Sexy as Hell Box Set (57 page)

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Authors: Harlem Dae

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“Really?” I strutted over, barged past him and onto the balcony. “It’s like a scene from fucking Romeo and Juliette.”

Ollie shoved a chair out of the way and leaned over the brickwork. “It’s even got trails of ivy hanging down,” he said, “just like in the movie.”

I breathed deep, loving the fresh, smog-free air that filled my lungs. It made me feel alive, free, almost happy. I glanced over the balcony, wondering what it would be like to have been Juliette with Romeo beneath, calling to her, telling her of his undying love.

A giggle burst from me. How stupid was I? That was a story, someone’s imagination. Stuff like that didn’t really happen.

“What’s so funny?’ Ollie asked. Sunlight was catching in his dark hair, lightening the tips to a shiny, conker shade. His blue eyes seemed bluer. Not as stunning as Victor’s, but the sky was enhancing the pigment

“It’s just…nice.” I said, indicating the lake and then sweeping my hand in the direction of a layered garden that rose then fell, lifting again before turning into an olive grove. “I think it’ll be good to be here for a week.”

“It’s what you wanted, Mistress,” Ollie said. He shot up his eyebrows, as if silently asking for his reward.

tutted. For that gesture he could wait. In fact, he could do something for me.

I slipped off my boots and then yanked at my jeans. Sat heavily in the bucket chair and opened my legs, exposing my turquoise lacy knickers. The cool air nipped my thighs, but the chair was cushioned and hugged my back nicely.

It was the perfect position for an orgasm.

“Lick my cunt, Ollie,” I said, not caring that the meandering breeze would wend my words through the old boughs of the olive trees, no doubt shocking them right to their roots.

“Yes, Mistress.” Ollie grinned and dropped to his knees.

A picture of Victor’s face when I’d given the same order that first night of his training flashed across my mind. Unlike Ollie, he’d been stunned—too stunned to move, barely able to speak. But if he hadn’t reacted like I was a poisonous cobra, would he have ever become my student? Would I be here now, helping him?

I knew the answer to that was no.

I lifted my hips and let Ollie tug off my knickers. The sensation of the weak winter sun dribbling onto my skin and the shift of the cool air around my pussy made me greedy for a hot, eager mouth.

“I like it firm,” I said, spreading my legs wider still, “on my clit and in my pussy, and don’t stop until I tell you to.”

“Yes, Mistress, I understand, Mistress.”

Oh, he was annoying me again now. But he had a willing tongue in his head so he’d do. I shut my eyes, hoping he wouldn’t speak again. He shouldn’t, not if he did as he was told. But knowing Ollie…

“You’re so pretty,” he said, “the perfect pussy, and all shaved and neat and pink and—”

“Shut the fuck up, Ollie, and lick my cunt. And if you speak again that strap-on will be staying in the suitcase all week.”

The look on his face told me that was something he absolutely didn’t want to happen. Ollie had got into anal play with supersonic speed. Mind you, most blokes did once you got them going.

I slipped forward a little on the chair, sighed and stared out at the garden as the tip of Ollie’s tongue found my clit and he eased a couple of fingers into my wet entrance.

“That’s it, build up the pressure,” I said, gripping the arms of the chair. “I don’t want it to take too long, though, it’s been a busy day.”

He nodded, but because that didn’t interrupt the rhythm he’d started, I didn’t slap him around the head.

Contentment weaved its way around me. Denseness began to grow between my legs and in the pit of my belly, a heavy weight I knew would lift off and release soon.

A sudden, trilling voice snapped me from my holiday moment. It came from just below our balcony.

“Victor, baby, this way to the lake, come on.” There was a pause and a hiccup. “I’ve got so much to show you.”

I groaned. Ollie took it as a sign of his prowess in the oral department and sped up.

Bloody Catherine

“I’m just coming,” Victor’s voice, a little weary, a lot tense. “You go ahead, I’m a few seconds behind you.”

Ollie caught my G-spot. I sucked in a breath, fought the urge to let my eyes roll back. Damn, he’d got that just right. A good, deep, come-hither action. Who’d have thought it?

I heard the crunch of feet on gravel, failed to hold in a moan as Ollie suckled on my clit.

The footsteps paused.

“Oh, yes, that’s it, lick me again,” I demanded loudly so Victor would hear. “Add another finger.”

Ollie did as he’d been told, moaning as he lapped wetly at me, the tip of his tongue providing just the right amount of pressure to take me on a pre-orgasm ride.

“What the fuck did I do to deserve this?” I heard Victor mutter. The noisy footsteps started up again.

Sod him. It was his loss. He’d had the chance to lick my cunt way back when. Oh, I’d given him the merest of tastes since, but still, he’d lost his opportunity, that boat had sailed.

Ollie continued to work hard. I tensed my thighs against the tops of his arms, curled my toes on the floor.

“Yes, that’s it, keep going,” I said on a sigh.

The gravelly footsteps had stopped again. I opened my eyes and spotted Catherine coming into view on the first rise of the lawn. I didn’t move or concern myself. There was no way she could see Ollie from that angle, or from any point in the large shrub-filled garden. I imagined the most she could see would be my shoulders and head.

I stared at her as she flicked her hair and swayed slightly. Victor appeared and she reached for his hand, rested her head on his shoulder.

My stomach tensed, my orgasm was beginning to crest. I panted and ran my left hand through Ollie’s hair, kept his head firmly where it was. “Yes, yes, that’s it, a bit faster… you’re doing so well.”

I kept my gaze fixed on the two figures near the end of the garden. Catherine was gesturing around, as if pointing out dull features and trivial facts.

Suddenly she turned, the breeze catching the
mumsy skirt she wore. I heard her say something, but she was too far away for me to catch it, plus my concentration was on other things—my need for release.

She waved enthusiastically. “Zara,” she called. “Hi, over here.”

I shifted my hips upwards, jammed Ollie’s face downwards. Stared at Victor as he, too, looked at me. The wind lifted his hair and pressed his shirt to the hard planes of his torso. I wondered if his cock was bulging. If knowing I was up here with Ollie’s obedient tongue between my legs had turned him on.

I raised my right arm. It was struggle; my body felt light and
floaty, heavy and dense all at the same time.

“Zara,” Catherine called again.

“Victor,” I gasped as I came, my attention not leaving him even as my climax shattered around me and through me, robbing my breath and flipping my heart like a bouncing ball.

Chapter Twenty-One


God, the woman was so damn blatant. Catherine had no idea what Zara and Ollie were doing, but it didn’t take a genius to work it out, not after the desperate instructions and the groans I’d just heard when I’d been beneath their balcony.

And now the way Zara’s head was lolling on her neck, her arm suspended, as if frozen into a block of air. Her muscles were taut but there was a dreamy waver to them. And her mouth…we were quite a distance away, but she’d gone slack-faced, her pointy chin accentuated by the gape of her lips.

I was surprised she didn’t scream through her orgasm. That would have been so very Zara. Not a care for anyone else, just herself.

Oh, and bloody Ollie. I’d bet he was having a wild fucking time with his head between her legs. In that moment I actually hated him. Wanted to rip his damn tongue out of his mouth and shove it up his arse—except he’d probably enjoy that.

“I wonder where Ollie is?” Catherine said.

Fucking hell, my dick was hard. I shifted from one foot to the other. I needed a shag.


“He’s probably taking a shower,” I said, curling my hand around Catherine’s waist. “Come on, why don’t we do the same?”

“I was actually just going to show you the herb garden on the way to the water.” She pointed in the vague direction of what looked to me like weeds.

“We can do that another time, come on.” I stroked my hand over her arse cheek, gave a little squeeze.

She giggled. “Victor, you are a saucy sort.”

“You better believe it.” Maybe it was the champagne, or perhaps it was watching the woman I…the woman I’d lusted over for so long reaching a climax that made me feel heady with desire. Whatever it was it couldn’t be dampened. There was no little box to lock this lust in. I wanted my cock in a hot, wet woman. That’s all there was to it.

I sped back across the garden, almost carrying Catherine, who giggled, stumbled once and then wrapped her arm around me.

Within minutes we were in our room, at the opposite end of the house to Ollie and Zara, thank God.

I kicked the door shut, hard. A picture shifted on its hook. Then I peeled off my shirt, toed off my shoes and shucked down my jeans. My dick was throbbing, my balls hurt. I needed to come. I needed to get rid of this urge, release the tension that was brewing in me like a tropical storm.

“Victor?” Catherine was watching my frantic movements with her eyes stretched so wide I could see the white around her irises. “What are you doing?”

“We came to Italy for some fun together, didn’t we?” I said, yanking at my socks then throwing them against the wall. They hit then fell to the floor. “Let’s get started.”

She pressed her fingers over her lips and failed to suppress another hiccup. “Well, I…okay, if that is what you want to do.”

“It is.” I stepped out of my boxers then walked towards her, my cock bobbing, touching my belly and leaving a sticky dab of pre-cum there.

Eyeing my dick with suspicion, Catherine moved backwards until she reached the massive four-poster bed. She then sat, but not for long because I loomed over her, pressed her flat and plunged my tongue into her mouth.

Her warm lips, combined with the sensation of soft skirt material on my cock tore a groan from me. I pulled her closer, needing connection.

Catherine kissed me back with her usual reserved enthusiasm. She slid her hands over my shoulders—they were cool, her fingertips icy. I shivered. I was feverish and desperate, turned on and angry and so damn horny.

I dragged up her skirt, trying not to squash her, then wrenched her knickers down her thighs.

“Wait, Victor, wait,” she said, pushing at my chest. “Stop.”

My mind was a fug of longing, getting inside her my only goal. But I heard her and pulled up. “What’s the matter?”

“Let me just…” She pushed at her white cotton panties, the type of underwear Zara wouldn’t be seen dead in, then kicked off her shoes.

She’d trimmed her bush. Last time I’d seen her down there she’d been as hairy as an ape. Now there was just a neat triangle of short, fair hair. I figured that was a good sign. Maybe she was up to a week of
raunch after all.

“I want to fuck you so badly,” I said, my breath coming hard, my heart hammering.

She giggled, a little nervously. “Gosh, Victor, I didn’t know you were such a brute.”

“I’m just warming up.” I didn’t know why I’d said that, but I must have had a healthy dose of conviction in my tone because she scooted back on the bed, eyes widening once more.

“You can’t escape,” I said, grinning to soften my words as I moved towards her.

“I don’t want to.” She swallowed. “But, you
er, you need a…” She wafted her hand at my cock. “A condom.”

“Damn it.” I jumped up, retrieved one from my wallet. I had more in my case but couldn’t be bothered to rummage for them, or risk Catherine seeing the paddle and the nurse outfit, not to mention the new vibrator I’d brought along.

Condom in place, I moved back onto the bed, gripped Catherine by the waist and hauled her flat.

She gasped, caught my face in her hands and spread her legs. I was sure I saw a flash of excitement in her eyes.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” I asked, prodding her pussy with the head of my cock, blindly searching for the wet entrance I needed to feel hugging my dick.

“Yes. I…”

I found my target and rammed deep, my balls smacking up against her arse with a satisfying thwack.

She cried out and stiffened beneath me, wrapped her legs around the backs of my thighs. I caught her mouth with mine and shunted in some more. Could I get deep enough to satisfy this longing? Would I ever be able to fuck Catherine enough times to get Zara out of my head?

“Oh, Victor,” she gasped. “What’s got into you?”

“I need you so badly,” I said, burying my face in her neck and sucking in her lavender, soapy scent. I thrust again, harder, faster. Cum boiled in my balls. My cock was so erect it hurt, but still, still I wanted more.

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