Read Sexy Berkeley (1) Online

Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Sexy Berkeley (1) (34 page)

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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When I have finished unpacking everything else, I put my suitcase away, feeling extremely proud of myself for doing such a good job, very quickly, without crying once. It's taking Daniel a very long time to reply, but it's ok, he's at work and that comes first. I realise, as my stomach churns painfully, that I haven't eaten since brunch yesterday. I always lose my appetite when I'm upset but I have got to eat before I start feeling lightheaded.

I look through the fridge and there is just nothing I fancy, whatsoever. I pick at a few grapes and have a slice of
goat’s cheese but it doesn't taste of anything but cardboard. It's not like I have any plates to eat from anyway, so I give up and go back to the lounge to flick the TV on. I wonder what's taking Daniel so long to reply, it's been over an hour now and I'm starting to feel crappy again. I fiddle with my necklace and pull his card out of my handbag to read again.

Oh dear god, this is just so hard, the lump in my throat aches, my eyes hot, ready to flood. This is so much more painful than I had anticipated, even when I was trying to prepare myself, back in LA, I had no clue that it would be quite
bad. My body aches, my heart physically hurts, I don't know quite what to do with myself.

Maybe I should have a bath. T
he TV is an irritating noise, I'm not looking at it, it's not distracting me, so I turn it off and head to the bathroom. I pray that a hot bubble-bath will do me some good as I return to the lounge and wait.

My phone eventually chimes and I grab it excitedly, but feel a stab of disappointment and immediate guilt - for feeling that way - when I see Clare's name on the screen.


24 Sep 19:47

Hey doll-face, welcome home! Hope you're ok,
Til won't tell me why she is so upset, just says she is sad to have left Gemma but she's never normally like this when she gets back. Do you know? I hope it was ok leaving your man. Let me know if you need me, I'm here. Work is fine, nothing major to report, had a business call to discuss a regular contract which will be excellent, I'll tell you about it when you come in. When are you planning on coming back? Don't rush, we're fine but we miss you like mad. Love you xxxx


Poor old Tilly, it must be about Luke, and poor old Clare having two miserable best friends.


24 Sep 19:50

Hi sweet cheeks, sorry
I haven't been in contact for a little while... Ok, I think it must be to do with Luke. I'm not sure, she wouldn't admit it, but she has been acting very uncharacteristically over the last few days. They defo had a special spark. I hope she's ok. Contract at work sounds good, I might come in for a bit tomorrow, just to say hi and see what's new. I will be back in on Wednesday, hopefully that'll give me a chance to cheer the hell up. I love you too, missed you xxxxxx



24 Sep 19:51

Great, can't wait to see
you and get the goss. Coming back from hols is always a crapper, you will feel better in no time, I know you miss him, must be hard. :-(. Xxxxxxxx


I smile, I don't feel any better, but I appreciate her sympathy. I'm really looking forward to getting back to the cakery and seeing everyone, I've missed it. I check the time; nearly eight o'clock, my eyelids are so heavy already but I have at least two hours until I can let go and sleep. I also note that it's been nearly two hours since my last text from Daniel.

Stop it Beatrice! He's busy and you told him to get back to work!
I can't help but wonder, though, if I said anything in my text to upset him, or if, maybe, he isn't interested in staying in contact. Funny, considering I was the one saying we couldn't keep in contact. What if he's hurt? What if he had a car accident or something?
Oh my god, please let him be ok.
Oh, this is getting ridiculous, I need to stop this. He's at work!

I turn my bath off and undress, lighting a few candles and turning the light off before sinking into the hot steamy bubbles.
It's wonderful. The moment I close my eyes and start to drift, my phone starts ringing from the top of the sink, making me jump out of my skin.
For fucks sake, I really DO NOT want to talk right now.

I dry my hands and reach over to grab it and check the caller I.D.: 'Unavailable'. Someone trying to sell me something, as always. I'll answer and tell them to fuck off, then at least they won't keep calling.

I say in my most monotone, uninterested voice, preparing the salesperson for the tough job they've allocated themselves by choosing to call this number.

There's a long pause and then... "

I recognise the voice instantly, it's deep and rich and mellifluous. I can hear his smile. It's my man!
I ask excitedly, knowing it's him.

"Hey, sweetheart, are you ok? It's so good to hear your voice."

"Oh Daniel, I miss you so much, I was worrying because you didn't reply..."

"I know, I'm sorry about that, I had to go out of the office for a meeting and my battery drained while I was gone, so I decided to come home afterwards and give you a call, is that allowed?"

"Not really but who cares. So you're home now?"

"Yes, baby, where are you? It sounds echo-y"

"I'm in the bath."

"What?! Oh my god, I wish I could see you."

I giggle.
"I wish you were with me."

"Me too. Especially after you told me about your dream! I'm glad that I could still make you come when I wasn't even with you,"
he says, his voice amused and sexy.

"I know, it was wild, you did a great job."
I giggle.

"After your last text, I had to talk to you, you can't tell me you're horny baby, it drives me crazy! On top of scaring the shit out of me."

"Why does that scare you?"

"Baby, my girlfriend is over five thousand miles away, telling me she's horny. I'm going to worry about how that tension gets released, I sure know I can't do it..."

"Oh god, Daniel, just because I'm horny, it doesn't mean I'm about to go and grab some stranger off the street for a shag. Besides, I'm not your girlfriend, darling."

"You are in my eyes. Anyway, I'm sure you know certain people who aren't strangers, that would be more than willing."

"Is this about Dylan? What is with you people? I AM NOT GETTING BACK WITH DYLAN. Nor am I calling him up for a quick shag. I never will, I don't even like him very much. God!"

"Hey, hey! Ok! Calm down! Anyway, what do you mean, 'you people'?"

"You and my brother, I had him double checking I wasn't going to get back with him earlier, too. Jesus."

"Ok, sorry, sweetheart. But I'm glad I have an ally in your brother."

"Yes you do, not that you need one because it's never going to happen. But this is sounding a bit too much like a long distance relationship to me, and Daniel, I miss you horribly and I love you more than I think is physically possible, but we can't have a long distance relationship."

"I know. I'll drop it, and we can set some rules about how and when we contact each other, if that makes you happy, ok?"

"Thank you Daniel, it hurts to even think like that, but it has to be that way."

"I know. So. About this 'horny' problem of yours, just how bad is it?"

I grin, appreciating the change in conversation. I lift one leg out of the water and point my toe in the air, running my hand from my ankle to my thigh, as if he can see me.

"Really bad, I don't know why, I just need you all the time."

"Baby, I'm always horny when I think about you. You give me a permanent erection, I had to calm myself after your text, I thought I was going to have to take a cold shower before the meeting. Even now, hearing the water sloshing about, thinking of you laying there, naked..."
he makes a growling noise and I laugh, loving that I can turn him on, even when he can't see me.

"Oh you've really cheered me up, Daniel."

"Good, I don't want you sad. Tell me what you're doing."

"Oh... like that is it?"

"Uh huh..."
God, his voice is so damned sexy.

"I am mostly submerged in the water, candlelight flickering against the walls, soft bubbles floating on the surface, my body hidden underneath them, apart from my..."

"What? Apart from your what?
" He's so funny, I grin broadly.

"Apart from my two, hard, pink... toe nails."

"Hey, baby! That's not fair! I was going for some phone sex there!"
he grumbles.

"Sorry, Daniel,"
I giggle.
"I couldn't help myself. I do need to have a wash though, maybe you can talk me through it."

"That's more like it... are you dirty?"


"Good. Keep the phone in one hand, and put a little soap on the other, can you do that?"

"Uh huh."

"Good, now, slide your hand from your neck, down in between your beautiful breasts, to your stomach..."


"Slowly glide from hip to hip, washing your sexy belly..."

I do exactly as he says.
"Ok, it's clean. What now?"

"Wash your chest, gently caress each breast in turn..."
His deep voice, talking so seductively down the line, turning me on, big time.


"That good? Run your fingertips over your left nipple, gently rub it between your forefinger and thumb."

"Yes, that's nice."

"Close your eyes, baby, imagine my mouth is doing that to you, my lips around your nipple, my tongue flicking and stroking..."

"Mmm, yes, I'm running my fingers through your hair... oh Daniel, this is getting me wet."

"That's the plan, baby."

I smile, this is fun, this is hot!
"Mmm, what now?"

"Now the other one. I'm circling it with my tongue, nipping it between my lips..."

"Oh, Daniel... I want you here."

"I am, I'm moving my hand down your body, move yours baby, imagine it's me."

"I am..."

"Down to stroke your inner thigh, in circles, with the very tips of your fingers."


"Imagine I'm kissing your neck, my hand between your legs, stroking your thigh, closer and closer..."

"Oh, yes, touch me."

"Put your fingers against yourself, feel your warmth, gently circle your clit."

"Oh god, that's so good, Daniel, keep going,"
I urge him.

"Nice and slowly, feel how turned on you are, forget it's you, it's me. What would I do now, baby?"

"Mmm, you'd go a bit faster, you'd lick my neck a little between kisses, mmm, yeah..."

"You sound so hot, baby, are you feeling it? Are you close?"

"Oh uh huh... keep going."

"Pick up the pace again, feel my fingers playing with your hot spot, I want to be inside

"Oh, yes, me too, yes Daniel..."

"Think of me, hot and hard, pushing inside you, stretching you..."

"Oh god, oh yes, yes..."

"Now slip two fingers inside, circle and push and come hard on your fingers, baby, imagine it's my cock pushing deep and hard..."

"Yes, yes, oh god, oh... oh..."

"Now baby!"

I shout as I come hard, water sloshing everywhere from my writhing. I can feel myself clench against my fingers, over and over. It's a strange sensation, but so hot because Daniel was guiding me all the way. I moan quietly into the phone. My eyes still closed and my heart racing.

"That sounded so good,
Daniel growls, his voice is so sexy.

"It was..."
I whisper, dazed.

"Don't go to sleep baby, you're in the tub."

He makes me giggle.
"I won't, darling, but you're lucky I didn't drop my iPhone in the bath... that was delicious."

"Well, those noises you were making definitely turned me on."

"Were you... you know - at the same time?"

Daniel chuckles and it makes me smile broadly, his voice is the caress to my ache
. "No. That was just for you. But hearing you and imagining you doing those things has definitely left me with an erection that will stay with me for at least a week."

I laugh
. "Oh, Daniel, you do know how to cheer me up, I love you."

"I love you, too, sweetheart. What time is it over there?"

I check the time on my phone and put it back to my ear.
"It's nearly eight thirty p.m. So it's about lunchtime there, right?"

"Right. I don't think I'm going to go back to work today, I think I'll mope around here and picture you asleep in your bed."

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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