Shackles of Honor (70 page)

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Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Historical

BOOK: Shackles of Honor
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He chuckled and kissed her lingeringly a moment. “What did I do to deserve you, Bliss?” he asked. “For I’ve done nothing to merit such happiness and love.”

“You were born, sir,” she told him.

Even now, after all the years of being together, of having her dreams come true, of being held in his strong arms each night, she thrilled as his kiss met her lips firmly. Sighing, she took hold of his wrists, intending to coax his arms into embracing her. She paused as she felt the cold gold bracelet beneath her palm.

Mason delayed their kiss for a moment
asking, “What?”

“Your shackle,” Cassidy answered.

“Were it about my neck and a chain from it held tightly in your hand, I could be no less glad of it than I am now,” he chuckled. Cassidy threw her arms about her husband’s neck, never wanting to release him. Never wanting for him to release her.

“Mother!” came Jill’s emotionally overwrought voice. “Mother! Do you think you and Father could find one moment for your distraught child?”

Cassidy reluctantly released Mason, his smile meeting her own. “What is it that you need, distraught child?” she asked.

“The back entrance is bolted
and I’m not going in through another entrance looking like a drowned, rotting, dead mouse!” the girl cried.

Mason’s smile broadened. “Come along then, distraught child, my daughter,” he chuckled. “I’ll go ahead of you and unbolt the back entrance. Cassidy?” he said, holding out a hand to her.

“In just a moment, darling,” Cassidy told him, for something in her begged her to stay on the banks of the lake for a moment.

“Mother! Please, do not dawdle! I’m such a mess! Father, I cannot believe how you
coax me into pirates each time.
Will I never learn? Uncle Ellis will have no mercy where teasing is concerned if he sees me!” Jill prattled on as she followed her father toward the house.

After her beloved Mason and Jill were out of sight
Cassidy stood for several minutes enjoying the serenity of her surroundings. She turned when one of the swans that frequented the lake called. Her attention was arrested by a lone dove perched nearby on a low tree limb. She fancied she had seen this dove before, often, in fact, in the same spot. It sat alone, as if watching her and her family play happily along the banks of the lake.

“Tell him thank you for me,” she said softly to the bird. “Tell him that he made my happiness…and that I miss him every
day.” She watched as the bird took flight to the heavens.

The swans floated gracefully over the water’s surface looking radiant in the bright summer sun. The scent of roses from the gardens was like perfume on the breeze
and Cassidy’s happiness was whole.

“I sometimes fancy that it is, in some way, a connection to him too.” Cassidy did not startle at the sound of his voice near her ear, for she always sensed Mason when he was near to her.

“What do you mean?” she asked, turning and finding herself instantly in his arms.

“The dove—that lone dove that is ever near the lake. I think it is akin to my father. Watching us—taking to him the joy of our happiness.” He kissed the top of her head adoringly and said, “
come along…or your daughter will be in utter, irreversible despair.”

“I love you…you handsome, perfectly wonderful

“Pirate?” Mason interrupted.

“Yes,” Cassidy whispered, smiling. “My heart’s own pirate.”









































To my husband, Kevin…

My heart’s desire,

My every dream come true,

The love even
could never have imagined!



Marcia Lynn McClure’s intoxicating succession of novels, novellas, and e-books—including
The Visions of Ransom Lake
A Crimson Frost
The Pirate Ruse
, and most recently
The Chimney Sweep Charm
—has established her as one of the most favored and engaging authors of true romance. Her unprecedented forte in weaving captivating stories of western, medieval, regency, and contemporary amour void of brusque intimacy has earned her the title “The Queen of Kissing.”

Marcia, who was born in
New Mexico
, has spent her life intrigued with people, history, love, and romance. A wife, mother, grandmother, family historian, poet, and author, Marcia Lynn McClure spins her tales of splendor for the sake of offering respite through the beauty, mirth, and delight of a worthwhile and wonderful story.





Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine

A Better Reason to Fall in Love

Born for Thorton’s Sake

The Chimney Sweep Charm

A Crimson Frost


Desert Fire

Divine Deception

Dusty Britches

The Fragrance of her Name

The Haunting of

The Heavenly Surrender

The Highwayman of Tanglewood

Kiss in the Dark

Kissing Cousins

The Light of the Lovers’ Moon

Love Me

An Old-Fashioned Romance

The Pirate

The Prairie Prince

The Rogue Knight

Romantic Vignettes-The Anthology of Premiere Novellas

Saphyre Snow

Shackles of Honor

Sudden Storms

Sweet Cherry Ray

Take a Walk With Me

The Tide of the Mermaid Tears

The Time of

To Echo the Past

The Touch of Sage

The Trove of the Passion Room


The Visions of

Weathered Too Young

The Whispered Kiss

The Windswept Flame












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