Sextortion (11 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #ray gordon, #chimera ebooks, #seductive mistress

BOOK: Sextortion
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"This is
Dave," the girl imparted as I followed them into the lounge.
Dumping a large leather bag on the sofa, she turned to face me.
"Get your husband and we'll..."

"He's not
here," I broke in. "He's gone to London."

"That's a
shame because I wanted him to fuck me again."

"Tough!" I

"Not really,
Selina. You see, Dave's come here to fuck you."

Speechless, I
stared at the good-looking young man, imagining his penis driving
deep into my vagina. This wasn't happening, I thought fearfully as
he grinned at me. This couldn't be happening to me! Having sex with
the girl was one thing, but another man? Male or female, which was
worse? There was no difference, sex was sex, adultery was...

"Well?" the
bitch smiled. "Aren't you going to say hallo?" My hands trembling,
my eyes locked to his, I couldn't comprehend the predicament I was
in. From bad to worse, from a nightmare to a horror story. "You
don't have to speak to him," she said, slipping her coat off and
revealing her naked body. "But you do have to fuck him."

I should never
have answered the door, I chastised myself. I should have known
that Danny wouldn't be back by midday! Why did he have to go to
London today? I wondered. Today of all bloody days! Fate moved in
mysterious ways. Alone in the house with the tart and a man I'd
never met before? As he began unbuttoning his shirt, I thought of
rushing out into the street and running away.

"What's the
problem?" he asked, taking his shirt off and throwing it over the
back of the armchair. "I take it that you do have a cunt?"

"She's got a
cunt, all right!" the girl giggled. "A beautiful cunt."

"I'm pleased
to hear it," he grinned, unbuckling his belt.

"Come on,
Selina - strip off and we'll have some sexy fun."

As he pulled
his trousers down, I stared in horror at his massive erect penis,
his huge balls. This wasn't her boss, I knew. Was he one of the
thugs? I wondered, gazing at his solid veined shaft, his purple
knob, as he pulled his foreskin back. Or was he the

"I'm not going
to do it!" I said firmly, eyeing his hairy bronzed chest, his
rippling muscles. "The only way you'll have sex with me is if you
rape me!"

"No one's
going to rape anyone!" the bitch laughed. "There's no need to
resort to that sort of thing."

"Oh yes, there
is!" I returned.

"Selina, we
have the photographs."

"I've already
told you, the publisher..."

"I'm not
interested in the publisher. My boss wants money from you, and I
want sex."

"He doesn't
know about this, does he?" I blurted out.

"You're a
clever girl. You're right, he knows nothing about this - and he
never will because I'm the go-between."

"I'm not
having sex with anyone."

"You are,
Selina. You see, I told my boss that there'll be no more books or
money, and he wasn't at all happy. I mentioned that you have a new
car, a new BMW - and that made him very happy."

"You can't
take my car!"

"We don't want
to take your car. You'll sell it and give me the money."


"I can make it
easy for you, Selina. I get on well with my boss, he listens to me,
takes my advice. If I tell him that you're being uncooperative,
he'll become extremely annoyed. When he's happy, he's fine, when
he's upset, he's not too bad - but when he's annoyed... On the
other hand, if I tell him that you're doing your best to get some
money together, that you're working on your next book and you'll
soon have your advance, he'll be happy and probably give you

Time. That was
what I needed. But sex with another man? I hadn't really looked
upon having sex with the girl as adultery, it was mutual
masturbation - oral masturbation. But another man's penis inside my
vagina? The girl's fingers, her tongue, was one thing, but... Only
Danny had ever made love to me, only Danny had pushed his penis
into my vagina and...

"Clothes off,
Selina," she grinned, unbuttoning my blouse.

"No!" I
protested, pulling away.

"The sooner
you take your clothes off, the sooner it'll be over."

Slipping my
blouse off my shoulders, she unhooked my bra and peeled the cups
away from my firm breasts. The man watched eagerly, his penis
pointing skyward as she tugged my skirt down, displaying my bulging
panties. The sooner it'll be over? She was right, it was best to
cooperate and get the vile act over with. I wouldn't tell Danny
that another man had made love to me, fucked me. There'd be no
incriminating photographs, he'd be none the wiser. But the young
man would return for more sex, I knew. It wouldn't stop there.

As she tugged my panties down to my ankles and the man moved
towards me, a shudder ran up my spine. My embarrassment mounting as
he gazed at the most intimate part of my body, I kept repeating the
words in my mind.
A cold clinical act, a
cold clinical act
. It was only sex, a man's
penis sperming inside my vagina - my cunt.
A cold clinical act

"Kneel down
and suck his knob," the bitch instructed me. There was no point in
protesting, arguing. A penis, a vagina, a clitoris, a nipple...
There was no difference; I tried to convince myself as I knelt
before the young man. Sperm, vaginal juice... He wouldn't come in
my mouth, I was sure. He'd save his sperm for my vagina, my

Gazing at his
penis, his huge knob, his heavy balls, I knew I couldn't do it. I'd
only ever taken Danny in my mouth, sucked his knob during our
lovemaking, and I knew I couldn't betray him by sucking another
man. Danny had screwed the girl, but I'd been there, a part of it,
it was different. I couldn't suck another man's knob behind my
husband's back, while he was away in London.

"Selina, we
haven't got all day!" the bitch complained with a hint of anger,
pushing my head towards the man's erect organ. His purple globe
pressed against my pursed lips, they adhered defiantly. "Selina!"
she hissed impatiently. "Unless you suck his cock..."

Taking his
silky knob into my mouth, I gently sucked, savouring the salty
taste of his organ. He gasped, thrusting his hips forward and
driving his glans to the back of my throat. My lips stretched
tautly around his huge shaft, his pubic hairs tickling my nose, I
breathed in the heady scent of his sex as the girl knelt behind me
and reached between my thighs, massaging my swollen vaginal

Again, I tried
to deny my arousal as her finger entered my wet vaginal sheath.
Drag my mind away from sex, ration my orgasms... I couldn't deny
the immense pleasure her fingers were bringing me, my soaring
arousal as I ran my tongue around the man's bulbous knob. What had
happened to me? I wondered as I sucked. What had I become?

"Nice?" she purred, slipping her wet fingers out of my vagina
and massaging my erect clitoris. "He'll fuck you in a minute, force
his lovely cock right up your tight cunt and fuck you until you
come." Her crude words battering my aching mind, I again thought of
Danny. What was he doing? How was he getting on? What if he came
back and discovered me sucking another man's knob?
What's this going to do to our

Holding my
head, the young man slowly withdrew his shaft until my lips were
around his swollen knob. "Use your tongue," he murmured as I sucked
his smooth plum. Running my tongue round and round his glans as he
gasped with pleasure, I prayed that he wouldn't come. I didn't want
his sperm in my mouth, down my throat.

"God!" he
breathed, driving his knob to the back of my throat as the girl
fervently massaged my pulsating clitoris. "God, I'm going to come!"
I tried to pull away but he gripped my head, repeatedly withdrawing
his solid penis and driving into my mouth. Try desperately as I did
to free myself, he held my head tighter in his hands, forcing his
knob to the back of my throat.

"Coming!" he
gasped as his glans swelled and his sperm gushed, flooding my
tongue. I swallowed hard as I felt my clitoris pulsate beneath the
girl's massaging fingertips. I was going to come, I knew. I tried
to hold back as his sperm filled my cheeks and ran down my chin as
he fucked my mouth, but I couldn't.

My clitoris
exploding in orgasm, I mouthed and sucked on the man's knob,
swallowing his sperm as my own climax gripped my naked body. On and
on the electrifying shockwaves of orgasm rolled through me, taking
me to unknown heights of sexual ecstasy as the huge penis glided in
and out of my jismed mouth. I could hardly endure the pleasure, the
sensations of crude sex, as my body trembled uncontrollably. Never
had I known such amazing sensations, dreamed that such satisfaction
could be derived from crude sex.

The girl's
fingers driving into my vagina as my climax receded, I swallowed
the last of the man's sperm, wondering at my crudity, my
uncharacteristic behaviour. A cold clinical act? It was. But my
arousal, the immense sexual gratification I'd derived from the
threesome, frightened me. I'd been plunged into a foul pool of
depravity that should have left me cold. Yet I felt satisfied
beyond comprehension.

As the girl's
fingers left my drenched vagina, the man gently rocked his hips,
massaging his knob against my tongue. The taste of his salty sperm
lingering in my mouth, I sucked as a babe at the breast as my
clitoris deflated, leaving me to recover from my shuddering orgasm.
I'd done it, committed the obscene act, and I thought I'd be left
to dress. In my naivety, I'd thought they'd leave, returning only
when they needed my naked body again.

"Stand up,"
the girl instructed me as the man's wet penis slipped out of my
mouth. I complied, staggering to my feet and turning to face her as
she grabbed her leather bag. "That small table," she directed the
young man. "Put it in the middle of the room." I didn't know what
she had planned as he dragged the table across the floor. I didn't
dare imagine what horrendous sexual abuse I was to endure. "Kneel
down and lean over the table," she ordered me.

As I took my
position I assumed that the man was going to kneel behind me and
slip his penis into my vagina, fucking me before leaving me alone
with my thoughts, my abused body. My breasts pressed against the
polished tabletop, my hands gripping the wooden legs, I closed my
eyes as I waited for him to enter me and fuck me.

"No!" I
protested, lifting my head as the girl handcuffed my wrists to the
table legs. "Please, don't..."

"What's the
matter?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Let me

"Let you go?
But you haven't been punished, yet."

"Punished?" I
echoed fearfully, turning my head as she delved into her bag.

"The whip,"
she grinned. "You're going to be whipped."

"No! Please,
I'll do anything..."

"Selina, the
more you misbehave, the more you'll be punished."

"I've done
everything you asked!"

"Yes, I know.
But we must teach you to be obedient. Obedience is very important,
don't you agree, Dave?"

important for a sex slave," he murmured as the girl stood behind my
trembling frame.

"I have been
obedient!" I cried as she ran the leather tails over my tensed

"Yes, you've
done well. But this is to make sure that you behave in the future.
When we come round to see you, we'll expect one hundred per cent
cooperation, complete and utter obedience. We don't want arguments
and protests, Selina."

"I haven't

"You've been
rude to me on the phone. You said you wouldn't sell your car, you
wouldn't undress when I asked you to... In my opinion, that's
arguing. You won't argue again, Selina. The whip will correct your
ways, teach you to behave in future."

The first
deafening crack of the tails landing across my quivering buttocks,
the stinging pain permeating my naked flesh, I couldn't believe
what was happening to me. I couldn't slide the cuffs off the table
legs as they were joined by wooden bars. I was trapped. Again, the
whip lashed me, the pain unbearable as my naked body shook
violently. I wanted Danny to come home and rescue me as the tails
again lashed my abused buttocks. I wanted him to save me from the
living hell.

"A dozen
should suffice," the cow said, whipping me again.

"No, please!"
I sobbed as another deafening crack resounded around the room and
my buttocks burned like fire.

protesting again, Selina!"

"No, I,

"And now
you're arguing. This won't do, it really won't!"

"I'd say
twenty lashes are required to correct her," the young man said.

"We'll try a
dozen first. There are seven more to come; we'll see how she
behaves after that."

Again and
again the whip lashed my trembling buttocks, the excruciating pain
running deep into my burning flesh. Sobbing uncontrollably as the
heartless bitch continued her merciless thrashing, I prayed for my
freedom, wondering what I'd done to deserve such an experience. How
did these people know about me, about my past? I wondered hazily as
the whip lashed me again. How had I been so gullible as to allow
them to lead me down the road to such humiliation and

"There's only
one more to go, Selina," she grinned, pulling my hair and yanking
my head up. "One more lash, the hardest yet - and then we'll see
how well you behave."

As she raised
the whip above her head, I squeezed my eyes shut, biting my lips as
I waited in trepidation. Never would I allow this to happen again,
I vowed. Never would I be forced to endure sexual abuse, merciless
beatings, the crude violation of my naked body. They could go to
hell, no matter what the consequences. They could all go to

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