Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (65 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Katie hung up and stared around wildly. She’d almost given herself away by giving him her address! Panic set in. She’d never been on a motorcycle, and she’d never arranged to walk out her front door without someone knowing where she was going.

She had no idea who he was either. He could be intent on kidnapping her for all she knew. She might walk into the night and vanish. He might be a serial killer or a …

No. He wasn’t anything like that. Under that hard façade was a hard man, but a hard man who was fair too. She tapped her nails on the counter. She could always just not go, and then wipe his number from her phone. Chalk it all up to temporary insanity.

It was insanity, and she knew it. It had to be. She was not seriously even contemplating doing it. She couldn’t be.

But she was. So much so that she’d already begun to wonder what she should wear. Definitely not the ruined slacks she still had on. No, she needed something that said she was a nice normal girl without a lot of money and prestige behind her.

She needed a disguise!

She went into her closet and pulled out a pair of old jeans. She hadn’t worn them since college but they still fit, as did the plain long sleeved t-shirt she found hanging behind a whole dozen crisp white blouses.

She found battered Converse sneakers she had used to run in the year before, and a thick hoodie emblazoned with the name of a local sports team. She surveyed herself in the mirror. Yes, nice normal girl.

She hastily took her hair out of the braid she had put it up in earlier that morning and brushed it until it shone, then she pulled it up high on her head in a loose, messy knot. Satisfied with her appearance she reached for her wallet then stopped. Her ID was in there. If he saw it…

She grabbed her keys, leaving her bag and wallet where they were. Her heart raced as she set out, dashing through the lobby and into the street beyond before she could reconsider the drive.

Arriving at the corner she looked right and left but all she saw were cars and pedestrians. No motorcycle. Her heart sank. Had he decided against that ride? Decided she wasn’t worth coming to pick up?

A lone headlight cut the darkness and the loud roar and clatter of the bike met her ears. Relief filled her.

He pulled up to the curb. The wind tossed his hair, and his booted foot met the curb. His hand, gloved in tight black leather, lifted and beckoned her to come on. Katie ran toward the bike, hesitating as she reached it. Morgan shouted, “Swing your leg over!”

Swing her leg over? Katie eyed the bike, decided mounting it was a lot like mounting a horse and slid her leg across the shining chrome and silky leather. Her thighs were pressed close to his body and she sat there, still unsure.

Morgan said, “Hold on,” and pulled away from the curb.

Her hands made a desperate grab for his waist. Her body leaned instinctively with his as they turned the corner fast and then roared up the street. Katie’s eyes widened in fear as he wove in and out of the traffic gathered there, leaving it all behind in a matter of seconds.

Exhilaration filled her. The wind beat against her face and she turned her head, pressing her cheek against his broad back. Even through the leather jacket he wore she could feel the strength of his body.

The rumble of the bike against her bottom, between her legs, thrilled her. The feel of his body against hers sent heated chills to her very core. Her hands pressed into his taut abdomen and her pulse raced as quickly as the bike as they headed out of the neighborhood where she lived and down into the seedier section of town.

They passed bars and diners, used car lots and second-hand stores. Men stood on corners, lifting their heads in acknowledgment as they went by. Katie stared at them and the stores, at the line of the highway so near her feet and pressed herself even closer to Morgan.

The streetlights left little blurs on the road, and the wind pushed her closer yet to Morgan. The vibrations picked up, sending sensation spiraling through her body. Her gasp was soft and low, but she was sure he heard it as they careened wildly around yet another corner, sprinted down a flat stretch of road lined with darkened houses and shuttered stores, then came out the other side into a thick stretch of woods. The trees hung low, their branches threatening to tear at her hair and she ducked her head, the adrenaline and the excitement making her senses even sharper.

Morgan finally pulled down a long rutted road and turned into a narrow shingle of bank that fronted the placid lake. He killed the engine and the light. “Get down.”

She did, sliding as gracefully as possible from the bike. The phantom warmth of his body rested against hers, imprinted against her skin and nerve endings. She sighed as she stared at the lake, its tiny waves ruffled by the wind.

“That was amazing.” The words tumbled out of her mouth. The wind blew her hair out of the knot she’d put it in and whipped strands across her face.

Morgan reached up and pulled them away. His body moved closer to hers.

She didn’t hesitate or even think about her reaction. Her lips brushed his, gently. His lips parted and his teeth tugged at her bottom lip, not so gently. His hands gripped her arms and his fingers went deep into her flesh. The roughness provoked her desire and she felt it kindle into life.

Her nipples tightened as his body pressed closer still. His fingers moved up her arms and over her shoulders. His forefinger pressed into the slight hollow at the base of her throat, testing her pulse.

Her body met his. Her lips parted and his tongue slipped between her lips to tease hers before it darted away again. Her breath hitched in and out of her chest as his lips pressed more firmly onto hers, fusing their mouths together. His hands ran down her back, his fingers pressing into the high knobs of her spine. Her pelvis tilted upward and met his. His hardness pressed against her body, awakening more lust in her body. The almost primitive reaction she had for him startled her even as it aroused her. His scent filled her nose and his hands drifted lower until he was cupping her ass cheeks.

Her nipples brushed against his shirt, the fabric rubbing against them in a maddening way. She ached to free them from the confines of the shirt, to let his mouth wander over them until they rose into even stiffer peaks.

The wind picked up, ruffling the water and causing the air to turn chilly, but neither of them noticed, they were too caught up in the moment. His mouth left her mouth and went to her neck, his teeth nibbling gently before biting slightly harder, bringing a little moan from her lips.

Katie tilted her head back and their mouths met again. His hands slid to her waist, the weight and heat of them felt so right on her skin that she shivered. His hands seemed made for her skin, designed to fit perfectly against her curves and angles. His fingers slid her top upward, baring her toned belly to the night air.

Her sweater and shirt came off, exposing the silky fabric of her bra. Her breasts threatened to overspill the cups and as soon as his clever fingers found the little clasp between them and loosed it, they did spill free, right into his hands.

Katie’s fingers went to his thick hair. Her back arched and she whimpered as his fingers slid up the span of her ribs then down again, his fingers slipping below the edge of her pants, lying against the dampened crotch of her panties. Her breath caught and held but then he moved his hand. He pressed his palm against her mound and pressed hard.

They went to the ground, their limbs tangling in the thick, tangled grass. The sound of frogs and crickets rang out around them and Katie whimpered as her hand found his hardness below the denim of his jeans then released it from behind the zipper of his fly. It sprang into her hand, hard and erect.

He moved on top of her, shedding his clothes and helping her out of hers. He found a condom in his wallet and placed it on his stiff length quickly, his hand clumsy in his eagerness.

Liquid heat exploded into her body as his mouth moved down, across her skin, then found her soaked center. He rose above her, his hands tangling into her hair and loosening it from the knot on her head. Her hair covered her face as he entered her, hard and fast. His hand slid her hair away so he could look down into her eyes as she met every thrust and withdraw with one of her own.

Katie came, her legs wrapping around his waist and she felt him come too. They lay there, their bodies cooling quickly while the sounds of the lake echoed all around them.

Morgan cuddled her close for a few minutes and then chuckled. “I have to admit I hadn’t expected this to happen, but I sure as hell don’t regret it.”

“Me either.”

They lay another moment catching their breath before the cool night air had them both shivering. They sat up and dressed quickly. Morgan took her hand and they began to walk around the lake, not speaking much.

Finally, Katie couldn’t bear the silence. “So you’re a real biker.”

His lips twitched. “Define real.”

“I mean, you don’t go to an office job during the week and then hang out at the bar on the weekends.”

He shook his head. “No, but a lot of the guys have jobs. It isn’t wrong to have a job, even if you are a biker.”

“That’s good to know. It might be hard to collect a pension from the highway.”

Morgan laughed. “It would be, yes, unless you worked for the highway department.”

“Exactly.” She bent down and picked a small wildflower and tucked it behind her ear. “Did you always want to ride bikes?”

“Always. When I was a kid there were some bikers who lived down the street from one of the foster homes I was in and I used to hang around there most days, nights too. I love the honor that bikers have. It’s not a kind of honor most people would ever understand, or want to. I respect the code and still remember the feel of the wind on my skin when one of them would take me for a ride. I loved everything about it then, and still now.” He smiled, almost embarrassed to be telling her. “Mostly I fell in love with the freedom of the bike.”

“I can see why you would.” There was a trace of sadness in her voice and she cleared her throat, trying to hide it.

“Haven’t you ever felt the need to just be really free?”

Her laugh was jagged. “Oh I feel it, all the time. I just don’t think it is ever going to be a possibility.”

“It’s not that hard to be free. You just have to decide you are.”

She sighed. “I wish it were that easy. Family can be a pain sometimes.” She thought about hers and wished for one night she didn’t have to consider them. “I’m sorry, did you say you were a foster kid?”

He shrugged. “Yeah, when I was seven my folks decided four kids was three kids too many so they divested themselves of three of us. My sister was a baby so she was adopted right away, and my brother…”

His voice trailed off.

Katie swallowed hard. Brother. The very word was hard for her to say. She kept her mouth closed, afraid to ask for fear he would ask her if she had siblings. She hastily changed the subject. “Orphans. That’s what your jacket says. Is that why?”

“Yes. Me and some of the guys have been together since we were young. We grew up in the same system so we were already brothers of a sort long before we all started to ride.”

“So you just made your own ga…club.”

“Club, yes. We created our own. We rode with a few others, but we never really connected so we decided to go our own way.”

She tossed him what she hoped was a sexy smile. “You always go your own way, don’t you?”

“Damn right.”

Katie nodded. “I envy you.”

They had walked around the lake by that time, and she eyed the monstrously large bike. “I should get back. I…”

“You’re housesitting.”

“Yes.” Her lips thinned.

Morgan looked at her, suddenly uneasy. He could tell she was lying, she knew it. For some reason unknown to her, he decided not to ask. “Look. There’s no guarantee I’ll see you again. Can we just enjoy tonight and take it for what it is? Just a night?”

She nodded and smiled. He was sexy, hot and practical. No strings. Exactly what she needed right now.

“Let’s get on my bike.” Once he was on, he motioned for her to join him.

Her body pressed against his again and he let her get comfortable before cranking up and riding away into the night.



Two days later, Katie’s cell phone rang just as she walked through her front door. Morgan’s number showed on the screen and she quickly slid the call-answer button.

“Guess what,” he said.

She blinked, her heart racing at the sound of his rough, husky voice. “What?”

“I found his owner.”

She stared at her living room wall, confused for a moment. Then it hit her. “The dog! You found his owner!”

“I did. I’m taking him over there now. Do you wanna ride along? I go right by your place.” The dog barked in the background, as if pleading for her to come say goodbye.

She bit her bottom lip and stared at the pile of paperwork she had brought home with her to take care of. It had to be done, and she knew it. She also needed to shower and find an appropriate outfit for the little cocktail party she was supposed to attend later tonight. She had to attend the cocktail party. Her father would freakin’ flip if she skipped it.

“I’d love to.” The words rushed out before she could stop them. “I’ll meet you at the same spot if that’s okay. I need to change real fast.”

“Sounds great. See you in twenty.” He hung up. His voice revealed nothing, no excitement for her saying yes or resentment for asking him to meet her at the same spot outside her place. It drove her crazy that she couldn’t read him. It had also driven her nuts that she hadn’t been able to get him off of her mind —both day and night.

Katie stared at the phone. She couldn’t go on a dog-returning mission. She had to get dressed for that party, and she had to go whether she wanted to or not. No choice in the matter.

Except she was going.

With Morgan.

She dashed into the bedroom, changed into some jeans and a jacket. She took off the extremely expensive jewelry she had worn to work, touched up her make-up and hair and then dashed for the front door.

Morgan was already waiting at the corner for her. She recognized the car he’d been driving the night they had nearly collided near the park. She opened the passenger door and jumped inside. The dog sat in the front seat but cheerfully moved over when she climbed in. He sat up erect and proud, his tail wagging at fifty miles an hour. Katie patted him affectionately, getting a few licks in return.

She looked over at Morgan. His beautiful blue eyes met hers with an amused look. His hair was mussed and tousled. He looked like he had just climbed out of bed and her heart pounded. He exuded sex, and her body reacted instantly, like every other time she was around him.

“Hi,” she said as they eased back into traffic and headed away from her neighborhood.

“Hi there. You look great.”

She laughed. “I was just thinking the same thing about you. Where are we headed?”

“Over to Winslow.”

Her mouth dropped open. “The retirement village?”

“Yes. It seems Reilly here was a service dog, and his owner hasn’t had the heart to replace him.”

“Oh. Didn’t you say there were others with him?”

Morgan nodded. “Two must have been there for years. They are in really bad shape. One might have to be put to sleep. It’s that bad, but if anyone can keep her alive it’s Clive.”

“Someone needs to do the same thing to those people that they did to those dogs,” she said hotly.

Morgan smiled grimy. “I wouldn’t worry about them if I were you.”

The woman who had called to claim Reilly was on the porch of one of the small townhouses. Her face was mostly covered by thick dark glasses and she held a long leash in one hand. As soon as the truck stopped, Reilly was out and off like a shot. He bounded up to the woman who whispered, “Oh there you are.” Her hand went to his head. He sat immediately and she patted him gently.

Morgan and Katie walked up.

The woman smiled. “That is him. I would know him anywhere.” She knelt and hugged the big dog as sweetly as if he was a baby and he let out a gusty sigh and leaned against her body, whining softly. “I’m so sorry Reilly,” she said softly. “I’m sorry. They took him nearly two weeks ago, and I know he was…well, not treated well. How much was his vet bill?”

Morgan said, “There’s no charge. How did they get him?”

“I had a new assistant. She let him out unattended while I was in the shower. I think she actually pushed him out because he knows far better than to go out alone. I fired that girl, and fast. She swore he went out but I have a camera in the house and I heard her tell him to go, and she didn’t say it nicely. So he was alone out there and somebody just scooped him up. Thank you for bringing him back to me.”

“I’m glad I could help,” Morgan said softly.

Reilly reached for the leash, tugging at it gently with his teeth.

Morgan said, “I got him a new collar and all, but he will likely need to have his tags replaced.”

Katie watched with a lump in her throat and the dog pranced eagerly as his owner clipped the leash to his collar. As soon as she did he went to her left and sat, his head high and his gaze alert.

They chatted idly with the elderly lady, declined politely the offer for tea as it was clear Reilly wanted to walk with his master.

As they got into the car Katie said, “You are an amazing man.”

Morgan lifted a dark brow. “How so?”

“Most people would not have cared about a bunch of dogs, much less finding the owner of one of them.”

“I’m not most people.”

Her heart fluttered it beat so fast. “No, you aren’t. You are nothing like most people.”

“Have you eaten?”

She shook her head.

“How do you feel about pizza and beer?”

“I feel good about pizza and beer,” she said with a grin, ignoring the fact that she should be getting ready for the business party. “Really good, actually.”



He took her to a dive of a restaurant where they had super greasy pizza and draft beer. It was one of the best meals Katie had enjoyed in a long time. Morgan kept the conversation light, trying to get her to laugh.

Afterward he drove her to her place. They sat awkwardly for a moment in the car as he parked in a visitor parking spot. Should she kiss him now? Or invite him upstairs and kiss him then? Did he want to kiss her? “Do you want to come upstairs?”

He raised an eyebrow and asked, “Won’t you get in trouble?”

Desire that had been brewing all night threatened to overwhelm her. She knew it was foolish to invite him up but she had to. Her body clamored for his touch, and she hoped he felt the same powerful tug of ardor. If not, she’d be embarrassing herself. Horniness won over the risk of shame. “No, not at all.” She grinned wickedly. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”

They entered the building and got into the elevator. Morgan whistled as they flew upward. “Wow.”

“Yeah. It’s nice but…”


She nodded, grateful to hear someone else say what she always thought. “Exactly. The feel of the building and also, it is freakin’ freezing! Literally, I mean! I always think I need an extra coat just to get in the elevator.”

“How long are you housesitting?” Morgan ran his fingers along the expensive wood paneling inside the elevator.

“Not long.” She pressed her lips together. She hated to lie under any circumstance, however, somehow lying to Morgan felt worse. “It just works out right now because I don’t really have my own place yet.”

There. That was the truth. Mostly anyway.

She unlocked her apartment and smiled nervously as she opened the door.

Morgan shook his head. “Great view.”

She nodded toward the huge windows overlooking the city before turning to face him. “It is pretty. Would you like…” Her words trailed off when a hot kiss sent her senses reeling. Morgan obviously hadn’t been looking out the window. Katie’s tongue traced along his bottom lip. His tongue thrust into her mouth before slowly leaving as his lips created sensations of delicious kisses down her jaw and neck, leaving a trail of sensitive skin begging to be touched again. He then moved along her shoulder blade, biting the top of her blouse back with his teeth so he could get to her flesh.

Katie placed her hands on his shoulders, gripping him tightly as her body took on a mind of its own, grinding her narrow hips eagerly against his growing erection. She begged him, moaning as she whispered, “Fuck me, please.”

They stumbled to the living room couch. Katie didn’t even notice the deeply impersonal feel of the room, all she noticed was his body, the feel of his fiery touch against her. His thickened flesh grazed her hip through his jeans as he undid the buttons on her blouse and pulled it away from her body. He hiked her pants down. She sucked in a hard breath when he stepped back to see her in the black lace bra and matching thong. She shivered with pleasure as his eyes raked over her.

“You are damn beautiful!” Morgan whistled, the look in his eyes holding her in her spot.

“Take yours off,” she demanded in a low, husky voice that seemed to shake with desire.

He cast her a cocky half grin as he reached over his shoulders and pulled his grey t-shirt off. The tattoos on his tanned arms and upper chest seemed to vibrate with color. As he reached for the belt holding his jeans, she ran a finger lightly over the clawed wings of the heart inked in the center of his muscular chest. Goosebumps rose on his skin as she touched him. He let his jeans and boxer-briefs fall to the floor.

“Cursed and loved?” she murmured quietly as she read the word ‘cursed’ over the one wing and ‘loved’ over the wing above his own heart. The inked heart bore three knives stabbed through it. She wanted to ask him what it meant, but she wanted his erection in her hand more.

When she moved to take him in her hand, however, he shook his head and reached for her, his fingers spreading over her derriere as he lifted her by her hips and dropped her on the couch.

His thumbs curled around the thin strap of her thong hugging her hips and he pulled it off.

Katie threw her head back against a cushion, trying to grip the black leather beneath her, the feel of the soft leather only adding to the sensation. She dug her bare heels into the end of the couch so she could push her hips up. Sliding his hands underneath her bottom Morgan tilted her hips higher, angling them where he wanted so his tongue could delve deep into her.

She nearly screamed out from the rocketing emotions that shattered through her nearly instantly as he thrust his tongue harder and faster against her.

Heated liquids spilled from her body and her fingers reached to bury themselves into his dark hair, curling tightly as he continued to torment her in the sweetest way possible. Her cries became pleas for release again.

Just before she came again he moved his body forward suddenly and drove into her in one long smooth thrust that sent her over the edge and into a shuddering afterglow.

His body moved against hers. The smell of their lovemaking rose on the air. His hands caressed her body and her legs wrapped around him. His back, the long smooth muscles of it, rose to meet her questing fingertips. She could feel the thin sheen of sweat cover his body and tasted her own juices on his lips and tongue.

His body strained and fell, arched and rose. His heated skin met hers and each time he lifted his upper body to thrust into her, she could feel a wave of coolness brush between them, only to be satisfied when his skin pressed against hers. She kissed his neck, bit into his shoulder and then let her lips find their way back to his mouth. He went rigid, his entire body caught in that moment right before he came in a thick pulse of liquid and pulsing heat.

He dropped beside her, panting. They both fit tightly together on the expensive couch. She rolled her head toward him and he smiled at her. “I think you’re gonna get fired if they ever find out what we just did in here.” He threw a lazy arm over her hip, pulled her closer to him.

She shrugged. “I don’t think I’d mind getting fired.”

He lifted his head. “Really?”


“Why do you stick it out if it makes you so unhappy pretty-Katie?”

She turned away, unable to meet his eyes. “It’s complicated.”

“Make it not complicated.”

She shook her head. “I can’t. I can’t explain it at all. I owe…I guess I grew up believing I owed them something.” She blew out a frustrated breath.

He turned her face back to his with a gentle finger. “Who? The Wilkes’?” She nodded and he shook his head. “Why the hell would you owe them anything?”

“It’s a really long story.”

“So tell me.”

“I can’t.”

He leaned up on his elbow, his hair a mess and his eyes bright. “Why not?”

Her heart ached.
Because you don’t know I’m a Wilkes and I can’t tell you
. “It’s a family debt thing.”

“Your family’s worked for them for a long time or something?”

“You could say that.” She did not want to talk about this right now. She wanted to go back to the heat of the moment, it didn’t require thought.

“I see.” It was obvious he didn’t. He pushed against the couch and stood, clearly ticked he didn’t know what was going on, or maybe mad because he couldn’t help her. He checked his watch.  “Speaking of family, I have to go. I’ve something I have to deal with.”

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