Sextortion (15 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #ray gordon, #chimera ebooks, #seductive mistress

BOOK: Sextortion
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"The spunk's
spraying out of her cunt!" the man chuckled as he repeatedly
propelled his penis deep into my bowels. "Every time I ram my cock
up her arse, spunk spurts out of her cunt! Get it on video

As the others
laughed and hurled crude comments at me, I again wondered what
Danny was doing while I was having anal sex in the woods with
another man. Was he working? Was he pacing the floor, wondering
where I'd got to? I imagined staggering into the house naked, sperm
oozing from my cunt, my bottom-hole, my hair matted with spunk, my
breasts and buttocks bearing the stark evidence of a thrashing.

Never had I
dreamed that such debauchery existed, been even remotely aware of
the vile desires of my fellow human beings. But they weren't human,
I again reflected. They were grotesque fiends, ghouls risen from
the reeking swamps of hell. They wouldn't entrap me again, I vowed
in my enforced defilement. Never again would they entice me to
enter their debased domain. Over Lucifer's cadaverous corpse, I'd
make sure that I'd never succumb to their trickery again.

"Here it
comes!" the young man breathed, ramming his cock in and out of my
inflamed anal duct. I felt his sperm jetting from his knob, gushing
into my bowels as his heavy balls slapped my scarlet buttocks. All
I had to endure was the other man's cock fucking my bum, and then
I'd be allowed to go home. I'd take a shower, wash away the sperm
and vaginal juice, cleanse my abused body - but I couldn't cleanse
my mind.

"God, she's
bloody tight!" he cried, my body swaying as he made his last
thrusts, draining his swinging balls. Finally stilling his penis,
his knob embedded deep within my bowels, I waited for him to
withdraw, leaving my spermed anal sheath vacant for the other man's
penis. As he slipped his cock out of my once private hole, I felt
the sperm oozing from my cunt, from my anal rose. My vagina, my
bottom, my mouth, my hair - I was awash with sperm. I felt as if my
mind was swimming in a lake of sperm. I was drowning.

"My turn!" the
other man chuckled as he knelt on the grass. My anal ring well
lubricated, his knob glided deep into my bottom with ease,
stretching open the silken walls of my once secret duct. I had to
bear one more anal fucking, one more load of sperm pumped into my
bowels before I tasted freedom again. If I could endure that
without complaining...

But I had
complained - I'd protested and argued and called the girl a dirty
bitch. As the man fucked my bottom I knew I'd be punished for my
insubordination, that she'd use the whip to correct me. One last
thrashing and I'd be free! At last I'd be permitted to stagger
home, abused, fucked, spermed and severely whipped.

"Here's your
second helping!" the young man gasped, his penile shaft swelling,
his knob gliding in and out of my velveteen duct as his orgasm
erupted and his sperm gushed. The girl moved in with the video
camera, recording the obscene act, ensuring my face was in frame as
my bowels filled with sperm.

"Beg for
more!" she instructed me. "Ask him to fuck your arse harder!"

"No, I..."
Recalling the whip, I knew I had to comply and I gasped, begging
the man to fuck me harder.

"Ask him to
fill your arse with spunk."

"Fill my arse
with spunk!" I echoed as she focused on my contorting features.

They'd edit
the tape, and I'd be depicted as a willing participant in the
debauchery. They now had all they needed, more than enough evidence
to enslave me for life. As the man fucked my bottom, pumping his
sperm deep into my hot bowels, a tear ran down my cheek. I'd lost
the battle, lost my identity, my femininity - my life.

"Christ, that
was good!" he breathed, dragging his wet shaft out of my burning
anal canal. Was that it? I looked at the girl, wondering whether
she'd whip me again, punish me, correct my ways. As she slipped her
coat on and placed the whip in her bag, I breathed a sigh of
relief. I'd done it - endured it.

"Release her,"
the bitch commanded as the men finished dressing. The ropes untied,
I hauled my aching body up and staggered to my feet. Sperm oozing
from my inflamed holes, coursing down my inner thighs, I watched
them leave the clearing. The sound of twigs cracking underfoot
fading, I looked down at my breasts, the pitiful weals fanning out
across my mammary globes. Running my fingers through my hair,
matted with bodily fluids, wiping the sperm away, I knew I had to
face Danny, tell him the appalling truth.

The birds
returned to the trees as I dressed. As they began chirping, it was
as if they knew the debauchery was over, that the evil had left the
woods. Another train trundled through the tunnel, taking people
home from work, families home from a day out. The world had
returned too late.





I found Danny
working at his desk when I finally managed to stagger home. Popping
my head round the door, I didn't go in. In my sordid state of
disarray, I daren't! "I've been for a nice long walk and now I'm
going to take a shower," I smiled perfunctorily as he began
questioning me, quizzing me as to where'd I'd been. Hurriedly
crossing the landing and slipping into the bathroom, I breathed a
sigh of relief as I heard him chase after me.

"Selina!" he
called, knocking on the locked door. "Selina, are you OK?"

"I'm fine!" I
replied, surveying my matted hair and sperm-starched face in the
mirror before slipping my sex-stained clothes off.

"I was worried
about you."

"You shouldn't
have been. I'm fine."

Stepping into
the shower, the hot water bathing my naked body, stinging my
whipped breasts, I lathered my sullied hair with shampoo. When I
was clean, when I'd washed away the last remnants of the obscene
abuse, I'd tell Danny the truth, I decided. Then he could take me
away, we could rent a flat somewhere, another town, another county.
Several hundred miles away we'd be safe - free.

Massaging soap
into my vaginal folds, I took the shower nozzle from the hook and
pressed it between my swollen outer labia. The hot water gushing
into my cunt, inflating my sex sheath, I gasped. Sperm and water
spraying from my bloated vaginal cavern, the sensations sending
electrifying ripples of pleasure through my pelvis, I tried
desperately to push all thoughts of orgasm from my tortured

My clitoris
swelling, pulsating, I couldn't allow myself to masturbate -
succumb to my base desires. I'd had so much sex; I had to fight the
overwhelming temptation to massage my clitoris to orgasm. Moving
the shower head away, my cunt draining, I pressed the nozzle
between my stinging buttocks to cleanse my inflamed bowels.
Pressing the nozzle hard against my sore hole, the water gushing
into my rectal duct, I gasped again as the wonderful sensations
rippled through my naked body.

Danny called again as my fingers moved between my sex lips and
massaged my throbbing clitoris. "Selina, are you sure you're

"I told you,
I'm fine!" I panted, hanging the shower head on the hook, water and
sperm gushing down my thighs as my bowels drained. "I'll be out in
a minute!"

Resisting the
temptation to appease my yearning clitoris, I stepped out of the
shower and wrapped a bath towel around my naked body. The time had
come to show Danny the weals, to put an end to the lies and deceit.
Taking a deep breath as I left the bathroom, I tentatively crossed
the landing.

"Ah, there you
are," he smiled as I wandered into his room.

"Danny, I was
only having a shower. There was no need to keep calling through the

"I've been
worried, love. You went out for a walk ages ago. Where have you

"Doing exactly
that - walking, Danny. I have something to tell you."

"And I have
something to tell you. The private dick rang while you were


"He reckons
he's getting somewhere at last. You remember the girl used a hire


"Well, he went
to the company and made a few enquiries. It was hired by a man
called David Holmes, and he had a girl with him - a girl fitting
the description of..."

"The address -
what's this man's address?"

"Wilkins has
his address and he's been to see him. Holmes hired the car to go
away for a couple of days with his girlfriend."

Wilkins ask him about me?"

"He could
hardly ask him whether he was blackmailing you, love."


"Listen, the
dick's going to keep an eye on this bloke's place. The next time
the girl rings, I'm to phone him and let him know. In the meantime,
he's trying to find out as much as he can about this man. This is a
real breakthrough, Selina. Whether this Holmes character is the
tart's boss or one of the thugs, I don't know, but he's involved.
One thing we must do is hand over another five grand."

"I haven't got
five grand."

"I know you
haven't. We'll have to get it from somewhere, borrow it or..."

"There might
be a royalty cheque due," I said, wishing I hadn't.

"Good, that's
good. We've got to play the game to give the dick a chance to find
out who's involved in this. Anyway, what was it you wanted to tell

nothing. I'm going to get dressed."

Walking into
the bedroom, I slipped the towel off and surveyed my naked body in
the mirror. The weals across my breasts had developed, like pink
ferns fanning out across my pale flesh. I couldn't show Danny, he'd
go mad. Besides, if the private detective discovered who these
people were and put an end to the horror, my husband could be
spared the truth.

As I dressed,
veiling my abused body, I suddenly remembered the video camera. If
Danny were to see the tape all hell would be let loose! The tape,
the photographs... Even if the sleuth were to find these people and
threaten them, have them sorted out, the evidence would still
exist. I doubted very much that he'd be able to get his hands on
the tape and photos. Undoubtedly, there'd be copies too, hidden God
knows where.

hungry, I made some toasted sandwiches and called Danny down to the
kitchen. I was tired, physically and mentally exhausted after my
ordeal in the woods, and decided to have an early night. What
tomorrow would bring, I dreaded to think. If I stayed locked in the
house, I'd be safe enough, I ruminated.

"I'm going to
work on the book tomorrow," I said as Danny munched his

"The money,"
he murmured anxiously, gazing into my eyes. "We've got to get our
hands on five grand."

"God knows

"The girl
rang, just after you'd gone out. She wants the cash tomorrow

"Danny, this
is ridiculous!"

"We've no
choice, love. I wasn't going to tell you yet, but... As I said, she
wants the cash tomorrow."

"OK, I'll go
to the bank and see what they can do," I sighed.

"With your
next advance due, I'm sure they'll lend it to you."

"God, it's
crazy! I have to take out a loan to pay a blackmailer!"

"I know, I
know. Anyway, the private dick will get us out of this mess."

"I hope so,
Danny - God, I hope so. I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

"OK, I'll do
some more work."

"Try not to
wake me when you come to bed, I'm exhausted."

"I won't.
Sleep well."


Pigs might
fly! Tossing and turning as usual, nightmares haunting me, monsters
chasing me through dank, stonewalled corridors, I finally crawled
out of bed and dressed. Again, I found myself in the garden,
watching the sun rise above the trees, wondering what life was all
about. The hell I'd been through had changed my way of thinking, my
perception of the human race.

"What's it all
about?" I whispered to the still morning air, to the birds in their
dawn twittering, as I sat on the bench beneath the beech tree.
"What the hell's it all about?" I'd tried so hard to become a
successful writer, and succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. Yet all
my success had done was plunge me into the stenching abyss of evil
and debasement.

Checking my
watch as the front doorbell rang, I wondered who on earth it could
be. Surely the girl wouldn't call at seven-thirty in the morning? I
pondered as I dashed into the house. We didn't have a milkman and
it was too early for the post. Spying through the letterbox, I was
surprised to see Chrissy standing on the step.

"Hi!" I
smiled, opening the door. "You're an early bird."

She looked
uneasy. "I'm on my way to work," she said, stepping into the hall
and following me to the kitchen. "I rang last night but Danny said
you were out."

"I went for a
long walk to do some thinking."

"Selina, I've
been doing some thinking."


"This mess
you're in."

"Want some

"Please. It's
Danny, I'm sure of it."

"What is?"


"Chrissy! God,
we've been through this before."

"I know but...
Look at it logically. The insurance fiddle, the thing you had with

Danny's been doing all he can to help me. He's hired a private
detective and..."

"Have you met
the detective?"

"No, Danny's
been dealing with him."

"Have you
spoken to him on the phone?"


"He doesn't
exist, Selina."

"Of course he
exists; I've heard Danny talking to him on the phone. Anyway, he's
discovered the name and address of one of the men involved."

"What is the

"I don't know.
Look, I know you've never really liked Danny, but he's doing all he
can to help me. He's come up with plans and ideas, he's tried to
follow the girl..."

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