Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (109 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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She groaned as if she was tired of fighting it and then she said, “Yes Eric…I want you too.”


















Chapter 13


Eric was walking her backwards towards the bedroom. She didn’t miss the fact that he stopped and scooped the phone off the bar and into his pocket. Who the hell was calling him and why didn’t he answer it? Crystal was buzzing slightly from the wine and the two shots of whiskey. It was enough to overlook the phone, for now…but she wasn’t drunk. She knew full well what she was doing and she knew that she wanted it. As soon as she’d said so Eric had wasted no time at all wrapping her up tightly and pulling her in so close that she could hardly breathe as he moved their bodies like one. He had his tongue in her mouth and all she could think about was his touch and how badly she wanted more of it. She hadn’t even allowed herself to feel the half of it. Now that she was in his arms and she felt his hard body pressed into hers, she couldn’t remember why she’d ever objected. He walked them into the bedroom and up to the edge of the bed. While he kissed his way across her neck she brought her fingers to his shirt and began to undo the buttons one at a time. When she finished undoing the last one he broke their kiss and shrugged the shirt down off his arms and into the floor. His bare chest and stomach looked like they’d been chiseled out of stone. Crystal’s breath was literally caught in her throat. Each line was defined and each curve sculpted. She used the tips of her fingers to trace the outline of his pecs and then pressed her palms into him, feeling his warmth and the taut muscles flex into her soft hands. She bit down on her bottom lip as she drank in just how sexy and perfect his body was. As she ran her hands over his well-defined biceps and forearms, he brought his mouth back down onto hers and this time he sucked in her bottom lip as he tangled his fists up into her hair. He held her lip between his teeth and ran his tongue back and forth across it. When he released it he said,

“Take off your clothes.” As he watched her, he took the phone from his pocket and sat it at the bedside.

Crystal didn’t argue taking off her clothes and once again she tried to ignore the phone thing. She reached down and took the hem of her dress in her hands and pulled it up over her head. He looked at her like he was a wild animal and she was a piece of meat. His eyes were predatory as they took her in and she could almost feel the heat from them. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She let it fall off of her arms and her breasts bounced free. Eric immediately reached for them. He covered them with his palms and rubbed into her hard nipples. He nudged her back onto the bed before she’d taken off her panties and he lay down next to her and began kissing and sucking across her neck again as his hands now groped and probed her mostly naked body. He let his hands run down between her legs and across the wet crotch of her panties. Crystal whimpered when she felt him wedging his fingers up underneath the elastic there. He groaned out his approval as his fingers made contact with the wet lips of her pussy. He let them slide up and down for a few seconds and then suddenly grabbed her swollen clit and twisted it before using both hands to rip her panties down and off her legs. He straddled her then and shoved two of his fingers inside of her. Crystal cried out…mostly in surprise. He started moving them then…in and out and a circular motion…hard and fast. Crystal was whimpering and moaning and writhing underneath him. She was almost ready to cum when suddenly…he just stopped. Crystal was panting and out of breath, wondering what happened. She waited for a few seconds and suddenly Eric sat up on the edge of the bed and looked over at the phone that had been buzzing all night. Once again Crystal wondered who the fuck wanted so desperately to get in touch with him.

“Is everything okay?” she asked him when she could finally speak. This was getting a little bit ridiculous. If he didn’t want to answer it, why didn’t he just turn it off, she wondered. He glanced at her like he was suddenly annoyed with her and now she was really confused.

“Everything is fine,” he said. She closed her eyes for a second…still trying to regain her equilibrium and she felt the bed shift. He stood up without saying a word and walked into the bathroom. Wondering what the hell his problem was now, Crystal pushed herself up on her elbows and watched him. He didn’t close the bathroom door. As she watched he bent down and opened one of the drawers, grabbed something out of it and came back over to the bed. When he got closer she realized it was a pair of hand cuffs and a tight knot formed in the pit of her belly. “Put these on,” he told her. Crystal thought he must have lost his mind. She pushed herself up to a sitting position and said,

“No, I’m not putting those on.” She barely knew him. With that being said, she shouldn’t be here naked at all…but she’d be damned if she was ready to put herself in that kind of vulnerable position.

He pulled his brows together and looked at her. It was as if he didn’t understand why she would possibly not want to restrain herself to his bed. He was looking at her like she was the crazy one. “Put them on!” He said, even more demanding. It only pissed her off.

“No. I don’t know you well enough to trust you like that. Besides, the way you’re acting is crazy.”

“Do you want to do this or not?”

“No, not if you need me to be restrained I don’t.” She wanted him…but not like this. This whole night had taken a sudden weird turn and it was making her extremely uncomfortable.

He looked so frustrated. Crystal was completely confused and even more so when he said,

“Get the fuck out.” She wanted to say, “Excuse me?” as if she hadn’t heard him…but unfortunately she had heard him loud and clear. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of letting him see how upset he’d made her. She stood up and gathered her clothes. Without looking back at him she carried them into the living room, pulled them on and grabbed her bag. She didn’t even slam the door as she went out. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing she was pissed off either. She closed it behind her, took the elevator to the bottom floor and when his door man asked if she needed a cab she very politely said,

“No thank you!” She marched past him and down the street. When about two blocks from his penthouse she felt the sting of the tears she’d been holding back. She’d never had a man talk to her like that before, or humiliate her that way. Her chest ached when she thought about the tone of voice he’d used when he told her to “get the fuck out.” There was something wrong with him. People who are right in the head don’t act like that. She took her phone out and called a cab…thank God she only had to go back for one more day to finish things up with her internship. She wasn’t sure how she’d handle it if she had to see him again every day. She’d probably get fired, because all she wanted to do right now was wail on him with her fists...


To be continued…




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Bad Boy Romance

Part 1 of 2


Kendra Wild



This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


Badass Part 1

First edition. January 2016.

Copyright © Kendra Wild.

Written by Kendra Wild.

All Rights Reserved.


Chapter One – Nicole

Silicon Valley, California


That fucking bastard.

A grin swept over his smug, selfish, smoking hot features. Ryan Malone was taunting her, putting Nicole in her place as if it was fine for her to keep working at one-thirty in the morning and cover for his incompetence, just so he could get to the bar down the street to make last call.

A drink.

A few drinks.

She let that prick drown her in work—his work—so he can pick up women, get laid, and drink his sorry ass into the next afternoon, on most weekdays. It was Friday night, so that meant the son of a bitch could start his weekend early. She thought she was being a team player for agreeing to it once. Twice, maybe a little naïve, but night after night on this eighteen month project? Nicole swore she had to be an idiot.

This stint at the Silicon Valley head office of Terratech Incorporated was supposed to be a ten-month software development gig for Nicole. Ryan liked her work so much he extended her contract for another ten months. She should have turned him down, but she loved the work here. This software and hardware tech firm did military technology contract work exclusively for US military departments. The work was perfectly suited to her training and prior experience, and the money was damn good.

Not that she ever got the time to spend any of it, but whatever.

From her workstation, she tilted her head and watched his tight, sexy ass as he walked to the elevators. Even getting to check out his fine piece of ass every day wasn’t worth this. The work was one big headache. Long hours, shifting priorities, new requirements, tight timelines, no lag time, hours staring at what felt like miles and miles of code on her monitor, and to top it off, having to deal with this arrogant, lazy bastard of a project manager.

Ryan stepped on the elevator. He turned to hit the button to his prime parking spot in the underground lot, and before the doors closed, he lifted his hand and blew her a kiss.

Well fuck me.

That man could manipulate, and as usual, Nicole fell for it. It was another late night, pushing close to their deadline, and now she had to handle the rest alone. She pressed on, telling herself she would only stay for another two hours. Two hours turned into five, and soon the morning sun was coming up and casting a golden hue of a glare on her monitor.

Time to wrap up and go.

Locking her workstation, she stood up and stretched. She looked out over the cubicles in her section, and not a single head bobbed in front of any of the computer monitors. This had become the norm for her, staying after everyone else had gone home. Everyone including Ryan Malone. As close as they were to the deadline for the project her team was working on, she had figured more of the team would have stayed. Most of the lights were off across the office floor now, leaving the cubicle area bathed in only the sunlight coming in through the floor to ceiling windows.

She needed to rehydrate before heading out. She had a twenty minute walk to get to the loft apartment she rented when she took this short-term project. Nicole picked up her water bottle. Leaving the maze of cubicles, she took the shortcut to get to the water cooler near the executive boardrooms.

As she filled her water bottle, though, she thought she heard voices. It wasn’t uncommon to hear the odd person on the phone, or a small team working through the night to meet a deadline. Even so, to hear what sounded like a formal board meeting at this time on a Saturday morning, it was out of the ordinary.

The discussion in one of the boardrooms continued after she finished refilling her bottle, and just as she was about to head back to her workstation, she overheard one of them mention the project she was working on. She stopped in her tracks. Was some VP entertaining their US military clients at this hour? It didn’t make sense, so she continued to eavesdrop.

Nicole emptied her water bottle and let it fill again. She needed to have an excuse to stand there if anyone happened to notice her. The male voice leading the meeting was talking about the piece of programmed technology her team was working on.


Whoever was leading that meeting mentioned it again. Her curiosity was piqued. She knew she probably shouldn’t be listening to anything that came from the executive boardrooms. She had not been invited to the meeting. Then again only a few people had clearance to even know about it. So unless it was actually a VP and the US military in that room, the conversation should not have landed on the TDE-5X.


She couldn’t stop herself from listening now.

She was able to make out four or five unique voices. Some were more muffled than others. There were two she recognized. Bob Worthington and Luis Moreno. They were mid-level Terratech Incorporated executives. The other two or three men she heard all spoke with strong Chinese accents—she would know, as she had lived in Shenzhen for two years, working as a technology business needs analyst. What was strange about that fact was Terratech Incorporated had no Chinese expats on this project, and the US Military client team didn’t either.

This was a problem.

Or maybe it was none of her damn business.

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