Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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Oh! I really want to know what happened!
Damn it, he obviously doesn't want to discuss it. "Okay, um, I don't know, what shall we do? I'm quite enjoying your hot bod right now."

"Let's chill out here then, I'll take you for lunch later and then we can come back and get ready for dinner tonight, I think it's here."

"How do you know this stuff?"

"Daniel texted me earlier, they all know we're together, obviously, so he sent me today's plan of action. They won't be back from skiing until about four, four-thirty."

"Okay then," I say as I snuggle back into his chest and enjoy feeling so warm and cosy out here in the chilly, winter wonderland.




"Hey, Princess..." Luke's voice stirs me from a deep sleep, from my happy dream about Wriggler; I had her in my arms, she was the tiniest little thing, wrapped in a pink blanket, wearing a white hat that Luke's mum had knitted.
Oh, so sweet. Are you a girl, Wriggler?

"Wake up, hey..."

"Mmm?" I say, as I stretch and gaze at the impressive chest I'm pressed up against.

"What were you dreaming about? You were smiling and telling me to look at her; look at who? You secretly fantasising about a threesome?"

I giggle but holy fuck, that could have been bad! Since when do I talk in my sleep? "No idea, but before you go out looking for potential third candidates, I'm not into it."

"Ah, shit," he says with a cheeky grin, "so you wanna go grab some lunch now?

"Yeah, okay." I say, starting to move, when he holds me still, pulling me closer into his body.

"I've never really looked at a chick asleep before, it's not usually part of the deal, but you're cute when you sleep, your cheeks flush pink, you look so... peaceful."
Oh my god. Luke!

"Luke, why are you acting weirdly? We're fuck buddies. Stop being lovey dovey, I know you're in love with me and everything, but..." and before I can get any further, he grabs my face and devours my mouth, his tongue caressing mine, his lips soft, but in full control. I completely succumb to his touch, relaxing fully against him, giving in. He stands effortlessly and carries me inside.

He sits on the bed with me, and slowly pulls away, resting his forehead on mine. "I don't get bored of you, it's so odd."

"Wow, what a compliment," I say with a chuckle, "but as fascinated as you are by me, we're not having sex, we're going out to eat. So you'll have to let me go."

"Well that's no fun."

"Nope, see? You'll be bored soon enough."

He laughs and releases me, and we both get changed quickly before heading out to Luke's hire car. It's like his car in LA, a big SUV type car; so 'him'. We both climb in and he drives us about three minutes down the road, before parking up and walking me to a place called '
Peaches Corner Cafe

"Have you been here before? You seem to know where you're headed," I ask as he opens the door for me.

"Yeah, I've eaten here quite a few times, they do some great food, healthy too, a lot of organic stuff."

Ooh, organic, this will be good for you, then, Wriggler.

A short while later, our food arrives; a roasted vegetable sandwich for me, and a Caesar salad with seared tuna for Luke. It looks amaze-balls and the next fifteen minutes or so are spent in total silence as we devour our delicious food. I'm so flipping hungry.

When I finish, I look up at Luke who is sitting back in his chair, smiling at me. "See something you like, lover-boy?' I ask.

"As a matter of fact, yeah," he says with a smirk, "I love zucchini, and that chunk on your cheek looks really appetising."

I grab my napkin and wipe my cheek, rolling my eyes. "Hilarious. And it's called courgette."


I raise my eyebrow in amusement, "Courgette."

"I'll show you my courgette in a minute, now get over here and sit on my dick."

Yet again, I burst into a fit of laughter, I'm sure he's a hell of a personal trainer, but he'd keep me in shape just from laughing. Well, that - and all the sex. "In the middle of the cafe? You're
bad?" I ask through the giggles.

"I don't know, sweetheart, I think, based on the noise you make, that I'm actually pretty good."

I shrug, casually, "Meh... I could take it or leave it."

"You love it. You want it right now," he leans forward across the table and looks around to check for nearby, prying ears. He speaks with a low, quiet, ridiculously sexy tone, "you're thinking about it - right now, about the huge boner in my pants, you want to lick it and suck it, wet it... slide down onto it."
Oh. Yes. I. Do.

Inside - I am basking in the naughty. I want him to continue, I want him to yank me onto the table and shove his hand into my trousers. "Am I? How on earth would you know that?" I ask, leaning forward onto the table to meet him.

"I can see the filth in your eyes. They're looking at me saying, 'take me, take me now, big boy'," he says in his very amusing, very awful girly voice, before reverting back to the deliciously sexy tone that makes me tremble with need, "and I want to feel you, I want to sink my fingers into your..."

Suddenly, we're not alone, someone stands at our table, waiting to take the plates. I'm flushed - hot, and unable to hide the sexual need written all over my face. You just can't say things like that to a horny, pregnant woman! I want to scream '
fuck me. FUCK ME!',
but I doubt that would be appreciated by the staff and patrons of this lovely corner cafe.

"Let's go," Luke says, standing to leave. I'm quite disappointed, I was enjoying that. I stand and move next to him, and he slings his heavy arm around my shoulders, walking with me to the door. Just before we reach it, he bends down and mumbles against my loose hair, "you're so ready for me right now, aren't you?"

I look up at his face, he's grinning at me, his blue eyes sparkling and his dimples screaming for me to brush my lips over them. He's got such a cheeky face, I guarantee he was a seriously mischievous looking child... I bet Wriggler inherits that, it'll be so cute.


"Maybe? Are you telling me there's a chance you're not soaking wet and wanting me more than life itself? Wow, well it seems I need to continue."

We arrive at the car and he opens my door, pushing me up to help me into the tall vehicle; his giant, strong hands on my bum... oh, I love his hands, so masculine and powerful... and talented. He holds the top of the door with one hand and puts the other on the roof as he leans right in until his face is practically touching mine. His biceps bulge through his many layers, he's

He whispers against my lips, "I'm so hard just thinking about what I'm going to get to do to you,  I don't believe you don't feel the same, you want me to sink deep inside you just as much as I do. Go ahead, feel..." I glance out of the corner of my eye to check that there's no one in the immediate vicinity, and as I extend my arm to his fly, I move my face infinitesimally closer, and brush my lips against his, my heartbeat wild, my blood burning though my veins. I rest my hand on him as I open my mouth to move the kiss to the next stage. He wasn't telling a lie, he absolutely
hard,  and I would like nothing more than to sink to my knees and swallow him deep into my throat.

He kisses me back slowly, erotically. With my one hand stroking his hardness as best I can through his thick trousers, I curl the other around his neck, pulling his face into mine, taking the kiss to another level. I moan slightly at his masculine grunt, as he releases the car frame and pushes me back against the headrest with his kiss. He holds my face in both hands as he clearly loses himself in this super-passionate, rather public moment.

I take my hand from his cock and plunge it into his messy, dark blonde hair, greedily, pulling him into me, pressing him against me. If I could yank him into the car and in between my legs right now, I so would. I writhe in my seat and Luke takes one hand from my face and rests it between my legs. A high pitched grunt escapes me as he rubs the fabric of my trousers over the sensitive area. Everything other than Luke and I escapes me. I've no thoughts on my surroundings, who might be watching, what sort of a whore I look like for getting my vag rubbed in public; I couldn't care less. All I know, is that I want this man, right now. I want him to crawl in on top of me, pull down his trousers, and fuck me like his life depends on it.

A car toots its horn nearby and we both snap out of our oblivion, slowing the kiss and opening our eyes. I look directly into the electric blue outlining his oversized pupils, and in this moment, I understand completely how you can get totally lost in another's eyes; to delve into their inner secrets. As an unromantic cynic (apart from where Bea and Daniel are concerned), I feel quite uncomfortable about this discovery. I'd really rather not know what it feels like to have a glimpse into someone's soul. If I didn't know him better, or was a naive searcher of the idyllic happy-ever-after, I could fall in love with him in this instant.

He's gazing right back at me, searching for something, searching for answers that he won't find. I know he likes me a lot and he's confused by his feelings towards me, but that doesn't mean he can, or will, ever fall in love. It's just not what people like us do; we play about and move on to the next bit of fun. I am going to be giving all of that up now, to focus on being a responsible mum, but that doesn't mean I'll succumb to the belief that everyone finds their soulmate, I think a very minute number of people are ever truly happy in love, and I am under no illusion that I will be an exception to that.

"Let's go Princess, I want more of you than I can have right here," he whispers, still gazing into my eyes. I giggle; he's a horny bugger.

"I love that," he adds.

"Love what?"

"When you laugh, your nose wrinkles up, it's cute. I noticed that the first time we met at the noodle place in LA, when you fell head over heels in love with me."

"What?" I giggle, "you mean when you fell in love with me; you're the one remembering my wrinkly nose!"

"Whatever, sweet-lips, let's go get some," he says as he kisses me quickly and pulls out of the car, shutting the door behind him.
No, come back and kiss me some more!

He jumps in his side and starts the engine, before pulling into the road. He turns to look at me, smiling, and I wonder what he's thinking.

Again, it takes only a few minutes to get back to the house and Luke parks up. He walks around to open my door and lifts me out of the car, under my arms, like I weigh nothing. Instead of putting me on the ground, he rests me against him, my legs and feet dangling, and kisses me on the lips. I put my hands on his shoulders and pull back, to kiss each of his dimples.

"I love these," I say with a smile, "they're so cheeky, I don't think you'd be as much of a bad-boy without these dimples."

"You can thank my mom, I get them from her. Why do you like bad-boys so much?"

"I just do. Long story. But it means I like you, so don't complain."

"I'm not complaining, I'd hate it if I liked you and you didn't like me back... I've never actually had that problem, apart from when you said you didn't want to see me again. I didn't like that."

"Of course you've never had that problem, look at you, you're a fitty!"

"Oh, I'm a
huh? I have no idea what that means, but I'll assume it's a good thing, and I'm glad you think so. I might just let you suck me off for that."

I burst out laughing and he lowers me to my feet, bending to kiss me once more as I laugh. He takes my hand and leads me to the steps which have been covered in a new layer of snow since we left. I remember my near fall last night and slow down, holding on to the rail to keep steady.

"Hey, don't worry about slipping, baby, I got you," Luke says, putting an arm around me and pulling me into his side. He has no idea that I'm not worried about myself, or that he's actually protecting our baby right now, not me.

As we open the door, the most delicious smell captures me immediately. "Mmm, what's that? It smells amazing!"

"Must be dinner... who cares? Let's go to bed."

I smile, "I'd like to get a drink first. And won't the others be back from skiing soon?"

"Yeah, but we can be quick. Come on, Princess, let's get that drink and go." He heads to the kitchen, tugging me along behind him, smiling as I go. I haven't smiled or laughed as much as I have in the last day or so, since I came back from LA in September.

Come to think about it, I've completely forgotten how miserable I was up until yesterday, he's got such a way about him that takes you away from all the crappy shit that accompanies real life. It's as if he's constantly introducing me to
world, where everything is bright, and vibrant and positive; every day is sunny, the grass is always the greenest and happiness is available on tap.
Oh, how I'd like Wriggler and I to live in that world.

As we turn the corner to the kitchen, the housekeeper, Pam - I think Luke called her - is again, standing at the cooker, stirring the contents of a few pots. She turns and welcomes us warmly.

"It smells amazing in here, what are you cooking?" I ask, I don't see how I can be hungry when I just polished off a delicious roasted veg sarnie, but still, I think I could eat whatever this is as well.

"It's dinner," she says, "I am making you guys a Yankee pot roast."

"Ooh, what is pot roast? I've heard it mentioned on TV and stuff, but I don't really know what it is. I want some already though."

"It's beef roast with vegetables and broth. It's traditionally made with potatoes, but I like to pour the broth over mashed potatoes, so that's what I'm making for you."

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