anxious too.” He
opened his arms and she stepped into them.

Firm lips captured hers and she opened her
mouth as he plunged his tongue inside. Randi moaned, looping her arms around
his neck. She molded into him, loving the way it felt being pressed up against
him. There was no other sensation to which she could compare it. It was so
uniquely male. She’d missed making love to him that morning, yet it wasn’t
until that very moment she realized just how much. He felt like he had before
the last download, but there was a difference. His suggestion to go out onto
the deck and enjoy the hot tub was definitely due to the new programming…or was
it? The line between technology and human was becoming blurred by the second.

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