Sexual Shift (15 page)

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Authors: Beverly Rae

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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Meg took a long sip of her soft drink and leaned her back against the bar railing. “Can you believe how much things have changed? I used to spend nights in this place looking for a hunk to take home for the night. Then I met Chance and all that changed.”

“Thank goodness. I’m glad you found him.” Hilly just wished she could find love, too. Her mind drifted to Tanner again. How she’d loved to see his amazing eyes and watch them change from silver-blue to black with lust. Black eyes to match his long, thick black hair. She recalled the way his hair stood out not only when he was turned on, but when he was angry.

She sighed and turned to look out at the crowd.

“Stars and moon. I don’t believe it.”

Hilly followed Meg’s gaping stare. Tanner stood in the middle of several women who were fawning over him. She gasped, then turned her back to the scene. But her torment wasn’t over. The image of Tanner and his harem reflected back to her in the mirror behind the bar.

A shapely blonde ran her hands over his shoulder, then skimmed her fingers along his strong jaw. Tanner smiled at her, took her hand and kissed her palm. The brunette on his other side leaned up to whisper something in his ear, and his laughter rang out.

Hilly dropped her gaze to her drink. No wonder he hadn’t called again. He was having too good a time with other women.

“That lowlife, scum-sucking, jerkwad. Can you believe his nerve? Hanging out with other women in your brother-in-law’s club. Too busy to get together, my ass.”

“Please, Meg, let’s go.” Hilly glanced up and wished she hadn’t. Tanner led the blonde and brunette toward the hallway leading to Tom’s office. Would he do to them what he’d done to her in the hallway of the bakery? Could it be his normal method of seducing girls and she’d just been one in a long line of gullible women?

“Not on your life, Hilly Tristan.” Meg put her drink on the bar, then made Hilly do the same. “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known, and I’m not going to let you back down to this worthless hellhound. Come on.”

“No, Meg. Don’t. I can’t.” But Hilly felt helpless against Meg’s steely grip. Meg pulled her into the hallway, hurrying along toward the darkest area. Slamming to a stop, Meg uttered a curse and pointed.

Tanner groaned as the blonde wrapped her legs around him. Her hands flattened against the wall as Tanner sucked on her nipple. The brunette pulled his shirt out of the waistband of his slacks, opened her blouse and rubbed her breasts against his back.

“Fuck me first, Tanner. Please.” The blonde undid the tie holding back his hair and let his hair fall to his back. Tanner slid his hand under her skirt.

“No. Fuck me first.” The brunette tracked her tongue down his spine, keeping her nipples pushed against his back. “Or let me suck you off. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Déjà vu images from the park where she’d seen Tanner acting much the same way hit Hilly, making her wobble on her feet. “Let’s go home. I don’t need to see any more.”

“Not yet, Hilly. Not until I give the bastard a taste of Tristan revenge.” Meg muttered the words too low for Hilly to hear, then waved her hand. Blue mist floated over the trio and settled on their bodies. Suddenly, the girls cried out and pushed away from Tanner.

“Shit! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” The blonde pulled her skirt down and tugged her blouse over her breasts.

“Argh! You’re disgusting. What did you do? Slip me a drug?” Loathing filled the brunette’s face as she scuttled to the other side of the hallway. “You fuckhead!”

Tanner turned toward them, his face a monstrous mixture of warts and boils. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

The blonde scrambled over to her friend, gagging at the sight of him. “There’s no way I’d ever touch you without getting drugged. Stay away, you monster.”

Shouting curses at him, the girls dashed past Meg and Hilly. Tanner looked at them, the third eye in the middle of his forehead bouncing around in its socket.

“Hilly? What are you doing here?”

Hilly gawked at him, stunned by Meg’s handiwork. Meg, however, had no problem speaking her mind.

“Are you freaking kidding me? This is Tom’s bar, and you dare to flaunt your sex games in front of Hilly? Let me tell you something, you bastard of the underworld. We’re glad you didn’t call Hilly back because you’re not worth the effort it would take for her to spit on you.”

“Meg, stop.” Hilly couldn’t stand seeing Tanner in such a terrible way. “If he doesn’t want to see me again, then he has the right not to. Take the spell off him.”

“Like hell I will.”

“What’s going on?” Tom, carrying a baseball bat, rounded the corner. “Two girls came running to tell me we have a monster back here.” His eyes grew wide as he took in Tanner. “Oh, crap.”

“Tom, it’s Tanner.” Hilly ached to reach out to him but couldn’t. Who knew what Meg might do if she tried? Besides, a mean-spirited part of her thought he deserved a little payback for leading her on.

“Why are you gawking at me?” Tanner ran his hands over his face, his face hardening as he felt the boils and warts. Then when he touched the extra eye, he snarled, “What the hell did you do to me?”

“I gave you a little makeover. One to fit your mother’s side of the family.” Meg put a finger to her lips. “Hmm. I think it’s a big improvement, don’t you, Hilly?”

“Look, Hilly, I know you expected me call you back, but I have my reasons. We just won’t work. What we had was fun, but it’s over. Now make her remove the hex or I’ll—”

“Or you’ll do what, Tanner Cage?” It was one thing to treat her badly, but threatening her sister was more than she could tolerate. Especially since he’d tossed her to the side. Pain, more fierce than any physical injury, seared through her.

Tanner’s rage died, and his facial features relaxed. In fact, he seemed almost sad. “Never mind. I won’t touch her. I owe you that much. But get her to remove the spell, okay?”

“Not on your life.” Meg whirled around and hurried away.

“Meg! Hold up.” Giving him one last look, Hilly rushed after her sister.



Tanner uttered a curse as he examined his face in the mirror over his bathroom sink. After Tom had asked him to leave the club, he’d managed to make it to his car without scaring anyone. The one homeless person he’d encountered—a man known as Wooly Wilbur—had blamed Tanner’s appearance on the empty vodka bottle in his hand.

“Someone really did a number on you, son.” Tanner’s father sat on the edge of the large Jacuzzi bathtub.

“You could say that again.” Not that he didn’t deserve as much. Hell, more. Hilly probably hated him. But as long as she was safe, it was worth it.

“I’d say your face is the result of getting close to a very pissed-off witch. Am I right?” His father rubbed his chin, his blue eyes gleaming with mischief.

“As always, Dad, you nailed it.” Tanner strode into the bedroom with his father on his heels.

“I’m guessing it’s the work of Meg, Hilly’s sister.” Setias paused in front of the dresser ’s mirror and ran a hand through his white hair.

Tanner flopped into the armchair. “If you have time to spare from adoring yourself, I’d appreciate a little help.”

Setias grinned. “I know. Vanity’s a terrible fault of mine. But angels aren’t perfect, you know. Least of all me.”

His dad sat on the edge of the bed and studied him. “Removing a witch’s curse isn’t very difficult. I’d be happy to help you.”

“Then remove away, Dad. The sooner, the better. I’ll scare little children with this horror show, and it’s nowhere near Halloween.”

His father twiddled his thumbs. Damn, how he hated it when he twiddled his thumbs. Thumb-twiddling was a sign his father was up to something, and that something wasn’t always to Tanner’s benefit.

“What are you waiting for?” Tanner took a deep breath and cautioned himself to be careful. His mother may have won the prize on tempers, but his dad could get his dander up, too.

“First things first.” Setias leaned forward and his wings peeked out from behind his back. “I want to know why you ditched Hilly Tristan. From all accounts, she’s a good woman with a wonderful heart. I was encouraged by your interest in her.”

“My dating life is none of your business.” Tanner dug his fingernails into the coarse material of the chair.

“Hmm.” Setias stood and paced to the other side of the room, letting his wings spread to their full width. “Something tells me your mother has her hand in this.”

“Mother made a compelling argument against me seeing Hilly again.”

His father ruffled his feathers, a sure sign he was irritated. “Let me guess. She threatened you in some way. Perhaps even threatened to harm Hilly. Am I right?”

Tanner kept his face averted and kept silent. Setias would know the truth simply by looking into his eyes.

“Your silence says she did.” With wings retracted, Setias moved to stand next to Tanner. “Son, you can’t let her get away with threats.”

“Then help me.”

“I’m sorry, son. You know that’s against the rules.”

Anger and resentment coursed through Tanner as he looked at his father. “Then what would you suggest I do? Call her bluff? You know her, Dad. She’ll do what she says she’ll do.”

“I know. God knows I know.” Setias rested his hand on Tanner’s shoulder. “I understand your dilemma. But I hope you’ll take some time to consider the alternative. I get the feeling that if you really didn’t want to see Hilly again, you would’ve left town and forgotten about her.”

His father’s words hit home, but Tanner refused to confirm the truth. What was the point anyway? His father already knew.

“You’re telling yourself you didn’t leave because you have to make sure Hilly stays safe.”

Tanner gave a brief nod, giving in.

“But you know as well as I do, a big part of you is staying because you can’t leave her behind. She’s gotten under your skin, and you realize she’s someone special.”

Tanner took a deep breath and let his father’s words sink in. If he was honest with himself, he’d have to agree. He couldn’t stand the idea of never seeing her again, even if only from a distance.

“Son, it’s your decision to make. Your problem to solve. I hope you choose wisely.” He patted his son, then touched the top of Tanner’s head.

Warmth spread through Tanner, soothing his heart as well as his skin. He reached up, dreading to touch the deformity of his face, and instead, found smooth skin and only two eyes. He heaved a sigh of relief.

“Thanks, Dad.”

Setias strode to the center of the room and spread his wings. “Don’t mention it. And good luck. You’re going to need it.” With a blink of his eyes, Setias vanished.



Hilly walked into the Sundowner and tried to keep her cool as she glanced around the room. Tom’s call telling her Tanner was there had set her nerves on edge. After hours of arguing with her sisters, she’d finally convinced them to accept her decision.

She loved Tanner. God knew why, but wasn’t that the way of love? How many women, including her sisters, had stories about falling in love quickly? Maybe falling for someone fast was just how love was for the Tristan sisters.

He’d said he had a reason for leaving her alone. Had his mother done something? Could that be why he’d been with other women? If so, she wanted him to admit it straight to her face. Her heart wouldn’t accept that he just quit caring about her until he told her flat out.

Hilly caught a glimpse of her new body in the glass separating the lobby area from the main room of the club. Strange green eyes stared back at her. Even after a lifetime of changing into different forms, she never got used to seeing herself in another body. She took a big breath, smoothed down the tight emerald dress and fluffed her long, golden hair.

There he is.

Her breath caught in her throat as she spotted Tanner, standing once again in the middle of a gaggle of girls vying for his attention. Envy almost blinded her, and she clenched her fists to keep from running over and snatching the girls bald.

“Easy. You’ve got to play this right or it’s all over.”

If she could seduce him into getting into bed with Serena, the name she was using for her disguise, then maybe she could find out why he’d dumped her. If nothing else came of the night, she’d have gotten two things: one last night with Tanner and a reason for his apparent disinterest. Maybe then she could move on with her life.

She swayed across the room and didn’t bother to get a drink first. Tanner’s laugh reached her ears, and a knot formed in her stomach. Pulling a young dark-haired beauty to him, he nuzzled her ear and whispered something that made the girl giggle. Hilly struggled to keep her tumultuous thoughts from showing on her face.

“Do you play with little girls often?”

His silver-blue eyes latched on to her, then skimmed the length of her from blonde hair to the emerald four-inch heels. “Excuse me?”

Hilly glanced at the women around him. “I was wondering why you like to play with young girls.”

He moved away from the group to take a step closer. His lips quirked up at the ends.

“Why do you ask?” He narrowed his eyes, then slid his gaze to her mouth.

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